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Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
A reminder that from Tuesday, 20 April 2021, all students must wear their full Winter Uniform to school.  This includes the school blazer which is worn to and from school each day. Appointments are available during the holidays for Kindergarten families and other families new to St. Peter's in 2021.  These families have been sent an email or contacted directly with details for booking appointments. The Uniform Shop is also open for appointments by other school families during the holidays. Please call the School Office to make an appointment.
As blazers are hung up during the day, please ensure your child has their cardigan or jumper available to wear each day and that these are labelled. 
In winter, girls may wear long grey socks or grey stockings which are available from the Uniform Shop.  Other grey stockings are not acceptable.
With the exception of long sleeve white shirt under the sports t-shirt, students requiring an undergarment for warmth should ensure this can not be seen around the neck or sleeves.
We have noticed a number of students who are wearing sneaker-style black shoes.  Please note these are not approved school shoes.  Students who are wearing these have had a reminder sticker placed in their diary along with a leaflet illustrating approved styles, with the expectation that students are wearing correct shoes by the beginning of Term 2.

Kindergarten Finish Time - Term 2

Our Kindergarten students have had a wonderful first term of full time schooling.  I know their teachers are very proud of their progress thus far, particularly their growing independence.  From the beginning of Term 2, our Kindergarten students will finish each day at 3.10pm, along with the rest of our school.  


Intumbane Movie Day

Buddy Groups

In Week 8 we had our second Buddy Groups session. Our Year 6 leaders ran some activities to help their group start thinking about teamwork, and what we need to do to work well together as a group. They had some difficult activities to complete together, like a puzzle where they hadn't seen the picture first, and a game of passing a counter around a circle with just the back of their hands.
Congratulations to our Year 6 students who are doing a great job of leading their Buddy Groups thoughtfully. 



Our passion for Languages is to create an environment in which students enjoy exploring other cultures and how languages work.  We aim to set a foundation on which future Languages learning can build.  Students learn to better understand how English, German and French work as languages, as well as discovering the connections between them. We love opportunities to celebrate students’ home language and culture and to give them the chance to be the expert, teaching phrases from their own language. Where possible Languages overlaps with each grade’s Unit of Inquiry, where this can enhance the learning in both areas.


Mrs Amy Meallonnier - French Teacher

Exciting things have been happening over the term in our French classes. Students quickly develop the ability to listen and respond in French, carefully planned topics are developed with the intention that students will relate to the language taught and through experiences connect with the culture.

KL and KR have been introduced to French during Term 1 and we focused on greetings, introductory vocabulary, manners. All students have enjoyed the songs we used to practise their French.

1B and 1L have labelled colours and features of the face using French, and used this to describe family members. A highlight in their lessons was learning heads and shoulders knees and toes in French.

Year 3 concentrated on the days of the week and months of the year. Learning was consolidated with songs and interactive games. Students used their new vocabulary to share when their birthday is and continually building on their vocabulary for conversations.

Year 5 practised many phrases useful for conversation, the have enjoyed using this vocabulary to develop conversations to create a comic strip with the intention to share this with their peers which provides the opportunity for each student to speak and listen in French.

Year 6 French elective have increased their vocabulary in French through a unit on the house. Students labelled rooms in the house and translated a description of a house before creating a description of a house of their own.

All students have demonstrated a commendable approach to learning French. All students are engaged and willing to participate, this makes each lesson wonderful and my days at school something to look forward to!

Madame Meallonnier


It has been a wonderful start to the year seeing students engage with enthusiasm in their new learning in German.  In many grades we have been discussing strategies that help us to learn and remember, and how our brains work.

Kindergarten are enjoying learning how to say hello, count to 10 and find out about German traditions. They each received their own Schultüte to celebrate the beginning of their German learning journey!  Schultüte are given to students starting school and contain gifts to help them with their learning journey.

Year 1 have been progressing with simple conversational skills and consolidating their counting skills in German.  Year 2 has been learning about parts of the body and created a traditional Hampelmann (string puppet). We will go on to learn about the Weather and conduct some simple experiments which explain how weather happens!

Year 4 has enjoyed investigating systems in the Human Body. They have been learning simple German sentences to describe the important functions the skeleton performs.  We will build a model of the human lungs to better understand how they work, and learn the vocabulary for the components. 

Year 6 has enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to learn more about how we can best learn languages alongside developing confidence in a range of sentences to describe themselves. They can understand simple descriptions about someone: their name, age, where they are from and their siblings.  This work will be incorporated into a description of a World War II Resistance Hero.

It has been a Wunderbar start to the year in German and I can’t wait to see where the students’ ongoing enthusiasm and engagement takes them this year!

Frau Holmes

Our Library Centre

As our views of education and the world rapidly change, it is crucial that the learning spaces we offer promote and reflect matching authenticity. Traditionally, Libraries were recognised as a quiet space, where eating and drinking were forbidden, and should you dare raise your voice beyond a whisper, a glare from the Librarian would traject you into a form of repentance. 

At St. Peter’s we desire for our library to be so much more. We are incredibly fortunate that the physical location of our library is within the centre of our school. This effectively enables it to be the learning hub of our school. If you walk into our library on a general day to day basis, you will already observe that it is a hive of learning. From whole class STEAM lessons with Miss Oberle, to small groups working intentionally towards a goal with a range of teaching assistants and teachers. From students seeking their next reading adventure during a borrowing session, to students building towers and imaginary spaces in their lunchtime, our library is very much alive. 

But our question to consider is ‘Is this enough? What more could we offer?’

The International Baccalaureate (IB) views the School Library as a crucial resource hub offering a variety of sources: human, physical and virtual. The role of both the library and librarians is to ‘drive and support varieties of learning, teaching and service’ in a way that provides inspiration, transforms the school community and enhances learning. (International Baccalaureate Organisation. June 2018: Ideal Libraries: A guide for schools) If we compare this to the traditional view of a library, we would agree that a traditional library would not meet these ideals. What I do love however, is how beautifully this ideal aligns with our school vision.

Throughout 2020, our Pedagogical Leadership Team participated in Professional Development with the intention of balancing the Enhanced PYP with our future steps. We identified our School Library as an area for development, with a keen interest in considering what the future of the library could be.  As part of this, we challenged our thinking of what a library actually is.

Some long term ideas consider how we can incorporate Robotics and Technology as a way to enhance student learning. Imagine students walking in the doors to be greeted by a robot, who can help them find a book they were looking for? 

We are also considering ways to make certain elements of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) visible, such as a ‘Celebration of Action’ wall where students can share what they have been doing with their learning, with other students.  And of course, the physical design of the space alongside modular furniture, is on our list of ideas!

In the short term, we have already implemented iPads with the full library catalogue for student use, empowering them to independently locate books. We are also looking towards further ways we can reduce administrative requirements through digital technologies to enable us to invest more time in supporting learning. 

We are aligning our physical resources into the six Transdisciplinary Themes of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), to promote authentic fiction and non-fiction texts into all Units of Inquiry across the school. In order to do this, book boxes are being created to develop a fluid approach to library resources, where books remain in classroom spaces at the student’s fingertips, ready for use when required. 

We are also utilising the space for more than just ‘borrowing’, to also be a collaborative meeting space for teachers, and as mentioned above, a centralised location for STEAM lessons to occur. A flexible timetable is available for teachers to use the library space to supplement their own lessons as well.

We are looking forward to opening this space up to our wider school community in the coming months, to be a place for Parent Workshops and Information Sessions, and are keen to explore the development of working bee opportunities to assist us in making new resources available in an efficient manner.

When you consider the terms ‘inspiring’, ‘transforming’ and ‘enhancing’, we can see that all libraries should be continuously evolving. One thing that we will never deviate from however is that our library remains a safe learning environment that is accessible to all members of our learning community.

Whole School Easter Chapel

New Baby Announcement

Congratulations to Mr Joseph Stockinger (Year 5 Teacher) and his wife Rachel who have welcomed their baby girl, Vienna Lalitha-Marie Stockinger into the world on Monday.

May God bless them with happiness as they start their journey together as a family.

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:

Year 3
Year 4


Congratulations to Alicia

Congratulations to Alicia (Year 5) who has competed at the State Championships for Athletics.
Alicia finished in 4th place in the 400 metres and in the 800 metres she has walked away with a Silver Medal. 
Alicia ran the 400m in a time of 1 minute 10 seconds and an 800 metre time of 2 minutes 42 seconds. 
Alicia has been battling away training since last July with her sights set on a good result.

Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions:
  • Bus Driver (Permanent & Casual)
  • Classroom Teachers (Casual)

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

School Shop Hours During The Holidays

Just a reminder that with the Winter uniform changeover coming in Term 2, now is a good time to try on existing uniforms to check for fit and length. 
The School Shop is open limited hours during the break for purchase of uniforms. 
The shop will be open for the school community to make appointments on the following days: 
* Friday, 16 April from 8.30am to 3.30pm  
* Monday, 19 April, 12.00 noon to 3.00 pm
* Tuesday, 20 April, 8.10am to 11.00am
If you are confident in your sizes and needs, please feel free to email the School Shop directly at: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au to have your order ready for pickup on Monday, 19 April between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, or from Tuesday, 20 April onwards.
As you consider your needs for Winter, remember we stock other accessories that go along with the uniform such as gloves, stockings, and hair accessories. 
We look forward to seeing the children looking very smart in their winter uniform.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the generosity of our families yesterday as we raised money to support our friends in Intumbane Primary School.

  • Give thanks for a wonderful Term 1, learning, growing and playing together as a school community.

  • Pray for all over the Easter Holidays, that it will be a time of rest and relaxation, reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus for us all.


School Calendar

School Holidays - Friday 2 April 2021 - Monday, 19 April 2021

 Term 2
Tuesday, 20 April 2021 - Friday, 25 June 2021
Week 1
Monday, 19 April 2021

Staff Professional Development Day - Pupil Free Day

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Students Commence Term 2

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 21 April 2021 

8.30am - 2.30pm: IPSHA Cross Country
9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)
Thursday, 22 April 2021
4.00pm: School Tour for new families

Friday, 23 April 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am: Primary Assembly

Week 2
Monday, 26 April 2021

2.15pm - 3.00pm: Whole School Anzac Assembly

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 

9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6) 

Friday, 30 April 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am: Junior Primary Assembly

Show more

Easter Services

Give Life. Give Blood In Campbelltown


Week 10, games against Oran Park Anglican College

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 31 March, 2021









Oz Tag













Senior Sport: Wednesday, 31 March, 2021









Oz Tag












 Players of the Match: 

Junior Soccer: Kaavya S

Senior Soccer: Indianah P

Junior Oz Tag: Nkolisakwu M

Senior Oz Tag: Ethan W

Junior Basketball: Benjamin G

Senior Basketball: Joshua M

Junior Cricket: Adrian G

Senior Cricket: Elijah H


What's The Big Deal With Easter

Triple M once asked what Jesus' greatest miracle was - with the answer not being what you'd think. The answer given, was that he'd given us a 4 day weekend. Whilst I know that everyone at St. Peter's is looking forward to the opportunity of rest and relaxation this holiday period, surely Jesus has more to offer than a 4 day weekend.
Earlier this week, the school gathered for our Easter Chapel. This is a big deal as it is an opportunity amidst the busyness and tiredness of the end of term, to pause, to reflect and to give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice that our good God has provided. As a school, we are fairly clear with families enrolling in the School. This is a Christian school, first and foremost. We are unashamedly Christian. We are a community of practicing Christians who teach the bible faithfully and as a part of all of our learning. As a staff, we know that Easter is a big deal and that God has given us new birth into a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3)
Perhaps you're exploring the big deal of Easter, or indeed the big deal of Jesus! May I encourage you to speak with someone about this this Easter? Whilst our staff would be delighted to assist you, you may be keen to explore a local church. There are many great churches in the area, the South West is blessed in this regard - why not use part of your 4 day weekend, to explore the big deal of Jesus, this Easter! Listed are just a couple of the local churches you might wish to consider. 
Campbelltown Anglican Churches: (St. Peter's)
Good Friday: 8am and 10am
Easter Sunday: 8am, 10am and 6pm
Campbelltown City Baptist Church:
Good Friday: 9:30am
Easter Sunday: 9:30am & 6pm

Prep Messy Day

Prep Messy Days allowed our students to explore a range of sensory materials inside and outside the classroom to enhance their learning experience in Prep.


Staffing Update

Mr Brad Stoicescu - Band & Strings Conductor
We welcome Mr Brad Stoicescu as our new Music Teacher. Brad will be joining us from the start of Term 2, teaching Kindergarten - Year 4 Music on Monday - Wednesday. Brad will join us full time from the commencement of 2022. 
Brad has a wealth of musical experience, having worked in a number of Independent Schools. Please welcome Brad to the team when you see him.

Tennis Coaching

Tennis coaching will return to Wednesday's in Term 2. Sessions will be available during recess and lunch as well as during class time between recess and lunch. Enquire with Jared on 0404 457 088 - www.centrecourttennis.com.au

IPSHA Cross Country

IPSHA Cross Country has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 21 April 2021. All competing students will travel on the bus with teachers to and from the venue. A reminder, spectators are not permitted to enter the school grounds of The Kings School.

Rest Well

May I take the opporutnity to wish all in the St. Peter's community a restful and relaxing holiday period. We look forward to seeing you when school resumes on Tuesday, 20 April 2021. 

New Swimming Pool Approved

I'm pleased to confirm that following numerous requests, namely at Chip n Chat, an indoor heated swimming pool has been approved for the sub floor of the library. Access will be via Folklore in the Library. Construction is due to be completed by the 1st April 2022. Please be aware that fools will not be permitted to access the pool. It is encouraging to see our school continue to expand in such impossible ways. 

April Fools

Lest anyone be confused, the previously announced swimming pool has hit some hurdles and construction has ceased immediately. Happy April Fools Day.