Thank you!

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
I would like to thank members of our school community for their encouragement and support as I have begun in my new role as Principal of St Peter's Anglican Grammar.  The school has been such a blessing to my life, providing me with so many opportunities, both professionally and personally and I am excited to continue to serve this community as we celebrate 40 years of St Peter's and look forward to the next 40!
In the coming weeks, I would like to invite members of our parent community to afternoon tea to chat and connect with one another.  Please keep an eye out for your invitation. 
We will also begin our 2024 Transition Programs by introducing our Year 2 cohort to the exciting things we have planned for them as they enter their Primary years.  
We have many events coming up over the next couple of weeks, beginning with our Literature Day and Book Character Parade next Monday 21 August.  I am looking forward to seeing a whole host of book characters come to life and spend the day at school celebrating all things literature.  I shared with the Kindergarten - Year 2 Assembly earlier this week that there is nothing I love more than listening to books being read aloud.  I plan to share this love with them in upcoming assemblies.
Also upcoming during Weeks 5 and 6 - Year 5 head off to Galston Gorge for their camp on Wednesday.  I will visit their camp and await with you for the excited stories of their adventures on their return.  Year 1 students from both St Peter's Grammar and Heart are heading off to Sydney Zoo, our Athletics Team will represent us at Olympic Park, we have Father's Day to celebrate and we will hold our Annual Intumbane Slipper Day.  What a busy and exciting place St Peter's is!

Farewell Mrs Richardson

Last week we farewelled Mrs Melinda Richardson, our Director of Teaching and Learning and PYP Coordinator.  Mrs Richardson was well known throughout our school community for her expertise in music and her farewell from our student community was a fitting tribute to this. Our Junior Primary students and Primary choir sang some of Mrs Richardson's favourite chapel songs and hymns and we were treated to the final performance from our vocal ensemble with Mrs Richardson conducting.
Mrs Richardson also spoke to our students reminding them of how much their teachers cared for them and for their learning, but most importantly for their growth in the knowledge of the love that Jesus has for them.
We wish Mrs Richardson well as she begins her time as the Head of the Junior School at Penrith Anglican College.

Thank you Mr Walker

Today our staff and school community also had the opportunity to thank Mr Alastair Walker, who has served our school community as the Interim Head for the past nine months.  His care, calmness and wisdom have been so much appreciated, as has his focus on the Christian growth of both staff and students.  We wish him well as he continues his journey with Campbelltown Anglican Schools, working with both the Corporate Office and at Broughton Anglican College.

Staffing Update

With the change of leadership at St Peter's, I am pleased to announce the following staffing changes for the remainder of 2023.  
Mrs Nerida Hadfield will join the Executive Team as Acting Assistant Principal.  Mrs Hadfield is well known to our school community as our Dean of Wellbeing, as well as a Stage Dean, Musical Producer and classroom teacher during her time at St Peter's.  I am excited to welcome her to this new role, where she will combine her Wellbeing role with her amazing organisational skills.  
4H will be taught by Mrs Tamsin Weir and Mrs Melissa Moss.  Mrs Weir and Mrs Moss are excited to be working with the 4H students and they have had a wonderful first week of learning together.
We welcome back Frau Holmes teaching German and thank Mrs Weir for her work in this area over the past 18 months.
Mrs Samantha Edmunds who has worked alongside Mrs Richardson as our Assistant PYP Coordinator will be take on the role of PYP Coordinator, providing consistency to our Learning Program.  
Mr Stuart Connell, who is well known to our students as a Music teacher, Technology teacher and class teacher will teach STEAM lessons on Monday and Tuesday.  
We welcome back Mrs Desiree Pollett to our Music teaching staff. Mrs Pollett has previously taught Music at St Peter's, along with conducting our Band.  She is looking forward to teaching Music each Monday and Tuesday, as well as conducting our Vocal Ensemble.
Mrs Rebecca Gillies has joined our Learning Enhancement team.  Mrs Gillies is well known to our school community as our Enrolments Officer and we thank her for all that she has done welcoming new families to our school. We are excited to have her working alongside our teachers in classrooms.
I am so grateful for the provision of these amazing leaders and educators from amongst our own staff.  

Join Us in Celebrating 40 Years of Quality Christian Education

On Friday,8 September, we will be celebrating our 40th Birthday, marking four decades of providing quality Christian education. 

To commence this significant milestone, we invite you to join us for a formal Thanksgiving Service taking place from 9:30am in the school hall. This gathering offers an opportunity for our extended St Peter’s community to come together, reflecting on our journey thus far while eagerly embracing the path ahead.

From 5:30pm, we are delighted to be hosting a Community Movie Night. Featuring an outdoor movie screening and an array of food trucks, this event is designed for St Peter’s families to enjoy an evening of community fun!

Be sure to mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. 

Working in Partnership

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

It is an honour to step into this role for the remainder of the year and support our Principal, Mrs McDonnell as well as the whole St Peter’s community. I look forward to meeting you and welcome opportunities to get to know families while serving at the Pete's Cafe each Friday or during informal conversations out the front. 

Principal Induction Service

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to formally induct Mrs McDonnell into her new role as Principal of St Peter’s Anglican Grammar. It was a wonderful service where we learnt a bit more about her, prayed for her and heard a great message from Miss Burns on how we can know for certain that God, the Creator of the Universe, loves us. Our Executive Head Mr Middleton and Chairperson of the Board, Mrs Blencowe made a presentation to Mrs McDonnell. Our school is in great hands!

Vietnam Veterans Day Commemorative Service

Today the Captains and Prefects attended this service with me at Mawson Park. We were able to lay a wreath on behalf of our school. I am grateful to our student leaders and the respectful and appropriate manner in which they conduct themselves. Thank you Henry, Veruschka, Audrey, Oliver, Manmi, Phoenix, Sophie and Lachlan.

Father's Day Breakfast and Gift Stall

Father's Day is quickly approaching. Our students will be able to celebrate in two ways:
Father's Day Stall
We would like to offer the opportunity for our students to surprise their Fathers, Grandfathers and carers with a Father's Day gift. Students will have the opportunity of choosing their gift from the Father's Day Stall on: 

Tuesday, 29 August 2023 (Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos/Koalas)
Thursday, 31 August 2023 (Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas/Wombats, Kindergarten - Year 6, St Peter’s Heart)
Please click here to purchase a Father's Day gift.

Father's Day Breakfast 
We would like to celebrate our Fathers, Grandfather and carers who fill this treasured role for our students with a Father's Day Breakfast.
We invite our families (including students) to join us for breakfast on: Friday, 1 September 2023 from 7.30am - 8.30am

Tickets = Family Ticket @ $10.00

Please click here to purchase a Family Ticket for the Father's Day Breakfast

Literature Day

Next Monday, 21 August, prior to the Book Parade on Literature Day, Pete's Cafe will be at the front gate from 8.00am selling hot drinks and muffins. There will also be the Intumbane Book Fund bucket to donate $5.00 to send to the school in order for them to purchase books. Our Library Assistant, Mrs Singline will give you a slip to write a message on that will be sent along with the donations for them to stick in the front of the new books. 

We would love to see many of you there. Thank you to Mrs Edmunds and her team for their organisation, please refer to her details below.


Carpark Safety


Our afternoon processes for pick up are efficient, given the amount of traffic we have coming through the gate. We have had conversations with Council regarding the presence of the Ranger last week and they are supportive of all our efforts to maintain constant flow of traffic. Please be reminded to keep the pedestrian crossing free and try to avoid banking back into Broughton Street by taking a loop around the block. If you park on the western side of Howe Street (against the council carpark) please remain close to your vehicle in accordance with the signage during school pick up and drop off hours.

Thank you for your support last week and feel free to contact me if you have any video footage from last Thursday.

Calendar Reminder

Please be reminded that our Primary Assembly has been cancelled on Monday, 21 August due to our Literature Day/Book Character Parade. 
Thank you for your understanding.

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement
As Acting Director of St Peter's Heart, I am able to see first hand the wonderful learning and growth that is happening in the St Peter's Heart classrooms. 
With Book Week coming up next week, our students in the Galahs class brought their favourite books into school to share with their friends. They are looking forward to dressing up for the Book Character Parade on Monday, 21 August.
The Kookaburras have been delving into the fascinating world of light and have been excited to see how light can bend and bounce, and its amazing spectrum of colours.
A triangle hunt was a feature in the Lorikeets class as students explored different types of triangles. They also combined two-dimensional shapes to make new shapes, showing their creativity and understanding.

Broughton Senior Concert Band Visit

Mr Brad Stoicescu - Band & Strings Conductor

We had the privilege of hosting Broughton’s Senior Concert Band for a performance today. The experience offered our young musicians valuable insights into teamwork, dedication, and musical excellence. Watching the performance inspired our students and showcased the rewards of hard work sustained over a number of years. The event also fostered connections between different age groups, encouraging mentorship and camaraderie. Overall, the performance left a lasting impact on our primary school band, motivating them to strive for their own musical goals with renewed enthusiasm.

We were treated to performances of

  • Fanfare for the Common Man
  • Also sprach Zarathustra (Space Odyssey 2001)
  • Hungarian Dance #5 
  • The Gladiator

Seesaw and Important Communications

I wanted to remind families that all important announcements and communications relating to ensembles are shared through SeeSaw. Please be checking in regularly for any important information. I encourage you to review your notification settings and consider receiving alerts when announcements or messages are shared with you and your groups. Please feel free to communicate with me via SeeSaw as well.

Literature Day and Book Character Parade

Mrs Samantha Edmunds - Dean of Inquiry

St Peter's Literature Day and Book Character Parade is just around the corner - taking place on the morning of Monday, 21 August. This event promises to be a delightful celebration of literature and imagination, and we invite you to join us in making it a memorable day for our students! Please note the times of the parades and bring a book to read with students during the short fruit break picnic.

  • Junior Primary Parade: 9:15AM in the hall playground 
  • Whole School Literacy Fruit Break Picnic: 9:45AM - 10.15AM (Bring a book and share a family fruit break picnic)
  • Parents without Primary students may leave at the end of the picnic
  • Primary Parade: 10:15AM in the hall playground

Before school starts, we will also be running the coffee cart and a “Buy a Book” initiative. Families can play a part in enhancing Intumbane’s school library by contributing to book purchases.  For $5.00, you will be given a slip that will be sent to Intumbane to put inside a book purchased on your behalf. If you are unable to attend and would still like to purchase a book, you are welcome to bring money to the front office before Monday, 28 August 2023. 

Kindergarten to Year 6 - Poetry Recitation Competition

Please send your poetry audition videos by Friday, 25 August for the St Peter's 2023 Poetry Competition

The Poetry Recital will take place on Monday, 13 November 2023 (Term 4, Week 6).

Please refer to the information attached for futher details.

IPSSO Results

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

Week 3 v. Wollondilly Anglican College (Away)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Loss 20-12

Player of the Match:

Isaac C

Loss 4-0

Player of the Match:

Liam J

Loss 6-5

Player of the Match:

Mackenzie K

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Everly VK

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 45-2

Player of the Match:

Alexis B

Win 4-2

Player of the Match:

Patrick A

Loss 8-7

Player of the Match:

Ella W

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Phoenix A

Week 4 v. St. Gregory’s College (Away)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Loss 32-16

Player of the Match:

Mavette W

Win 0-1

Player of the Match:

Sebastian O

Loss 13-1

Player of the Match:

Claudia C

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Cristina Y

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 138-2

Player of the Match:

Lennox K

Win 2-3

Player of the Match:

Harry S

Loss 19-8

Player of the Match:

Ella W

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Phoenix A

Week 5 is our last round for the Winter season. All players will be asked to return their uniforms at the end of their games. 

A copy of the draw for Term 3 can be downloaded here.

St Peter’s Annual Tennis Competition

The Annual St. Peter’s Tennis Competition will take place this term. Students have signed up to compete in either singles and/or doubles. A draw will be organised and displayed on the noticeboard across from the back library door. You can also access the schedule here.

Students can bring their own tennis racquet the day their match is scheduled. The matches will take place during lunch times.  Unfortunately, families are  not able to attend this event.


IPSHA Gymnastics

Throughout this term, students from years 3-6 will have the opportunity to be selected to compete with a St. Peter’s Gymnastic team at the IPSHA Gymnastics Competition in Term 4.

Trials are scheduled to take place in Week 6. Students will be communicated with information regarding this. Trials will be in front of a panel of teachers.

Please inform me if your child is involved in Gymnastics out of school. Email me at communicating their levels and the disciplines they compete in.

Student of the Month - August

Zoe is a very deserving recipient of this award. She exemplifies what it means to ROCK at St Peter's Anglican Grammar. 
Zoe is dependable, reliable and can be trusted to 'get the job done'. She demonstrates kindness and care toward all people, helping other students, assisting teachers with a variety of tasks and always showing initiative. 
Zoe involves herself in classroom learning and brings an enthusiastic and positive attitude to discussions and experiences. She tries her best at all times.  Zoe is curious about the world around her and seeks to understand new concepts with interest. She shows respect to others, being inclusive with both grace and fairness. 
Zoe is a role model for others to follow at our school.

Amendment to Previous Article Year 6 Camp

Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the National Capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programmes with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate programme towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.



2023 Non-Government School Census

The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census). Please see the information attached.


School Shop - Winter Sale

The School Shop is having a Winter Sale on the Old Crested Uniform. 

If you would like to purchase any of our St Peter's Anglican Primary School original uniform items, please visit our School Shop on a Monday or Wednesday or feel free to send an email to: and Liz will call you for the payment.


Term Dates for 2024

Job Advertisement - School Bus Drivers

Campbelltown Anglican Schools is currently seeking to appoint experienced and energetic School Bus Drivers to join our team and support our community with transporting our students on School/College buses.

The following skills and experience are required:

  • MR Driver’s Licence 
  • Minimum of 2 years' experience as a bus driver 
  • Experience with driving students (advantageous)
  • Clean driving record 
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills 
  • Courteous and respectful manner
  • Strong attention to detail  
  • Maintain a clean and tidy bus interior 
  • The ability to work independently and as part of a team 
  • A first aid qualification, or a willingness to acquire one

Candidates shortlisted for interviews will be expected to provide a Working With Children Check clearance number or clearance letter.

Please email your resume and cover letter to

Applications will be assessed as received. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Short listed applicants will be contacted by telephone or email for an interview. 



  • We praise God for Mrs Michelle McDonnell becoming the fourth head of St Peters, we pray for a smooth start and for her as she grows into the new role.
  • We pray for Year 5 Camp next week as they go away together, that students will enjoy all parts of camp and grow in their relationships with each other, whilst enjoying God's creation.