End of Term Events

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
We are looking forward to celebrating the end of Term 3 with the following whole school events:  
  • Whole School Chapel - Wednesday, 15 September 9.00am - 9.30am (via Zoom Webinar)
  • Whole School Assembly - Friday, 17 September 1.30pm - 2.00pm (via Zoom Webinar) 
Zoom links for each of these events will be shared via Seesaw on the day prior and should be accessed via the student Zoom account, with their name displayed.

Uniform Matters

The beginning of Term 4 brings a change of uniform as the weather becomes warmer.  
All students who need to be onsite for supervision of OCL in the early weeks of Term 4 should wear their full summer uniform. 
Sport uniform will only be worn on Wednesdays in Term 4, as per our usual Uniform Policy.

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2021

Today is the final day for the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2021! As stated in our Term 3, Weeks 2 and 3 Newsletter, PRC was extended for 2 weeks from the original date to assist students to complete the Challenge and enter their books online.
All required books must be entered online by 11.59pm TONIGHT (Friday, 3 September 2021), to qualify for a PRC certificate.
See the PRC website for further details: https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html  

The additional School Challenge is also closing, and a digital copy of a reading record with the additional books your child has read (not including the required books for the official PRC Challenge) must be emailed to: administration@stpeters.nsw.edu.au Attn: Mrs Nash - School Reading Challenge and be received no later than 9am on Monday, 6 September.

Congratulations to those students who have completed the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2021!

Stage 3

Stage 3 consists of the wonderful Year 5 and 6 students at St Peter’s. You might have recognised them by their confidence, their sense of humour, or their creativity. Or, if you were in Prep or Kindergarten, you might just know them as 'the big kids who help me'.

There is a delicate balance that needs to be maintained for our older students in this stage of their learning. On one hand, they are encouraged to cultivate their natural sense of curiosity and follow their own inquiries to explore their world. In order to develop a sense of wonder rather than diminish it, we support them to keep their mind open to new concepts, explore their thinking, and express themselves articulately. We love providing opportunities for students to share their ideas and new learning about the world with others. For parents, this can be a beautiful area where the partnership between school and home can occur naturally, as children can be encouraged to follow concepts of interest or that they are passionate about in settings apart from the traditional classroom.

On the other hand, there is also a distinct perception that the purpose of these years of schooling is to prepare students for High School by ensuring they know how to manage their time well and complete tasks independently. Whilst we hope that the skills and approaches to learning that we train students in will support them in higher education, our goals are really far more broad and future-focused than that. We recognise the role of Stage 3 as a key piece in a larger puzzle that is preparing these children to live as caring and knowledgeable global citizens. Part of this includes developing a sense of personal responsibility for learning. In Literacy, we build upon the foundational skills that have been developed in earlier years of schooling and develop students’ inferential and analytical thinking about texts so that they can begin to evaluate what they read critically. Students are expected to have a well-developed sense of typical writing conventions and begin experimenting with more complex textual forms, language devices and vocabulary. In Mathematics, students develop their knowledge in more difficult content areas, while learning to apply their essential underlying understanding to a range of new concepts. Lots of this is done through exploring the relevance of Mathematics in a variety of everyday, essential contexts. In our Units of Inquiry, students apply critical and creative thinking to explore the world around them and reflect on how their actions will change the world. Earlier this year, Year 5 students were challenged to consider how external forces challenge their integrity as they analysed the interrelationship of influence between the media and its intended audience in their third Unit of Inquiry. In Year 6’s third Unit of Inquiry, students learned about how reaction generates movement and explored this in relation to the reasons people have for migrating, considering multiple perspectives around this. In Biblical Studies students continue to learn from the Bible about who God is and what that means for us, his creation. They have the opportunity to discuss and explore the reality that Jesus is Lord of all, and constantly amaze teachers with their perceptive insights.

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Approaches to Learning (ATL): Self Management

As per Week 5’s newsletter, the ATL’s are a crucial part of the learning process within the International Baccalaureate (IB). Through intentional learning and skill development, students learn to become self-regulated learners. Of course, it’s important to recognise that development and attainment within these skills are part of a child’s individual journey, and that some skills require explicit instruction and modelling to enable any kind of success.  

The ATL of self-management incorporates students developing skills in the following key areas:

  • Organisation 
  • States of mind 

Off Campus Learning is a clear example of how students continue to develop their skills in this area. Take this opportunity to reflect on the journey your child has perhaps taken so far, and celebrate some wins.  

At the start of OCL, navigating the learning environment would have been tricky (and not just for our students!) but over the past few weeks, you have hopefully seen improvement in your child's ability in this area. Perhaps they needed your help to read the daily timetable, find their task in Seesaw or Google Classroom, and even required your support to attempt and complete the task. Now, you may note they have developed a level of proficiency enabling them successful, independent moments in OCL, sending emails to their teacher to seek clarification, finding the physical and digital resources required for completion and posting their work for the teacher to see. All of these developments have enabled our students to authentically practice skills related to organisation.  

States of mind encompasses five areas: mindfulness, perseverance, emotional management, self-motivation and resilience. Now I am sure as you read through those, you may reflect that no growth has occurred in these areas. We are often quick to remember the struggles, and forget to celebrate those little moments. 

If we stop and think of simply resilience, we have to agree that this period of time has greatly provided many opportunities for students to develop in this area. Our children are constantly faced with many challenges and setbacks, that they have had to overcome - whether it’s not seeing a much longed for grandparent, a lockdown birthday, or not being able to visit the local park as many times as they have in previous weeks. With your support as parents and carers, our students have learned strategies to overcome these changes. These strategies are linked to emotional management. I want to also acknowledge the videos shared by Mrs Erin McKerral, our school counsellor in regards to emotional management. The ‘senses’ strategy is an excellent grounding tool, as was the calming jar - I wonder how many of your children connected with these instructional videos, and are now independently using them? Celebrating ‘Gratitude Week’ this week as part of our House Challenge is a key demonstration of how students have developed within states of mind.  

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Reporting: Semester Two, 2021

As we now have some direction regarding the hopeful return to On Campus Learning, we are able to make decisions in relation to formal reporting for Semester Two.

Families are advised that a formal report will still be prepared for the end of the calendar year, however, this report will predominantly reflect evidence from tasks completed at the end of Term 2, as well as Off Campus Learning.

Please be assured that each and every student is known by their classroom teacher, and all pastoral conversations will be upheld as data is finalised. Further information will be provided to families in the coming weeks.


Student of the Month - August

A well deserving recipient of this award, Phoenix is a student who quietly achieves his best with a positive attitude and a friendly nature. He has engaged in Off Campus Learning, being the first to Zoom meetings and participating until the end. 

Phoenix is a student of character, being trustworthy, loyal, and kind. He is a friend to all, working hard to include others and being keen for a good time. His peers respect him, recognising him as a leader and listening whenever he speaks.

Phoenix seeks to improve in all areas, recognising steps are necessary and that practise makes progress! He has a resilient attitude and a carefree nature, being an excellent role model for others to follow.

Congratulations Phoenix!

Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions commencing in 2022:


Deputy Head (Head of the Preparatory School)

Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 (Closing: Friday, 17 September 2021)

 The following positions closing on Friday, 24 September 2021


Classroom Teacher

English/Humanities - Middle School

Classroom Teacher

Maths/ Science - Middle School

Teacher Librarian

Preparatory & Middle Schools

PE Teacher/ Sport Coordinator

Preparatory School

Classroom Teacher

Preparatory School

Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Teacher

Preparatory School

Teacher Assistant

Pre-Kindergarten & Learning Enhancement

OSHC Assistant Coordinator


Classroom Teachers

St Peter's Heart

Teacher Assistants

St Peter's Heart

 Casual Employment

Casual OSHC Assistant


Classroom Teachers

Preparatory School

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks and pray for all the Dads and other men who are role models for our students in our school community as we celebrate Father's Day on Sunday.

  • Pray for continued strength, wisdom and health for all our families and staff during this time of Off Campus Learning.

  • Give thanks for God's love that never fails and the peace we can find in Him.


School Calendar

Term 3
Monday, 19 July 2021 - Friday, 17 September 2021

Week 9

Monday, 13 September 2021

5.30pm - 6.30pm: Online St Peter's Heart Information Session

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Chapel - Via Zoom

Thursday, 16 September 2021

6.00pm - 7.00pm: Secondary School Online Information Session

Friday, 17 September 2021

Last Day for Term 
1.30pm - 2.00pm: Whole School Chapel - Via Zoom

School Holidays
Monday, 20 September 2021 - Friday, 1 October 2021
Monday, 4 October 2021 - Public Holiday (Labour Day)
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New Facilities

It has been great to share with those considering secondary at St Peter's some of the plans for new facilities at our school and I thought it would be helpful to share with all of our community what we are doing, as these new facilities will benefit our entire school community.

The School has purchased a modular building, which will be installed alongside the tennis courts at the end of this year, in preparation for 2022. The building will have a STEAM / Science room which Miss Oberle and the secondary Science teacher will use. A dedicated space with benches, science equipment and STEAM tools - we are confident of the great benefit this will be to all students. 

The building will also have a large Music/Drama classroom and four dedicated music tutorial rooms. Our Music Programmes and Peripatetic Tutors will greatly benefit from this additional space, with dedicated storage and staff office space. 

These facilities have been purchased this year through the contributions of the capital works fee charged to families through your school fee contributions.  

I am very excited to see the ongoing development of our school. I look forward to sharing further plans in the future on our planned development of the campus.

Mental Wellbeing

As we head into the last few weeks of Term 3 and begin to look at all that Term 4 brings, I wanted to take a moment to share some ideas for your families that aim to bring more awareness of mental health, wellbeing and staying healthy, not just during this lockdown period but into the future. Some you may have come across already, and some may be new to you - either way, there is a consistent and overwhelming importance for us to be caring for ourselves well.

  • Not just another thing ‘to-do’...

The pursuit of mental wellness is intentional and sometimes the biggest barrier can be ourselves. Not only is it ok to take time to care well for ourselves, it’s vital to being mentally well. Wellbeing needs to be part of our culture, not just an extra-curricular activity. 

  • ‘How are you doing?’

Stop to think even now- How are you doing? Ask the question to each other around the dinner table, or when you’re walking together. We don’t have to have the answers, just listen to each other.

  • Faces are important!

Seeing faces and hearing voices is the next best thing to face-to-face contact. Sometimes connecting with important people in our lives feels hard when it’s via a screen. Zoom fatigue is real! However, so is loneliness and isolation and these have huge impacts on our wellbeing. 

Plan a family catch up on Zoom, happy hour with your friends on Houseparty or Facetime while you’re making lunch and keep doing daily life with the people you love.

  • Mark the end of your ‘work’ day

If you’re working from home, the boundaries can very easily become blurred. We can feel the pull to keep working long past clock off time, especially if our day has felt interrupted or unproductive. The constant feeling of unfinished work can leave us in a state of tiredness, distraction and irritability. Marking the end of the day can help us play well and rest well - both vital for wellbeing. It could be happy hour... happy dance… happy place! Ring a bell, take a walk or call a trampoline wrestling match. Whatever it takes to mark the end of a work day will do wonders for play and rest.

Lastly, we just want to acknowledge what an incredible job you are all doing! We are so aware of each and every one of you and the incredible pressure that you have been under for weeks now. And we see you! We see the incredible work of our students as they push through learning in such a different way. We see students and families getting back up after hard days and trying again. We see support and encouragement flowing through the classrooms and we see our beautiful students who care so well for each other being supported by amazing parents and carers. Amidst all the ‘less-than-perfect’ situations we all find ourselves a part of each day, it’s a privilege to walk it together as a school community.

Below are some links to resources that might be helpful for you or your family, especially if you feel you are not coping as well as you would like.

Crisis and Counselling Support 

Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14 including Financial Counselling

Lifeline Text | 0477 13 11 14 – 6pm to midnight (AEDT)

Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800

MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78

Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636

Resources for Stress and Anxiety


Family Wellbeing



 Stay well.

Child Protection Week

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

Child Protection Week runs the week of Monday, 5 September to Saturday, 11 September 2021.

The theme for 2021 is :

Every child, in every community, needs a fair go. To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy.

Child Protection Week is an initiative of NAPCAN which is the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. The website (napcan.org.au) offers information to support keeping children safe. 

Tips for listening to our children:

Making a point of listening to every child you know, is one of the most important things you can do. It shows children you really care and respect that they are worth listening to. This helps them feel they are special and respected. Being listened to also helps children to practise putting ideas into words, explore their feelings, and develop self-confidence. When you listen to your child, you benefit by learning more about how your child thinks and feels, and what they need.

Encouraging children to talk:

  • Ask about the best thing that happened in your child’s day. 
  • Remember what has been going on for your child so you can ask the best questions. 
  • Ask about their friends. 
  • Ask their opinions about things. 
  • Ask how they would solve problems. 

Remember that children live much more in the minute than adults. If they don’t want to talk about what happened at school, it’s probably because it’s not important anymore!


These tips are especially important in the current situation. Please feel free to reach out for further tips and strategies that may be relevant to your child if you need support. Emails can be sent to: wellbeing@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

At St Peter's, annual teaching programmes have been formulated using the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Programme. Lessons across the school are designed to build upon knowledge from previous years, while maintaining age appropriate content. In these programmes, students develop lifelong skills, knowledge and understanding required to make safe decisions. They learn to distinguish safe and unsafe situations, they consider the choices they have in keeping safe, and how to get help where required. Persistence is also a key message for all students in regards to reporting. 

All staff at St Peter's complete annual training in regards to Child Protection, ensuring a deep understanding of the role staff play in keeping our students safe.

Father’s Day

I'd like to take the opportunity of thanking our many families who have contributed to the St Peter's Dad Joke Competition. I have laughed and groaned as I've listened to and read the various submissions. I trust this has caused some laughter and connection in your homes.  

Winners will be announced very soon. 

I give thanks for the fathers at St Peter's and assure you of my prayers for you as you navigate parenting in all the joys and struggles this includes.