Success in 2021

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

What does success look like to you?  How do you measure success?  As we have travelled 2021 together as a school community, the answers to these questions will vary greatly.  Success can be looked at from an individual perspective, as well as from a community one.  It may look like amazing accomplishments, or it may look like just making it across the finish line.

Our students have much they can be proud of in 2021.  Every one of them has experienced success - they have learned something new, developed new skills, they have persevered through the difficulty of getting started on a task and they have enjoyed the success of a new accomplishment.  For our youngest students the success is measured in learning just one new sound, or the next number.  As students progress through school, it may be measured in the number of notes that can now be played on a band instrument, or success in understanding a new concept or idea.  For all of our students there has been academic growth, and this, even in the tiniest steps is success. Our students have taken risks, pushed themselves that little bit further than before, fallen down, and got back up, always working towards their end goal.

Likewise, our school community can be proud of the success that is 2021.  This might seem a strange thing to say, when we have all endured significant periods of lockdown, Off Campus Learning and missing out on spending time with friends and family.  However, looking back on the year that has passed, as a school community, we have grown in strength and in support of one another.  We have learnt not to take the routine of daily school life for granted.  2021 has seen the decision of the Schools’ Council to add Secondary to the offerings of St Peter’s, as well as St Peter’s Heart.  The opportunity to build our school community in these ways is something to be celebrated.  

We acknowledge our Year 6 students as they leave their Primary years behind.  We are looking forward to celebrating with them at the Year 6 Graduation and Valedictory dinner next Friday evening.  We congratulate those who have won scholarships to St Peter’s Anglican Grammar and other Secondary Schools in our local area, and to those who have gained acceptance into Selective High Schools.  Year 6 - you have had two very unusual years in Senior Primary, and throughout this, you have led your school admirably. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish next!

As always at this time of year, we come together to celebrate the learning of our students in more formal ways, through our Presentation Events and Assemblies. We are so pleased that restrictions have eased, allowing parents onsite for these occasions - to celebrate with us the success of every student in our school. Each student has grown in so many ways and we are very proud of each and every one of them.

Presentation Events

We are excited to be able to have parents onsite for our Presentation Events next week.
Reminder: Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students must wear their full summer uniform for the Presentation Day on Wednesday, 1 December, 2021.

Wednesday, 1 December, 2021  
Kindergarten - 10.45am - 11.45am  
Year 1 - 12.15pm - 1.15pm 
Year 2 - 2.00pm - 3.00pm 
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Year 3 - 10.45am - 11.45am
Year 4 - 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Friday, 3 December 2021
Year 5 - 9.15am - 10.15am
Year 6 - 11.30am - 12.30pm
Two parents per student may attend these events.  Parents must sign in on arrival using the Service NSW QR Code, show proof of vaccination and leave up to date contact details. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the event to ensure this process can occur in readiness for a prompt start.
We look forward to celebrating the learning of our students in this way!

Year 6 - Uniform Reminder

A reminder for our Year 6 students:

Year 6 students must wear their full summer uniform for our Whole School Assembly on Monday, 6 December 2021.

Thank you for your support.

2022 Orientations

We were very excited to welcome both our inaugural St Peter's Anglican Grammar Year 7 cohort, as well as our 2022 Pre-Kindergarten students onsite this week for their Orientation events.

Next week, our current Pre-Kindergarten students, along with some new friends, will have the opportunity to meet their 2022 Kindergarten teachers on Tuesday and Thursday morning. This will happen during their normal Pre-Kindergarten days.  
On Thursday afternoon, students in Kindergarten - Year 5 will have their 2022 Class Orientation.  We also have a number of students coming to join our St Peter's community who will be in attendance for this session. We know that our current students will make them feel very welcome!

Kindergarten 2022 Bag Packs

Bag packs for our current Pre-Kindergarten students who will be moving into Kindergarten in 2022 are now available to order. 
These packs include the following items:
- Red School bag
- Hat peg
- Red Sports bag
- Sport Cap
- Play Hat 
- Paint Smock
- Raincoat
Please click here to place an order. Our School Shop staff will then contact parents for payment and bag packs will be available for collection towards the end of the term.

Year 1 2022

Red school bags are now available for purchase by our current Kindergarten students who are moving into Year 1 in 2022.  The Red bag will be the required school bag for Year 1, 2022.
These can be ordered by either emailing the School Shop on 
Our School Shop staff will then contact parents to take payment over the phone.

On Campus School Tours

We are excited to once again be able to open our school up for on Campus School Tours at the following times:

  • Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 4.30pm
  • Thursday, 2 December 2021 at 4.30pm
  • Friday, 3 December 2021 at 3.30pm 
  • Saturday, 4 December 2021 at 9.30am
  • Monday, 6 December 2021 at 4.00pm
  • Tuesday, 7 December 2021 at 7.30am
We love showing prospective families around our school.  If there is anyone you know who may like to attend one these tours, please let them know to visit our website to book their attendance.

ICAS Assessments

I commend our students for the principled manner in which they approached the sitting period for these assessments. We anticipate results will be made available in the new school year. For those families moving on from St Peter's, results and certificates will be posted once we receive them.

Year 6 Exhibition

Over the past two weeks, our Year 6 students have completed their research and have been working on developing their websites. Throughout this process, the students have utilised a wide range of digital tools, in order to make their website engaging and meaningful. 
As part of their research, Year 6 have been considering how they can promote action, in raising awareness for their issue and encouraging our school community to make a difference. Our student knowledge is profound, and I congratulate each of our students for their dedication towards research. 
Our students have particularly grown in regards to their communication skills, in learning to negotiate and collaborate, particularly through the website design. Ensuring a cohesive, professional looking site when there are at times four different opinions, has been a great learning experience. To support this process, the students have designed their own success criteria, to enable focused, authentic feedback when making final decisions.
Next Monday, 29 November, our websites will be made live to the school community. This will be shared via an email, where all the website URLs will be listed. It would be wonderful for our community to engage with the websites throughout the week, and to provide feedback where applicable. 
We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 students for the manner in which they have pursued this opportunity amidst a challenging year.

Semester Two Reports

Please be advised that our Semester Two Reports will be released digitally on Thursday, 2 December 2021. This is a day earlier than printed on our School Calendar. 
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's report, please address them to your child's teacher through the School Administration Office. 

Student of the Month - November

Matthew is a kind and empathetic student who is a good friend to everyone. He has an excellent sense of humour and exuberance for learning, and helps to make learning fun for others. Matthew uses his artistic strengths to engage creatively with ideas and concepts, and has an outstanding work ethic. His humble attitude reflects his respect for other people, and he takes initiative to support others in the classroom.

Matthew is always willing to take on feedback and grow in his understanding and abilities. He can be trusted to do the right thing and make responsible choices. Matthew is an excellent leader in our school and is a role model for younger students and peers in Year 6 to look up to. The Year 6 teachers are delighted to present Matthew as the Student of the Month. 

Congratulations Matthew!

New Student

We would like to welcome the following new student to our school:

Year 3

School Shop

The School Shop will cease trading on Friday, 3 December 2021. The Shop Staff would like to thank all families for their patronage and continued support and patience during this difficult year of heavy restrictions.
The School Shop will reopen to the School Community for appointments: 
  • Thursday, 20 January and Friday, 21 January 2022.  
  • Monday, 24 January and Tuesday, 25 January 2022.
  • Thursday, 27 January and Friday, 28 January 2022. 

Please contact Administration on 4627 2990 to make an appointment.

Orders can be emailed at any time:

We wish all students and parents a very Happy Christmas and pray you all have a restful break.

Private Tutors

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Violin (Years K–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Year K–6)

Private music lessons are conducted on a rotational roster to ensure students do not miss consecutive classroom lessons during a term, where possible.

Please note that these tutors have been approved to provide lessons in our school, however, they are not employees of our school. If your child/ren are interested in pursuing lessons with any of our Peripatetic Tutors, please contact them directly to discuss this further.

Piano Tutors
Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 |
Marion Hall | 9603 7760 |
Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 

Cello Tutor
Miss Erinn Harrowsmith | 0426 993 033 |

Violin Tutor
Mr Ruedi Holbeck | 0425 155 446 |

Guitar Tutor
Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 |

Vocal/Drama Tutor
Enza Kadlec | Mobile: 0423853111 |

Virtual Book Fair

Our Book Fair for November will go ahead but in a slightly different format. 
We are holding a 'Virtual' Book Fair from: Monday, 8 November to Wednesday, 8 December. 
Although we will miss the excitement of the children looking through the shelves and finding treasures, we would still like to take this opportunity to invite you to look at the selection of books on offer and consider doing some Christmas shopping, all the while giving our wonderful School Library the chance to obtain even more wonderful resources.
Attached are some brochures that explain how to order.  You can go to, search 'St Peter's Anglican Primary School' and make your selection.
Please note that all purchases will incur a flat $6.95 delivery fee to your home as Carnival Fairs are not offering delivery to the school at this time.
Happy Shopping!

Toys 'n' Tucker

It's time to share the joy this Christmas!

2021 has been a challenging year for many, especially those already doing it tough. This is our opportunity to make sure vulnerable families still experience the joy of Christmas.  

As you know, Toys 'n' Tucker will look a little different this year. To keep our families and community safe, we have moved online. 

How will the Online process work?

1. Purchase items on the Toys ‘n’ Tucker Shop page
2. Anglicare will buy those items at wholesale prices
3. Hampers will be packed at our Villawood Warehouse
4. Our vans will deliver hampers straight to peoples’ doors
Please click here to shop online.

Together, we can still provide food and toys for thousands of vulnerable families who would otherwise go without.
We hope you can help us support this amazing cause by sharing the joy this Christmas.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for our Year 6 students going to Jamberoo, for their Graduation Day and for finishing Primary School well. 
  • Pray for a happy and safe holiday and celebrating Jesus coming to Earth. 
  • Thanks giving for our Year 6 Leaders this year and our new Year 5 Leaders stepping up in 2022.


School Calendar

Term 4
Tuesday, 5 October 2021 - Tuesday, 7 December 2021   
Week 9
Tuesday, 30 November 2021

9.15am - 10.15am: Kindergarten 2022 - Class Orientation (Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos, Koalas & Possums)

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

9.00am- 9.30am: Christmas Chapel - Whole School

Presentation Events: (Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2 must wear their full summer uniform)
Kindergarten - 10.45am - 11.45am
Year 1  - 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Year 2 - 2.00pm - 3.00pm

4.30pm: On Campus School Tour for new families 

Thursday, 2 December 2021

2022 - New Students

9.15am - 10.15am: Kindergarten 2022 - Class Orientation Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas & Wombats)

Presentation Events:
Year 3 - 10.45am - 11.45am
Year 4 - 12.15pm - 1.15pm

2.00pm - 3.00pm: Years 1 - 6 2022 Class Orientation
4.30pm: On Campus School Tour for new families
School Reports - Via Parent Portal

Friday, 3 December 2021

Presentation Events:
Year 5 - 9.15am - 10.15am
Year 6 - 11.30am - 12.30pm

3.30pm: On Campus School Tour for new
6.00pm - 10.00pm: Year 6 Graduation

Saturday, 4 December 2021

9.30am: On Campus School Tour for new families 
Week 10
Monday, 6 December 2021

9.00am - 10.00am: Whole School Assembly (Year 6 must wear full summer uniform)

4.00pm: On Campus School Tour for new families 

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Last Day of Term 4 

7.30am: On Campus School Tour for new families 

1.45pm - 2.45pm: Year 6 Farewell Assembly

School Holidays
Wednesday, 8 December 2021 - Friday, 28 January 2022   
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Campbelltown Anglican Churches - Christmas Services

St Peter’s Students ROCK

Despite the year we have had, our students really do ROCK. ROCK has continued to be our focus throughout 2021 and is in effect, our whole school Essential Agreement. Our students, staff and parents agree to ROCK, to be Respectful, Open- Minded, Curious and Kind.  

As our students have returned to on campus learning, re-acquainted themselves with one another and this has been obvious in and around our classrooms. The level of respect we see from our students is outstanding. They continue to be open minded, considering different views and perspectives. They are curious and ask phenomenal questions, seeking opinions, answers and ideals. Finally, they are kind. They look out for one another and appreciate that others need to be a focus in our school. 

I am incredibly proud of our student community and as we move to the final few days of 2021, know that I will be praying for all to have a refreshing and relaxing break, looking forward to a year free from the same restrictions we have ensured in the past 18 months. 

Be assured of my prayers for you all, as we move into the season celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus. I encourage you to connect with your local church throughout the Christmas season.

Farewell Year 6

To those Year 6 students moving on from St Peter’s, we wish you well as you continue your educational journey in your new settings. Year 6 will graduate and have their Valedictory Dinner on Friday, 3 December 2021. 

Year 7 Orientation

We are understandably delighted to have many of our Year 6 cohort remaining at St Peter’s to be part of our inaugural Year 7 cohort. 


Our Orientation Day for Year 7 was held on Tuesday with Mr Kelshaw and some of the Year 7 teachers in attendance to spark the enthusiasm for learning in our new and innovative programme. 


Enrolments are still available for Year 7 - please refer anyone interested to our website. 


Innovation Continues at St Peter’s

Stale and archaic structures and processes are sadly all too common in schools. As institutions, schools sometimes hold onto the notion of tradition, despite research clearly indicating that change is needed. I’m really thankful that this isn’t the case for St Peter’s, where we continue to push forward with change, innovation and best practice. When schools are prepared to do this, student learning and wellbeing benefit.  

From the commencement of 2022, St Peter’s will introduce a new innovation in a Stage 3 Enrichment class for highly capable students. The class, to be known as SPACE (St Peter’s Advanced Curriculum Experience) will have 24 students, based on extensive data to ensure that the students in the class are able to further develop, be challenged and work collaboratively to further their thinking and responses.  

An enrichment class isn’t a new innovation, in fact St Peter’s has held a position of a Literacy Extension Class in primary classes for many years. All teachers of the extension class undertake mandatory further training in the form of the University of NSW Mini Certificate in Gifted Education. Along with the extensive training that St Peter’s staff receive through the International Baccalaureate, our students are receiving the very best from the highly capable teaching staff at St Peters.  

Students will undertake additional enrichment through the many opportunities available to all St Peter’s students inclusive of Gateway 8, Da Vinci Decathlon, Maths Olympiad, Tournament of the Minds and other external competitions. 

SPACE is an exciting new initiative and we look forward to seeing the benefit this has to our students. Mr Joseph Stockinger will be the inaugural teacher of the SPACE class and cannot wait to get started. 


Year 6 Exhibition

One of the highlights of the year is traditionally the PYP Exhibition. Our Year 6 students under the tutelage of Miss Maine, Mrs Connell, Miss Oberle and Mrs Richardson have done an exceptional job at collaborating and bringing together an on-line version of their views, understanding and desired action. These websites will be released to the school community on Monday. I encourage all to take the opportunity to look through them. I know you’ll agree that the learning undertaken and the maturity and growth in our students, has been simply outstanding.  

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Exhibition is the culmination of the PYP. As Headmaster, I am beyond impressed with the level of engagement from our Year 6 students and look forward to sharing the celebration of their learning with you all.

Well Done, Year 6!

2022 School Fees

Our School Fees for 2022 as approved by the Schools' Council are attached for your information.

This includes the fees for Year 7 students as well as OSHC and our Music Programmes. 
School fees will be issued for the 2022 school year in January, with options for payment plans available. 
If you have any queries about your account, please don't hesitate to contact the School's Business Office  4628 0110.

IPSSO Rep Sport Uniforms

All IPSSO Rep Sport Uniforms need to be returned by the end of the school year. Kindly attend to this matter if you have not already done so. Students need to bring them in to school in a labelled plastic bag.
Thank you for your assistance.