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Run4Fun Colour Explosion

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

Our Run4Fun Colour Explosion day was held on Friday, 6 November 2020. It was certainly full of colour with the added bonus of all students throwing a finale bag of colour into the air at the end of the event to finish off with a bang.

Online donations have now closed and it is time to order your child’s prizes through their online portal.

This must be completed by Wednesday, 18 November 2020. Any cash donations must be handed to the school to be processed ASAP.

As a school, we raised just over $11,000 after expenses. KL raised the most with a total of $2,305.

Top 4 fundraising students were Charlotte C, Harlem K, Lachlan W and Mackenzie K.

We appreciate all the efforts made by families to raise funds for our school in what has been a difficult year.

Book Character Parade

We are looking forward to holding our annual Book Character Parade on Tuesday, 24 November 2020. This will also coincide with our Book Fair.
Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and participate in our parade during our school day. 
Unfortunately parents and carers are unable to attend this event due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. 

Birthday Celebrations & Food Sharing

We love to celebrate with your child for their birthday! Amidst current circumstances, we would like families to be aware of the following requirements.

Only commercial food items may be shared at school for these occasions, for example - grocery store purchased cupcakes / bakery items (in a sealed box) / ice blocks / lolly bags.

Unfortunately home made items are not able to be shared. Classroom teachers will be responsible for ensuring appropriate food handling processes which will entail the class teacher sharing items to individual students, with the use of tongs or gloves. In the case of lolly bags, students will be required to bring these home rather than consume them at school. 

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Year 1 - Ranger Jamie Incursion

On Thursday, 5 November 2020,  Year 1 had a visit from Ranger Jamie and Ranger Brad as part of their 'Sharing the Planet' Unit of Inquiry.

Students learned all about sound waves and how sound occurs through vibrations. Students were very excited to explore different ways that sound works through some experiments with the rangers. In the afternoon they worked in groups to make their own guitars and 'telephones' to talk to each other!

It was a great day and the teachers were so pleased with the students' efforts. 

Student Led Conferences

Our annual Student Led Conferences were to take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, 25 November (Week 7). As families are still unable to come on site, this event will not be able to take place for 2020.
Thank you for your understanding.

Peripatetic Tutors

St. Peter's is very proud to offer a range of tutors for those seeking private Music Tuition during school hours. A listing of the tutors available, and their contact details, may be found on our School Website. 
As we approach the end of the school year, vacancies do arise, so I encourage you to consider this opportunity for your child.

Year 6 Camp

Mr Peter Stevenson - Dean of Biblical Studies

In a year of so much change and disruption, it was fantastic that Year 6 were able to get away on a camp. I think every student was relieved and excited as the bus pulled away from school, to be able to spend a few days with their friend's and participate in fishing, sailing, canoeing, paddleboarding, climbing, abseiling and more. For our students, being able to get away from it all and not having to think about ‘2020', was a welcomed relief. 

Whilst talking with one of our students, Surjin, at breakfast, she said ‘We build so many memories on camps, memories we will have forever'. This summed up a lot of the sentiment of camp. 

While we as educators like to fill every moment of the day with learning opportunities, on camp they can learn some skills they don’t usually experience. These may include being a risk-taker and pushing themselves in rock climbing, balancing on a standup paddleboard and learning how to spot and anticipate the shifting patterns of the wind while sailing.

Students were encouraged to think about their character, and what type of a person they are becoming. It was encouraging to see students being patient, kind and helping each other. 

Camps are such a vital aspect of school. Memories are formed, jokes are enjoyed, friendships are established, and boundaries are stretched. Henry Ford once said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” So when a student says ‘I don’t like heights’ and attempt rock climbing making it to the top, then they have pushed themselves and grown. Camps provide such wonderful opportunities. 

Our fantastic Crusader Leaders helped our students think about what Jesus has done for them, by looking at the person of Saul and his transformation and name change to be Paul. The students learnt about how Saul didn’t like Jesus or his followers and would go out of his way to persecute them. However, one day Saul met Jesus and his life was forever changed. The hatred that Saul had for Jesus was forgiven and Saul, who later became Paul, started to follow Jesus. 

In a year where our Year 6 students have missed so much, being able to get away and have some time together and some ‘good old fashioned fun’ was just spectacular!

Year 6 Camp

Year 3 PYP

Mrs Samantha Edmunds - Dean of Inquiry

What will Campbelltown be like in 200 years?

It has been 200 years since Governor Lachlan Macquarie founded and named Campbelltown and Year 3 have been inquiring into our local history. We know that the story of the area stretches far beyond 200 years beginning with the Dharawal people. Through time, more and more people have come to call Campbelltown home and each group of people have added to the cultural richness and diversity of the area. 

Through this Unit of Inquiry, students will investigate significant events in local history and use a range of primary sources like written accounts, maps and photographs to determine features of our community that have changed over time. As we explore changes over time, we hope to discover that individuals are also able to make choices that contribute towards and impact our community. Who knows what Campbelltown will be like in 200 years from now? 

Here are some of our initial thoughts!

Video link: What will Campbelltown be like in 200 Years? 




Year 5 PYP

What does it mean to be human? 

Year 5 are currently inquiring into ‘Who We Are’. To begin, students asked themselves "What does it mean to be human?" 

They had some pretty interesting perspectives! This question will be revisited later to see how thinking has changed.

Throughout their inquiries students will use field work, testable questions, observations and research to consider human connection, family structures, emotion, loyalty and beliefs. They will compare this with various animal groups and packs.

This will lead students to wonderings about the human brain and analysis of function and anatomy of the brain.

Students will be exploring what the Bible has to say about humanity. In particular students will be reading Gen 1:27, Romans 12:5 and Corinthians 12:12–27. These passages will assist students in thinking about how humans were created in God's image and the impact this has on our lives.

They will reflect on how in control of our own identity we are.

Video link: What does it mean to be human?


Vacation Care - December

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

Based on current health advice, at this stage St. Peter's is offering Vacation Care during the 2020 December School Holidays. If this changes we will advise. 

The 2020 December Vacation Care booking system will open on Monday, 16 November 2020 @ 8.00 pm.

Care is available on the following days at a cost of $32.00 per day:

To obtain a vacation care booking for your child / children please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the link below to read through the Vacation Care programme.

OSHC December 2020 - Vacation Care Programme

Step 2: Click on the link below to book your child / children into your required days for vacation care. You will recieve an email confirmation from trybooking.

Trybooking Link

Step 3: If you were unable to obtain Vacation Care bookings for your selected days, please click on the link below to go onto the Vacation Care waitlist using Google form.

Google Form - Waitlist 

Students and their household should remain away from Vacation Care if any member of the household is being tested for COVID-19. In line with school requirements a negative result must be sited prior to returning to Vacation Care.



Student of the Month - October

Ellie is a model student who displays kindness and respect to staff and students. She is always polite, using her impeccable manners when speaking to others. Ellie comes to school each and every day with a positive attitude. Her gentle nature sees her caring for others, regularly offering assistance in the classroom through encouraging and thoughtful leadership. 

Ellie is a diligent learner who demonstrates dedication, consistent work habits and perseverance in all learning activities. She is conscientious, focused and takes pride in the work she presents. Ellie enthusiastically requests frequent feedback and applies this to improve. She eagerly contributes to class discussions, listens carefully to the contributions of others and asks thoughtful questions to extend her learning. She is highly devoted in all her endeavours.

Ellie is trustworthy, always making sensible decisions and choices that allow her to be a productive learner. She is a very deserving recipient of Student of the Month.

Carnival Book Fair Is Coming!

Our Book Fair will run from Monday, 23 November 2020 through to Friday, 27 November 2020.   Students will be able to visit before and after school to purchase books that they may have put on their wishlist.
We will be hosting a session for parents to make purchases on the first day of the fair Monday, 23 November 2020 from 8:10 am to 10:00 am.  This will be run in the White House Playground.  We will be allowing parents access through the black gate on the south side of the Administration building (the gate between the Admin building and the old Church Hall). Parents will need to be mindful of social distancing and numbers will be limited at any one time to adhere to this. Temperature checks, sign in and hand sanitising will take place at the gate.  EFTPOS facilities will be available.
Payments at our Book Fair can be made in one of 3 ways:
* Cash or EFTPOS on the day of visiting the Fair
* Parents can go online and order the books from their child's wishlist at carnivalfairs.com.au.  You must send all receipts with the child to redeem the book ordered by the end of the Book Fair on Friday.
* Alternatively, parents can go online and pay an amount they choose that gives their children the freedom to choose a book to the value paid when they come to the fair.  This can be done at  carnivalfairs.com.au at any time.
Please ensure you read all the instructions on the website and include the full name of St. Peter's Anglican Primary School when ordering or placing a payment so that we can ensure your child receives their order and that the school receives great resources from this wonderful opportunity. 

School Shop - Second Hand Items

The School Shop is now able to accept second hand items for sale by consignment.
Parents wishing to submit items for resale should make an appointment.  Please contact our School Office on 4627 2990, or by emailing the Shop directly at: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au
Please note, during the appointment, shop staff will go through items with you to determine those suitable for resale. All parents will sign a consignment form that lists the conditions of sale and items submitted.
  • Blazers must be dry cleaned with the dry clean tag attached and still in the plastic bag provided by dry cleaners.
  • All other items must be in excellent/good condition, washed ironed and "ready to wear". Any items that have missing buttons, stains, fading, holes/tears or in need of mending and/or hemming will not be accepted. 
  • Summer dresses suitable for selling but in need of a new white tie will be accepted but the seller will be charged $2.50 for a new white tie which will be deducted from the consignment payment. 
  • All bags will be clean, stain-free with all straps, clasps and zips in working order. 
  • Please note, we do not accept socks, tights, hats and swimwear for resale.

Positions Vacant

We currently have exciting opportunities for excellent candidates to join our team.
OSHC Assistant Traineeships x 22 Year Traineeship/Part timeCommencing in 2021Closing: 13/11/2020
Facilities ManagerPermanent/Full time Commencing in 2020    Closing: 26/11/2020
Prep/Learning Enhancement Teacher Assistant (Thursday/Friday)Temporary/Part time    Commencing 2021 Closing: 3/12/2020
Junior Administration Traineeship (Monday - Friday)12 Months Traineeship    Commencing 2021    Closing: 3/12/2020 

If you are aware of anyone who you feel may be suitable, please encourage them to visit the website and apply. 

Please click on the link: Positions Vacant

Toys 'n' Tucker

We have registered to participate in Toys ‘n’ Tucker again this year. This is a wonderful way to share the joy of Christmas with people in need.

Together we can provide Christmas food and gifts to thousands of families who would otherwise go without.

We plan to collect donations between:

Monday, 16 November 2020 until Wednesday, 2 December 2020.

If you would prefer to donate online please click on the link: Donate to Toys 'n' Tucker

Congratulations to Robert

Congratulations to Robert in Year 5 for receiving the highest obtainable award in Cub Scouts on the weekend, the Grey Wolf Award. The Hume District Commissioner came to present his hard earned award.



Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the return of physical Chapels at school with Miss Burns, Mr Bullen and Mr Twist.

  • Pray for the success of the Anglicare Toys 'n' Tucker initiative in supporting those in need this holiday season. 

  • Pray for our wonderful OSHC Team as they prepare for the December Vacation Care Programme. 

School Calendar

 Term 4

Monday, 12 October 2020 - Tuesday, 8 December 2020


Week 4

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Staff Professional Development Day/Pupil Free

Friday, 13 November 2020

Staff Professional Development Day/Pupil Free - School Office Closed

Week 6

Monday, 16 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Prep - Steps Vision Screening

Prep Koalas Orientation 

Year 5 Excursion to Wedderburn Christian Campsite

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Prep Possums Orientation 

Year 5 Excursion to Wedderburn Christian Campsite

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Rep Sport - St Gregs

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Prep Echidnas Orientation 

Broughton Anglican College Year 7, 2021 Orientation & Testing Day

Book Fair Purchasing

Friday, 20 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Prep - Steps Vision Screening

Prep Wombats Orientation 

Book Fair Purchasing

Year 3 Excursion to Wedderburn Christian Campsite

Week 7

Monday, 23 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker

Book Fair Purchasing

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker 

Book Fair Purchasing

Book Character Parade

Prep Presentation Afternoon (Koalas & Kangaroos)(Parent Free Event)

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker 

Book Fair Purchasing

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker 

Book Fair Purchasing 

Prep Presentation Afternoon (Echidnas, Possums and Wombats)(Parent Free Event)

Friday, 27 November 2020

Toys 'n' Tucker 

Book Fair Purchasing

Prep Messy Day

7.00am - 4.30pm: Year 6 Celebration Day - Jamberoo Action Park

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Small Celebrations

As indicated in the video message sent to families yesterday afternoon, we are delighted to have made some small progress in the welcoming of parents on site for some events in the final weeks of 2020.
Our Year 6 Valedictory event will occur on Friday, 4 December 2020 and we look forward to welcoming two parents, No siblings for each Year 6 student. Parents must comply with our COVID practices, ensure social distancing and leave immediately after the formal ceremony. 
Year 6 students will then enjoy their formal dinner and dancing under the supervision of staff, here at school.
Our Presentation Evening and prize giving will be taking place in a very different manner this year:
Monday, 30 November 2020 
  • Year 1 from 9:30am
  • Year 2 from 1:30pm
Tuesday, 1 December 2020 
  • Year 4 from 9:30am
  • Kindergarten from 11:30am
  • Year 6 from 1:30pm
Thursday, 3 December 2020 
  • Year 5 from 9:30am
  • Year 3 from 11:30am
One parent is permitted to attend each Presentation Assembly if they have a child in that grade.

Year 6 Student Leaders

We have commenced the very important process of selecting our Student Leaders for 2021. One of the many things I love about St. Peter's is that all of our Year 6 students are leaders, irrespective of badges and positions. 
Please keep Year 5 in your prayers as this selection progresses. We anticipate formal induction will occur at our Term 4 Whole School Assembly. Regrettably, parents will not be able to attend this, with the possible exception of parents of Year 5 students who will be inducted. More details will be provided in due course.

Year 6 Exhibition

I wish to commend our Year 6 students and their teachers/mentors for the very challenging and creative representations for this year's PYP Exhibition. Despite the challenges of COVID, our students have embraced the central idea 'Expression of Emotion and Value Empowers Reaction'.
The PYP Exhibition is the culmination of the Primary Years Programme and students inquire into their central idea with some specific lines of inquiry. Part of their brief is to do something as a result of their learning, or to encourage others to do something. This 'Action' is critical as students tie together their learning. 
I'm thankful for those parents who have had the opportunity to peruse the various issues and the challenging action encouraged by our Year 6 students. 

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students were able to enjoy three beautiful days at Year 6 Camp, at Lake Macquarie last week. Camps are such a pivotal part of the learning that occurs at St. Peter's and our students had the best time. It was great to share in the fun with Year 6, as they draw their time at St. Peter's to a close. 

Years 3 - 5 Day Camps

Years 3 -5 are enjoying some time at Wedderburn Christian Campsite undertaking a variety of challenging activities. Whilst not overnight camps, we are thankful that these events were able to occur. 


Secondary at St. Peter's

Thank you to each and every family that has contributed to the discussions around Secondary at St. Peter's. The Schools' Council are continuing to explore the feasibility of this expansion and much behind the scenes work continues.
I look forward to updating families in the near future. Thanks for your ongoing prayers and patience. 
Any questions or suggestions may be forwarded to: secondary@stpeters.nsw.edu.au


Week 4, games against St Greg’s

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 4 November, 2020




St Greg’s













Newcombe ball




Players of the Match:

Junior Soccer: Anthony P

Junior AFL: Adrian G

Junior Newcombeball: Marshall B

Junior Netball: Sophie T

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