Hero Image

Harmony Day/International Day

We will be celebrating our cultural diversity as a school on Thursday, 18 March 2021 with International Day. Students are encouraged to come to school wearing cultural / national dress.  Alternatively, students may come dressed in orange clothing, as this is the Harmony Week colour.  

During this day, we will have an opportunity for students to display their clothing and discuss their cultural background with their peers and teachers. We look forward to this annual event in our school calendar.

Uniform Matters

It has been wonderful to see the improvement in the ways students have come to school looking ready to learn with all of their uniform items.  Thank you to the parents who have supported this process by ensuring their children leave the house with all necessary items.

It is helpful when uniform items are clearly labelled with your child's name as this allows us to return items when they are misplaced or accidently picked up by another student.  Unfortunately our Lost Property is currently overflowing with uniform items, drink bottles and lunchboxes that are not labelled.  If your child has lost something, please encourage them to have a look in Lost Property which is located in our reception area.  
Please note that all hats should be labelled on the inside of the hat.

Prep / Kindergarten 2022

It was wonderful to meet so many families yesterday who are considering joining our St. Peter's Community in 2022 for Prep and Kindergarten.  

I would like to thank Lily O, our 2021 School Captain for the wonderful way she spoke about her time here as a student of St. Peter's and also the way she so capably MC'd the event.  I would also like to thank Audrey S., Shelley Z. and Leya X. for providing a musical item.  Our visitors were suitably impressed with our students during their visit.

Carpark Safety and Respect

Thank you to those parents who consistently demonstrate patience and respect for other families and our staff whilst dropping off or picking up children in the carpark.

To keep all in our School Community safe, please observe the following:

  • Enter the circular driveway from the left-hand lane of Howe Street.
  • Once in the circular driveway, no adults or children should get in or out of a vehicle until the car is in the designated drop off / pick up bay.
  • When collecting children in the afternoon, remain in the correct lane.  Left lane for Junior Primary children and older siblings, right lane for other Primary students.
  • In the right lane for Primary pickup, do not pass the STOP sign unless there is room in the driveway going past the church.
  • Please always observe the 10 km/hr speed limit. No double parking is permitted at any time.
  • To ensure safety for our students, please do not walk with your child across our carpark through lines of traffic.
  • If you are dropping your child/ren at OSHC in the morning, you may use the carpark until 7.45am. After this time, all marked car spaces are reserved for staff use only.  

We thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.



Buddy Groups

In Week 5, we had our first Buddy Groups session for the year. Our Year 6 Leaders did a great job of helping students from different grades learn the names of the other people in their group. The group made an essential agreement together, to describe how they want to treat each other throughout Buddy Groups this year. Some groups even began to talk about how listening to each other makes working as a group or team easier.
The Year 6 Buddy Group Leaders are looking forward to seeing their Buddy Groups again in Week 8. 


Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Students from our school will soon be undertaking an Education Tour of the National Capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. 

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the National Capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $20.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the School upon completion of the excursion.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to those families who promptly utilised our Parent Portal to make onsite bookings, and those who have expressed a desire for a Zoom meeting. We trust that the conversations you have with your child's teacher are a great start towards a growing partnership. 
It was wonderful to welcome families back into the school for our Prep interviews yesterday afternoon. We are looking forward to welcoming our wider community next Tuesday as we continue our interview offerings across the school. 
If you happened to miss making a booking, you are still welcome to contact our School Office, or the classroom teacher through your child's diary, and request a phone call. 

Unit of Inquiry One

Most grades are in their final weeks of their first Unit of Inquiry for 2021. I have had the great privilege to visit a number of our senior grades over the past few weeks, joining in on their lessons and listening to them share their learning. Our Year 4 students are busily preparing a slide show about a chosen body system, our Year 5 students are developing a product that uses renewable energy for a Shark Tank style presentation, and our Year 6's are making strong connections with 'strategy' across a number of learning areas.
It has been wonderful to see students so engaged in their learning. I look forward to sharing some highlights from the younger grades in the coming weeks. 

Strings at St. Peter's

Our Strings Programme is a highly sought after offering, with constant enquiries about how to join. Unfortunately joining is not as simple as being the 'next on the waiting list'. It is about ensuring we can provide the right instrument for your child and space within a tutorial group that will best meet their needs, which may mean at times, we are not in a position to accommodate requests. We ask for your understanding in this matter. 
We currently have two Strings Groups operating - Junior Strings and Senior Strings. Junior Strings is for students who are able to read simple music and play their instrument with growing independence. This group is designed to develop basic group playing skills, where students learn to listen to each other and follow the conductor, playing music in one or two parts. 
Senior Strings is for students who demonstrate independence in both music reading and playing their instrument. The music is of a higher complexity and provides enrichment opportunities. Entrance to the Junior or Senior Strings is either via recommendation from our Peripatetic String Tutors (Mr Holbeck or Miss Harrowsmith) or audition and / or consult with Mrs Pollett (Strings Coordinator).
At this point in the year we are not offering Training Strings. Training Strings is designed as an introduction to string instruments. This programme is generally for students who have never played a string instrument before, but ideally have some ability to read basic music. For 2021, we are exploring our Training String programme to be an introduction to the cello only, as most of our violins are already being utilised in Junior and Senior Strings. More information about this offering will be provided later in the year. 
For 2021, a fee will be introduced to our String programme for consumables such as replacement strings and rosin. A note will be provided to families who hire a school string instrument, providing further information.


Student of the Month - February

Amity-Rose is a focused student who endeavours to make sure she is always doing the right thing at the right time. She tries her best to ignore distractions and follow instructions carefully.

Amity-Rose asks thoughtful questions to make sure that she understands what she is learning about and what is expected of her. Amity-Rose seeks feedback from her teachers and applies suggestions from others to improve her work. She is consistently kind to other students and tries to include them during collaborative tasks. When faced with challenges, Amity-Rose actively finds solutions or seeks support to help her overcome them. She always uses lovely manners when speaking to teachers and is a fantastic example of a respectful, open-minded and caring class member.

Amity-Rose is trustworthy and caring, and the Year 6 teachers are very pleased to award her with the Student of the Month award. 

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:



Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions:
  • Music Teacher
  • PE Specialist/Sport Coordinator
  • Bus Driver (Permanent & Casual)
  • Classroom Teachers (Casual)
  • OSHC Assistant (Permanent & Casual)

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

St. Peter's School Shop

School Shop Hours
The School Shop is now operating under set hours and opening for appointments at other times where possible.  Please feel free to ring the School Office on 4627 2990 to make an appointment.
School Shop Hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings: 8.30 am - 11.00 am.
Appointments are preferred, but if you do just 'pop in' please be patient if someone has booked an appointment at that time, and we will see you as soon as possible. Please feel free to email orders directly to the School Shop at: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au We will endeavour to fill the orders as quickly as possible.
White Long Sleeve T-Shirts
The weather is changing to that awkward time between hot and cold.  Our long sleeve T-Shirts may be the answer to that problem. They can be worn not only under the House Sports Polo top but can also be worn under the standard Winter Uniform in Terms 2 and 3. We have all sizes covered, from size 3 to Size 22!  All long sleeve T-Shirts are $18.00 each.
Hair Accessories
Our new hair accessories have been a huge hit!  In Term 2 we will change over to the Winter Uniform and accessories to match will be available.  Please ensure you only wear the right accessory with the appropriate uniform.  Remember, red accessories are permitted all year long.
Special Orders
Did you know that you can special order some items?  For example, a size 10 tunic with size 12 length, or winter trousers with full lining (same lining that is in the blazers) and also with extra length.  Feel free to contact us and see how we can cater to your individual needs.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the beautiful day provided for our Cross Country Carnival and Active Play Session.

  • Give thanks for the opportunity to share our school with families at our recent Prep / Kindergarten 2022 Information session.

  • Pray for the conversations that will take place at Parent Teacher / Student conferences next week, as we work together for the benefit of the students in our school.



School Calendar

 Term 1

Monday, 29 January 2021 - Thursday, 1 April 2021

Week 7
Monday, 8 March 2021

8.15am - 1.30pm: Year 6 Taste of High School Day 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

3.30pm - 8.00pm: Parent Teacher Student Conference (Prep Koalas & Possums, Kindergarten to Year 6)

5.00pm: School Tour for new families

Wednesday, 10 March 2021 

9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)
3.15pm - 4.15pm: Auskick Programme
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Kindergarten 2022 Interviews 

Friday, 12 March 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly

Week 8 
Monday, 15 March 2021

Steps Assessment Day - Kindergarten

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Prep 2022 Interviews

Wednesday, 17 March 2021 

9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)
3.15pm - 4.15pm: Auskick Programme
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Harmony Day / International Day 

Friday, 19 March 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am: Primary Assembly

Steps Assessment Day - Kindergarten

Show more

Fitness @ St. Peter’s

The physical activity level of students has never been more important than it is right now. With the ever increasing exposure to screen time, both for learning and leisure, it is extremely important that students maintain balance between sedentary behavior and physical activity. 

This year at St. Peter’s we have introduced weekly fitness lessons to start the day. For Years 3 to 6 this occurs on Tuesday mornings and for Kindergarten to Year 2, on Thursday mornings. These sessions include fitness activities as well as Fundamental Movement Skill development and game based movement.

Beginning the day with a 30-minute movement session has positive benefits for students, both inside and outside of the classroom. I have previously posted how physical activity has the potential to make distinctive contributions to the development of children’s fundamental movement skills and physical competences, which are necessary precursors of participation in later lifestyle and sporting physical activities. Fitness sessions can also support the development of social skills and social behaviours, self‐esteem and academic and cognitive development.

Fitness is another opportunity at St. Peter’s that allows students to make social connections across grades as they participate in House Groups. These bonds allow students to have a wider network of friends and familiar faces that they can call upon when needed in the playground.

Many of the fitness activities included in these weekly sessions have been designed to be able to do anywhere, with minimal or no equipment. Why not use it as a conversation starter with your child or a weekly family activity you can perform together? Have your child teach you the fitness skill they performed that week and challenge them to tell you the benefits of the activity.


Getting Ready For 2022

It may be only March 2021, yet already much thought and preparation for 2022 is occurring. Yesterday, we held our Prep and Kindergarten Information Session and we will commence interviewing next week. We have seen a significant spike in interest with many families keen to join the School. As indicated in our last newsletter, it is imperative that we have received completed Enrolment Applications for any siblings to ensure you do not miss out on desired days for Prep.

Cross Country Carnival

The Primary Cross Country Carnival was held today at Campbelltown Showground. While the course was less challenging than the one we have become accustomed to at Broughton Anglican College, our students still pushed their limits to finish in their personal best times. We had two records broken on the day; Lachlan C in boys with a time of 8:15 and Alicia W in the 10 girls in a time of 9.05.

The winning House was Cook with 109, followed in 2nd by Argyle and 3rd by Bligh. Bligh was the winner of the House Spirit Award based on results from the Tug O War. I thank all parent helpers who gave up their time to come and assist on the course.

Students in the top 5 in their age group and who have met the qualifying time, will have the opportunity to race at IPSHA on Saturday, 27 March 2021 at The Kings School, Parramatta. Further information will follow shortly.  

Age Champions were as follows:

7 years girls- 1st Catriona M, 2nd Elizabeth J and 3rd Xuan H

7 years boys- 1st Arthur L, 2nd Louis G and 3rd Lewis W

8/9 years girls- 1st Ella W, 2nd Imogen C and 3rd Ava S

8/9 years boys- 1st Woojin S, 2nd Jackson R and 3rd Alexander M

10 years girls- 1st Alicia W, 2nd Sophie T and 3rd Victoria A

10 years boys- 1st Lachlan C, 2nd Robin A and 3rd Nicholas D

11 years girls- 1st Georgia R, 2nd Danijela G and 3rd Torah H

11 years boys- 1st Elijah H, 2nd Calvin J and 3rd Jacob M

12 years girls- 1st Ella F, 2nd Amity-Rose C and 3rd Evangeline C

12 years boys- 1st Nile B, 2nd Owen A and 3rd Henry S


What's Happening With Secondary?

There have been numerous questions around the School Councils' Feasibility Study into expanding our school into Secondary Years. The application to the NSW Government is being finalised for submission by the end of March. The Council continues to explore the requirements and we hope to be able to update you on the progress soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

The IPSHA Swimming Carnival was held this week at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. St. Peter’s had 32 students compete across the 6 events held on the day. It was great to see the excitement on so many faces when they were rewarded with a ribbon in their heat, with many students improving on their school swimming times. Well done to all students who represented our school.

I’d like to thank parents for your understanding and following the one parent per participant rule. While it is can be difficult to miss out on watching our children participate in these events, we as a school are thankful that they still have the opportunity to race with some limitations in place. 



Week 5, games against Broughton Anglican College. 

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 24 February, 2021 









Oz Tag













Players of the Match: 

Junior Soccer: Laura R 

Junior Oz Tag: Zoe K 

Junior Basketball: Dominic K 

Junior Cricket: Cooper E


Week 6, games against Mount Annan Christian College

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 3 March, 2021









Oz Tag













Senior Sport: Wednesday, 3 March, 2021









Oz Tag












Players of the Match:

Junior Soccer: Sophie T

Senior Soccer: Timaima F

Junior Oz Tag: Alexander M

Senior Oz Tag: Nile B

Junior Basketball: Roberta K

Senior Basketball: Nirav P

Junior Cricket: Lachlan C 

Senior Cricket: Meredith J

St. Peter's Students ROCK!

Our culture focus for 2021 is on ensuring that our students authentically ROCK. Our current focus is on being 'Respectful'. It has been pleasing to see the beautiful manners our students display and their commitment to wearing their uniform. Hearing our students using their manners as part of their natural discourse, is heartening. 
We continue to focus on the importance of learning and respecting other's right to learn without distraction. Teachers are focusing on this and reminding students, where necessary of their commitment to respecting others. Again, it is wonderful to see students being conscious of the choices they make, and therefore the consequences, should they not adhere to this agreement. 
The growth in our students, even over the past few weeks, has been spectacular. 

Welcome Back Parents

As indicated in the email sent last week, from next week, limited parents will be welcome back on site for Assemblies and Chapels. For Assemblies, priority will be given to the Junior Primary class presenting and those receiving awards. 
Each week, an email will be sent inviting parents to register for attendance. Thank you for understanding that we will not be able to accommodate all at this stage, although we will do our best to be fair. Parents who are able to attend will have this confirmed via email also.

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

It was a pleasure to visit the IPSHA Carnival on Tuesday at Homebush and to see our students enjoying the opportunity of swimming in such a wonderful venue. Our students worked well, cheered hard and represented our school well. With over 30 schools represented on the day, the carnival was excellent both for those who were competing for entry into CIS, as well as those who were just pleased to have qualified to swim at Homebush. 
Well done to all and a huge thank you to Mrs Hornman, Miss Oberle and Mr Raft for their organisation and supervision. Thank you also to our parents for coping with the early start and working within current restrictions.