
Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

Feedback is a natural part of learning.  Sometimes the feedback is as a natural consequence of trying something new, at other times it comes from an external source.  It is a vital component of growth and learning for students, teachers and the school as a whole.

As a school, we embrace opportunities to gather feedback.  Last weekend, Mrs Hadfield, Mrs Nash, Mrs Nielson and I spent the day meeting and interviewing our Pre-Kindergarten class of 2025.  Meeting with parents who are already part of our school community was a wonderful opportunity to gather feedback about how their older children are finding St Peter’s.  This feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with parents citing the positive relationships their children have with their teachers and opportunities to meet one another at our Parent Connect events as highlights of the year so far.  Meeting with new families who consistently stated that they were at St Peter’s following the recommendations of current families was also exciting to hear.

While it is wonderful to hear positive feedback, we are also keen to hear when there are things that could be done differently.  This helps us to continue to meet the needs of our school community.  If you have questions or concerns, the best ways to communicate these are either by speaking to a member of the Executive team at the gate each morning, or by emailing

We are very proud of the way our Year 3 and 5 students approached NAPLAN last week.  They were settled and focussed and very excited when it was all over, celebrating with an ice block!  NAPLAN is another way that we as a school gather feedback.  It helps us to plan our future teaching programs, both for individual students, and also for our school as a whole.  My thanks go to Mrs Nielson and Mrs Nash for all their work organising and supporting students and families through this process.

With Easter fast approaching, I would like to invite you to join us next Thursday 28 March at 2.30pm for our Whole School Easter Chapel.  This will involve students from Kindergarten - Year 6 from both Grammar and Heart.  The chapel service will be held in our School Hall, with entry via the Hall Playground Gate (Entry A).  We will open this gate at 2.20pm for parents to enter.

I would also like to encourage families to attend one of the Easter services at Campbelltown Anglican Churches.  Further information regarding these can be found on the attached flyer.

Broughton Anglican College - Year 7 2025

A reminder that Application forms should now be completed by parents of our Year 6 students who intend to progress to Broughton Anglican College for Year 7.  This form can be found on the Broughton website.  Please note, that the application and enrolment fee does not need to be paid by St Peter’s families.  Parents are requested to begin the application form and then contact the enrolments team on 46452044 so that the application fee can be waived.

Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

This term is flying by and we have been busy throughout the school, engaging in our Units of Inquiry, building our literacy skills, exploring numbers and solving mathematical problems as well as learning more about God’s love for each of us every day. Of course there’s even more than that going on, not to mention the buzz of relationship building in the playgrounds! This past fortnight has also been busy with NAPLAN and our Year 3 and 5 students remained calm and focused thanks to the support of families, teachers and other helpers.

We look forward to more activities in the coming weeks.

Calendar updates 

  • Whole School Service - there are two dates listed in the calendar for this event. Please be aware that the correct date is 24th June NOT 13th May.

  • Term 3 this year begins with Week One being PD week in the school calendar. Usually we begin with Week One when students start. Please be aware of this being different this year where students will begin in Week Two.

Morning supervision 

Please be reminded that morning supervision begins from 8.10 when the gates are open. Leaving students before this time is leaving them unsupervised by school staff.


Once again families are reminded that entry to the school carpark is for kiss and drop only (with the exception of early and late arrivals for OSHC and disabled parking). Staff have allocated spots in the carpark so parking in one of these spots causes problems for that staff member to park upon arrival when they may have meetings to attend.

Please also be aware that parents should never leave their car unattended in the drive through line, either along Howe St or in our carpark.  Council rangers monitor Howe St regularly as this is a “No Stopping” zone during peak periods

Harmony / International Day

Next Thursday 28 March is our Harmony/International Day. A reminder that our students have an opportunity to arrive at school in cultural attire for the day. We will have cultural showcases and parades during the day followed by a combined Easter Chapel in the hall for parents to attend at 2.30pm. Students who do not have a specific cultural dress are welcome to wear orange clothing or accessories for the day as this is the Harmony Day colour. 

As students will be in this traditional dress all day, please ensure it is comfortable for the purpose of learning and playing.

ANZAC Day Parade (April 25th) and Assembly (April 29th)

On Thursday, 25 April, ANZAC Day, St Peter's staff and students have been invited to participate with other schools, community members and RSL Veterans in the ANZAC Day March along Queen Street, Campbelltown. The March will conclude with a wreath laying ceremony at Mawson Park in respect of all who have given their lives in defence of this great country.

It would be wonderful to have as many of our students present to mark this significant day. If you are able to attend, students should wear full summer or winter uniform including their walking hat. We will assemble near Campbelltown Mall, on the corner of Queen and Allman Streets at 8.00am to secure our place for an 8.25am start to the march.

Please report to Mrs Hadfield, who will be present on the morning.

Our school Anzac Assembly will be held in the School Hall at 9am on our first day of Term 2. Parents are welcome to attend this service.

Student Leadership Conference

Today our School Captains and Prefects attended a Primary Leadership Conference at the ICC in Darling Harbour. We will have more information about this in our next newsletter but it was a wonderful opportunity for our leaders to join with Broughton’s Junior School prefects and to learn more about making a difference in our school, community and world.

Assessment Practices and Standardised Tests

Mrs Jamie Nielson - Head of Teaching & Learning / PYP Coordinator

As we work towards finalising the last of our NAPLAN catch-up tests, we reflect on the amazing way that our Year 3 and 5 students have conducted themselves through this entire process. NAPLAN testing can seem quite foreign to students who are not accustomed to sitting traditional 'timed tests'. Despite this, our students took ‘NAPLAN week’ in their stride and did an incredible job of navigating a very different routine to their familiar St Peter’s experience.

We have all had moments where assessments tasks and tests have ignited feelings of nervousness and, for some, even dread. While standardised assessment practices are unlikely to be the most cherished part of your personal school experience, they do have their place within education systems across Australia and here at St Peter’s. Tests like NAPLAN provide a momentary 'snapshot' in time that measures students' current understanding against key literacy and numeracy outcomes and content. When students engage in this process repeatedly over a number of years, it allows us to see the growth that takes place across two year cycles as students transition between Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. As educators, this documented growth provides valuable data on individual student performance, while shedding light on the potential direction for future teaching, learning and program development.

While the traditional model of academic testing isn’t a regular feature at our school, students frequently engage in assessment tasks where they have opportunities to show their understanding through familiar and routine learning experiences. Often, our students complete assessments, unaware that they're even being assessed, where formative data is collected with the intention of shaping future teaching and learning. Our teachers monitor student responses to the learning provided, adjusting the lesson focus and content to review, based on the learning needs revealed through ongoing observations. As a mandatory requirement of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), NSW schools employ a range of assessment processes to gather data and evidence to support teachers in assessing students' current levels of understanding and to plan for future lessons. Similarly, students are also required to engage in self-reflection as part of the assessment process.

The embedded nature of this practice ensures that assessments at St Peter’s are thoughtfully and purposefully built into the teaching and learning cycle to provide students with the best opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a range of contexts across the curriculum. 

The Assessment Practices below are an overview of the Assessment Advice outlined by NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and align with our current assessment practices at St Peter’s. 

Assessment for Learning - “Involves teachers using evidence about students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to inform their teaching. It usually occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify student learning and understanding.”

Assessment As Learning - “Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and how to use assessment for new learning.” 

Assessment Of learning - “Assessment of learning assists teachers in using evidence of student learning to assess achievement against outcomes and standards. It usually occurs at defined key points during a unit of work or at the end of a unit of work, term or semester and may be used to rank or grade students.”

Parent Information Sessions - Primary Numeracy Project

As a reminder our Parent Information Sessions will be taking place in Week 10. Registrations are still open for those that haven't registered yet.

Henrietta Miller (Primary Numeracy Project consultant from the AISNSW) will lead the Parent Information Sessions aimed at supporting families in developing their understanding of the numeracy requirements for primary-aged children. These sessions will provide valuable opportunities for parents to deepen their knowledge of the curriculum that shapes Mathematical learning in K-6. They will also explore how instructional processes have undergone significant changes since their own experiences in school.

We will be offering both K-2 and 3-6 Information sessions, where Henrietta will delve into what it means for students to be numerate and to develop number sense. Parents will also gain insight into what it means to work mathematically and the importance of problem-solving in mathematics.

All attending parents will receive a workbook that includes practical strategies for supporting their children at home. 

Parent Information Sessions Schedule 

Date: Thursday, 4 April 2024

Where: Year 5 Classrooms 

Workshop Times: 

2:00 - 2:45 pm - Numeracy in Kindergarten - Year 2

3:30 - 4:15 pm - Numeracy in Years 3-6

6:00 - 6:45 pm - Numeracy - K-2 (repeated 2:00 pm session)

7:00 - 7:45 pm - Numeracy Years 3 - 6 (repeated 3:30 pm session) 


Parents are welcome to attend both the K-2 and 3-6 parent workshops. If you haven't already registered your attendance please use the following link. 

Booking Link

Asking Great Questions

Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain

I love that St Peter’s Anglican Grammar and St Peter's Heart encourages students to see themselves as ‘Learners’.  Part of learning involves asking good questions and the students sure know how to ask great questions. One question, that is often asked is, “If God is powerful (and Jesus had the power to heal when he walked on Earth) then why doesn’t God always heal us and our family members when we ask Him?” Excellent question.  

Over the last two weeks we have looked at two amazing stories recorded in Luke Chapter 8 about Jesus healing a woman who had been sick for 12 years and Jesus raising a 12-year-old girl back to life.  The stories in Luke’s Gospel reveal Jesus true identity as the Son of God and show us His power and compassion. Jesus healed the sick to show who He was/is and eyewitnesses who believed in Jesus as Lord wrote what they saw down, so that we too can believe and put our faith in Jesus. 

Jesus has done everything needed to show He is God, including (as we will celebrate at Easter) rising from the dead. Jesus still has the power to heal and does heal today but doesn’t promise He will always heal this side of His return. What Jesus does promise, is that all who believe in Him will have life eternal (John 3:16) and one day will live in a place free from pain, sickness, suffering and death. 

A congregation meets for a Church Service on Wednesdays at 9:30am, in the Historic Church Building, following Year 5 & 6 Chapel. The members are mostly older folk who are very welcoming of people of any age who want to join them. This week, as we were finishing Chapel, a couple arrived who have been members of Church for many years (their grandchildren went through St Peter's School).  

Beverly arrived in her electric wheelchair; she has motor neuron disease. I asked Beverly, and David her husband, to come down the front to talk to the children about their faith. Bev said that she has believed in Jesus since the time she was their age, that Jesus has always been good to her, and that she trusts Him now with her illness. Bev said that her faith in Jesus will go on forever, only her ‘address’ will one day change. She also said that she is looking forward to meeting Jesus face to face.  

Some great books to read on this subject: ‘If I were God, I’d end all the pain’ by John Dickson (for parents), and ‘Why does God let bad things happen?’  by Chris Morphew (for 10–12-year-olds). 


St Peter's Easter Chapel

Please see the invitation below, we would love to see you join us for our Easter Chapel Service.

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Miss Kym Busutel - Coordinator of St Peter's Heart
Recently students in Years 3 and 5 enthusiastically participated in the NAPLAN assessments, marking a notable achievement in their academic progression. These evaluations cover four key areas: Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language (including spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and Numeracy. They offer students a thorough exposure to exam conditions and a chance to apply their computer proficiency. I am delighted to commend all students for their remarkable dedication and focused attitude throughout these examination sessions. Their resilience and commitment is truly commendable. 
Our adventurous Year 6 students recently visited Broughton Anglican College for a taste of high school life. They participated in various subjects such as Science, Drama, Technology, and PE, engaging in hands-on activities such as observing liquids transform into gases and expanding rubber gloves. Sebastian demonstrated remarkable courage by attempting to insert a wooden stick through a balloon without it popping. This experience provided our students with insights into high school dynamics, including larger classrooms, more peers, and the lively atmosphere of recess and lunchtime. Undoubtedly, this eye-opening excursion enriched their understanding of the transition to their next academic chapter.
In Science, the Galahs have been studying weather and the changing environment. They've learnt various methods of collecting weather data and why it's crucial. They've discussed rain gauges, wind socks, and thermometers, understanding their roles in predicting weather patterns. It became evident that remembering their umbrellas during a rainstorm is wise! Friday afternoons remain a highlight for the Kookaburras as they engage in developmental play with Year 2 Grammar students. These activities, such as building with cogs and blocks, foster social skills and collaborative spirit among these peers. In the Lorikeets, Year 2 has been studying equal arm balances and informal units of measurement to determine the mass of objects, while Year 3 focuses on regrouping numbers using place value. Year 5 has been exploring numbers up to millions, and Year 6 examined integers.

IPSSO Inter-School Sport

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

As we continue the IPSSO Inter-School Summer Season, we would like to put an emphasis on fitness! The way students can improve their game play is by increasing fitness levels. This is easy to do from home! There are multiple fitness videos for children online; a favourite is PE with Joe. Kids and teens should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Physical activity should include a variety of activities, including activities which make them ‘huff and puff’. Kids and teens can get even more health benefits from doing physical activity up to three hours every day.

For more information, please read Healthy Kids Fact Sheet by NSW Health.

Thank you to the parents who come out to support our teams! If you would like to cheer the teams on from the sideline, download the Term 1 Draw and squeeze a lunch break into your work schedules.

Week 7 - v. Mount Annan Christian College





Player of the Match

Jnr Basketball




Henry L

Jnr Cricket




James P

Jnr Girls Soccer




Madeleine M

Jnr Oz-Tag




Tiffany L

Snr Basketball




Alyssa H

Snr Cricket




Elijah N

Snr Girls Soccer




Ella-Rose M

Snr Oz-Tag




Evie N

Week 8 - v. Broughton Anglican College (Washed Out)

Please note the following updates to the draw:


Apr 10

Oran Park Anglican College

Junior: 11.35-12.25 Senior: 1.15-2.15



Apr 10

Oran Park Anglican College

Junior: 11.35-12.25 Senior: 1.15-2.15


St Peter's Years 2 - 6 Cross Country

A reminder of information regarding our upcoming Years 2-6 Cross Country Carnival, details of which are outlined below. Please ensure the permission form has been filled in for your child.

Date: Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Where: Broughton Anglican College, 81 – 83 Menangle Road, Menangle Park

Grades Attending: Grammar Years 2 to 6, Heart Years 2-6

Departing from school: 9.15 am

Dress: Full summer sports uniform. Sunblock and hats are essential.

Specific requirements: 

  • Students are to be dropped off at St Peter’s in the morning as usual. Teachers will mark the class rolls before departing.

  • Students are required to pack their normal recess and plenty of water in their labelled school sports/excursion bag.

  • Lunches will be left at school in their tote tray or classroom fridge and eaten on return to school.

Parents are welcome to attend within the spectators area. Parking is available along the fence line nearest the exit. The carnival will be located on the Junior School oval.



We wish the following students all the best as they attend a variety of IPSHA/CIS sports:

  • Isaona T will be attending the IPSHA Boys Touch Football Trials on Tuesday, 26th March.

  • Lachlan S will be attending the CIS Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 27th March.


IPSHA/CIS State Trials

IPSHA and CIS sport team trials are for students in years 3-6 excelling in a sport at a representative level.

If you have a child who will be in years 3-6 in 2024, who is already involved a Club Sport Representative or Development team/workshop or SAP outside of school, please email me to let me know There are many other opportunities for State Rep Team Trials in Terms 1 and 2 that include:

  • Cricket

  • Rugby Union

  • Boy’s Field Hockey

  • Girls Field Hockey

  • Rugby League

  • Golf

  • Boys and Girls Softball

  • Gymnastics

In your email, please inform me of their representative / development team they play for and their preferred playing positions. Entries are limited, so school trials may need to take place.

Focus on Year 6

Leadership Camp

Standing on a platform high above the ground, surrounded by breathtaking mountains, it's my turn. I step up to the edge of the platform, heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The Flying Fox stretches out before me, a slender cable disappearing into the distance. With a deep breath, I push off. There's a rush of wind as I pick up speed, and then I’m flying, soaring through the air like a bird. The ground below rushes past in a blur, the end is coming too quickly. I unclip my harness, legs still buzzing with the thrill of the ride, and take a moment to savour the experience before moving on to the next adventure.

Year 6 students ascended the mountains to learn how to be the best leaders for our school. Students participated in a range of team building challenges and leadership training. The training included communication strategies, problem solving, wellbeing and what the Bible says about leaders and leadership. 

Leadership Camp was a really fun experience, I was nervous about doing the Flying Fox which was about 15-20m high and I just did it and it was really fun. I also liked the cabins because they had comfy bunk beds and a little bathroom with a shower and a sink. The food was awesome as well! 

Archer S

Year 6 leadership camp was amazing! All the different activities and rotations were awesome because it got us to step outside of our comfort zone and learn new skills and abilities. It also got us to socialise with others and trust others more. I really loved the gooey marshmallows over the fire. In short it was the best camp ever!

Eleanor PR

My favourite part about camp was the zipline. I loved flying down the zipline, watching other people's terrified faces and watching people grab for the harnesses because they wanted a second go.

Ivy S

My favourite thing was the Flying Fox because we don't have anything like that here. Whilst we had heaps of fun we also learnt how to lead properly and how to help younger students.

Ava M

Leadership Camp challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and how to become the best leader I can be. It was fun to act out scenarios with a group or your partner and show everyone how to fix all the problems that could happen when you're leading your buddy group.

Magnushire W

Buddy Groups

Following Leadership Camp, students began leading their Buddy Group fortnightly, on Monday afternoons. During this time they lead a group of students ranging from Kindergarten to Year 5 and investigate positive character traits, such as responsibility and compassion. Year 6 students have stepped beautifully into these leadership roles. 

The first two weeks of buddy groups have been spectacular. It's been really fun to talk to people in lower grades and I look forward to it all day. Buddy groups have been fun as I have made new friends and it has made me more comfortable talking around new people. 

Lennox K

I think buddy groups have been great so far. I have implemented the things we learnt at leadership camp into my buddy group, and these have made the kids in my group more engaged.

Riley Z

So far, Buddy Groups has been an incredibly enjoyable experience, and I love how everyone from different grades are all talking and having a good time. I lead the room with Cooper, another year 6 student, and it's always fun to go to Buddy Groups with him.

Noah S


St Peter's Book Fair

Mrs Fiona Singline - Library Assistant

Our Scholastic Book Fair is nearly here! 

Come along and find some great new books and some special discounts.

Book Fair will open for two days only, either side of the Easter Long Weekend.
  • Thursday 28th March (on Harmony Day)
  • Tuesday 2nd April.
  • Before School at 8.15 - 9:00am
  • After School at 3.00 - 3.45pm
In the School Library
Payment Method:
Please note that our Book Fair is cashless.
We look forward to seeing you there!



Music Tutors

We offer a variety of tutors, providing one on one, and small group tuition (dependent on the tutor) in piano, voice, guitar and violin. Lessons occur on a rotational timetable, to avoid students missing the same class lesson, week in and week out. Further information can be found on our website, along with contact information for our tutors.

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Years K–6)

Piano Tutors
Mrs Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 |
Mrs Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 |
Guitar Tutor
Mr Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 |
Vocal Tutor
Mrs Francesca Olson | Mobile: 0413 942 632 |

Piano / Cello Tutor
Ms Samira Dib| Mobile: 0418 248 239


  • Give thanks for families who are coming to explore the possibility of enrolling their children in our school in 2025.
  • Please pray for Cross Country next week, that the children will have a fun, safe and enjoyable time.
  • Please pray for Harmony Day and the Whole School Easter Chapel next Thursday. Give thanks for all the different, wonderful nationalities and cultures in our school. Thanks God for his love for the world shown in sending Jesus.

School Calendar

Term 1

Friday, 2 February 2024 - Friday, 12 April 2024

Week 9
Monday, 25 March 2024

NAPLAN - Catch up

CRU FIT at BAC (selected students)


Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Cross Country at BAC - (Years 2 - 6 only)


Wednesday, 27 March 2024

11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPPSO (Home games)

12.30pm - 1.30pm: Senior IPPSO (Home games)

3.30pm - 4.30pm: AFL AUSKICK


Thursday, 28 March 2024

International / Harmony Day

2.30pm - 3.00pm: Whole School Easter Chapel 

Friday, 29 March 2024

Good Friday - Public Holiday
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Easter Sunday

Week 10

Monday, 1 April 2024
Easter Monday - Public holiday 

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4

Year 4 Physics Day at Wedderburn


Wednesday, 3 April 2024

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 5 & 6

11.35am - 12:20pm: Junior IPPSO (Home games)

1.00pm - 2.00pm: Senior IPPSO (Home games)


Thursday, 4 April 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2

Friday, 5 April 2024

8.10am - 8.55am: Pete's Cafe 

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Kindergarten

Saturday, 6 April 2024
IPSHA Cross Country
Sunday, 7 April 2024
Daylight Savings Ends - Turn back clocks one hour

Term Dates for 2024

St Peter's Church Easter Services

Please see attached information regarding St Peter's Church Easter services 

Wedderburn Christian Camp

Application form is online, click here to go directly to the online application.  

NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook

Together with their partners NSW Police Legacy has been producing the Child Safety Handbook for over 10 years. The Handbook aims to raise awareness about risks to children and steps that can be taken to protect and keep them safe.

The Handbook has the support of the NSW Government and of the NSW Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Patron of NSW Police Legacy.

The intent is for all primary school students in NSW to receive a digital copy of the Handbook. You can view the handbook via the link below.

NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook