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Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

It has been wonderful to see most St. Peter's students return to school looking so neat and tidy in their uniforms.  We appreciate the effort you make each day to ensure your child has each item of their uniform and comes to school looking ready to learn.  If a reminder regarding uniform is necessary, reminders will be placed in diaries by class teachers or Executive Staff.

Some general reminders as we begin our year together:
- Please ensure students wear their grey walking hat (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) or red sports cap (Wed) when they arrive at school each day.  This ensures that they are sun safe in the playground before school.  Playground hats should be kept at school in the classroom for wear at recess, lunch and during PE and Sport sessions.
- School shoes should be polished, black school shoes.  Black jogger style shoes are not appropriate for wear with the uniform.  We encourage Junior Primary students to have velcro as it allows students to be independent if changing shoes.  Sports shoes should be predominantly white.  These are available for purchase at most Sports and Shoe stores.
- Girls should only wear plain gold or silver round studs, without any decorative stone or embellishment.  Sleepers and other hoop type earrings should not be worn as they pose a safety risk.  No other jewellery should be worn by girls or boys.
- Girls with hair longer than collar length should wear it completely tied back, preferably plaited or braided with plain red ribbons or bands. Fancy hair clips should not be used. Boys’ hair to be off the collar, ears and eyes. Boys hair should not be too long or too short (no less than a number two razor cut). The wearing of any extreme undercut styles, of fashion or colouring of hair, or obvious lines are not permitted. Appropriate red hair clips and bands are available to purchase through the St. Peter’s Shop. School 
- All students Kindergarten to Year 6 wear their House coloured polo t-shirt on Wednesday for sport.  Our students love representing their house in this way and look so bright and colourful.  St. Peter's Sports socks should be worn on Wednesday for Sport. The current alternative to this is a plain, white fold down sock.  Other sports style or no-show socks should not worn.
We thank you for supporting us with our uniform.

Student Diary

All students have now received our 2021 Student Diary.  Please take the time to look through the diary with your child as we have included helpful information and organisational features.  

We have included a Weekly Overview inside the front cover.  Students should have labels as reminders of PE and Library lessons, and are encouraged to add other weekly events to these pages.  Information regarding bell times, relevant contact information and the IB Learner Profile are also included.
Of special note are the Code of Conduct, School Uniform Guidelines and ICT Essential Agreement on pages 7 and 8.  Please read these, discuss them with your child and then sign to acknowledge you have done so.  Class teachers will be checking this over the next week.  
Please use the student diary for communication with class teachers and encourage your child to share 'What Went Well' each week. 
Parents may also contact Class Teachers by emailing: administration@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 

Afternoon Dismissal

Afternoons are a busy time at St. Peter's as we endeavour to safely dismiss our students to parents in a timely fashion.  We are also required to maintain physical distancing in our pick up areas.  

For those parents who are collecting students from the main tunnel gate at the front of the school, we appreciate your assistance in the following ways:
- Blue arrows have been placed on the ground.  To assist with physical distancing, please stand on these while waiting to collect your child. 
- During Term 1, Kindergarten students finish school at 3.00pm.  Please allow parents of Kindergarten students to be at the front of the lines.  If your child is being picked up by a grandparent or other nominated carer, please ensure they know the child's name and class and are familiar with our processes.
- Once you have collected students, please move away from the main pick up points so we can avoid congestion at the front of the school.
Students from Kindergarten - Year 6 can also be collected through our drive through pick up. 
Year 3 - 6  students with no younger siblings are collected from the church driveway.
Kindergarten - Year 2 students and their older siblings will be assisted into cars by staff when you reach the pick up bay at the front of the School. This line will commence pick up at 3.10pm. 
For safety reasons, it is important that parents do not leave or enter cars while they are in the Drive-Thru lines in the school car park.

Absence Procedures

Attendance at school is a legal requirement. Hence, class rolls are legal documents that require certain tasks by parents/carers.

Please send your child to school where at all possible unless sickness, injury, appointment or a family matter prevails. (Sports Carnivals and special event days are normal school days, therefore, student attendance is required.) All unforeseen absences (eg: sickness or family emergency) must be explained, in writing.

The Administration team will generate an email to parents on the day the student is absent relating to non-attendance. This ensures parents / carers have been provided the opportunity to submit an absentee explanation within the required timeframe, otherwise the student is marked as “unexplained”. Absentee explanations can be forwarded to absence@stpeters.nsw.edu.au or a note can be provided to the classroom teacher upon return, if within the timeframe. Failure to offer a satisfactory explanation may result in the absence being recorded as Unexplained or Unjustified on your child’s record.

Absences that are known in advance require approval by the Headmaster prior to the absence. Examples of these absences include family holidays during term time and regular appointments during school time with specialists such as Speech Therapists, etc. To gain approval, parents or carers must complete the ‘Application for Exemption/Leave from Attendance at School’ form. The form is available at the School Office or can be downloaded from the school website. The Headmaster will then issue a ‘Certificate for Leave from Attendance at School’, which you may be required to produce for relevant authorities. Exemption from Leave Where the parents / carers of a student of compulsory school age seeks an exemption from attendance at school, St. Peter’s will process the parent’s /carers application in accordance with the guidelines from NSW Department of Education. Exemption from leave only include:

• For students engaged in employment in approved entertainment industry activities

• For students participating in elite arts or elite sporting events

• Exceptional circumstances (including the health of the student where sick leave or alternative enrolment is not appropriate) Note:

• Exemption from leave cannot be granted for absence from school for travel purposes. Travel leave is processed as “leave from attendance”

• Certificates of exemption cannot be granted retrospectively

• The Headmaster cannot delegate the authority to grant and cancel exemptions Repeated or prolonged unexplained or unjustified absences may require follow up by the Headmaster. This could include parent meetings, or in extreme cases, reporting to other authorities.

The School is required to provide attendance figures to the Federal Government each year.

Home Learning at St. Peter's

As we settle into a new school year, students will receive access to a variety of educational platforms that will support their learning in spelling, mathematics and reading / comprehension. Over the coming weeks, labels will be placed in your child's diary, sharing access to:
  • Soundwaves online
  • Mathletics
  • RAZ Kids
Families are encouraged to make use of these subscriptions when and where appropriate.
Homework for 2021, will be opt-in, as per Semester Two 2020, with the exception of reading. Further information regarding this will be provided in the Week Four newsletter.

Music Groups


A special part of St. Peter's is our music offerings, and we are particularly thankful for Miss Hardiman (Band Coordinator) and Mrs Pollett (Strings Coordinator) as we commence these programmes next week. Please read the following information carefully if your child is involved with these programmes.

Should you require any further information, please email our School Office: administration@stpeters.nsw.edu.au  to the attention of the most appropriate coordinator.


All Band tutorials will recommence in Week 3, with Junior and Senior Band rehearsals resuming the following week on Monday, 15 February.  

Senior Band students will need to bring their instruments to school on Mondays. Rehearsals will be held on Monday afternoons in Music Room 2, commencing at 3:30pm. Students are to be collected by 4:40pm from the Kiss & Drop drive. Students who are not collected by this time will be taken to OSHC, where additional fees may occur. Tutorials will take place during the day on a rotating basis.

Senior Band students will also be required to bring their instruments for Primary assembly on a Friday. Please use your school provided calendar for these dates.

Junior Band students will need to bring their instruments to school on Tuesdays. Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday mornings in Music Room 2, commencing at 8:00am. Students should meet Miss Hardiman at the entrance to the school. Tutorials will take place during the day on a rotating basis.

Training Band students will be required to bring their instruments to school on either Tuesday, 9 February (for students in Years 5 & 6) or Friday, 12 February (for students in Year 4) for their first tutorial of the year.  

An online expression of interest form was sent home to families of Year 3 students at the end of last year and many responses have already been received.  If you missed out on this form and have a child in Years 3-6 who wishes to apply please contact Miss Hardiman to receive the link to the form.  Applications will be finalised mid Term 1 and acceptance letters will be sent home shortly after. 


All Senior, Junior and Training Strings tutorials will recommence in week 3. All Senior and Junior Strings rehearsals will resume in week 4. 

Junior Strings rehearsals will be held on Monday mornings in Music Room 2, commencing at 8:00 am. Students should meet Mrs Pollett at the entrance to the school. Tutorials will take place during the day on a rotating basis.

Senior Strings rehearsals will be held on Tuesday afternoons in Music Room 2, commencing at 3:30pm. Students are to be collected by 4:40pm from the Kiss & Drop drive. Students who are not collected by this time will be taken to OSCH, where additional fees may occur. Tutorials will take place during the day on a rotating basis.

Any expressions of interest to join the Strings Programme can be made by contacting Mrs Pollett via the school email.

Please note an increase in fees for instrument hire and tuition within our Band and Strings programme. Please refer to the email sent by CASC for this information.


Our whole school Musical will take place at the end of Semester One. All students, from Kindergarten - Year 6 will have the opportunity to share in the chorus, alongside the auditioned cast and crew. 

Vocal Ensemble, our only auditioned choir for students in Years 5 & 6, will commence in Week Four, utilising the school hall to ensure adequate space. Auditions will take place at lunchtime on Tuesday 16 February. Students are not required to prepare anything in advance.

Junior Choir (Years 1 & 2) and Senior Choir (Years 3 - 6) will commence in Semester Two. 


Private Tuition

St Peter’s offers private tuition for a variety of instruments during school hours. Private tuition occurs on a rotating timetable, to ensure that students do not miss similar learning experiences from week to week. 

Families wishing for their child / ren to participate in private lessons, are to make contact with the individual tutor. Their details may be found on our school website.

Please note, Mrs Enza Russo, our Vocal Tutor, will return from maternity leave in Semester Two.


Private Tutors

A variety of peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano Tutors (K- Year 6 ) 

Mrs Jiann Bekes - 0411 300 560

Mrs Marion Hall - 9603 7760

Mrs Koula Johnson - 0405 680 028

Cello Tutor (Years 2 - 6)

Miss Erinn Harrowsmith - 0426 993 033

Violin Tutor (Years K - 6)

Mr Ruedi Holbeck - 0425 155 446

Guitar Tutor (Years K - 6)

Mr Daniel Myer - 0439 716 734


Private music lessons are conducted on a rotational roster to ensure students do not miss consecutive classroom lessons during a term, where possible.

These details are available on our Website.



Birth Announcements

Congratulations to Mrs Alison Smith (Learning Enhancement Specialist/EAL/D), her husband Grant and their daughter Pippa on the safe arrival of Cody Mackenzie who was born in the Christmas holidays.


Birth Announcements

Congratulations to Mrs Enza Kadlec (Vocal/Drama Tutor) and her husband for the safe arrival of their baby girl Eliza Lily who was born on 27th December.
Wishing them every blessing as a family.

Birth Announcements

A huge congratulations to Mrs Kate Zylstra (Teacher) and her husband Matt on the safe arrival of Quinton (Quinn) Timen Zylstra on Wednesday morning.
They are both doing well and they are so thankful to God.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for holidays of rest and relaxation.

  • Pray for those impacted by the Coronavirus. 

  • Pray for those new families settling into our school this term.

School Calendar

 Term 1

Monday, 29 January 2021 - Thursday, 1 April 2021

Week 3

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Year 6 Leadership Retreat

Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 10 February 2021 

Year 6 Leadership Retreat
Chapel (Years 3 - 6) 
Thursday, 11 February 2021 
2.00pm: School Tour for new families
Week 4 
Monday, 15 February 2021

2.00pm: School Tour for new families

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Years 3 - 6 - School Swimming Carnival @ Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre

Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Chapel (Years 3 - 6)
Friday, 19 February 2021

9.00am: Junior Primary Assembly

Show more

Physical Culture Classes

Physical Culture Classes for girls in Kindy to Year 3 are held weekly on Wednesdays at 3.30pm. 
Girls can go straight to the Library after school, or be collected from and returned to OSHC.
Classes for other ages are temporily held off site, also on Wednesdays.
Please contact Anne McLeod for further information - 0417 220 128 or

St. Peter's Anglican Church

Welcome Back!

It has been an absolute joy to welcome the boys and girls back to school after a well earned holiday. Whilst staff have been back on site for a few weeks, our school comes alive with the sounds of children, the sounds of laughter, fun and learning. Welcome back!
It has been great to reconnect with many of our parents and whilst restrictions are a necessity at this time, we look forward to taking advantage of opportunities to have parents on site as we are able. Unfortunately, our parent Wine and Cheese evening has been postponed. We do hope to reschedule one 'event' once restrictions are more stable. 
Thanks for understanding that health orders are changing frequently, despite the reasonably stable start to the school year. We must and will follow all health advice, despite the inconvenience this causes our families. We are still required to exclude anyone who shows any symptoms. Advice from a GP or specialist should there be ongoing allergies or conditions would be welcomed if there are ongoing symptoms. 

IPSSO and School Sport

Trials commenced for IPSSO Representative Teams this week. Sports on offer are as follows: Cricket, Oz Tag, Basketball and Girls Soccer. Students who are successful in making the teams are reminded that Wednesday morning training (8.00am-8.30am) is part of the commitment. If your child is unable to make this weekly commitment, they may be better suited to our School Sport Programme.

Competition and morning training will commence on Wednesday, 17 February 2021.

This term for school sport, students will select a sport and participate in a 7-week programme run by an externally provided coach. The sports on offer will be Soccer, AFL and Netball. These sports have been specifically selected to upskill our students for Term 2 IPSSO Sports, providing them with opportunity to improve their skill and knowledge of their chosen sport. While every effort will be made to give students their first choice, this may not always be possible.

Professional Development

Staff enjoyed the opportunity of considering wellbeing as a major focus of our Staff Professional Learning at the commencement of this year. Staff also undertook annual Child Protection Training to ensure we are complying with relevant legislation and take the responsibility we have to the students in our care, seriously. Many parents comment on the care their children receive at St. Peter's and if there are any concerns or compliments, please don't hesitate to get in contact.
Mrs Jennifer Shipway is the Dean of Junior Primary (Prep- Year 2) and Mrs Nerida Hadfield is the Dean of Primary (Years 3-6). 

Swimming Carnival

Our Swimming Carnival will be held on Tuesday, 16 February 2021. Notes should have now been returned to the School. This year will be a little different with COVID-19 restrictions not allowing parents to be seated in the stands with their child/ren. All parents, other than parent helpers, will need to sit outside the fence under the shade sails. If you are able to assist on the day and have not already completed the permission note, please return this ASAP.


We welcome Miss Natalie Maine (Year 6) and Miss Amy Rerekura (Kindergarten) to the staff team this year. We also welcome Mrs Susan Cairns (OSHC) and Miss Abbey Hadfield (Administration) as our trainees for this year. Mrs Danielle Willis (Prep) returns as a teacher assistant on the Wombats class this year.
Mr Benjamin Anthony joins us from Meriden School as our new Facilities Manager. I thank Mr Joe Mizzi for his work acting in this position whilst this appointment was made.
I also congratulate Mrs Fiona Hornman who has accepted a 2 year contract teaching at an International School in Thailand. Mrs Hornman will commence at this school in August. 

Representative Opportunities

Throughout the year, there are various trials in different sports at IPSHA and CIS levels. Competition is of a very high standard and as such these trials are for Year 5 and 6 students only who are already playing at a Representative Level in weekend competition and have several years’ experience at that level.  Nomination for trials is not guaranteed and will be at my discretion. If your child would be interested in representative opportunities beyond our School Teams, please let me know so I can pass on the relevant information.

Positions Vacant

The school is seeking a Music Specialist and will now also be seeking a PE Specialist. Advertisements will be placed in the coming week. 

Welcome Rev Jason Veitch

I had the pleasure of attending the commencement service for Jason, the new Senior Minister at Campbelltown Anglican Churches. Jason is clearly a man committed to sharing the good news of Jesus, and as the Senior Minister, will work closely with the School in our Chaplaincy Programmes. I'm sure you'll join me in welcoming him to St. Peter's. 
Chapel days have changed following a realignment of our school timetable. K-2 students will have their Chapel in the School Hall on Tuesday and Years 3-6 will have their Chapel in the School Hall on Wednesday. Parents are unfortunately unable to attend at this stage. Chapels commence in Week 3. 

Year 6 Leadership Retreat

Our Year 6 students will be undertaking Leadership Training on Tuesday, 9 and Wednesday, 10 February 2021. This vital training prepares our students for their work as pastoral leaders of their Buddy Groups. Our House Based Pastoral Care system has reaped many benefits over the past 5 years and I look forward to seeing the work of our Year 6 leaders, in 2021. 

Prep 2021 - Almost Full

Our Prep classes for 2021 are nearly at capacity and I recommend anyone who hasn't yet enrolled to consider doing so sooner rather than later. Largely, most families come to St. Peter's following the recommendation from family or friends. 

Prep and Kindergarten 2022

Enrolment for 2022 will commence shortly. Again, it is important that we have applications from existing families as siblings are given enrolment priority. Please refer to www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/admissions/how-to-apply/
Our Information Evening is scheduled for Thursday, 4 March 2021. More details on the structure, soon.
As always, if I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm praying that the commencement of 2021 is a wonderful experience for you and your family. 

Communication With The Schools' Council Board

If you need to communicate with the Schools' Council Board, the Chairman can be contacted on chair@casc.org.au.