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Slipper Day for Intumbane

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

Our annual Intumbane Slipper Day will take place on Monday, 7 September 2020.

Students in K-6 may bring their favourite slippers to school to wear whilst in the classroom.  A gold coin donation will be collected to go towards the support of our sister school in Intumbane, South Africa. 

Normal full Winter uniform with normal school shoes are to be worn to and from school and also in the playground.  Slippers will be worn in the classrooms only.

We hope this proves to be an enjoyable way for students to demonstrate thoughtfulness and generosity to those less fortunate. 

Junior Primary Athletics Carnival

A reminder that our Junior Primary Athletics Carnival (Prep - Year 2) will go ahead as planned on Friday, 25 September 2020.

Unfortunately, due to COVID - 19 restrictions this year our carnival will be for students only.

Please refer to our Headmaster's message as students will be permitted to leave early following the carnival.

A note with further information will be sent home soon.

Happy Father's Day

Wishing all the Dads, Grandads and other amazing people who fill this role a very special Father's Day!

Science Day

On the Friday, 18 September 2020 (Week 8) we will have our annual school Science Day.  
This year our Science Day will follow the National Science Week theme of 'Deep Blue: Innovations for the Future of our Oceans'. During the course of the day, students will develop their scientific inquiry skills through a variety of hands-on science, technology and engineering activities, organised by their classroom teachers. They will participate in a show run by Fizzics Education, exploring scientific principles through fun experiments and exciting displays.
Students are to wear their Sports uniform on Science Day instead of mufti, and they don't need to bring a change of clothes.
Classroom teachers may communicate through Seesaw or student diaries any additional requirements for the day.
We are looking forward to lots of fun!

New Staff

We would like to welcome Mrs Sophia Gauci who has returned to St. Peter's to cover Mrs Danielle Sultana's maternity leave. Mrs Gauci will be working as our School Nurse on Thursdays and Fridays.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for all the fathers and father figures that play a significant role in our lives.

  • Pray for our School Nurse, Mrs Danielle Sultana as she commences her maternity leave.

  • Pray for the health, safety and prosperity of our friends at Intumbane Primary School, South Aftrica.

School Calendar

 Term 3

Monday, 27 July 2020 - Friday, 25 September 2020

Week 7

Monday, 7 September 2020

Prep Pyjama Day - Kangaroos, Koalas and Possums

Slipper Day for Intumbane

Friday, 11 September 2020 

Prep Pyjama Day - Echidnas, Wombats and Possums

Year 2 Inventors Day


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COVID Restrictions

Last week, I had the privilege, along with some other 200 Heads of Independent Schools to listen in with Dr Kerry Chant, NSW Chief Medical Officer, on the current goalposts in relation to COVID and our school.
Whilst it is clear that Inter Region Sport will not return any time soon, there was an air of hope that local 'friendly' sport may be able to return. As such, I have written to the Headmaster's of some local schools, to suggest this, should IPSSO not return in Term 4. 
Whilst there is still some uncertainty in relation to camps and graduation events occurring as they normally would, we are hopeful of easing of restrictions, if it is safe to do so. 
I want to commend our students who are showing great resilience and understanding this year! Well Done! Just another reason I am so proud of you all.

We Hate To Say Goodbye

We acknowledge that circumstances change and the sometimes families need to leave St. Peter's. Although we hate to say goodbye, please be reminded that a full term notice is required if you intend to leave the School this year.
The last day to advise the Headmaster in writing, is Friday, 25 September 2020. 

You Deserve An Early Mark!

In recognition of the outstanding behaviour, effort and commitment to learning in this term, the Headmaster has declared the last day of term a half day.

Students may be collected at 1:00pm - 1:30pm, if families would like the opportunity to get away early. Of course supervision will continue for the afternoon for anyone unable to be collected and OSHC will operate as normal. 

Please indicate below if you intend on picking up your children early on the last day of Term 3 by clicking on the google form link below:

Google Form

Drive through will occur in the main car park only for K-6 students. Prep students would need to be collected from the gate, as normal. 

Tennis Coaching

This term has seen the return of Tennis Coaching to School Sport.

We have developed a new partnership with the local Tennis Club and as interest builds, private lessons during class time on a Tuesday as well as lunchtime on Tuesday and Wednesday will begin.

If you are interested in small group lessons with 4-6 students, call Jared from Centre Court Tennis on 0404 457 088. Alternatively check out their website at



Year 2 - Inventors Day

Mrs Kathy Hollis - Coordinator of Students Kindergarten - Year 2

On Friday, 11 September 2020 Year 2 will be having an Inventors Day as a conclusion to their current Unit of Inquiry. Students have been inquiring into how technology has changed and the impact this has had on our daily life. They have also been looking at the people who invented some of the items we use everyday.

On this day students are invited to come to school dressed as an inventor. They will become inventors of items for the future!