Welcome Back!

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

Welcome back to Term 3.  Standing at the gate each morning greeting our students as they arrive at school is such a joy and an amazing opportunity to connect with each of them as they arrive for a new day of learning. 

We have had a busy beginning of term, with celebrations for 100 days of Kindergarten, Year 6 Camp, Green and Gold day and a Year 5 excursion to discover more about our local area.

Building Program

It is very exciting to see parts of our new entrance taking shape.  I have loved chatting with students about what is happening and what changes have taken place.  They are very curious about the process of building, and at times a little surprised at the time it takes to construct new spaces.  It will be wonderful to have a ramp at the front of our school administration building to allow all of our students, their parents and grandparents and younger siblings easier access to our school reception.

Thank you for ensuring that students are not dropped at school prior to 8.10am (8.00am for organised activities) to allow access to the building site for construction workers and for the safe delivery of materials.

Father's Day Breakfast

We are looking forward to welcoming our Dads and other special people who play this role in our students' lives to our Father’s Day breakfast on Thursday, 29 August. The invitation and information regarding bookings is attached below.  A reminder that each person attending must have a ticket to assist with catering for this special event.

Click on the link below to register the number of students and parents/carers attending.

Father's Day Breakfast Booking Link

Bookings will close on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at 2:00pm. Unfortunately, we will be unable to cater for families who do not book prior to this time.

Father's Day Stall

As previously advised our Father's Day Stalls will be held on the following days.

  • Tuesday, 27 August 2024. (Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos and Koalas)
  • Friday, 30 August 2024. (Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas / Wombats, Kindergarten - Year 6 & St Peter's Heart)

Students will attend the stall during the day with gifts costing $6 each. There will be a wide range of gifts available including Grandfather gifts. All payments must be made through the Parent Lounge via the following link. No cash will be accepted on the day. 

The payment link will close on Monday, 26 August @3:00pm (Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos and Koalas) and Thursday, 29 August @ 12noon (Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas / Wombats, Kindergarten - Year 6 & St Peter's Heart).

Please see previous email for more information.

Parent Lounge

Staffing Update

Congratulations to Mr Peter Stevenson who has accepted a role as Senior School Chaplain at Oran Park Anglican, beginning in 2025. Peter is passionate about sharing the Gospel with students and this new role will give him further opportunities to do so. We have appreciated his work as our Dean of Biblical Studies and classroom teacher, as well as his previous positions as Stage Dean. He will be missed at St Peter's. 

Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

It has been a whirlwind start to Term Three with so many wonderful experiences and opportunities available to our students.

I had the privilege of attending Year 6 Camp and could not be prouder of how our students engaged in the many learning opportunities, showing respect and being involved at the War Memorial, Australian Education Electoral Commission, Museum of Australian Democracy and the Geoscience Centre (just to name a few). They had a wonderful time exploring at Questacon, sharing cabins with friends and playing in the snow for a full day. Congratulations to all Year 6. You really represented our school well. Thank you to Mr Calnan, Mrs Brown, Miss Tranby and Mr Stoicescu for making the experience a lot of fun.

Amazing Me

This opportunity is strongly recommended for all families of students in Years 3-6. The online course is a great resource to assist you in having conversations with your child around personal development and sex education.

The information has again been sent out today. Please read this carefully and click on the link to register. Link


100 Days of Kindergarten

On Tuesday, 30 July Kindergarten celebrated 100 Days of being at school! It was a very special day and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the growth, learning and fun we have had this year. We reflected on how we have spent 100 days learning about letters and words and how we can now read and write so many words. We thought about the 100 days of learning about numbers and how some of us can now count to 100. We discussed how we have had 100 days of being friends, 100 days being kind to each other and learning more about God. Throughout the day students participated in a variety of play based activities exploring the number 100.

STEAM Explosion Day

Steam Explosion Day: Species Survival – Tuesday, 17 September 2024  
We are excited to announce our upcoming Steam Explosion Day, with this year’s theme being Species Survival! This event promises to be an engaging and educational experience for our students, filled with hands-on activities that will explore the fascinating world of species and their survival mechanisms.  
To ensure your child has the best experience, please send them in sensible mufti clothes that can potentially get dirty, as we anticipate lots of messy fun throughout the day. Closed-in shoes are also essential for safety.

Students will participate in a variety of activities within their classrooms and view an exciting performance by the renowned Mad About Science Show, which will bring Science to life with captivating demonstrations and interactive elements.

We look forward to a day of exploration, learning and messy fun!

Moana Jr Auditions

Please be reminded that audition videos are due next Monday (12 August). These should be sent by 9am to the auditions@stpeters.nsw.edu.au email address. All emails have been checked and sent a reply when they have been received. Please ensure you have this email of receipt. Please follow the audition  procedures that were emailed out at the end of last term. This audition is necessary for all students wishing to be in the cast, including ensembles from Years 2-5. Backstage crew do not need to audition and will be decided next year.

Book Character/Literature Day

Our Literature Book Character Parade is coming up on Friday August 23. We look forward to seeing many wonderful book characters parading around the school. Please see the flyer attached for more details. 

Community Movie Night

Our Community Movie Night is also later this term on Friday, 6 September starting at 5.30pm. We look forward to inviting our community together to view the movie 'Migration'. Please keep an eye out for details including food trucks and fun activities in which to be involved.

Buddy Groups

Due to our photo schedule we were unable to have Buddy Groups this week. We look forward to our next Buddy Groups in Week 4.

The Promises of God

Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain

I hope you and your family have had time to rest and to enjoy time together over the past few weeks. If the last few weeks have been hard, I’m sorry. Please reach out if you would like to talk. I am more than willing to listen and pray.

I thought, as we begin a new term, it would be good to be reminded (I need constant reminding) that God is always good and true to His Word. His promises never fail.

We have been learning about the promises of God this year in Chapel and Biblical Studies. The first promise we discover in the Bible is found in Genesis Chapter 1 verses 14 and 15. God promised that a child would one day be born who would crush the serpent’s head. This promise points to the One who would come and deal with sin and death and restore mankind’s relationship with their Creator. Christians believe that the promised one is Jesus.

Last term in Chapel, we focused on God’s unfolding plan of salvation through the promises made to Abraham of ‘Land, Offspring and Blessing.’ We discovered that God’s plan is not always straightforward. The history of God’s people is marked with moments of great faith and triumph and moments of spectacular disobedience and failure. Through it all, God’s promises remain true as the Lord prepares His people for the coming of the promised Saviour. The catch cry of last term was “God’s promises, never fail”. Mr Stevenson reminded us that if we are tempted to doubt this truth, “Just look to Jesus”.  Jesus is a descendant of Abraham, according to Matthew Chapter 1, and is the one who fulfils all God’s promises.

All the Promises of God Are ‘Yes’ in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).

In Galatians 3:29 Paul wrote, "If you are Christ's then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise”. All the promises of God for the good of His people are found in Christ. He confirms them and secures them for all who belong to Him— (Galatians 3:22). Every sinner who comes to God in Christ, with all their needs, finds God coming to them in Christ, with all His promises.  

When a sinful person meets the holy God IN CHRIST, what they hear is YES. Do you love me? YES. Will you forgive me? YES. Will you accept me? YES. Will you help me change? YES. Will you give me power to serve you? YES. Will you keep me? YES. Will you show me your glory? YES.

All the promises of God—all the blessings of God in the heavenly places—are YES in Christ Jesus. Jesus is God's decisive YES to all who believe. (John Piper)

May the knowledge that God is always true to His Word and keeps every promise He makes give us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

100 Days of Kindergarten

Miss Kym Busutel - Coordinator of St Peter's Heart

Last week, we celebrated a remarkable milestone for our two little Kindergarten students, marking their 100 days of Kindergarten. During this time, they have experienced tremendous growth. They’ve made new friends within their class and throughout the school and began integrating into Music and STEAM activities alongside Grammar students last term.

Our Kindergarten students have also developed their resilience, learning about the importance of diversity and understanding that some children may need extra support. They have shown compassion by checking in on their friends when they’re hurt, all while achieving significant learning milestones.

We are excited to watch their continued growth and development in the months to come!

IPSSO Inter-School Sport

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Coordinator

Students were buzzing to receive and wear our brand new Representative Sports Uniform! How amazing do they look?

Week 1 - v. BYE

Week 2 - v. Oran Park Anglican College





Player of the Match





Isaac C

Jnr Boys Soccer




Liam M

Jnr Netball




Paige M

Jnr Newcombe Ball




Nate C





Oliver C

Snr Boys Soccer





Snr Netball




Sophia K

Snr Volleyball




Connor C


Winter sports will continue in Term 3. Please download and regularly check the Term 2 & 3 Draw. Teams involved in finals will be notified a week in advance. Teams progress to finals when they finish 1st or 2nd in our Pool.

Tennis Competition

Throughout Term 2, our school held its annual tennis singles competition, an event brimming with enthusiasm and intense matches. Extending across Year 3-6, boys and girls, students showcased impressive skills, many standing out and progressing. In the end, the championship matches were fiercely contested, Magnushire W versus Summer B, Liam M versus Isaac C, and Rafan M versus Guy C.

Congratulations Magnushire W, Liam M and Rafan M for emerging victorious. 

We look forward to the tennis doubles competition in Term 4.

Todd Woodbridge Tennis Tournament

The Todd Woodbridge Cup is a primary school team tennis competition for Stage 2 (Years 3&4) and Stage 3 (Years 5&6) students that uses modified equipment, numeric scoring, and mixed gender teams. Events are designed to be fun and inclusive, meaning it is not just for experienced tennis players. Anyone who wants to give tennis a go is encouraged to come and have a try. 

To see what the TWC is all about, watch the 2023 highlights video HERE.

Competition information:

  • Tuesday, 10th September, Wollongong Beaton Park Complex

  • Each team is made up of four boys and four girls. 

  • We will be entering one Stage 2 team and one Stage 3 team.

  • All students are encouraged to participate no matter what their skill level may be. 

  • Tennis NSW and local club representatives will run the entire day.

If your child in Years 3-6 is involved in tennis training and/or weekly coaching outside of school, please fill in the form below. Trials will occur based on interest. Students involved in our Tennis Competitions will also be considered where spots need to be filled.

Todd Woodbridge Tennis Tournament EOI


2024 Sports Carnival Awards Assembly

Please note in your diaries and calendars, the date of our primary Assembly to celebrate our 2024 Sports Carnival year - Monday, 19th August (Week 4). Students who have achieved age champions across our Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals will be acknowledged and celebrated, including our Tennis Singles Champions. 

Please keep an eye out for communication closer to the date to let you know if your child will be receiving an award.

Year 6 Camp

Students from Year 6 recently undertook an educational tour of the National Capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the National Capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school in the amount of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

My favourite part of camp was going to the snow. I loved the place where they picked a place with fresh snow and the large area where we could explore was very exciting. I loved the activities and my favourite was the snowball fight as I got my adrenaline pumping and I had a lot of fun.


My favourite part of camp was definitely the cabins. It was an awesome space where I got to spend time with my friends, and was extremely fun.


The bus ride was so fun because we ate lots of food.


Questacon was the best. Dropping off the vertical drop was amazing.

The War Memorial was so great. We got to see so many artefacts and remember what has been done for us to keep us safe. Camp was extremely fun, and we learnt a lot in the Parliament house and the War Memorial. The War Memorial was very memorable. The War Memorial was created to commemorate the soldiers who fought in the war for our country. Every single name of every single soldier had been engraved into the walls of the memorial. In WWI, after the fighting had concluded, the Australian Government chose to send home to bury only one perished soldier. The solider that was chosen remains unknown. This is to commemorate everybody who fought for our country.

Riley and Shelley

During camp, we visited lots of places but Parliament House was one of the best. We ventured through the Senate and House of Representatives where we were taught about politics and democracy. Our own Mike Freelander would stand up in the House of Representatives and represent us. After that we soon arrived at the middle of the Parliament House where there was little fountain. Not long after, we had to say goodbye to Canberra and the fancy Parliament house.


Year 6 camp had a lot of new experiences to offer that made me think I never wanted to go back home, but my favourite by far was none other than the amazing Questacon. Machines that tested your throwing strength, jumping height and your reaction speed and a bar you hang off and then you drop down a slide after you let go. There was a level assigned to just Lego and even a natural disaster room. The natural disaster room has a really cool earthquake room that resembles a house and it goes up to 5.8 magnitude! This was a really cool place and it was probably the highlight of the camp, so if you're wanting to try something new, then Questacon is the best place ever.


School Prayers

  • We are thankful for the great time of rest during the holidays—a chance to pause, reflect, and enjoy time with family and friends.
  • We pray for the term ahead and are grateful for all the opportunities at St Peter's. We pray this will be a wonderful term, full of learning and fun.
  • Thank you, Lord, for the Year 6 Camp last week. We are grateful that the students had the opportunity to see and experience new places and spend time together away from home.

School Calendar

Term 3

Monday, 22 July 2024 - Friday, 27 September 2024

Week 3
Monday, 12 August 2024
8.00am: ICAS English
9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten -  Year 2 Assembly 
Tuesday, 13 August 2024
Amazing Me
9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 3 & 4
Wednesday, 14 August 2024
8.00am: ICAS English - Catch Up
9.00am- 9.30am: Chapel Years 5 & 6 
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior - IPSSO St Peter's vs Mount Annan Christian College
1.15pm - 2.15pm: Senior - IPSSO St Peter's vs Mount Anna Christian College
Thursday, 15 August 2024
9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 1 & 2
Friday, 16 August 2024

9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten Chapel 
Week 4
Monday, 19 August 2024
8.00am: ICAS Science
9.00am - 9.30am: Years 3 - 6 Assembly & Sports Assembly
Tuesday, 20 August 2024
9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 3 & 4
Wednesday, 21 August 2024
8.00am: ICAS Science - Catch Up
9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 5 & 6
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPSSO Sport - St Peter's vs Wollondilly Anglican College
1.15pm - 2.15pm: Senior IPSSO Sport - St Peter's vs Wollondilly Anglican College
Thursday, 22 August 2024
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2
9.15am - 11.00am: Year 5 Campbelltown Walking Tour
Friday, 23 August 2024
Book Character/Literature Day
9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten Chapel

2025 & 2026 Term Dates

Please see the Campbelltown Anglican School Term Dates for 2025 and 2026.

Music Tutors

We offer a variety of tutors, providing one on one, and small group tuition (dependent on the tutor) in piano, voice, guitar and violin. Lessons occur on a rotational timetable, to avoid students missing the same class lesson, week in and week out. Further information can be found on our website, along with contact information for our tutors.

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:
Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Years K–6)

Piano Tutors
Mrs Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 | jbekes540@gmail.com
Mrs Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 | koulajohnson@gmail.com
Guitar Tutor
Mr Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 | daniel@ultimateguitaracademy.com
Vocal Tutor
Mrs Francesca Olson | Mobile: 0413 942 632 | francesca.olson@gmail.com 
Piano / Cello Tutor
Ms Samira Dib| Mobile: 0418 248 239