Telephone: 4627 2990
Cooper is a caring and determined young man. He shows excellent focus in the classroom, contributing to discussions in every area of learning and making thoughtful inquiries.
Cooper tries his best, asks questions when he needs to and listens to teacher feedback to improve his work. He is friendly to everyone and does a great job of helping to look after younger students.
Cooper shows his kind nature with others and makes sure that people are being treated well. He shows great respect for teachers and always tries to do the right thing.
Cooper is a very worthy recipient of the Student of the Month award.
Congratulations to Cooper!
On behalf of Anglicare, I’d like to say thank you for participating in our 2021 Toys’n’Tucker campaign!
In order to keep families and communities safe, Toys’n’Tucker looked a little different. In total, Anglican churches, schools and other partners raised $162,291.94 & we’re thankful for how your school community contributed. This money allowed Anglicare to pack hampers in our warehouse, and hand deliver these hampers to the doors of families in need. Because of the contribution from your school and others, all of Anglicare’s vulnerable clients and many others were able to receive a generous Christmas hamper full of essentials, Christmas treats, and the message of the hope found in Jesus.
Please pass on our gratitude to your students, teachers & parents for their contribution.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership with us.
May the message of Jesus’ love, sacrifice and forgiveness be faithfully proclaimed within our community during this special season.
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Rep Sport BYE
Friday, 1 April 2022
9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly
9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Easter Chapel
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Intumbane Movies @ St Peter's
11.35am - 12.20pm: Junior Rep Sport Vs Macarthur Anglican
1.00pm - 2.00pm: Senior Rep Sport Vs Macarthur Anglican
Thursday, 7 April 2022
10.00am: School Tour
Friday, 8 April 2022
Last Day Term 1
Year 5, 2023 Scholarships Close
9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Assembly
Staff Professional Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Students Commence Term 2
Thursday, 28 April 2022
4.00pm: School Tour
Friday, 29 April 2022
9.00am - 10.00am: Whole School ANZAC Assembly & Junior Primary Assembly
Below are the adjusted Age Champions for 12 Year Boys, separating the Preparatory (Primary) School from the Middle (Secondary) School. Also now acknowledged are the other Middle (Secondary) Age Champions. All other Age Champions remain the same as previously noted.
School Swimming Carnival - Age Champions:
12 Year Boys – Preparatory (Primary) School
1st | TIED 2nd |
Elijah H. | Kobe J. & Cooper M. |
12 Year Boys – Middle (Secondary) School
1st | 2nd |
Thomas B. | Jeremy D’S. |
12 Year Girls – Middle (Secondary) School
1st | 2nd |
Glenis A. | Shafiya K. |
13 Year Boys – Middle (Secondary) School
Not Awarded |
13 Year Girls – Middle (Secondary) School
1st |
Evie C. |
It has been a great privilege to meet with many families over recent weeks to conduct Information Sessions, Tours and Interviews. A common statement that is shared during my various conversations is 'All we want is for our child/ren to be happy'. I suspect this comment resonates with many families across our community. As parents our job is to love, care and nurture our children. Of course, we want the best for them. We naturally try to protect them from difficulties and do all we can to make our children feel good or happy. While happiness is no doubt a worthy and admirable goal, should we be aspiring for more?
As we know, life is full of adversity and disappointment. We know first-hand how much our lives have been disrupted over the past two years. Life for some over this time has been far from happy. Teaching our children to bounce back when life doesn’t go to plan is key to coping with difficulties. Rather than simply creating happiness, there is great potential benefit in allowing our children to experience challenges in order for them to develop resilience.
One of the many difficulties as a parent is to find opportunities to allow our children to fail safely. Allowing children to face challenges and openly discuss their disappointments in order to assist them in developing healthy coping strategies and to build resilience.
When schools and home partner to intentionally nurture and model resilience, we shape and develop young minds with the necessary skills needed to navigate life well in the future. Now that’s a powerful goal.
The St Peter's School Cross Country has had to be rescheduled to Monday, 4 April 2022 at Mount Annan Botanical Gardens. This is due to ground conditions at the gardens and earlier alternate dates being unavailable.
IPSHA Cross Country has been postponed due to ground conditions at Kings School. It will be rescheduled to Term 2, 2022.
On Monday, 25 April, ANZAC Day, St Peter's staff and students have been invited to participate with other schools, community members and RSL Veterans in the ANZAC Day March through the streets of Campbelltown. The March will conclude with a wreath laying ceremony at Mawson Park in respect of all who have given their lives in defence of this great country.
It would be wonderful to have as many of our students present to mark this significant day. If you are able to attend, students should ideally wear full Winter uniform including their walking hat. We will assemble near Campbelltown Mall, on the corner of Queen and Allman Streets at 8.00 am to secure our place for an 8.25 am start to the march.
Please report to myself (Mr Raft) who will be present on the morning. We will communicate accordingly should there be any COVID related changes to this event.
Wednesday, 30 March 2022: St Peter’s has a BYE.
Wednesday, 6 April 2022: St Peter’s VS Macarthur. Cricket, Soccer & Oztag @ Campbelltown Showground. Basketball @ St Peter’s.
Junior games commence: 11:35am
Senior games commence: 1:00pm
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