What is success? For each one of our students at St. Peter’s this will look very different. Success is learning to independently complete a task that has previously required scaffolding; it is reading the 'Magic 100 Words' for the first time; it is writing a sentence, including more complex language; it is solving a tough mathematical problem; it is taking action in response to learning; it is finally kicking a goal or hitting a tennis ball over the net; it is getting through the first day of Prep and it is completing Primary School at the end of Year 6.
Success is something to be recognised and indeed celebrated, both at the end of the journey and along the way. At St. Peter’s we daily celebrate the small successes with a verbal congratulations or a note home in the student diary, encouraging pride in effort. We recognise individual successes through our reporting of effort and achievement. We have more formal opportunities at Assemblies and Presentation events. As a teacher, however, there is no greater joy than the recognition of personal success when a student proudly announces their latest learning achievement!
Our Year 6 students will have their successful learning journey through the primary years at St. Peter’s recognised in a number of ways over the next weeks. They have all successfully completed their PYP Exhibition Unit of Inquiry, producing artworks, films, and written responses, but also demonstrating growth of character, perseverance and a greater understanding of the world in which they live. As a school community we want to recognise these successes and celebrate with Year 6 as they complete the final weeks of Primary School.
It is particularly pleasing to be able to recognise the success of many within the St. Peter’s Graduating Class of 2020, who have attained entry to Selective High Schools or received Scholarships to Independent Secondary Schools.
Scholarships - 8
Selective High Schools - 2
This fantastic achievement is a testament to the quality programmes in place at St. Peter’s and the hard work and dedication of our staff and students.