I am looking forward to seeing many of our school families this evening at our Community Movie Night. We have activities organised for students, food trucks to purchase dinner and a giant movie screen on which to view “Migration”.
I am looking forward to seeing many of our school families this evening at our Community Movie Night. We have activities organised for students, food trucks to purchase dinner and a giant movie screen on which to view “Migration”.
Many of our students have come to St Peter’s following a referral from a member of our current or past school community. If you are aware of families who would like to join our St Peter’s school community, please encourage them to attend one of our school tours or apply through our website.
We will be holding an information and play session on Tuesday 24 September for families who have not yet enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten 2025, so that they can see our amazing Pre-Kindergarten program in action. Bookings can be made via our school website from next week. Advertising for this event will be on Facebook and Instagram. We would love our St Peter’s families to share these advertisements should they pop up in your feed.
Orientation sessions for those already enrolled to begin in 2025 will be held early in Term 4. Information regarding these will be emailed in the coming weeks.
We will be holding our annual Grandparent’s Day on Monday 4 November (Term 4, Week 4).
On this occasion, we would like to invite our St Peter’s Grandparents to a concert at which our Choirs, Band and String Ensembles will be performing, followed by morning tea and classroom visits.
An invitation will be emailed to school families to RSVP on behalf of Grandparents in the coming week.
Over the past two weeks, our school has been buzzing with activity, offering our students a variety of exciting opportunities to engage, learn, and grow. From academic challenges to leadership experiences, our students have truly demonstrated their commitment and enthusiasm in all they do. It is with great pride that I share some of the highlights from this fortnight.
Robotics Competitions
Our budding engineers and tech enthusiasts showcased their skills at the recent Robocup competition. Their dedication to problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork was evident as they navigated complex challenges. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and are excited to see where their passion for robotics will take them in the future. Thank you to Mrs Edmunds and Mr Smith for leading this group and giving them the opportunity to engage in Robotics.
Amazing Me
This programme, delivered via Zoom, was a great opportunity for families to sit with their children and engage in the tricky conversations around puberty and sex. I strongly encourage parents to participate in this programme in future years as it is presented in a clear, comfortable and accurate way by Rowena from Amazing Me. I know many parents who attended have expressed how wonderful the presentation was.
ICAS Exams
Students across various year levels participated in the ICAS assessments, a platform that allows them to test their knowledge and skills in English, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Digital Technologies. These external exams encourage our students to strive for excellence and challenge themselves academically.
CruFit Christian Leadership
Last week, selected students from Year 5 travelled to Broughton to engage in this opportunity. This Christian leadership program provided our students with invaluable insights into leadership from a faith-based perspective. It was a meaningful experience that encouraged our students to reflect on their own faith and how they can lead others.
IPSHA Athletics Carnival
Our athletes put in a fantastic effort at the IPSHA Athletics Carnival, representing our school with pride and sportsmanship. They competed in various events, demonstrating determination and team spirit. Congratulations to all our participants! Mrs Bingham will outline this further in her report.
Year 6 Exhibition
Year 6 students have been diligently working on their Exhibition tasks which is a significant milestone in their academic journey. The students explore a topic of their choice in depth, developing research, presentation and critical thinking skills. We are excited to see the culmination of their efforts and the learning they've gained through this process on September 24 at Exhibition Evening.
Father’s Day Breakfast
Our Father's Day Breakfast last Thursday was a heartwarming success, bringing together fathers, grandfathers, uncles and father figures for a morning of celebration and gratitude. It was a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the bond within our community and we were thrilled to see so many smiling faces enjoying the event.
Buddy Brainstorms
Our Buddy Brainstorms initiative continues to foster collaboration and connection across different year levels as they meet with Mrs McDonnell and me. Students bring new ideas to discuss regarding the qualities we want our students to have and also builds a strong sense of belonging within our school.
Year 1 Zoo Excursion
Year 1 students had an unforgettable experience on their zoo excursion on Wednesday. The hands-on experience sparked their curiosity and provided a fun and educational day outside the classroom.
Buddy Groups was on today to coincide with our Intumbane Slipper Day and the character trait was GENEROSITY. Students were shown a video outlining the history of our involvement with Intumbane and how we have helped them as a school. They learned about the struggles faced with paper shortages due to the cost of paying electricity costs and how we as a school have provided funds to build a library, now with many books. Students were reminded how blessed they are with our resources and opportunities. The character trait of generosity was taught explicitly and students were reminded that the donation made upon entry to the school will be a blessing to Intumbane.
As you can see, it has been a busy and rewarding time at our school. We are incredibly proud of our students for embracing these opportunities with enthusiasm and dedication. These experiences not only enhance their academic and extracurricular achievements but also contribute to their personal growth and development.
As teachers, we annually experience a bittersweet moment of realisation when the little learners we welcomed in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten are fast approaching the end of their Year 6 and primary school journey. At St Peter’s, we take great pride in growing curious minds and nurturing hearts for Jesus, upholding a strong desire for our students to become impactful global citizens who are ready to take action for the good of God’s creation. However, acknowledging our Year 6 students are on the verge of an exciting new chapter beyond our school gates certainly invites a range of mixed emotions.
While it’s always hard to see our students leave, we are filled with joy and pride as we reflect on their incredible growth during their time at St Peter’s. From their first days in Pre-Kindergarten (or Kindergarten) to becoming the confident and capable school leaders they are today, our Year 6 students have experienced a journey of learning, change and discovery that has been a privilege for us to be a part of.
In the coming months, Year 6 will participate in many final primary school events that will create cherished memories they will hold onto for a lifetime. One significant event marking the culmination of their years at St Peter’s is the PYP Exhibition. Preparing for this exhibition is an exciting and rewarding experience, allowing our students to present what they have learned from our inquiry-based curriculum. Through this process, they continue to grow as responsible, reflective, principled, open-minded, balanced and knowledgeable thinkers, communicators and inquirers who care about themselves, others and the incredible world God has created.
This year, our Year 6 students have engaged in a year-long inquiry, focusing on the Central Idea: ‘Actions impact personal position.’ Throughout this inquiry, they have applied their Thinking, Research, Communication, Social and Self-Management Skills to grapple with some complex global issues they have recognised as needing urgent action and change. It has been inspiring to witness their sense of agency as they work together to understand the complexities of these issues while identifying positive actions that can make a significant difference in God’s world.
Over the next few weeks, our students will work hard to bring together all the elements of their inquiry for their final Exhibition presentation, which they will share with their families. It is our prayer that as they reach the finish line of this inquiry and draw nearer to the end of their time at St Peter’s, they will continue to grow in their care for themselves, others and God’s amazing creation, always recognising their capacity to take impactful action for positive change.
This special Exhibition event will occur during Week 9 on Tuesday, 24 September at 6:30 pm in the St Peter’s School Hall.
Our Parent Information sessions for Term 3 were scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10 September (Week 7). Due to the availability of the presenters, we have postponed these events to a later date. We will provide further information over the coming weeks about future opportunities for Parent Information sessions later in the year.
This year we are making an important change to our upcoming Pre-Kindergarten - Year 2 sports carnival. In alignment with current best practices in junior sports and to support the development of positive attitudes towards physical activity, we have decided to adopt a non-competitive format for the carnival this year. Research shows that children under the age of 12 benefit most from activities that prioritise fun, participation, and skill development rather than competition. This change is consistent with many junior sports programs that do not introduce competitive elements until children reach the age of 12. By focusing on enjoyment and individual progress, we aim to foster a lifelong love for physical activity and ensure that all students feel included and motivated. While competition can be motivating, at this developmental stage it is essential that children build confidence, social skills and a healthy attitude towards exercise. We believe this approach will create a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all students and we hope you share our excitement about this shift.
This past week, on the Thursday, 5 September, I had my first birthday at school as the School Chaplain. I experienced, first-hand, how good it is to be part of this School community with its warmth and kindness. It was so lovely to be greeted with “Happy Birthday” from parents at the gate and smiling students throughout the day. I was sung to several times, in varying keys, and made to feel very special by the Staff.
I think the safe, caring community that the leadership seek to create, is a real strength of our school. The recent Father’s day breakfast was another great example of having the opportunity to enjoy our school community.
As I write, I am really looking forward to the ‘Movie Night’ tonight on, what I think will be, a balmy Spring evening. The children are not only excited to watch a movie together, but to support our sister school community on the other side of the world.
When I think of community, I think of the God of the Bible who is within Himself a relational God- “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. I think too about the amazing truth that God created us as relational beings. We were made to enjoy a right relationship with our Creator and to enjoy good relationships with one another. The Bible describes God as a compassionate father who shows mercy on those who ‘fear’ Him. To ‘fear’ here means to treat God as God. He is the mighty creator of the universe and He is the God who loves us and longs for us to know Him.
Psalm 103
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever; He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on His children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.
God, out of His desire for us to be in a right relationship with Him, sent His one and only Son into the world to deal with our sin and to provide a way for us to become His children.
As we read in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I really do enjoy our school community and I am thankful that it is shaped by a staff who call God ‘Father’.
This week, our Year 1 students had an exciting adventure at Sydney Zoo. They were thrilled to explore the wide variety of animals, from the towering giraffes to the playful meerkats. The children were especially captivated by the roaring lions and the majestic elephants. But the highlight of the day was the Dinosaur Valley exhibit, where they marveled at the lifelike dinosaur models. Their eyes lit up as they imagined what it was like when these giants roamed the earth. It was a day full of wonder and learning, sparking their curiosity about the natural world, past and present.
The long-awaited day had finally arrived! The IPSHA Athletics event was upon us. Our students showed a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation, and were more than ready.
The weather proved favourable, allowing our students to kick off the day with energetic relay races. Each team delivered commendable performances, with our Junior Boys securing a notable 3rd place in their heat.
The day unfolded with a flurry of events, and for some, it was a whirlwind of back-to-back track competitions. We are delighted to report that numerous ribbons were earned by our students. It was truly uplifting to see every participant give their utmost effort and to witness their exceptional sportsmanship and support for one another from the stands.
We extend a special round of applause to our remarkable athletes who not only excelled but also earned prestigious spots at the CIS (State) carnival. Congratulations to Woojin S for achieving 1st place in 11 Years Boys Long Jump and Lachlan S who earned 1st place in 100m, 200m, Long Jump, Discus and Shot Put as a Para-Athlete.
Week 5 - v. BYE
Week 6 - v. Macarthur Anglican School
Sport | W/L/D | Rank | Score | Player of the Match |
Jnr AFL | L | 7th | 0-77 | Madeleine M |
Jnr Boys Soccer | L | 7th | 0-7 | Carter H |
Jnr Netball | L | 6th | 3-5 | Scarlett G |
Jnr Newcombe Ball | L | 6th | 0-3 | Zoe J |
Snr AFL | W | 6th | 25-21 | William P |
Snr Boys Soccer | D | 6th | 1-1 | Riley Z |
Snr Netball | L | 7th | 8-20 | Claire R & Claudia C |
Snr Volleyball | L | 3rd | 0-3 | Everyone! |
Week 6 ends the Winter Inter-School sports. The existing Summer teams from Term 1 will resume in Term 4.
Congratulations to our teams and their final placings in the Winter competition this year.
On Tuesday, 10 September, we are excited to take a team of students passionate about playing tennis to the Todd Woodbridge Tennis Tournament in Wollongong. Congratulations to the students selected to represent our school.
Team 1 | Team 2 |
Ava W Emma Z Harrison S Henry L Isaac C Mackenzie K Scarlett G | Catriona M Ella-Rose M Guy C Magnushire W Noah S Rafan M Summer B Woojin S |
The previously advertised Hockey Gala Day has been cancelled. We look forward to it running in 2025.
Over the course of our current Unit of Inquiry, Year 3 have been exploring how ‘Change fosters community’ by learning about the Olympics over time.
First of all, we looked at the history of the Olympic Games and discovered how the Games came to be. We even had a try at some of the sports played during the Ancient Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, testing our running and jumping skills. Moving forward to the Modern Olympic Games that we all know and love, we learned about some of the key features of the Games such as the meaning of the Olympic rings and the significance of the Olympic values: excellence, respect and friendship. As we learned about how the Olympics have changed over time, we saw how the Games grew in the number of countries participating and the variety of sports being played.
One key change was the introduction of the Paralympics in 1960, which offered the opportunity for the world to see the sporting excellence of even more incredible athletes! We were very excited to try some of the Paralympic sports for ourselves. We participated in some different versions of Sitting Volleyball, as well as honing our auditory skills by listening for a noisy ball while wearing a blind-fold, in a modified version of Goalball.
A highlight has also been our medal tallies. Mrs Bingham made an exciting display for the whole school to keep track of how some of the participating countries were going, while we kept track of Australia’s medals inside our classrooms as well!
We’re keen to continue applying our learning in our third line of inquiry, by thinking about how changes in the way we do sport can foster community here at school!
Alongside all of this, we have learned that unlike the Olympics, God is ‘immutable’: He doesn’t change. We have become Bible detectives by learning about God’s character and looking for evidence in the Bible to help us understand who He is and what He’s like. So far we have seen that God is always holy, faithful, good, loving and just.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. - Hebrews 13:8
All validations are now complete.
Please see the Campbelltown Anglican School Term Dates for 2025 and 2026.