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Car Safety

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Thank you for the way you as a School Community have adhered to our need for changes in the way our afternoon pick up functions.  It has worked well and for your part in this we are grateful.
One aspect that has been highlighted to us from a variety of sources is the concern that students should be correctly buckled into seatbelts or child restraints prior to leaving our car park.  Unfortunately, due to both Child Safety and COVID safe requirements, staff are unable to lean into cars to assist with this process.  If your child requires your assistance with this, please feel free to pause briefly past the church pick up driveway to ensure they are safe before proceeding out of our driveway.

Premier's Reading Challenge

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement
A reminder that the closing date for recording books online is Friday, 28 August 2020.
All students have been provided with their username and password in their student diaries. Please contact the School Office if you need these details.
Students in Kindergarten - Year 2 need to 'read' or experience 30 books and Years 3-6 are required to read 20 books. This year, due to COVID-19, students may include up to 10 free choice books.
The St. Peter's Challenge is running again this year. Students need to give Mrs Nash a record of additional books they have read, not including the 20 or 30 entered online for the official PRC, by Monday, 31 August 2020. This record must be signed by a parent/carer.

ICAS 2020

Please be reminded that ICAS assessments will take place during Term 3. Families wishing for their child/children to participate, must utilise the Parent Payment System provided by the University of NSW.
To access the Parent Payment System, visit: https://shop.unswglobal.com.au/pages/pps and enter the School Access Code: LXF322
The Parent Payment System is open until Friday, 17 July 2020. Orders beyond this date will not be accepted.


Further to the email sent out earlier this morning, a reminder that Reports for Semester One, will be available via the Sentral Parent Portal next Friday, 3 July 2020. 
Hard copies as requested by families will be available for collection from the School Office during the holidays. You must be a registered user in order to access the portal.
If you have not previously registered for our Sentral Parent Portal, please see below instructions:
  1. Please log on to the Internet and register for access to our Parent Portal here: http://sentral.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/portal/register
  2. You must use a valid email address to create your username
  3. Once successfully registered you will be prompted to enter your username (email address) and the password that you created
You will need this information each time you log on to the Parent Portal. 
You must retain this information for future logins.

Band and Strings Invoicing (Term 2)

Please be advised that in acknowledging the disruption to the running of these groups, we will not be charging Instrument Hire or Tuition Fees for Term 2. Incidentals, such as new reeds, cleaning kits or repairs will still, however incur a charge where appropriate.
My deepest thanks to both Miss Chin and Miss Hardiman who worked tirelessly to ensure that students still progressed in learning their instrument through Seesaw activities and the provision of online feedback.
It has been wonderful to hear our Tutorials recommence over the past few weeks, and we look forward to the Ensembles rejoining all together in the near future. 

Programming at OSHC

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

All OSHC Services are regulated by the Department of Education’s Early Childhood Education Directorate. Services are approved to operate under the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) ACT 2010, the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Framework. OSHC Services are also required to provide an educational programme in accordance with the My Time Our Place, the framework for school age care in Australia.

Here at St. Peter’s OSHC we are a Service of high quality ensuring we meet all of regulatory requirements. We have always been and continue to be a relaxed and fun environment for our students. The OSHC team prepare and design our programme to create such a fun and relaxed atmosphere, as we know how important environments are for the children to feel comfortable and have a sense of belonging. 

Belonging is a word the OSHC team use a lot, as this is what we aim for you and your children to feel at our Service. Feeling a sense of belonging is knowing you have a genuine connection with the people around you, where you feel safe and secure to just be yourself. This in turn will provide the children with confidence allowing them to express themselves, try new things, challenge themselves and take risks. When your children attend OSHC we get to know them as individuals, we also observe how they socialise in group situations and we plan activities to build on and extend their needs and interests. One of the best parts of socialising at OSHC is that it provides the children with the opportunity to develop friendships with other children of varying ages, not just their same age peers in their immediate circle. 

When we are developing and preparing our programme, all staff review their observations of the children and discuss how we can help support and extend the children’s interests. Educators observations are only one step of our programming, the children are the voice and are the centre of our programme. The children are always actively involved in the programming process, they share their ideas with educators as well as adding their ideas in the suggestion box. Most importantly as you would be aware children’s interests change daily, this why it is so important that our programme is flexible. Having a flexible programme enables the children to follow and extend on their ideas. 

Our upcoming Vacation Care Programme demonstrates how well the educators know and listen to the children. For example, as the children love clay work and making characters from clay, blocks and paper, we have planned a Claymation day. This provides the children with another medium to express themselves and utilise technology to make, tell and share their stories. Board games have been a huge hit, so much so that we are creating a life-sized game of Candy Land so the children can immerse themselves into the game. Then we have back by popular demand from the children our exciting Hogwarts day, this a day loved by everyone. All the OSHC staff go above and beyond for all these activities and are currently working very hard to prepare these amazing days for the children. 

As you know we love to share our programme with you, what the children have been participating in. We also know many of you are missing looking through our photo displays and the journals. We have been adding some photos in the newsletters for you all, we have added some more this week and we hope you are continuing to enjoy these.



Student of the Month - March

Ava is a great role model for all. She is a focused learner who ensures that each task she completes is done as well as she possibly can do it.

Ava is respectful and polite to her fellow students and to all teachers. She always uses her manners and listens carefully and respectfully to everyone.

Ava is often noticed offering help to others. She is a friendly student and tries to make sure everyone has a friend to play with.

Ava is a very deserving recipient of this award.   

Student of the Month - May

Kieren is a model student and an asset to St. Peter’s Anglican Primary School. No matter the task or the challenge he always tries his best and displays a focused approach to his learning.

Kieren is a diligent worker who takes risks and is very curious about the world around him. He is a friend to all, he actively looks for ways to include others and works collaboratively in group tasks. For this reason, other students enjoy working with Kieren and feel listened to and appreciated. He always has a smile on his face and is respectful to teachers and visitors of the schools.

Kieren has a servant heart and is often doing helpful tasks without being asked, including picking up rubbish, comforting a peer or helping others pack up. His selfless attitude and dedicated work ethic make Kieren a worthy recipient of Student of the Month.

Staffing Update

Our School Nurse, Mrs Danielle Sultana and her husband Damien will be expecting their fifth child and Danielle will be commencing her maternity leave at the end of August. 

We wish Danielle and Damien every blessing as they eagerly await the arrival of their new baby. 

We are pleased to announce that Mrs Sophia Gauci will be returning to cover Mrs Danielle Sultana's maternity leave. Mrs Gauci has previously worked at St. Peter's and will be working Thursday and Friday alongside Mrs Keats, Monday - Wednesday.

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:
Year 3 

School Shop

Our School Shop will continue to operate during our Staff Professional Development Week by appointment only.

Appointments can be made any day of the week by contacting our School Office.  

School Shop - New White Long Sleeve T-Shirts For Sale

Did you know that students can wear a long sleeve white t-shirt under their uniform and house polo top to add extra warmth?
We are now stocking them in the School Shop for your convenience.  We have sizes ranging from size 3 to size 22 at $18.00 each. The collar is designed to withstand many washes and keep its shape.
We are holding a starting special for school families in Week 10 of Term 2 with 10% off all Long Sleeve White T-Shirts purchased.  Hurry while stocks last.


School Shop - Second Hand Blazers

The Shop is now able to take second hand Blazers for resale.
They must be dry cleaned, with the dry clean tag still attached and in the plastic wrap.
All submissions must be accompanied by a Consignment form which can be obtained from the School Office or by emailing: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Prayer Points

  • Pray for wisdom and guidance for our teachers as they faithfully present the Gospel each week.

  • Give thanks for bringing us safely to the end of another term.

  • Pray for rest, peace and health in our community during the upcoming holiday period.

School Calendar

Term 2 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020 - Friday, 3 July 2020

Week 10

Friday, 3 July 2020
School Reports available via the Parent Portal

School Holidays

Monday, 6 July 2020 - Friday, 17 July 2020

Staff Professional Development Week (Pupil Free Week)

Monday, 20 July 2020 - Friday, 24 July 2020

School Office Open 9.00 am - 3.00 pm

Friday, 24 July 2020

School Office Closed/No Vacation Care

Term 3

Monday, 27 July 2020 - Friday, 25 September 2020

Week 1

Monday, 27 July 2020

Students Commence Term 3

Tuesday, 28 July 2020 

100 Days of Kindergarten Party


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Are you ready for change?

If you're anything like me, you may be catching yourself wondering where this year has gone? To be so close to the end of Term 2, when so many of the things we take for granted, or expect, simply haven't happened; seems strange. 

Of course we know much has happened. Schools have evolved and changed to cater for remote learning, gradually introducing things to our experience and calendars. There is still a way to go, however change must now be a normal expectation. Change is going to be a constant. 
Earlier this week, the Premier, Gladys Berejiklian and the NSW Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell, released the Government's response to the NSW Curriculum Review. Change is coming! 
The Government's response accepted many of the recommendations and set an ambitious plan for achieving significant reform in our schools. St. Peter's, whilst an Independent School, is registered with NESA (NSW Education & Standards Authority) to deliver the curriculum to students in NSW. Of course, we do this through the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. This will continue into the future.
What will change includes new syllabus (curriculum) requirements for Kindergarten - Year 2 English and Mathematics. A greater focus on skills, connection between subjects (being more transdisciplinary) and a significant decluttering of the curriculum. Some 20% of content is suggested to be removed. In our context, that's equivalent to a day a week.
Students operating on learning continuum's, and being able to move along at an appropriate pace, is exciting. There is clearly much to analyse and consider, although good schools are never afraid of change, in fact they embrace it. St. Peter's has been ready for this change and looks forward to continuing to provide quality, differentiated curriculum experiences for all of our students, to meet their needs, within an Inquiry Based, student centred, Christian learning environment.  

IPSSO Sport Update

We have been given the green light for IPSSO Sport to return in Term 3.

There are however, some changes that will occur:

  • There will be no Finals, which will allow round games to continue in our Southern Pool until Week 8, providing students with more opportunity to play.
  • Games will also be spectator free, which means parents will not be allowed to watch from the sidelines or enter games at any school.

This will be revised when the Summer Competition resumes in Term 4.

There will be extra precautions taken around hand sanitising before and after games and students who are unwell will not be permitted to play.

We look forward to returning to Competitive Sport.


A reminder that students who were in Soccer and Oz Tag in Term 1, are required to return their jerseys as these will be required for Winter teams. Basketball and Cricket jerseys may be kept for the return of Summer sport. 

2021 Musical Announcement

Students will be meeting on Monday, 29 June 2020 for our Term 2 Whole School Assembly. A much shorter, and unfortunately parent free Assembly. Students will find out which Musical St. Peter's will be staging in 2021. 
Stay tuned to the Social Media accounts for this exciting announcement! 

Parent Teacher Interviews

We would like to commence Term 3 with Parent / Teacher Interviews being on a 'needs based' approach with greater flexibility in regards to timing. If a classroom teacher has a specific need to speak with you regarding your child, they will make contact with you.
Likewise, should you need to have a discussion, please contact our School Office and an appropriate time and platform will be determined with the class teacher. 
We hope to reintroduce opportunities for these important conversations about your children's learning and wellbeing, later in Term 3.

Athletics Carnival

CIS has now confirmed the cancellation of the CIS Athletics Carnival.

IPSHA still intends to hold their Carnival at this point, however they are reliant on SOPAC allowing a carnival to go ahead. If IPSHA goes ahead, St. Peter’s will have a modified Carnival in order to select students to represent at IPSHA. I will keep you informed as any changes come to light. 

We Need Teachers For 2021

Due to continual growth and interest, we are looking for some new teachers for 2021. Some of our Year 2 students are inviting applications. After all, this is the students School.

Please visit our website https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

* Classroom Teachers for 2021 - Applications Close Friday, 31 July 2020


Author Jackie French in Year 5

Over the term, Year 5 have been reading a range of Jackie French novels. Students have been focussing on perspective and narration closely with an idea that: Stories are navigated by personal position.
On Tuesday, students had the opportunity to 'zoom' with Jackie French. It was such an amazing opportunity where students were able to ask their many questions. 
Moved by her Novel, 'Goodbye, Mr. Hitler', Nishith in 5S, wrote an adaption of the Novel as a Picture Book, 'Goodnight, Mr. Hitler'. He creatively extended the metaphors in French's novel to tell a horrifying part of history in a simplistic, effective and well written way.We were lucky enough to share the story with Jackie French. She wrote back to commend Nishith on his effort saying, "That is magnificent, and extraordinarily moving. Thank you so very much for sending it to me." 
We are so thankful for Jackie French's willingness to engage with us in this way and support and inspire our students.