Telephone: 4627 2990
On the Friday, 18 September 2020 (Week 8) we will have our annual school Science Day.
This year our Science Day will follow the National Science Week theme of 'Deep Blue: Innovations for the Future of our Oceans'.
During the course of the day, students will develop their scientific inquiry skills through a variety of hands-on science, technology and engineering activities, organised by the classroom teachers.
They will participate in a show run by Fizzics Education, exploring scientific principles through fun experiments and exciting displays. More information relevant to each grade may be provided by classroom teachers.
The children have been very busy at OSHC since the beginning of Term 3. They have been continuing to care for our garden which we updated during Vacation Care. There are still some more plants to be planted which the children will be working on next week. They have also been busy making some totem poles that will be displayed in the garden.
The children have continued to be very busy with their drawing and have been working hard exploring with many mediums including pencils, textas, oil pastels and charcoal. The children created an OSHC Art Exhibition for their peers and teachers to come and see their work. As you can see from the pictures they have done some awesome work!
A well deserving recipient of this award, Matilda is a student who always strives to achieve her very best with focus and enthusiasm. She has a gentle and kind approach to her friendships and has a carefree and resilient attitude which means she is sought after by others.
Matilda approaches her learning with creativity and flair as she goes ‘outside the box’ to demonstrate her learning and is a real ‘go-getter’. She can be an effective leader as well as a compassionate listener and encourager, always displaying beautiful manners.
Matilda involves herself in various co-curricular groups and is an excellent role model for others to follow.
Congratulations Matilda!
Mr Joseph Mizzi will be Acting Facilities Manager as from Monday, 24 August 2020. Mr Mizzi is currently a member of our facilities team.
Give thanks for the successful completion of Years 3 - 6 Athletics running events this week.
Give thanks for the Ministry Team at St. Peter's Anglican Church who creatively minister to our students each week.
Continue to pray for the safety and wellbeing of our community and for those seeking a vaccine.
The Campbelltown City Bowling Club have notified the School that the Howe Street Car Park will be unavailable for parents to use on the following Wednesday mornings between 7.00am to 9.30am:
Thank you for your understanding.
Monday, 27 July 2020 - Friday, 25 September 2020
Monday, 24 August 2020
ICAS - English
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
ICAS - Digital Technology
Monday, 31 August 2020
ICAS - Mathematics
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Father's Day Stall
Monday, 7 September 2020
Intumbane Slipper Day
Prep Pyjama Day - Kangaroos, Koalas & Possums
Friday, 11 September 2020
Prep Pyjama Day - Echidnas, Wombats & Possums
St. Peter's Open Day
It is now confirmed that IPSSO Sport will not return in Term 3.
Looking ahead to Term 4, the current plan is that Winter Sports will commence and Summer Sports will not return in 2020. This is the most up-to-date information at this point. If your child was in a Summer IPSSO team and has not returned their shirt (Cricket and Basketball) or their Oz Tag shorts, please return these at your earliest convenience.
This term has seen the return of Tennis Coaching to School Sport.
We have developed a new partnership with the local Tennis Club and as interest builds, private lessons during class time on a Tuesday as well as lunchtime on Tuesday and Wednesday will begin.
If you are interested in small group lessons with 4-6 students, call Jared from Centre Court Tennis on 0404 457 088. Alternatively check out their website at
We hope to start lessons by around Week 6.
Students were able to compete in a modified Running Carnival at the Campbelltown Showground on Wednesday of this week. We held the standard races of 100m, 200m and 800m. While the track layout was not perfect in comparison to what we have become accustomed to at the Campbelltown Stadium, and we had no parent helpers or spectators, students still had a great time and appreciated the opportunity to move beyond the school gates and experience a ‘normal’ school event. Field events have taken place during lunch time and PE lessons and points have been added to running results to calculate Age Champions and House winners.
The winning House, based on participation points, was Roxburgh on 90, closely followed by Argyle on 89 and Cumberland in 3rd place on 85 points. The overall Carnival winner was Argyle on 425 points, well ahead of their closest rivals Cumberland on 326, Roxburgh on 234 and Cook on 320.
Age Champions:
Jnr: 1st- Jacob M and Alicia W
2nd Elijah H and Georgia R
3rd Lachlan C and Danijela G
11 years: 1st Dylan B and Ella F
2nd- Nile B and Timaima F
3rd- Matias M and Sienna Z
12 years- 1st Trisitan C and Evelyn R
2nd- Lachlan R and Tehlia S
3rd- Oliver A and Brooke D
I have recently been informed by NSW AFL that the Community Auskick programme that commenced in Term 2, will not return this year.
There has been some confusion over emails received by parents stating that packs have been delivered to school. They have not yet arrived, however when they do, all students will receive their pack and parents will also receive an email from NSW AFL with a link to receive a partial refund for the programme.