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Welcome to Kindergarten 2021

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

We are beginning the transition to Kindergarten for our current Prep students with visits to one of our Kindergarten classes during Week 2.  Unfortunately, we are unable to have parents / carers attend these sessions, however, we know our Prep students will be very excited to talk about their visit and will bring home a showbag full of information and other surprises.  

Those students joining us directly into Kindergarten will visit one of our Prep classes over the next few weeks, to become familiar with the school environment and to begin to make friends.  We know our Prep students will make their new friends very welcome and enjoy showing them all our school has to offer.

Grandparents Day

Each year we love to welcome our Grandparents into our school.  Unfortunately, this year we are unable to hold Grandparents Day as usual with concerts, shared learning activities and morning tea.  However, we want to ensure our Grandparents know how much we love and appreciate them. 

On Monday, 26 October 2020, classes across the school will take part in activities which can be shared with Grandparents. 

This will involve students writing a letter or a card to be shared with Grandparents.  These will then be sent home and we ask for parent / carer assistance to ensure these are received by Grandparents, either by mail, personal delivery or through a photo of the card sent by email or text message.

Book Character Parade

Each year at St. Peter’s we hold a Book Character Parade to celebrate Children's Book Council of Australia's Book Week. 
We will be holding our annual parade on Tuesday, 24 November 2020. This will also coincide with our Book Fair, details of which will be shared in coming weeks.
Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and participate in our parade during our school day. 
Unfortunately parents and carers are unable to attend this event due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. 
We are excited to plan this fun event for our students. 

Years 1 and 2 Swim School

Due to current restrictions placed on the number of students able to visit the Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre at any one time, unfortunately we are unable to run our Years 1 and 2 Swim School during Term 4 this year. 

We plan to run this very valuable part of our school Sport Programme in 2021.


Birthday Celebrations & Food Sharing

We love to celebrate with your child for their birthday! Amidst current circumstances, we would like families to be aware of the following requirements.

Only commercial food items may be shared at school for these occasions, for example - grocery store purchased cupcakes / bakery items (in a sealed box) / ice blocks / lolly bags.

Unfortunately home made items are not able to be shared. Classroom teachers will be responsible for ensuring appropriate food handling processes which will entail the class teacher sharing items to individual students, with the use of tongs or gloves. In the case of lolly bags, students will be required to bring these home rather than consume them at school. 

Thank you for your support and understanding.

The Frog Is Not The Reward


What motivates us to get up in the morning? Why do we want to learn, to help others, to acquire knowledge, to be the best soccer player? There are two distinct types of motivation that can help us to do these things. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from outside of us. These are the rewards, the Freddo Frogs, the stickers, the paycheck at the end of the week, the praise, and the recognition. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from inside us. These motivations can include the sense of accomplishment, love of knowledge, enjoyment, desire to grow, and honouring God by developing our character to be like His. 

The motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, isn’t right or wrong. Motivation is really just a tool to get people to do something, to accomplish a goal. Tools can be used for good or bad. When children are young, we often use rewards to train them and reinforce a positive action or attitude. This can make some mundane or difficult things more exciting for children, and often for us as adults too, and keep the end goal more clearly in our minds. 

The Bible is filled with examples of the rewards we will receive for faithfulness and fruitful service to God that has been done with right motives. Heaven, being the greatest reward, is a promise for those who accept Jesus as Saviour. 

However, we need to make the shift in our thinking, from doing something simply for the reward, to viewing the reward as the growth that takes place in us. Whilst rewards are not wrong, we don’t want them to be the sole reason for doing something to encourage, bless and lift up others. In Matthew 6, Jesus clearly cautioned about doing things for the praise and notice of others, rather than doing things to honour God. 

So how do we make this transition from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation? Internal change and motivation come when we realise who Jesus is, what he has done for us and who he has made us to be. If God gave His best - His own Son, so we could have a relationship with Him, then doesn’t this encourage us to give our best in the life He has given us? 

We are to serve God and to be the best we can be. The motivation can get sidetracked when it is about us and us only, when the motivation puts us above family, above others and above God. As we help our students and our children to seek to grow into being motivated to do good and right through intrinsic motivation, rather than extrinsic, we need to help them to see the end goal. We need to assist them to focus on the change and the growth that happens within themselves as they develop into fully being the person God created them to be, and to fulfil the purpose for which God has put them on this earth. We desire that they understand that there are people that only they can touch, jobs and roles that only they can fulfil. To know they are doing what’s right because it is right, not just to get an external reward.


ICAS 2020

This year over 60 students from Years 3 - 6 participated in a variety of ICAS assessments. We are always incredibly proud of all of our participating students, for their demonstration of persistence as they approach this highly competitive and rigorous academic assessment. 

We wish to particularly acknowledge the following students for their outstanding achievements.

Digital Technologies

Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6
Lachlan C (C)Jason Y (D)Nishith M (HD)Aidan B (D)
Lutia C (C)Leya X (D)Kainoa G (D)Sarrinah C (D)
Oliver H (C)Leona B (C)Lily O (C)Surjin S (D)
Manmi M (C)Evelyn C (C)Jesse S (C)Brooke D (C)
 Beau C (C) Sebastian M (C)
 Benjamin O (C) Alexander S (C)
 Ashen T (C) Peter T (C)


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6
Manmi M (C)Evelyn C (HD)Kainoa G (D)Aidan B (D)
 Leya X (HD)Nishith M (D)Sarrinah C (D)
 Leona B (D)Lily O (D)Brooke D (D)
 Rowan M (D)Jesse S (D)Surjin S (D)
 Jason Y (D) Alexander S (D)
 Dilruwani A (C) Oliver A (C)
 Benjamin O (C) Aryan C (C)
   Thomas H-C (C)
   Peter T (C)


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6
Lachlan C (D)Jason Y (HD)Esther Z (D)Alexander S (HD)
Lucas L (D)Evelyn C (D)Kainoa G (C)Aidan B (D)
Annie M (C)Benjamin O (D)Nishith M (C)Sarrinah C (D)
Manmi M (C)Suhas B (C)Jesse S (C)Surjin S (D)
Audrey S (C)Joshua B (C) Peter T (D)
 Leona B (C) Oliver A (C)
 Savenaca T (C) Jared B (C)
 Leya X (C) Brooke D (C)
   Sebastian M (C)


Year 3Year 4 Year 5Year 6
Lachlan C (C)Jason Y (HD)Kainoa G (D) Surjin S (HD)
Lutia C (C)Evelyn C (D)Nishith M (D) Alexander S (HD)
Manmi M (C)Leya X (D)Jeremy D (C) Peter T (HD)
 Benjamin O (C)Lily O (C) Aidan B (D)
  Jesse S (C) Sarrinah C (C)
  Esther Z (C) Brooke D (C)
    Sebastian M (C)

Student Led Conferences

Our annual Student Led Conferences were to take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, 25 November (Week 7). As families are still unable to come on site, this event will not be able to take place for 2020.
Thank you for your understanding.

Student of the Month - September

Geneva is a kind and thoughtful class member. She is respectful to all teachers and in all of her interactions is polite and courteous. She is honest and trustworthy and displays a love of learning.

Geneva often puts others' needs before her own. She tries her best, listens and takes on any feedback that is given from teachers.

Geneva is an excellent role model and deserves the honour of receiving the award of Student of the Month for Kindergarten.  

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:



Year 2


Year 3


Year 4 


Option To Pay 2021 Fees in Advance

Families have the option to pay the Annual Fees for 2021 at current years’ rates if paid in full by 31 October 2020.

Please email casc@casc.org.au  to register your interest.


Prayer Points

  • Pray for our Year 6 students as they enter their final weeks at St. Peter's.

  • Pray for our new students and families as they settle into a new school environment.

  • Pray for the protection, health and wellbeing of our community.

School Calendar

 Term 4

Monday, 12 October 2020 - Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Week 1

Monday, 12 October 2020

Students Commence Term 4 

Week 2

Friday, 23 October 2020

Executive Drop In

Saturday, 24 October 2020

9.00 am: School Tour for New Families


Show more

Greg Warren, MP - Christmas Card Competition

Once again Mr Greg Warren, MP, is asking students in Primary Schools to enter his Christmas Card Competition for 2020. 

This year has been very challenging for teachers, students, parents and care givers and he is hoping this will shed some joy to all. 

The artistic and creative ability of Campbelltown’s students never ceases to amaze him and he is looking forward to the entries this year. 

The Competition is open to all students in Campbelltown. The theme for the competition is 'Christmas in Campbelltown', for those students who do not celebrate Christmas for religious or other reasons, the theme is 'Happy Holidays'. 

All entries must be returned to his Office no later than Monday, 2 November 2020, to allow adequate time for judging and printing.  Students’ artwork can be submitted either by post or dropped off to his Campbelltown Office: 3/72 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW 2560. 

Please contact Mr Warren's Office on 4625 3344 if you require further information.


This term IPSSO teams are playing a best of 3 competition against Broughton Anglican College in Week’s 1, 3 and 5 and St. Greg’s in Week’s 2, 4 and 6. This week’s results were as follows:

Week 1

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 14 October, 2020

















Newcombe ball




Senior Sport: Wednesday, 14 October, 2020





















Players of the Match:

Junior Soccer: Patrick A

Senior Soccer: Joshua M

Junior AFL: Georgia R

Senior AFL: Oliver A

Junior Newcombeball: Zara T

Senior Volleyball: Alexander S

Junior Netball: Emma C

Senior Netball: Timaima F


Training will commence in Week 2 at 8.00am and continue until Week 6. All rep sport students are expected to attend.

Class Teachers for 2021

Please note the following class teacher allocations for 2021. Students will meet their class teacher alongside their classmates on Thursday, 3 December 2020.

Koalas:     Mrs Jennifer Shipway (Monday - Wednesday)
Possums:  Mrs Jamie Nielson (Monday - Friday)
Wombats: Mrs Anne McPherson (Thursday - Friday)
Echidnas:  Mrs Tamsin Weir (Wednesday - Friday)
KR: Mrs Melinda Robinson
KL: Mrs Rochelle Lawless
KT: Mrs Jennifer Thomas (4 days) / Mrs Amy Lewis (1 day)
KA: Miss Amy Rerekura
Year 1
1H: Mrs Kathy Hollis 
1C: Mrs Judith Carson
1S: Mr Mitchell Smith
1B: Miss Kym Busutel
Year 2
2C: Mr Stuart Connell
2S: Mrs Angela Simpson
2G: Mrs Heather Gillespie (4 days) / (1 day to be confirmed)
Year 3
3R: Mr Andrew Raft
3B: Mrs Kasie-Ann Bingham
3T: Miss Victoria Tranby
Year 4
4S: Mr Peter Stevenson
4H: Mrs Nerida Hadfield
4C: Mr Troy Calnan
Year 5
5S: Mr Joseph Stockinger
5B: Mrs Heather Brown
5N: Mrs Tramanh Nguyen
Year 6
6C: Mrs Lindsay Connell
6M: Miss Natalie Maine
Students will find out their Class for 2021 on Thursday, 3 December 2020.

Middle Leaders 2021

Dean of Early Learning: Mrs Jamie Nielson

Dean of Junior Primary: Mrs Jennifer Shipway

Dean of Primary: Mrs Nerida Hadfield

Dean of Stage 1: Mrs Kathy Hollis

Dean of Stage 2: Mr Peter Stevenson

Dean of Stage 3: Mrs Lindsay Connell

Dean of Inquiry/STEAM: Miss Samantha Oberle

Dean of ICT: Mr Stuart Connell

Dean of Sport: Mrs Fiona Hornman

Roald Dahl Day

Congratulations Mrs Gillette

Mrs Brooke Gillette and her husband, Sean, have announced they are expecting their second child early in 2021.
Such wonderful news!

Congratulations Mr Stockinger

Congratulations to Mr Stockinger who has also announced that he and his wife Rachel will welcome their first child in April 2021.  

God is indeed good!

Cross Country Carnival

In the last week of Term 3, we were able to run a Cross Country Carnival at Campbelltown Showground. It was run during normal sport time for Years 3-6.

The students 10 years and under ran a 2km course while the 11 and 12 year olds ran 3km. The multi lap course was very spectator friendly, despite having no parents to spectate, but it did allow for our students to cheer on each other while they watched.

The winning House was Bligh, closely followed by Argyle in second and Cumberland in third place.

The winner of the House Spirit Award for great cheering on the day was Durham.

Age Champions were as follows:

8/9 Boys- 1st- Lachlan C, 2nd- Robin A, 3rd- Nicholas D

8/9 Girls- 1st-Alicia W, 2nd- Sophie T, 3rd- Skyla H

10 Boys- 1st- Elijah Hammond, 2nd- Calvin J, 3rd- Jacob M

10 Girls- 1st Georgia R, 2nd- Danijela G, 3rd- Torah H and Evelyn C

11 Boys- 1st- Dylan B, 2nd- Nile B, 3rd- Jared B

11 Girls- 1st Madison T, 2nd- Ella F, 3rd- Tiarnah P

12 Boys- 1st- Lachlan R, 2nd- Alexander S, 3rd- Thomas H-C

12 Girls- 1st- Evelyn R, 2nd- Hannah M, 3rd- Brooke D