What's Happening...

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It has been wonderful to spend time with students and their families at our many events over the past two weeks.  The St Peter's community is so special and engaging with parents, grandparents and and other family members is a privilege as we partner in your children's education.  
We welcome you onsite regularly at Assembly and Chapel at the times below:
Assembly - Monday 9.00am - 9.45am, alternating between Kindergarten - Year 2 and Years 3 - 6.
Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2: Friday, 9.00am - 9.30am, Years 3 - 6: Tuesday 9.00am - 9.30am
A community 'fruit break' saw many families onsite with their children at our Literature Day and I am sure both students and their family members enjoyed the colourful and creative Book Character Parades as well as an opportunity to share a story together.  
At Kindergarten - Year 2 Assembly on Monday, I shared one of my favourite books with students.  "Florette" by Anne Walker is a story of a small girl who is persistent in solving a problem.  I encouraged our students to do likewise, regardless of their age.  I have already had letters from a number of students with suggestions for improving our school, with one Year 2 student being very persistent in following up with me.  I look forward to sharing his idea with our school community in an up coming newsletter.
I have heard wonderful stories from Year 1 about their day at Sydney Zoo and I enjoyed a day with Year 5 on camp.  I commend our Year 5 students who were so well-behaved and respectful of the Crusader Leaders, while having a whole lot of fun and challenging themselves to try something new! A big "Thank you" must go to our amazing team of Mr Stockinger, Mrs Simpson, Mr Prociuk, Mrs Edmunds and Mrs Nash for caring so well for our Year 5 students.
There is much happening around our school in the coming fortnight.  Next week we celebrate our 40th Birthday with a Thanksgiving Chapel Service and Community Movie Night! We also have students attending the IPSHA Social Action Expo and CruFIT. We look forward to our Parent Information Session on Tuesday, 12 September, with the focus on the important topic of Cyber Safety.

Join Us in Celebrating 40 Years of Quality Christian Education

On Friday, 8 September, we would like to invite members of our school community to join us in celebrating our 40th Birthday.  
A Thanksgiving Chapel Service will be held at 9.30am in the School Hall.  We will be joined by the Ministry team from Campbelltown Anglican Church and our Bishop Peter Lin as we praise God and give thanks for our school.  
Students will be presented with a special 40th Birthday badge that they may wear on their school uniform and, because no birthday is complete without cake, they will be given a cupcake to eat during the day.
To continue the celebrations, we are holding a Community Movie Evening from 5.30pm, screening "The Super Mario Bros Movie". There will be food trucks and a sausage sizzle for families to purchase dinner, face painting available for students, as well as movie treats of popcorn, chips and icecream available to enjoy during the movie which will screen from 6.30pm.  Bring your picnic blankets, camp chairs or outdoor cushions as we enjoy celebrating as a school community!
Please register your intention to attend using the QR code found on the flyer below.
Please note that Kindergarten - Year 2 Chapel will not take place on Friday, 8 September due to our 40th Birthday service.
Thank you for your understanding. 

Farewell Mrs Lewry

Yesterday we farewelled our school receptionist, Mrs Susan Lewry.  Mrs Lewry has been the friendly, smiling face who greets everyone who comes into Administration at St Peter's and the calm, reassuring voice on the end of the telephone.  We will miss her care for all of our students and their families as well as our staff and we wish her well.

Father's Day

We were excited to celebrate our Fathers and other special people who play this part in our student's lives.  It was wonderful to share breakfast with our Dad's this morning, and we trust that the presents carefully selected at our Father's Day stall will be enjoyed when they are unwrapped!

Teachers Aide Appreciation Week

This week at St Peter's we have enjoyed spoiling our amazing Teacher's Assistants!  Each day they have been shown our appreciation for the work that they do across both Grammar and Heart with gifts, coffee, duties covered and our Learning Enhancement TA's even had a special performance from our Years 1 and 2 students. 
We are so thankful for Mrs Meads, Mrs Fuente, Mrs Ryder, Mrs Griffin, Mrs Gillies, Mrs Bruynius, Mrs Davidson, Miss Meallonnier, Mrs Lapid and Mrs Ball!

Enrol Now

Each week, I have the privilege of hosting families who are considering St Peter's for their children during a School Tour. I have also enjoyed meeting many new families during interviews for remaining places across a number of grades. 
Many families come to St Peter's following a recommendation from a member of our current school community and so I encourage you to reach out to those you know who may like to consider a St Peter's education for their children.
With Orientation events beginning early next term for incoming Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students, I encourage families to complete an Application to Enrol, to ensure our incoming students are able to participate fully in our transition events.

Parents and Carers Afternoon Tea

Every student Kindergarten - Year 6 has the opportunity to attend "Chips and Chat" along with their Buddy Group at some point during the year.  On these occasions, we ask students to tell us what they think our school is doing well and what they think we could do differently, focusing on encouraging students to suggest solutions. 
We would like to extend this opportunity to our parent community, by inviting parents from each grade to Afternoon Tea with our Executive Staff.  These afternoon teas will give families an opportunity to connect with one another and chat with senior staff.
The first of these will take place during the final weeks of Term 3.  Parents can register their attendance at the links below:
Year 2 - Thursday, 14 September
Year 1 - Tuesday, 19 September
Kindergarten - Thursday, 21 September

Terms Notice of Intention to Leave St Peter's

A reminder that a full terms notice must be given in writing to the Principal for withdrawal of a student. If this notice is not given, parents have agreed through our enrolment procedures, to pay a terms fees in lieu of notice. This amount is a genuine pre-estimate by the School of the loss that it would suffer if the required notice is not provided. 

For families intending to withdraw students at the end of the 2023 Academic Year, notice must be received by Friday, 22 September 2023

Thank you for your support and understanding.

OSHC Review

We are so thankful for Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg, our OSHC Coordinator and her amazing team for the care they provide to so many of our school families. 
We are aware that there has been frustration as we have endeavoured to staff our service appropriately to ensure that students are cared for each morning and afternoon and during the holiday breaks.
We have been reviewing our OSHC operations to ensure we can continue to provide a quality service, catering for the needs of our students.  We are working towards providing more places in both Before and After School Care and Vacation Care. Whilst this won't be the reality immediately, we want to assure families that this is a priority for St Peter's moving into 2024.  
If you would like to provide feedback regarding our OSHC service, please email feedback@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Student Happenings

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

It has been wonderful to see our students engaging in such a variety of fun lessons around the school this week. I love walking around and seeing the smiles and joy on their faces and have had some opportunities to teach several classes across the week.

Last week we saw our students celebrating Literature with our Book Character Parade, shared reading experiences in the classroom and a fruit and book picnic. The costumes all looked amazing with so much variety and some of the annual favourites. It was wonderful to see the staff so involved in the parade and sharing their love of reading with the students. Thank you to our amazing community for your support. It was great to have you in the school for this event.

Uniform Matters

A reminder to all parents to please check students names on uniforms to ensure students have their own items. There have been cases of students with names clearly on jackets not being returned to the relevant student. 


A reminder also to all students on Sports day to wear the white joggers with white school sport socks. Coloured or dark joggers are not a part of the St. Peter’s uniform. Thank you.

Carpark Safety

There have been some concerns that parents/carers are leaving the car when in the pick up line to collect students. If you wish to do this then please park your car offsite and walk in. Alternatively, the line does move steadily and waiting is much safer and often quicker. Please be respectful of this process.

Parent Information Sessions

Our next Parent Information Session is to be held on Tuesday, September 12th. The times available are 2pm and 7pm. These sessions will be around Cyber Safety, facilitated by Senior Constable Lousie Michell who is the Youth Liaison Officer for Campbelltown Police Area Command. It is recommended parents and caregivers are aware of the current issues facing our students and they will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Further information regarding bookings will be emailed next week. 

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement
Schools are busy places, and St Peter's Heart is no exception! We love seeing our students so engaged in their learning. It's exciting to see them having fun while participating in a range of different experiences.
The students in the Galahs class have been constructing their own boats and testing whether the boats will sink or float. Our Year One students in the Kookaburras class enjoyed their excursion to Sydney Zoo. In STEAM, the Lorikeets learned about assistive technology and the creative solutions that companies develop to support people with limited mobility to engage in various activities.

IPSSO Results

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

Week 5 v Wollondilly Anglican College (Home)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Loss 20-12

Player of the Match:

Isaac C

Loss 4-0

Player of the Match:

Liam J

Loss 6-5

Player of the Match:

Mackenzie K

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Everly VK

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 45-2

Player of the Match:

Alexis B

Win 4-2

Player of the Match:

Patrick A

Loss 8-7

Player of the Match:

Ella W

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Phoenix A


Week 6 BYE

IPSSO Sport will resume in Term 4 with the Summer Competition continuing from Term 1.

IPSHA Athletics Carnival

What felt like an incredibly long wait was finally over! The day of the IPSHA Athletics was here and students were excited-nervous, but ready. Some of the students had spent the past 5 weeks training every week after school to prepare for their events.

The weather was pleasant as our students kicked off the day with our relays. Each team exchanging and running well. Our Jnr Boys came 3rd in their heat, and Snr Boys 1st in theirs.

It was a day full of events, for some of our students, back-to-back track and field. There were plenty of ribbons that came home too! All students put in their best effort, and I would also like to praise their behaviour and encouragement of one another in the stands.

Congratulations to Emma C (5th in 12-13 Girls Discus), Woojin S (4th in 8-10 Boys Long Jump and 3rd in 8-10 Boys High Jump) and Lachlan S (1st in Para-Athlete 100m, 200m, Shot Put, Long Jump and Discus) who have qualified to the CIS (State) carnival. Further information regarding this event will be emailed to parents.


St. Peter’s Annual Tennis Competition

The Annual St Peter’s Tennis Competition is currently taking place. Students have signed up to compete in either singles and/or doubles. A draw is displayed on the noticeboard across from the back library door. 

Students can bring their own tennis racket the day their match is scheduled. The matches will take place during lunch times. Families are not able to attend this event.

Congratulations to our winners from Round 1 so far who will be progressing to Round 2:

Jnr Girls

Emma Z
Scarlett G
Alyssa H

Jnr Boys

Harrison S
Ethan T
Xavier B
Nate C
Woojin S
Liam M
Isaac C
Judah M

Snr Girls

Ela E
Arash P
Sanaa T
Mia T
Magnushire W

Snr Boys

Yet to be played

IPSHA Gymnastics

On November, 2 2023 (Week 4, Term 4) we will be taking a team of Representative Gymnasts to the IPSHA Gymnastics Carnival.

Students will be competing across 4 levels, and we are only able to select a maximum of 4 gymnasts per level (4 boys and 4 girls) to compete on all apparatus. In addition to the team competition there is an individual competition for each level on each apparatus.

To trial, students from Years 3-6 need to already be involved in gymnastics, cheer or another sport of comparison at a competitive level. As is the case when students are put forward to trial for IPSHA and/or CIS sport teams, the gymnasts we select need to already know the sport or skill prior to trialling. We will not be teaching students how to do the disciplines necessary to compete. 

Please note the following trial dates for girls. If we require trials for the boys competition, students will be notified. 

Level 2 Trials: Lunchtime - Friday, 1 September (Week 6)
Level 3 Trials: Lunchtime - Monday, 4 September (Week 7)
Level 1 Trials: Lunchtime - Thursday, 7 September (Week 7)

If your child would like to trial, please fill out the Google Form attached. Please find the Level Routines they will need to perform at the trials below. Level 1 and 2 Skills are to be performed as a routine and will be marked as a routine not as separate skills. Students may bring their sports uniform to change into for the trials.

Trials will be judged by a panel of teachers with some experience in the sport. Unfortunately there will be no other dates if students are not present. If your child is absent on the day of trials but competes in Level 1 or Level 2 outside of school, please email: kbingham@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 

Trials will not be held for Levels 4, unless there are more than four gymnasts wishing to compete at these levels. If your child already competes at Level 3 or 4 (or previously has reached Level 3 or 4 but no longer attends gymnastics) in their local gymnastics club, please fill out the Google Form attached ASAP. 

I will send home the Level 1-4 requirements for your child to work through at home or with their respective coach.

Google Form

Girls Routines: 

Level 1 Routines
Level 2 Routines
Level 3 Routines
Level 1 Routines Video
Level 2 Routines Video
Level 3 Routines Video


House Colour Fun Run


On Wednesday, 13 September, in Week 8, the atmosphere in our school playground will burst with colour! More information will be sent via email and SeeSaw closer to the date. Unfortunately, parents cannot attend this event.

Vacation Care

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

Our Vacation Care Programme was shared with our school community earlier today. We have a variety of activities available for these School Holidays which the children have had lots of input into.

Please note Children in Pre-Kindergarten can attend on the same days they currently attend Pre-Kindergarten only.

Bookings for Vacation Care can only be made online through TryBooking. The OSHC staff and the School Office staff can not accept any bookings. The Vacation Care email that was shared contains the programme and how to book as well as how to go on the waitlist.

Due to the high demand for our Service we have limited capacity and can currently only cater for our current OSHC families. We understand this is disappointing for many families. There are 2 other local OSHC Services that will also be operating a Vacation Care Programme during this time. These services are:

Campbelltown City Outside School Hours Care
40 Broughton St, Campbelltown NSW 2560
4645 4443

Campbelltown Presbyterian
Community Child Care Centre
Out of School Hours
40 Lithgow Street, Campbelltown 2560
4625 2228

Thank you for your understanding.

From the Clinic

A friendly reminder for parents to return loaned uniform items to the clinic as we have limited stock.
Thank you for your support and understanding. 

School Shop - Winter Sale

The School Shop is having a Winter Sale on the Old Crested Uniform. 

If you would like to purchase any of our St Peter's Anglican Primary School original uniform items, please visit our School Shop on a Monday or Wednesday or feel free to send an email to: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au and Liz will call you for the payment.


Term Dates for 2024

Job Advertisement - School Bus Drivers

Campbelltown Anglican Schools is currently seeking to appoint experienced and energetic School Bus Drivers to join our team and support our community with transporting our students on School/College buses.

The following skills and experience are required:

  • MR Driver’s Licence 
  • Minimum of 2 years' experience as a bus driver 
  • Experience with driving students (advantageous)
  • Clean driving record 
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills 
  • Courteous and respectful manner
  • Strong attention to detail  
  • Maintain a clean and tidy bus interior 
  • The ability to work independently and as part of a team 
  • A first aid qualification, or a willingness to acquire one

Candidates shortlisted for interviews will be expected to provide a Working With Children Check clearance number or clearance letter.

Please email your resume and cover letter to casc@casc.nsw.edu.au

Applications will be assessed as received. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Short listed applicants will be contacted by telephone or email for an interview. 



  • We praise God for those students who participated in the IPSHA Athletics Carnival on Wednesday, 30 August.
  • We are thankful that Year 5 was able to have a great camp last week with CRU. We appreciate the fun times they had and the relationships that were created.
  • We pray for the next few weeks as there is a lot happening around St Peter's. We pray that these events will be a great success and we are thankful for the staff who organise these events.




School Calendar

Term 3
Monday, 24 July 2023 - Friday, 22 September 2023
Week 7
Monday, 4 September 2023

9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly - Years 3 - 6
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 5

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Rep Sport - Winter Finals
7.50am - 3.15pm: IPSHA: Social Action Expo (Selected Years 4 & 5 students)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 7 September 2023

St Peter's Open Day
8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal

Friday, 8 September 2023  

8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.30am - 11.00am: St Peter's 40th Anniversary - Thanksgiving Service

Week 8
Monday, 11 September 2023

9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Assembly
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6 
2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Rep Sport - Winter Back Up Finals
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 14 September 2023

8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal

Friday, 15 September 2023

8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Show more

Year 1 Sydney Zoo Excursion

Mrs Kathy Hollis - Coordinator of Students Kindergarten - Year 2

On Wednesday, 23 August, 78 excited Year 1 students boarded the bus for a day of adventure. The central idea for our unit of inquiry is 'Survival Relies on Environment'. We have been learning how living things need the correct habitat to survive and how each living creature has special features that allows them to grow and survive in a particular environment. We have been exploring animal classification and researching animal habitats. Our unit will conclude with the students creating an environment for an animal they have researched. The day at Sydney Zoo gave the students an opportunity to see the different environments of each of the animals. They had the opportunity to pat a snake and a blue tongue lizard and build a shelter for the lizard.  The students were very excited to see many of the facts they had been learning about in real life. 

Thank you to the wonderful parents who were able to assist us on this day and well done to the students for their wonderful behaviour.


Year 5 Camp

As we reflect on the unforgettable experience of Year 5 camp, we can't help but smile at the beautiful weather that graced us throughout our days. The sunlit surroundings added an enchanting touch to our adventures, which included conquering low ropes, crate climb, and BMX biking. The bush walks revealed nature's secrets, abseiling brought out our daring side, and the camaraderie in games made the moments even more special. The captivating biblical talks from experienced CRU leaders tied it all together. It was a wonderful experience and one not soon forgotten.

My experiences at camp were great; the food was delicious and the activities were incredible. Abseiling was one of the most challenging activities for me; I had never done it before. However, low ropes were easy and my personal favourite. Bush survival was okay, and BMX was so much fun. I know how to ride a bike, but BMXs are challenging; you have to STAND UP. Crate climbing was pretty fun, especially the part where you could float in the air with a rope attached to you. Overall, camp was amazing, and I would rate it 8.5/10. By Pranav P (SPACE)

My experience of camp was awesome because while it was challenging the leaders and equipment always meant you were safe while having fun. The cabins were great, however, I'm pretty sure that my cabin got the most sleep. I think that the best part of camp was the BMXing. It was so cool, I was one of the best riders so I got to zoom fast around the track, my bike had back brakes instead of front brakes like the others. As no one else was as confident I didn't need to swap with anyone so I got to ride the whole time. I would rate camp a 9.9999/10. By Thomas C (5R)

My experience of camp was amazing. I loved the activities, they were beyond enjoyable; they were exhilarating and brought out our adventurous spirits. I also loved the food.The flavours were not only delicious but they also provided the energy we needed for the action-packed days. I was in love when we saw our cabins and their beds were so comfy. The Year 5 camp experience was a blend of exciting activities, mouth watering food, thrilling challenges, and the cosiness of our cabins. By Summer B (5S)