Harmony Day / Grandparents Day

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
"Save the Date"
As printed in our 2023 Calendar, we will be hosting our annual Grandparents Day in conjunction with Harmony Day on Friday, 24 March 2023. Further details will be forthcoming, however, we look forward to serving our Grandparents Morning Tea and having them visit our classrooms.

Broughton Anglican College - Year 7 Taster Day

On Friday, 10 March 2023, Broughton Anglican College will be hosting interested Year 6 students from St Peter's at their annual Year 7 Taster Day.  The day is shaping up to be filled with many fun activities designed to give students an idea of what to expect at High School.
Further information and a permission note will be emailed to Year 6 families in the coming week.

Uniform matters

Walking Hats
Our School Shop now has stock of our new Navy Walking Hat which is able to be worn with either the existing uniform or our new Grammar uniform.  
We are aware that many Year 1 students were unable to purchase a hat last year and so over the next week, we will be fitting Year 1 for Walking Hats and communicating appropriate sizes via a sticker in their diaries.  Parents can then make payment for these by calling the school office and hats will be delivered to students.
It is the expectation that all students wear their Walking Hat to and from school each day and ensures sun safety both before and after school.  Reminders of this will be communicated to parents via the student diary when necessary and we appreciate your assistance in reminding students to wear their hats.  Please ensure that hats are labelled so they can be returned to students if lost.
Hat Clips
Stock of Bag Clips have been received in the uniform shop and we encourage all families to purchase these at a cost of $15. 
The Bag Clips have a strong magnetic clip that attaches to the school bag.  Hats are much less likely to get lost during the day if they are securely attached to school bags.
School Shop Hours
Beginning Week 5, our school shop will be available for appointments Monday - Wednesday.  Please contact the shop via Reception to make an appointment.  
Uniform items can also be ordered via email shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au with payment taken over the phone.  Our School Shop staff are also happy to fit students for new items during the school day to assist families when required.
Uniform reminders
- Jewellery - bangles or necklaces are not permitted as part of the school uniform.  Girls may wear a single pair of plain silver or gold studs.
- Shoes - jogger style black shoes may not be worn with the formal uniform.  Sports shoes must be predominantly white.
As we continue the transition to our new St Peter's Grammar Uniform, questions have been raised regarding the wearing of school badges.  
Students wearing the new uniform should pin badges to their left hand collar.  This includes badges such as Band, Choir, Student of the Month, Headmaster's Medallion, Prefect and House Captain.
Girls who are wearing the old St Peter's uniform should continue to pin these to their white tie.
During Terms 2 and 3, badges will be pinned to blazers in Years 3-6.
Students are no longer required to wear the old St Peter's crest badge with uniforms.

Carpark Safety

We appreciate the efforts of our school community in utilising our school carpark in a manner that ensures the safety of our students.  A reminder that Pre-K families should not join the Drive-Through lines for either drop-off or pick up.  Families are asked to walk their students to the Hall Playground gate along the path from external carparks.  Pre-Kindergarten may be dropped from 8.45am and must be collected by 3.00pm. Numbered car spaces in our school park should not be utilised by families dropping students in the morning.

Please note that no Kindergarten - Year 6 students should be dropped at the front of the school prior to 8.10am.  Students who are involved in before school activities such as Music Groups or Sports training may be dropped at 8.00am, however, supervision for all other students begins at 8.10am when the Main Tunnel gate opens. 
We thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Food Day - Friday, 3 March 2023

A reminder our Food Day is next Friday, 3 March 2023.

All Orders must be recieved by 12.00 noon on Monday, 27 February 2023 , unfortunately no orders can be accepted after this time due to catering requirements.  


We will be offering the following varieties:

  • Bread Type: White or Gluten Free Wrap
  • Main Ingredient: Ham or Tuna, Chicken Strips or No Meat
  • Filling Options: Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber

If you would like to purchase a Subway 6" Sub for lunch, please use the below Trybooking Order Link below:


Booking Link

Pete's Cafe

It has been wonderful to see our school community gather over a coffee, hot chocolate and muffin each Friday morning. Pete's Cafe is open 8.10 - 9.30am each Friday morning of term for both students and parents.  Payments can be made in both cash and EFTPOS.  

Sharing our learning

We love to be in partnership with you as we help your children learn. To support this, each grade utilises Seesaw as a way to share the learning happening in classrooms. Please keep your eye out for our Unit of Inquiry posters, as well as the Learning Overview, as a way to be informed of the wonderful things taking place in classrooms. 
The Learning Overview is produced each term, and is a snapshot of the learning that takes place outside the Unit of Inquiry. The Unit of Inquiry posters are shared within the first week of starting a new unit (on average every 6 weeks).

NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5 families)

Parents should have received detailed information earlier this week, outlining the process of NAPLAN. If you did not receive this information, please contact our Administration Office to ensure we have the correct email address for you.

Parent Information Session (Week 6)

This session (2pm, repeated at 7pm) will focus on the NSW Curriculum reform, providing information regarding the NEW English Syllabus (in place for K - 2 in 2023, 3 - 6 in 2024) and some preliminary information around the evidence based research regarding how students begin to read and write. 
All are welcome, noting that it is a parent event. 
At the conclusion of this event our Friends of St Peter's Forum will take place. 

Parent Teacher Conferences (Week 7)

Our first offering of conferences is designed with a focus on student wellbeing. 
Due to the early timeframe within the school year, conversations will be held around the following:
  • How your child has settled into the class

  • How your child is applying themselves within class

  • Social / emotional progress 

  • A discussion around goals you may have your child

  • Any further information that you feel the class teacher should know

Please note that attendance is not compulsory. These conferences are at the discretion of each individual family based on a perceived need. Families who have already attended a meeting this term (i.e. an IP meeting) are not required to attend these conferences. Students of Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) are invited to attend the conference with their parents / carers.

Further information will be provided later in Week 5, regarding how to book a conference. Please keep an eye on your email for this.

Vocal Ensemble 2023

Congratulations to the following students, on their successful audition for Vocal Ensemble:
Victoria A, Veronica A, Veruschka B, Bryelle B, Emma C, Dinulika G, Ella H (Choir Captain), Lennox K, Mikayla M, Annie M, Alexander M, Manmi M, Olivia P, Claire R, Divija S, Matilda T, Mia T, Shelley Z

Band & Strings

Mr Brad Stoicescu - Band & Strings Conductor
It has been a great start to the year with Band and Strings! We have hit the ground running with our tutorials and whole ensemble rehearsals. Students are already showing improvement across the board and their motivation to succeed is clear with how organised they are, turning up on time and having all their equipment with them.
It is expected that students attend all of their relevant tutorials and rehearsals, even if they have forgotten their instrument. In the rare and unfortunate case that an instrument is left at home, students can still come and take note of what we are working on as a group, and what they can be practising at home. A reminder of our ensemble tutorial days and rehearsal times: 
  • Monday: Senior Band - 3:30-4:30pm rehearsal
  • Tuesday: Junior Band - 8:00-8:45am rehearsal
  • Wednesday: Junior Strings - 3:30-4:30pm rehearsal
  • Thursday: Senior Strings - 8:00-8:45am rehearsal
  • Friday: Training Band - 8:00-8:45am rehearsal
Please get in touch with myself if attending rehearsals poses any difficulty for you or your family: bstoicescu@stpeters.nsw.edu.au
I would also like to take time to recognise outstanding commitment and achievement by students who have recently been promoted to a higher level ensemble. I am always looking to recognise and reward consistent effort and improvement, so keep it up!
Moving from Training Band to Junior Band:
- Jessica S
- Oliver C
- Molly O
- Oliver H
- Noah S
- Evie C
- Summer B
Moving from Junior Band to Senior Band:
- Harlem K
Practice journals will be sent home with each student within the next fortnight. Please keep an eye out for them and encourage your child to follow the practice guidelines and requirements specified in the booklet. Practice should be enjoyable and not feel like a chore!
Happy music-making!

Auditions Process

We are excited to announce auditions for the Public Speaking Competition. This competition is open to all students in Years 4 - Years 6 and is an opportunity for students to participate and improve their oratory skills.

Any student wishing to audition for the Public Speaking Competition can do so by recording a prepared speech on a topic they are passionate about. This speech should be prepared by the student themselves and go for no longer than 1 minute. Please ensure that students are visibly seen and able to be heard clearly.

All videos should be emailed to publicspeaking@stpeters.nsw.edu.au  by Tuesday, 7 March 2023.

Once all videos are viewed, a small group of students will be selected for the next stage of auditions, this stage will include an impromptu speech.

Finalists will then be chosen by the end of Week 6 and will be involved in attending workshops to begin Week 7. These workshops will improve participants’ public speaking skills. The Competition will involve students presenting a prepared and impromptu speech in front of an audience.
This event is scheduled for Term 2, Week 3, 2023.

Should you have any questions or inquiries, please ask your child to contact Mr Stockinger or Mrs Edmunds.

IPSHA Swimming

We wish all students representing St Peter’s at the IPSHA Swimming carnival on Wednesday, 1 March, 2023 at Sydney Olympic Park Swimming Centre all the best!



Congratulations to Woojin S who is 2nd reserve for the State CIS Tennis team.

IPPSO Draw Updates

Please note, Week 5 (Wednesday, 1 March) the game times against St. Gregory’s College are now:

  • Junior: 11:45 - 12:25
  • Senior: 12:50- 1.50

Week 7 (Wednesday, 15 March) against Mount Annan Christian College games have updated venue changes:

  • Soccer at Nugget Beames Reserve, Narellan Vale
  • Cricket and Oztag at Jack Nash Reserve, Currans Hill
  • Basketball at Birriwa Courts, Mount Annan

Cross Country

We are looking forward to our Years 2-6 Cross Country on Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 at the Mount Annan Botanical Gardens.

Students are to be dropped off at school as usual and will be transported to the Gardens with their class by bus. They will then return to school before lunch to resume normal classes and learning for the afternoon.

Parents are welcome to come and spectate in the Parent Spectator Area. Please note, students are not allowed to sit with their parents in this area.

Please ensure notes are returned ASAP.

School Sport

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

We are enjoying the beginning of our school sporting programmes. Students will engage in fair play and cooperation that promote enjoyment and recognise the importance of health and lifestyle balance.

Kindergarten - Year 2 are participating in games and sports where they complete simple movement sequences to show an understanding of dynamics, spatial awareness, relationships, timing and rhythm of movement.

Years 3-6 are involved in gaining skills in a variety of team sports, including Netball, Invasion Games and AFL.


We had a smooth and enjoyable start to the IPSSO season. Although not all teams came away with a win, the students played well and represented St Peter’s proudly.
A reminder that students need their sports bags to carry items to and from IPSSO games - water bottles, recess/lunch, boots, etc. Please ensure you are using the St Peter’s sports bags, with the exception of cricket kits. Red St Peter’s sports socks must be worn for Soccer, Oz Tag and AFL teams. These are available for purchase at the Uniform Shop.

IPSSO Results


Week 3 v. Oran Park Anglican (Away)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 2-12

Player of the Match:

Christian S

Win 5/55 - 1/70

Player of the Match:

Arthur L

Loss 10-8

Player of the Match:

Woojin S

Draw 0-0

Player of the Match:

April A

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 18-12

Player of the Match:

Guy C

Loss 1/56 - 5/29

Player of the Match:

Henry C

Loss 17-4

Player of the Match:

Savannah N

Loss 3-0

Player of the Match:

Ela E

Week 4 v. BYE


  • Pray for our Year 6 students as they are training to be Buddy Group Leaders, that they will learn the sacrifice of Leadership and how to serve us as a school. 
  • Pray for our students and staff as we continue to settle into the School year. Pray especially for our new Kindergarten students that they continue to make friends and enjoy the love of learning. 


School Calendar

Term 1
Monday, 30 January 2023 - Thursday, 6 April 2023
Week 5
Monday, 27 February 2023

9.00am: Assembly - Years 3 - 6

Food Day Orders - Cut off 12.00 noon

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

IPSHA - Swim/Dive
3.45pm - 4.45pm: School Tour for new families

Thursday, 2 March 2023

10.00: 2024 Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Information Session and Tour
6.00pm: 2024 Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Information Session and Tour 

Friday, 3 March 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Food Day 

Week 6
Monday, 6 March 2023

Mid Term Break - Pupil Free
No Vacation Care/School Office Closed

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

2.00pm - 3.00pm:Parent Information Session
7.00pm - 8.00pm:Parent Information Session

Thursday, 9 March 2023

2.00pm: School Tour for new families

Friday, 10 March 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

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Welcome to Another Exciting Week!

Welcome to another exciting week!

We hope you have had a great start to the year and have settled into the routine of school and home.
This week I have met with leaders of other schools to talk about the future direction of Christian education; what we have at St Peter's is extraordinary: we see the world from God's perspective and help students to understand a long-term view - eternity!

Also, I visited the Year 6 Leadership Camp this week. It was great to visit God's beautiful creation at Port Hacking and see Year 6 enjoy themselves as they participated in activities they couldn't usually access. I'm sure they'll be tired when they get home! 
Looking ahead, we have Cross Country, NAPLAN, and Grandparents Day planned for February and March.