Intumbane Slipper Day

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Our annual Intumbane Slipper Day was held today. Thank you so much for your generous donations of $1600 received in support of Intumbane Primary School in South Africa.



Immunisation History Statement

We are currently reviewing student files to ensure up to date Immunisation History Statements (IHS) have been provided. 

Now that it is Term 3 and all our Pre - Kindergarten students have turned 4 years old, all parents will need to provide a copy of their updated Immunistation History Statements.      

You are able to download a copy of the IHS from the MyGov website, please see the following link:  

It would be appreciated if you could email a copy of this statement to: as soon as possible.  

If immunisation for your child has not been completed, please advise via email.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office on 4627 2990.




Upcoming Enrolment Events

We will be holding a Pre-Kindergarten 2023 Information Session and School Tour on Wednesday, 7 September, 9.30am - 10.30am for families who are interested enrolling their children in Pre-Kindergarten in 2023.  We have limited places available for our 2, 3 and 5 day programmes and look forward to introducing new families to our amazing Early Learning programme. Please click here to register.
We are also holding an Open Day for any students currently in Kindergarten - Year 5 who would like to experience 'A Day at St Peter's'.  Our Open Day will be held on Thursday, 15 September and is an amazing opportunity for students to visit our school and discover for themselves the difference a St Peter's education can offer. We will also hold a tour of our school for parents who have children attending this day.
Many families come to St Peter's following a recommendation from a member of our current school community and so I encourage you to reach out to those you know who may like to consider a St Peter's education for their children.

Parent Information Sessions - Cyber Safety

Our next Parent Information Sessions will take place on Tuesday, 13 September at 2.00pm and 7.00pm.  Our guest speaker on this occasion will be Senior Constable Louise Michell and she will be speaking to parents on the important topic of 'Cyber Safety'. I would really encourage as many parents as possible to attend this Information Session as we work together to keep students safe.
Please click here to register your intention to attend ONE of our Term 3, 2022 Parent Information Sessions on Tuesday, 13  September 2022.
Years 5-7 will also be having Information Sessions with Senior Constable Louise Michell on Monday, 5 September 2022.

Notice of Withdrawal

A reminder that as we plan budgets and staffing for 2023, families are required to provide one full terms notice if they are not returning to St Peter’s in 2023. The last day to provide notice without financial penalty is Friday, 23 September 2022. 


Child Protection Week

Next week is National Child Protection week, under the theme 'Every child, in every community, needs a fair go'. 
Child Protection is something that is held as a key priority at St Peter's, and is embedded into policy, processes and learning programmes. It's important that our school is a safe learning environment, where each student is known and cared for. All school staff participate in annual training, ensuring they have a clear understanding of legislation and their duty of care. 
Each year, students participate in a Child Safety programme, predominantly developed by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. Students build on learning from year to year, utilising key language: Recognise, React and Report. They grow in understanding in regards to how to stay safe in their world, and develop a range of strategies to support them. Additionally, the school connects with a range of external providers, to continue to raise awareness, such as the Police Liaison Officers (focus on Cyber Safety for Years 5 & 6), and Mrs Rowena Thomas (Amazing Me programme). 
Families can get involved in Child Protection Week, through a range of resources found at the following link:

Year 3 Camp Recount

EEEE! I woke up with so much excitement! I zoomed out of my bed and got into the car and went straight to school. I have never been so early!

As the bus came across the street to the school the students were lined up to load one by one. When it was done, we drove off to Wedderburn in fifteen minutes. We arrived there and we were greeted by the friendly people that work there and brought us to the site. We got split up into groups. 

POW! We’re at Wedderburn shooting arrows! Draw back. I was so close to the target, but it didn’t quite make it. I thought it was going to be easy and I realised it was hard because it kept going downwards. I wasn't really good at it so I played nine squares in the air.

One of the activities was an extremely long bushwalk. It took SO long. We got to be really creative and make shelters from sticks and leaves. It was really fun. Then we made different poses that looked like things we saw in the environment around us.

For another activity we sat on a log next to a fire. We were told a story and then got to make a damper on a stick. It took ages to cook in the fire but it tasted so good.

We also did BMX biking. We were doing a test run. It was so wobbly ‘ahhhh’ it was way too wobbly. Next we were going to face the track where there are sharp turns. ZOOM! It was going so fast but we could get the hang of it. We went up a hill. It was tricky to make it all the way up the hill so we had to get off my bike and push it forward then get back on the bike. WHOOSH! It went flying down the hill. We went through the sharp turns up the hill and zooming down.

Once we got back to school and got our sleeping bags ready we got dinner. For dinner we had sausages, salad and chips and for dessert we had ice cream. 

Then we played some games. The games that we played were flashlight and action games with partners. People who didn’t want to play sang songs around the campfire. After the games and the fire we went to bed.

After we woke up we packed our sleeping bags and got changed. We got breakfast and for breakfast we had Nutrigrain, cereal and apple juice and orange juice. After eating our breakfast we got picked up.

Excerpts by Sophia K, Lucy W, Ashley H, Stella MP, Iasona T, Claudia C, Ethan T.


  • Give thanks for the father's and father figures in our lives and for the care and support they provide.
  • Pray that God will continue to bless and provide for our friends in Intumbane, South Africa. 


School Calendar

Term 3
Monday, 25 July 2022 - Friday, 23 September 2022 
Week 7
Monday, 5 September 2022

8.45am - 3.00pm: Year 4 Excursion - Wedderburn Christian Campsite
1.30pm - 3.00pm: Cyber Safety 
2.15pm 3.00pm: Cyber Safety (Middle School)

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
Pre-Kindergarten STEPS Vision Screening
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Co-curricular Programme

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

9.30am - 10.30am: Pre - Kindergarten 2023 Information Session and School Tour
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior Rep Sport V Broughton Anglican College
1.00pm - 2.00pm: Senior Rep Sport V Broughton Anglican College
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Co-curricular Programme

Thursday, 8 September 2022

IPSHA Performing Arts Festival
7.00pm - 8.30pm: IPSHA Performing Arts Festival

Friday, 9 September 2022

8.10am - 10.00am: Pete's Cafe
8.45am - 3.00pm: Year 1 Excursion - Wild Life Sydney Zoo & Sea Life Aquarium
Pre-Kindergarten STEPS Vision Screening
9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly
9.45am - 12.15pm: Kookaburra Excursion - Bicycle Education Centre 
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Buddy Groups

Week 8
Tuesday, 13 September 2022

9.00am:Junior Primary Chapel
2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parent/Information Session - Cyber Safety
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Co-curricular Programme
5.00pm - 5.45pm: Preparatory School Tour
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent/Information Session - Cyber Safety

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

9.30am - 12.30pm:Kaboom Percussion - Whole School Music Incursion
11.55am - 12.40pm: Junior Rep Sport V Oran Park Anglican College
1.00pm - 2.00pm: Senior Rep Sport V Oran Park Anglican College
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Co-curricular Programme

Thursday, 15 September 2022

St Peter's Open Day
Student Voice Week Community Visits (Middle School)

Friday, 16 September 2022

8.10am - 10.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Assembly
2.00pm - 2.30pm: 24 Hr Fight Against Cancer - Fred's Push

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I know I have said this before, but one of the favourite parts of my role is interviewing new families. This is such an important responsibility as it isn’t just about there being a vacancy, it is about the partnership we have with families and the desire of being on the same page. As I interview families for St Peter’s Anglican Grammar & St Peter’s Heart, this is a large part of what I’m looking for. 

Partnership is essential isn’t it? Knowing what you expect and how this will play out is fundamental to a successful school. If you as a parent are expecting that your son or daughter will become a rowing champion and spend hours each day at school preparing for this desire, then I daresay, St Peter’s is not the School for you. 

What we are comes down to the fundamentals we hold dear that are linked to our Vision and Mission.

  1. Strong Foundations - St Peter’s has been going for 40 years and we know how students learn. We have tried and tested practices, experiences and opportunities that allow the foundational skills students need to be successful, to be paramount.  
  2. Future Thinking - Likewise, we need to ensure that we continue to push forward with our thinking about how students learn best. We are committed to being an IB World School and to use the focus on inquiry, approaches to learning and student agency to push forward with preparing our students for what is next. Whilst Heart is not an IB World School, these approaches can be used in varying forms to best cater for the students in this school. 
  3. Unashamedly Christian - We do not hide the fact that first and foremost we are a Christian School. We desire our students to know of the love and grace offered to us in the Lord Jesus. Our intentional approach to Devotions, Chapels, Biblical Studies and Christian perspectives being considered in all areas of our learning, by qualified and committed Christian Staff, is so important. 

I desire as Headmaster of our schools, to build strength in our community, with parents who are in partnership with our approach. As I meet with families for Heart and Grammar, this is so essential. Being on the same page, allows us to push forward with the best outcomes of the students you entrust us with. 

Thanks for your partnership in our schools. 

IPSSO Rep Sport – Results

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 17 August 2022

















Newcombe ball




Juniors: Players of the Match

AFL = Buck B
Soccer = Riley Z
Newcombe Ball = Sheroy I
Netball = Maddison L 

Senior Sport: Wednesday, 17th August 2022





















Seniors: Players of the Match

AFL = Lily B
Soccer = Anthony P
Volleyball = Logan S
Netball = Leona B

Junior Sport & Senior Sport: Wednesday, 24th August 2022

BYE Week 

IPSSO Rep Sport – Upcoming Fixtures

Wednesday 7 Sept, V Broughton AWAY
All Games @ Broughton Anglican College
Juniors: 11:45am – 12:30pm
Seniors: 1:00pm – 2:00pm 

Wednesday 14 Sept, V Oran Park HOME

Volleyball/Newcombeball & Netball @ St Peter’s
Soccer & AFL @ Campbelltown Showground
Juniors: 11:55am - 12:40pm
Seniors: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Year 3 and 5 Camps

It was excellent to see our students enjoying the Camp Programmes over the past few weeks. We partner with Crusaders for our outdoor education camps and Mr Stevenson as Dean of Biblical Studies takes oversight of the sequential planning for these camps. Our students were excellent in their behaviour, participation and questions being asked about our good God. 

Year 3 spent the day at Wedderburn Christian Campsite and then stayed at school overnight with a combination of outdoor games, campfires, singing and wide games. 

Year 5 spent three days at Galston Gorge where they were challenged with Bushwalking, BMX Biking, Crate Climb and High Ropes. 

I am always thankful to the staff that give so much in ensuring a successful camp for our students. Year 5 particularly as they experienced their first camp due to the impact of COVID, were outstanding. I personally love the privilege of attending each camp and chatting with the students and staff. 

Year 4 head to camp at Lake Macquarie in early Term 4. 

IPSHA Athletics Carnival

On Monday, 29 August our talented Athletics team of over 40 students travelled to the 5,000 seated Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre in Homebush to compete against other IPSHA member schools such as Kings, Knox, Abbotsleigh & PLC. Our athletes performed admirably across a range of track and field events and can be very proud of their efforts. A number of our athletes finished in the top 10 in their events – a significant achievement.

These athletes were:-

-          Alicia W, 11 yrs Long Jump, 3rd out of 33 with a distance of 3.76m

-          Alicia W, 11 yrs 100m, 5th out of 113 with a time of 14.51 secs

-          Alicia W, 11 yrs 200m, 8th out of 97 with a time of 30.98 secs

-          Alicia W, 11 yrs 800m, 6th out of 30 with a time of 2 mins 40.16

-          Emma C, 11 yrs Discus, 4th out of 26 with a throw of 15.26m

-          Woojin S, 8-10 yrs Boys Long Jump, 7th out of 29 with a distance of 3.82m

-          Woojin S, 9 yrs Boys 100m, 7th out of 96 with a time of 15.68 secs

-          Woojin S, 8-10 yrs Boys 800m, 9th out of 35 with a time of 2 mins 46.19

Congratulations to Alicia W (100m, Long Jump) & Emma C (Discus) who have both qualified for the CIS Carnival on Tuesday, 20 September 2022.

Woojin only narrowly missed out. Well done to them all!

Thanks also to all the parents who came along to support and cheer the kids on and to Mrs McDonnell, Mrs Ryder and Mr Raft for their assistance on the day.


Colin Buchanan in Concert

Another great event last Friday evening saw Colin return to share his unique and special music in a creative and fun way. It was so good to have the wider community together as we focus on the importance of making Jesus known in our community. 

Staffing update

Congratulations to Mr Stoicescu and his wife, Sarah on the birth of their daughter Adeline who was born on Wednesday, 24 August. A little sister to Jackson in Heart.

We farewell Mr Phil Gentile at the end of this term as he commences as the Director of Curriculum and Learning at Penrith Christian School in Term 4. Phil has been an excellent resource for our Middle School students and will be sorely missed.


Book Character Parade/ Literature Day

Seeing the colour and effort of our families in dressing up for the annual Book Character Parade was wonderful. The focus on quality literature was important and linking this with our Whole School Chapel on Monday afternoon was excellent in sharing the importance of the Bible. Thanks to Mr Twist, Miss Burns, Mr Bullen and Mr Stevenson for serving us in this way. A special thank you to Mr Stockinger for his coordination of the Literature Day.

Book Character Parade/ Literature Day

Father's Day Breakfast

It was so special to have so many of our dads and other special people attend the Father's Day Breakfast this morning. Again, being able to have people back on site is excellent. Thank you to our Middle Leadership Team for their preparation and service to our community.

Happy Father's Day to all of our dads this weekend. 

IPSHA Athletics

Well Done to each of the students who participated and represented St Peter’s at the IPSHA Athletics Carnival at Homebush on Monday. I was thankful to be presenting ribbons and able to personally congratulate a number of our students as they finished their events. Thank you to Mr Vernon for his ongoing coordination of sport at St Peter’s.