2023 Information Sessions

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten
On Thursday, 10 March 2022, we will be holding our Information Session for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2023.  If you have younger siblings who will be turning 4 prior to 30 April 2023 we would love to see you on this occasion.  We know that so many of our families are at St Peter's due to a recommendation from friends and family, and so would appreciate your assistance by inviting friends or family with children of this age to come along and find out about the wonderful Early Learning experiences offered by our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programmes.
This will be an Information Session regarding our programmes, the enrolment process and booking details for Interviews will be emailed to families who have registered at the conclusion of the evening, with Interviews taking place onsite beginning Saturday, 12 March 2022. 
Registration for the Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten Information Session can be made by clicking here.
Years 7 & 8
On Tuesday, 8 March 2022, we are excited to welcome students and families who are interested in exploring our Year 7 and 8 programme for 2023 and 2024.  It would be wonderful to have our current Year 5 and 6 students and their families at this event, welcoming new families to our St Peter's community. 
There will be an Information Session run by our Head of Middle School, Mr Kelshaw outlining the learning opportunities available to students.  Current Year 7 students and Middle School staff will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We ask that current Year 5 and 6 students wear their school uniform on this occasion.
Registration for the Years 7 and 8 Information Session and Tour can be made by clicking here.

Uniform Matters

Our Year 7 students have received and have begun wearing their new St Peter's Anglican Grammar uniforms.  With the arrival this week of boys shirts, all Year 7 students now have access to both their formal uniform and sports uniform.  New uniform sports socks in some sizes are still on their way and we will communicate further once these arrive.  Until this time, Year 7 may wear plain white sports socks with their sports uniform. 

We are also awaiting further stock of shorts and House polo shirts for Pre-Kindergarten and will let families know when we are able to sell additional sets of these uniforms.


Lost Property

We have an increasing collection of Lost Property in our School Office.  Unfortunately many of the items in this collection do not have student names and so we are unable to return these to students. This includes a number of jumpers and cardigans which will be needed as the weather cools down.

It would be appreciated if you could ensure that all items of clothing as well as drink bottles, lunch boxes and other food containers are clearly labelled.  
Please note that any unlabelled items of clothing not collected within 1 week will be donated to our sick bay.  For hygiene reasons, unlabelled lunch boxes, other food containers and drink bottles will be disposed of at the end of each week.
Thank you for your assistance with this.

Child Safety Programme

Throughout Semester One, all students from Pre-Kindergarten - Year 6, will participate in intentional learning experiences regarding child safety. It is our strong desire as a school to empower students to make the best choice in keeping themselves safe, in an age appropriate manner. The programme utilised at St Peter's is based upon the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Programme, and has been aligned with the syllabus requirements for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). The following information is shared, to support the understanding of the parent community. 

A consistent language and process of strategies is used across the school, from Pre-Kindergarten - Year 6:

  • Recognise: awareness of surroundings, clues in the environment, body clues

  • React: becoming safe as quickly as possible

  • Report: must tell an adult

 Students in Pre-Kindergarten - Year 2 will learn:

  • To identify between safe / unsafe situations

  • Recognise safety clues (i.e. a fire alarm ringing tells me to evacuate)

  • Recognise body clues (i.e. my tummy may get butterflies when I feel unsafe)

  • Private body parts using anatomical names 

  • Body ownership

  • Safety strategies

  • Safety helpers 

  • Phone and online safety

Students in Years 3 - 6 will learn:

  • Safety clues and situational analysis

  • Risk taking 

  • Rules, rights and responsibilities (i.e. children have a right to be treated fairly)

  • Private body parts using anatomical names 

  • Body ownership

  • Problem solving (age appropriate, real life scenarios)

  • Safety strategies

  • Safety helpers and persistence

  • Online & mobile phone safety (Years 5 & 6 - inclusive of sexting)

Use of anatomical names for private body parts

We would particularly like to address this area as we acknowledge some families may have an existing opinion. It is important to recognise that the NSW PDHPE Syllabus expect students to be using anatomical language, as a starting point from our earliest years at school:


Correlating grades

PDHPE Content Descriptor

Anatomical Terms used

Early Stage 1

Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten

  • discuss aspects of individual bodies that make them unique and special (eg. male and female anatomy), identify parts of the body which are ‘private’, recognise the terms ‘private’ and ‘public’ are associated with parts of the body

Female: bottom, vagina, breasts, nipples, mouth

Male: bottom, penis, mouth 

Stage 1

Years 1 & 2

  • identify body systems and parts (eg. male and female anatomy), describe the meaning of ‘private’ and understand their own and others’ bodies are private, understand the contexts when body parts should be kept private

Stage 2

Years 3 & 4

  • moves into changes of male / female anatomy associated with puberty

As above, including:

Female:  vulva, anus

Male: testicles, anus

Stage 3

Years 5 & 6

  • moves into the function and interrelationship of male / female anatomy

As above, including:

Male: scrotum

With the exception of being mandated to teach this language, utilising it will continue to empower students to report accurately (not just in terms of abuse, but also in visiting the doctor for any pain / injury in these areas) without feeling any shame or embarrassment. Nicknames or the use of derogatory terms can lead to confusion and may have considerable impact if a report of any nature was to be made.

How can you help at home?

Firstly, engage in conversation with your child about what they are learning in class. Feel free to utilise the three strategies in real life situations (teachable moments) as you explore the world around you, for example, crossing the road:

  • RECOGNISE: The visual clues that tell us when it is safe / unsafe (the green / red pedestrian icon)

  • REACT: What would be the best option for keeping safe? What makes you say that? 

  • REPORT: Reiterate that whenever they feel unsafe, to always let a parent know

For further information and child safety resources, please see the Daniel Morcombe Foundation website:


Parent / Teacher Interviews

Please note these will be held on Tuesday, 15 March 2022 (Week 7), with a desire to promote connection and relationship between home and school. These interviews provide an opportunity for the classroom teacher to gain further insight to the individual student, and to provide families with an update of how students are settling in, and any preliminary areas for development. Parents are encouraged to recognise that we are still in the early stages of getting to know our students, therefore academic progress will not be an intentional focus.
Further information will be shared in Week 5 via email.

ICAS Results 2021

Congratulations to the following students for their amazing efforts and achievements in the ICAS Assessment for 2021.


Year 6

High Distinction - Nishith M

Credit - Kainoa G, Ke Han M, Lily O, Esther Z

Year 5

Distinction - Benny O

Credit - Ved M, Matilda S, Leya X

Merit - Leona B, Joshua B

Year 4

Distinction - Lachlan C, Manmi M 

Credit - Alexander M, Verushka B 

Merit - Arihaan K, Lucas L, Andrew Z

Year 3

Distinction - Dinulika G, Shelly Z

Credit - Guy C, Adam D, Nikolas G, Klaus H, Sheroy I, Noah S

Merit - Zoe K, Patrick Z, Riley Z


Year 6

Credit - Saskia W, Jesse S, Sarah S

Merit - Esther Z

Year 5

High Distinction - Leya X

Distinction - Leona B

Credit - Rowan M, Ella M, Benjamin O, Isabella S

Year 4

Distinction - Manmi M,

Credit - Benjamin G, Audrey S,

Merit - Annie M, Oliver H, Gurnoor G

Year 3

Distinction - Noah S

Credit - Imogen C, Adam D, Dinulika G, Sheroy I, Kavyaa S

Merit - Guy C, Nikolas G, Archer S, Yuhan Z

Digital Technologies

Year 6

High Distinction - Nishith M, Jesse S

Credit - Kainoa G, Lily O

Year 5

Distinction - Benny O, Leya X

Credit - Rowan M,

Merit - Ella M, Matilda S

Year 4

High Distinction - Oliver H, Manmi M

Distinction - Lachlan C

Credit - Benjamin G, Lucas L, Ray W,

Merit - Annie M

Year 3

Distinction - Noah , 

Credit - Imogen C, Adam D, Klaus H, Sheroy I, Kavyaa S, Riley Z

Merit - Guy C


Year 6

Distinction - Jesse S, Nishith M

Credit - Kainoa G, Ke Han M, Lily O, Sarah S

Merit - Esther Z

Year 5

High Distinction - Leya X

Credit - Joshua B, Benny O

Merit - Isabella S

Year 4 

Distinction - Robin A

Credit - Lachlan C, Benjamin G, Lucas L, Annie M, Manmi M, Audrey S

Merit - Oliver H, Rui S

Year 3

Distinction - Noah S

Credit - Guy C, Zoe K, Shelly Z 

Merit - Adam D, Archer S, Kavyaa S

New Baby Announcement

Congratulations to Mrs Desiree Pollett and her husband Tom on the safe arrival of their new baby girl Brielle Sofia Rose.

Brielle means God is my strength, Sofia means wisdom, and Rose is for Desiree’s favourite flower.

Thank God for this precious gift.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for safety, enjoyment and success as our students compete at the upcoming IPSHA Swimming Carnival and St Peter's Cross Country Carnival over the next fortnight.  
  • Please pray that Middle School Students would continue to develop strong relationships with each other. 

School Calendar

Term 1
Monday, 31 January 2022 - Friday, 8 April 2022 
Week 5
Monday, 28 February 2022

9.15am - 10.15am: Year 6 - Ranger Jamie Virtual Excursion

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

IPSHA Swimming & Diving
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum
4.00pm: School Tour
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum

Friday, 4 March 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly 

Week 6
Monday, 7 March 2022

Pupil Free Day/Mid Term Break (No Vacation Care/School Office Closed)

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Cross Country - Mt Annan Botanic Gardens
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
7.00pm: 2023 Year 7 & Year 8 Information Session and Tour

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Junior Rep Sport Vs Wollondilly
9.00am - 10.00am: Year 6 - Unit of Inquiry provocation - How the World Works
4.00pm: School Tour for new families

Thursday, 10 March 2022

9.15am - 2.15pm: Year 2 (2S & 2R) Wollondilly Heritage Centre Visit
2.30pm - 6.30pm: Pre-Kindergarten Parent Teacher Student Conference
6.00pm: 2023 Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Information Session and Tour

Friday, 11 March 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly

Saturday, 12 March 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: School Tour
9.00am - 10.00am: 2023 Pre-Kindergarten Interviews

Show more

Relationships and Community

Over the opening month of the School year a strong focus within each classroom has been on developing a firm foundation of trust and rapport between teachers and students. The connection between a student and their teacher is unique. Aside from household family members, the classroom teacher is quite likely the adult that will spend the most time with a child throughout the course of the year. The significance of this role is not lost on our teachers who commonly recognise their position as a calling, rather than a mere occupation.

I have also been encouraged to see peer connections being developed across our School. Year 6 took great delight in meeting their Kindergarten buddy last week. It’s a wonderful St Peter’s tradition that fosters a strong bond between some of our youngest students and those they literally and figuratively look up to. Students in Years 3-6 recently gathered in their House Groups. Occasions such as this build a sense of belonging and pride. It was fantastic to hear the various House chants ringing out across the playground during the afternoon.

Furthermore, the connection between parents and teachers is vital. Open communication between School and home allows for everyone to be on the same page. We like to operate on a ‘no surprises’ basis, meaning families can expect to be made aware of any matters of significance in a timely fashion. There are a number of methods for regular communication to occur. The student diary can be a useful resource to share brief messages and be reminded of upcoming events. Many families may find email a helpful method of communication. Please be mindful that teachers are often committed to lessons and playground duties throughout the day and will endeavour to reply within 24 hours. The opportunity for more formal interviews between parents and teachers will take place in the near future. Finally, don’t forget to engage with your family Seesaw account and St Peter’s social media posts to get a snapshot of activities happening in the classroom and across the school.

Swimming Carnival

Students for this year’s Swimming Carnival were greeted with plenty of blue sky and warm sun as we dove into the aquatic activities for the day. Many parents enjoyed spectating from the other side of the fence or assisting with the events. Students had the opportunity to participate in 50m races, 25m non-competitive races and novelty events.

It was great to see all the encouragement, energy and enthusiasm on display. Many students showed great perseverance and determination to complete the aquatic challenges that lay before them.

The winning house for the day as well as Age Champions will be revealed in the Week 6 Newsletter. Stay tuned.

IPSHA Swimming will be held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Tuesday, 1 March 2022.

Notes will come home shortly for those students who have qualified.

IPSHA have quite strict qualifying standards that need to be followed and the standard is usually very high. This may mean that students will not qualify despite their finishing position at the carnival.

We are a Learning Community

That's our bread and butter! It's a common phrase - meaning what's at the core, what's most important, what our staple is. At St Peter's, our bread and butter is learning, quality learning from a strong Christian perspective. 

As I move about the school the thing I love the most is to see the rigorous, intentional focus on learning. I love the intentional and spontaneous conversations, the questions, the curiosity and the adventure that comes with a thirst and a desire to take learning further.  

If our bread and butter isn't working, then our students will be hungry. We want them to want more but take great joy in ensuring we are feeding them well. As we walk into the School each day and question the coloured watering cans hanging from the ceiling, we are reminded that we are here to learn, we are here to grow, we are here to enjoy the adventure of learning.  

Our learning never stops. Our teachers continue to learn in many and various ways. Our Middle School Teachers are exploring the requirements of the MYP (Middle Years Programme) of the International Baccalaureate. I had great joy in submitting our Application for Candidacy to the IB last week. 

Our Preparatory School teachers are learning of the benefits of our new English and Mathematics syllabus documentation that will benefit our youngest learners in Junior Primary. 

Our staff at St Peter's Heart are learning the ropes in a new small school setting that is meeting the needs of some delightful students.  

I have shared on our social media channels the wonderful news of our partnership with Western Sydney University (WSU) this year. WSU have been outstanding in the support they've offered us in the Science realm. We are grateful for the learning opportunities this provides our Year 7 students at the moment and look forward to potential expansions of this in the future.  

We are a learning community! The learning that is occurring at St Peter's is rich, authentic and purposeful. Why not ask your children what they're learning tonight! 

St Peter's Houses

Week 3 provided an opportunity for students to participate in the St Peter’s Anglican Grammar annual Swimming Carnival. Middle School students were in and out of the pool for a number of different events. It was great to see a sense of House pride amongst students, parents and staff. Over the coming years the St Peter’s House structure will become increasingly important for students in The Middle School. Houses that are made up of students from across the school provide an identity within the bigger St Peter’s community. When houses are working at their best, students are connected with others across year groups through their common experience of belonging to either Argyle, Bligh, Roxburgh, Durham, Cumberland or Cook. Similar to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in the fanciful world dreamt up by J.K. Rowling, houses develop personalities in the traditions they develop, how they serve others and the activities they focus on, enriching the School experience of students. 


Staffing Update

A warm welcome to Mrs Fiona Singline who joins us as our Library Assistant. Mrs Singline is well known to many as a long term parent of the School, and I am incredibly excited to have her in this vital space.  

We are also very grateful to Mrs Sandra Busutel who is assisting in training Mrs Singline as she learns the ropes. 

Preparatory Chapels and Assemblies

With the easing of COVID restrictions we are excited to welcome back fully vaccinated parents and carers to attend weekly Assemblies and Chapels from Week 6. Entry may occur from the black gate leading to the School Hall just prior to start time. Please note the following times:


Years K-2 Tuesday 9.05am - 9.30am

Years 3-6 Tuesday 2.40pm - 3.10pm  


Years K-2 & Years 3-6 Assemblies will occur on alternate weeks, Friday 9.05am - 9.40am. Please refer to your hard copy of the St Peter's calendar to identify the specific dates for each Years K-2 & Years 3-6 Assembly. Whole School Assemblies will also take place at the end of each Term. 

We will endeavour to inform parents/carers in advance if your child is due to receive a significant award such as a Term Award, Student of the Month, Sporting Age Champion or High Achievement in an Academic Competition. Please note, this cannot occur for all awards received on a weekly basis.         

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Science Collaboration with Western Sydney University

These are exciting times at St Peter’s. The Science collaboration between Western Sydney University and St Peter’s Anglican Grammar kicked off this week. Students were transported over to the University by the School bus and spent a double period learning the importance of accuracy when taking measurements. Classes were supported by university staff who provided support and equipment for the learning experience to take place. Students were in awe of the different equipment and facilities on offer at the University, sparking a myriad of questions. It was great to see that curiosity and the quest to understand God’s Creation runs strong in this group of students.



Week 3, games against Oran Park Anglican College 

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 









Oz Tag










4 for 48

0 for 58


Senior Sport: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 









Oz Tag












Players of the Match: 

Junior Soccer: Summer B
Senior Soccer: Danijela G
Junior Oz Tag: Samuel L
Senior Oz Tag: Alexander M
Junior Basketball: Sheroy I
Senior Basketball: Dilruwani A 

Grandparents Day

As part of our consideration of risk related to COVID, despite the easing of restrictions, we have made the decision to postpone Grandparents Day until later in the year.
We look forward to welcoming our Grandparents back on site soon.
Thank you for your understanding.