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School Photos

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Due to our current Lockdown, our school photo days planned for this term have been postponed.  Our photo days are now planned to take place in Term 4 on the following dates: 
  • Main Photo Day (Class, Individual, Siblings, Echidnas & Wombats): Friday, 8 October (Week 1)
  • Co Curricular Photo Day (Co-Curricular & Kangaroos, Koalas & Possums & Siblings): Monday, 11 October (Week 2)
  • Sport Photo Day (Sporting Groups): Wednesday, 10 November (Week 6)

School Information Sessions

There was excitement across households over the last two weeks as we began our series of online Information Sessions for both Secondary and St Peter's Heart.  It was fabulous to have so many families participating in these webinars, and the number of questions coming in demonstrated the enthusiasm of both current members of our school community and new families to find out more about these exciting new additions to our school.
There are further Information Sessions for both Secondary and St Peter's Heart. 
St Peter's Heart - Online Information Session: Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 1.30pm - 3.00pm
Year 7  - Online Information Session: Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 10.00am - 11.00am and Thursday, 2  September 2021 at 1.30pm - 2.30pm
In addition to these, we are holding Information Sessions for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2022 over the next two weeks.
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten 2022 Online Information Session: Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 6.00pm - 7.00 pm and Thursday, 19 August 2021 at 1.30pm - 2.30pm
Please click here to register for these events. 
Advertisements for our information sessions are on our social media pages and we appreciate those members of our school community who share these with their networks of family and friends who may be interested in joining our St Peter's Community.  A consistent message we hear from families who enrol at St Peter's is that they have found us through personal recommendation from one of our current families.

Amazing Me

Amazing Me for families in Years 3-6, will be conducted via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 @ 6.00pm. 

The programme aims to provide information to children in Years 3 - 6, in the important area of personal development.  The presenter, Rowena Thomas, is a Primary School teacher and a Christian. Her strengths lie in facilitating an inspiring an informative programme.

Presentations are engaging, age appropriate, open and honest.  The presentation must be viewed with a parent present.

Booking Link

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

At times St Peter's Anglican Primary School is required to submit numerical data concerning students to the Federal or State Governments for assessment and funding purposes. Next week we will be taking part in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). If parents would like further information on this process, they may use the following links: 


Premier's Reading Challenge

We are getting closer to the final days for the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2021! Due to the lockdown, the PRC has been extended for 2 weeks to assist students to complete the Challenge and enter their books online.
The new date for all required books to be entered online is now Friday, 3 September 2021 (Friday Week 7), to qualify for a PRC certificate.
See the PRC website for further details: https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html  

The additional School Challenge will close on the same day, and a digital copy of the reading record with the additional books your child has read (not including the required books for the official PRC challenge) needs to be emailed to: administration@stpeters.nsw.edu.au Attn: Mrs Nash - School Reading Challenge.

Thank you for encouraging your child to participate and develop a love for reading.

ICAS 2021 - Change of Date

Families should have received an email outlining the change of date for these assessments to occur. 
Please be advised that the sitting dates now fall in Term 4, between Tuesday, 5 October - Friday, 29 October. The Parent Payment System has also been extended until Sunday, 19 September, should families wish for their child to participate.

To access the Parent Payment System, visit: https://shop.icasassessments.com.au/pages/pps and enter the school access code: LGM070



Literature Day: Week 6

Even though we are in a period of Off Campus Learning, we would still like to take the opportunity to celebrate the amazing literature that we are surrounded by. Our teachers are busy planning a fun, literature filled day for Monday, 23 August 2021.
This day was also set to be our annual Book Character Parade. Whilst there is no expectation for families to prepare a costume, children may like to consider what they already have at home to wear for this day should they wish! 
The theme for Book Week 2021 is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. We encourage all members of the family to get involved. Additional information can be found at https://www.cbca.org.au/cbca-book-week

Welcome Back!

We would like to welcome the Nellies family back to St Peter's.



Year 1


Year 3



Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions:
  • Head of the Preparatory School - (Deputy Headmaster) - Closing Friday, 6 August 2021
  • Head of the Middle School - Closing Friday, 6 August 2021
  • Team Leader - St. Peter's Heart - Closing Friday, 6 August 2021
  • Classroom Teachers (Casual)
  • Bus Driver (Permanent & Casual) 

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the work of our school staff.  For our teachers undertaking Off Campus Learning with students, remaining connected at a time of lockdown. For our professional staff as they continue with their vital roles throughout the school.
  • Pray for our local churches, that they can continue to teach your Word, support church members and the wider community and lead worship in alternate ways.  
  • Pray for our school community, for health and safety, giving thanks for the support we can provide one another, even while physically separated.

School Calendar

Term 3
Monday, 19 July 2021 - Friday, 17 September 2021
Week 4

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

1.30pm - 3.00pm: St Peter's Heart - Online Information Session
6.30pm - 7.30pm: Amazing Me - Online Session

Thursday, 12 August 2021

My Gateway 8 has been cancelled 

6.00pm - 7.00pm: Prep & Kindergarten 2022 Online Information Session

Week 5

Monday, 16 August 2021

IPSHA Athletics Carnival (Homebush) - Postponed 

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Rep Sport - BYE
Year 5 Camp - Postponed
10.00am - 11.00am: Year 7 Online Information Session

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Year 5 Camp - Postponed

1.30pm - 2.30pm: Prep & Kindergarten 2022 Online Information Session

Friday, 20 August 2021

Year 5 Camp - Postponed

Show more

Success of Off Campus Learning (OCL)

We continue to juggle the complexities of Off Campus Learning (OCL) with amazing success at this point in time and I really would like to commend our parents on their support of their children throughout this process. 

I continue to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from our community on how well our students are navigating OCL, despite acknowledging that it doesn't replicate face to face teaching and learning. 
I also commend our teaching staff who have successfully tweaked OCL from last year with positive additions including Zoom Check ins and face to screen teaching time. 
It is certainly challenging being a school in one of the hot spot Local Government Areas and I commend our community for the way you are all working together to keep our community safe. 
I have commenced dropping into class zooms to see our students' faces and check how things are going. I am incredibly impressed with their resilience and determination. 
Be assured of my ongoing prayers for you at this time and please do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of assistance.

Stage One

Mrs Kathy Hollis - Coordinator of Students Kindergarten - Year 2

Stage One is a time where students build on the skills they have developed through the Early Years Programmes in Prep and Kindergarten. The students continue to be curious and ready to inquire and find out about the world around them. They love opportunities to explore both inside and outside. They enjoy free play and time to develop social skills and relationships. They start to recognise their strengths and understand that it is OK to make mistakes because this helps them learn. 

Students continue to develop their phonics knowledge as they explore sounds they hear in words and the different letters that combine to make those sounds. These skills are used as students strive to become confident readers and writers. Mathematical understanding continues to be developed as students participate in a variety of hands-on activities. 

My passion and enthusiasm as an experienced educator continues to be fuelled by the amazement and wonder of students in Stage One. I love to watch them explore, investigate, play and communicate with each other and the world around them. I love to watch them begin to use their growing knowledge and skills. l love to watch them become confident individuals and understand that God created us all for a different purpose. 

I have always considered education to be an ongoing partnership between the school and families and in the midst of another time of Off Campus Learning this is even more evident than usual. Thank you for the support you are providing  students as they navigate their learning throughout this time. Putting times of Off Campus Learning aside, experts agree that parent involvement in education is one of the biggest predictors of student success. This does not mean that you should attend every event at school, although you are always welcome, or feel guilty if you are unable to do so. It is more than that, it is taking an active interest in what your children are learning in school and helping them relate this to the world beyond school.Parents and carers provide extremely valuable learning opportunities at home and in the community which create connections between learning at school and learning outside of school.

Many parents tell me that their children never tell them anything about their day at school which can make it difficult.  If you ask a question that can be answered with one word — yes or no — that’s what you’ll get. A one-word answer. Try asking open-ended questions instead. For example “What was the best thing you did at school today?” or “Tell me something that made you laugh today”or ‘What do you think you should learn more about at school?” Using Seesaw posts from the classroom as a conversation starter can also help. For example “I saw on Seesaw you are learning about technology and how it has changed. Can you tell me something you know that has changed?”  You could then share about something that you know or encourage your child to speak to others such as a grandparent in this example. 

As a teacher I love hearing and witnessing the connections students make between their learning and their world.

Secondary Commencement

There are additional sessions scheduled to highlight our vision for Secondary at St Peter's on:
  • Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 10.00am 
  • Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 1:30pm
Our FAQ section on our website has been updated and enrolment interviews have commenced. A very exciting time for the future of our wonderful school.
If you have specific questions or would like to discuss your circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact: secondary@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 

Heart Commencement

We launched St Peter's Heart with our Information Session this week, with a repeat on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 1:30pm. Already we have significant interest in this new special school, with enrolment being prioritised based on date of application. 
If you have any specific questions about this venture, please do not hesitate to contact: heart@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 

Personal Circumstances

If you have been impacted by COVID restrictions and this is having an impact on your ability to pay fees, please do not hesitate to reach out to me on: headmaster@stpeters.nsw.edu.au to discuss possibilities. 

Greetings St Peter's Community!

I am so excited to be working at St Peter's again. This school is such a positive part of the Campbelltown area. I’m really keen to build connections with everyone so I thought I’d briefly share some things about myself:

My Career

·         Crusaders outdoor Camp Leader

·         Independent Primary Schools Class Teacher

·         Bible College student, Canada

·         Swimming Teacher

·         School PE & Sports Coach

My Favourite Things 

·         Basketball, Tennis & Golf

·         Swimming

·         BBQ Chicken

·         RASHAY’S Restaurant

·         Creating graffiti art

·         Inspiring music 

·         Good conversations

My Family

·         My amazing wife from Venezuela, Natali

·         2 sisters (Penny & Camilla) 

·         Mum & Dad (Roslyn & Allan)

Exercise and Wellbeing Tips

During this COVID lockdown, it can be very easy to get stuck staring at a screen all day. 

Try and have regular breaks from this where your family gets up and moves their bodies. I’ve been going for runs up at the local park, doing push ups and lunges around the house. I think I might try some skipping and frisbee with my wife too. 

Practise random acts of kindness. Do something to make whoever you are with smile or laugh. A teacher left 3 Mars Bars in my pigeon hole for me at work this morning. That certainly made me smile!  

I look forward to meeting more of you in the months to come.