Community Connection

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It has been wonderful to connect and reconnect with so many parents and carers over the past two weeks at our Parent Connect events across both St Peter's Anglican Grammar and St Peter's Heart. It is clear that the sense of community we are fortunate to have is valued by both staff and families.  Educating students across our schools is a partnership, with us working together for the benefit of our students.
I am appreciative of our classroom teaching staff for the time spent in preparing information to share with our parents and carers and trust that this was helpful as we begin the year together. We are also thankful for our support staff who assisted by preparing food as well as setting up spaces for these events.
Our next opportunity to meet formally will be at our Parent Teacher Interviews next week. Information regarding these has been emailed to families across Grammar with bookings being done through the parent lounge of TASS.  
Interviews are taking place at the following times:
Tuesday 27 February - Pre-Kindergarten Koalas and Kangaroos, Kindergarten - Year 6
Thursday 29 February - Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas and Wombats.
Heart families wishing to organise an interview should contact their child's teacher directly.
We enjoy opportunities to chat with parents at other occasions in a less formal settings, with Executive staff available at the front of the school each morning as well as at our Friday morning Coffee Cart.  
I have also enjoyed speaking with parents following our Assemblies and particularly after Chapel which is held each morning (Tuesday - Friday) at 9.00am in St Peter's Church.  We would love to have our parents, grandparents, younger siblings and other family members join us on the following days:
Tuesday - Years 3 and 4, Heart Lorikeets
Wednesday - Years 5 and 6
Thursday - Years 1 and 2, Heart Kookaburras and Heart Galahs (Year 1 and 2)
Friday - Kindergarten, Heart Galahs (Kindergarten) - followed by morning tea in the church office
We are excited that our Pre-Kindergarten students will be commencing their own chapel in their classrooms with Miss Burns next week.
Our chapel services are a wonderful time of singing, praying and learning more about Jesus and his love for us.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Sessions and Tour

We are looking forward to welcoming new and existing families who have children ready to begin in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2025 to our information session and tour on Thursday 29 February, 6.00 - 7.30pm.  This is a opportunity to learn more about the wonderful programs in the early years at St Peter's, speak to executive staff and begin to meet other parents and carers over light refreshments. If you are aware of friends or family who would be interested in joining the St Peter's community, please encourage them to register for this event by visiting our website. 
A reminder that students must turn 4 (Pre-Kindergarten) or 5 (Kindergarten) by 30 April in the year of commencement.
Families with students in our 2024 Pre-Kindergarten classes do not need to attend as these students will automatically move into Kindergarten in 2025.

Year 7 Taster Day - Broughton Anglican College

Our Year 6 students will be visiting Broughton Anglican College to have a taste of highschool on Friday 8 March.  All of Year 6 will be transported to and from Broughton by bus.  Further information about this day will be provided via email next week.

Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

It is hard to believe we are at the end of Week 4. Students are settled into classrooms and learning is at full pace. Kindergarten are entering the school each day with more confidence and have met their Year 6 Buddies last week. This week we have had our first Buddy Groups of the year and our Year 6 students are excited to lead these after their Leadership Camp next week. Buddy Groups is a special time at St Peter’s where our Houses meet in small groups across the school to focus on wellbeing and personal growth with strong values. It is also an opportunity for our students to meet older and younger students and make connections.


The last fortnight has seen some amazing opportunities for community connections.



Community Events

Our Swimming Carnival was a great day with our Houses creating new and exciting chants, being vocal to encourage swimmers in the pool. The feedback from staff at the pool was that our school in particular is incredibly well behaved and respectful. This makes me very proud.

Our Parent Connect Nights have also been special, where teachers have been able to share the learning in the classroom and parents have had an opportunity to meet each other and form good connections within the school. The Heart Parent Connect took place today, which further fostered this great community feel. Thank you so much to all parents for attending these events and recognising their importance. A huge thank you to all our amazing teachers for the time they put into these nights, especially after very full days at school. I would also like to thank Mrs Sovilj for organising the catering with some yummy food and drinks.

Our new CoCurricular Groups are starting back up, with some even starting this week. I have attached the timetable for you to be aware of all that is on offer. Please encourage your child to get involved.

Carpark Safety

Before school (8.00-9.00am) and at the end of the day (2.45 to 3.30pm), parents should only be driving into the school carpark if they are utilising the ‘Kiss and Drop’ space. Parking is offsite - at the Bowling Club carpark, in Brown Street or Howe Street, or in the carpark off Broughton Street. If you need to get out of your car, please do not enter the carpark. A reminder that staff have allocated car spaces. Please do not park in these spaces. Safety is our number one priority and our systems for using the carpark work safely if everyone respects these processes.

When using the 'Kiss and Drop' zone in the afternoon please do not enter the carpark before 2.55pm as this is our emergency entry and cannot be blocked during the school day.

Uniform Matters

Please see attached descriptions and photographs of approved uniform combinations for St Peter's Anglican Grammar.  
The formal uniform should be worn Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The Sports uniform should be worn Wednesday, as well as PE day for Year 5 and 6 only.

Learning Enhancement - Parent Assistance

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement
We would like to invite parents to assist the Learning Enhancement Team with supporting some of our students in developing their reading, spelling and mathematical skills.
Some of the work you may do with students could be revision of high frequency words and sounds, listening to them read aloud for extra practice, reading to some of our younger students, times tables drills or practising some basic numeracy skills. You would work with students one at a time at the back of the classroom or just outside the door.
If this opportunity to assist our students is something you would like to be a part of, please send an email to and let us know your availability regarding day/s and time/s. It could be one morning or afternoon a week, a whole day, or more than one morning / afternoon or day. Any time you could give would be of great benefit to our students.
Please note that you are required to have a current Working With Children Check verified by the School before starting to assist with our students. Please  provide your WWCC number, your full name and date of birth for verification purposes.

Home Learning

Mrs Jamie Nielson - Head of Teaching & Learning / PYP Coordinator

During Week 5, St Peter's students will have the opportunity to begin Home Learning experiences. This year, we are maintaining an 'opt-in' approach to Home Learning for Grades 1-6, allowing families the flexibility to choose whether they engage in the activities provided. Please consider if this aligns with the needs of your child and family. If you wish for your child to participate in Home Learning, kindly inform your child’s class teacher to express your interest in 'opting-in' to these activities.

Starting Monday (26/2), all families will receive email access to a printable booklet enabling children to review key mathematical concepts covered in class lessons. Any students who ‘opt-in’ to Home Learning can return their booklets to school for their teacher to review. 

While families can exercise discretion when deciding to 'opt-in' to Home Learning experiences, we strongly encourage all students to read daily. This not only supports your child in developing essential literacy skills and reading proficiency but also helps them to extend their vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, general knowledge, imagination, and capacity to think critically. The benefits of ongoing reading practice for our students are endless. 

On Monday, all students from Years 1 - 6 will also be provided with a printed reading log to assist them in tracking their reading throughout the term. Students are encouraged to bring this to school for monitoring by their class teacher, who would love to join you in celebrating your child’s commitment to reading throughout the year. Additionally, signing up for the Premier’s Reading Challenge is an excellent way to motivate students to participate in regular reading experiences. More information will be provided on this very soon. Our aim is to nurture a lifelong love of reading in our students. 


Information relating to Kindergarten Home Learning experiences will be provided by our Kindergarten teachers early next week.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Sessions

We take great joy in welcoming our youngest learners to St. Peter’s and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet new families embarking on their child’s educational journey in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. On Thursday, 29 February (Week 5), from 6:00 - 7:30 pm, we will be running information sessions specifically tailored for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten families. These sessions are designed for those considering St. Peter’s for their child’s education. 


We are incredibly proud of our early years program, and during these events, prospective families will gain valuable insights into the enriching learning experiences offered in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten at St Peter’s. Registration for this event can be completed through the following link on our website


2025 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Information Session - Booking Page

NAPLAN - National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy

Each year, our Year 3 and 5 students participate in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN is a nationwide standardised test designed to help schools track the literacy and numeracy development of their students. During Week 7 this term, students in Years 3 & 5 will participate in NAPLAN tests for reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Further information will be provided to families of students in Years 3 and 5 in the coming week. Students who are absent for any of the assessments will have an opportunity to participate in catch-up tests before the end of the testing period on Monday, 25 March 2024.

NAPLAN Assessment Schedule:


Wednesday, 13 March

Thursday, 14 March

Friday, 15 March

Writing Test 

Year 3: 40 minutes (paper)

Year 5: 42 minutes (digital)


Year 3: 45 minutes 

Year 5: 50 minutes

Conventions of Language

Year 3: 45 minutes 

Year 5: 45 minutes


Year 3: 45 minutes  

Year 5: 50 minutes

Parent and Teacher Interviews

On Tuesday, 27 February, we are holding our first Parent-teacher interview sessions for 2024. This occasion offers families a formal opportunity to engage in discussions about their child/ren, emphasising the sharing of information and goals. It also provides a platform to reflect on how their child is participating in the learning experiences within their new grade.

Interview Schedule and Locations:


Parent Teacher Interviews - Tuesday, 27 February 2024


Location / Classroom

Pre-K Kangaroos and Koalas

KA and KH

Years 1 and 2

2C, 2G and 2R

Years 3 and 4 

4T and 4S 

Years 5, 6 and SPACE 

6B and 6T 

Parent Teacher Interviews - Thursday, 29 February 2024 


Echidnas and Wombats 

Upper Pre-K Room


The Interview portal for bookings will remain open until 9:00 am on Monday, 26 February 2024. This can be accessed through the TASS Parent Lounge.


Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain

A parent asked this week, “What Bible would be the best to buy for my child in Year 1 to use at home?” Questions like this make my heart sing, because as a Christian School we believe that God has made Himself known to us in His word the Bible.


Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God; but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, …”


2 Timothy 3:14-17 "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."


I asked the Teachers to let me know which Bibles they are using with their classes.

Pre-K, Kindergarten and Year 1 teachers are using one or more of the following: ‘The Big Picture Story Bible’ by Helm Schoonmaker, ‘The Jesus Story Book Bible’ by Lloyd-Jones, ‘The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible’ by Kennedy, ‘The Beginners Bible’ Zonderkidz, ‘Illustrated Bible Stories’ Usborne. All these are excellent options as they give a good overview of God’s plan of salvation from beginning to end.

In Year 2 the children enjoy the ‘NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers’.

In Years 3 to 6 the children use ‘The Rescue Bible’ Contemporary English Version. Some teachers also use ‘The Kid’s Study Bible’ and ‘Minecraft Bible’.

A fabulous recent publication is ‘The Biggest Story BIBLE Storybook’ by Kevin De Young. It is a great option for all ages. We will soon be presenting each child in Kindergarten with this Bible to take home. It is designed to be read to children by their parents, grandparents or carers. It has beautiful illustrations and tells the unfolding story of God’s wonderful plan for us and this world.

We would love to recommend other books and music to help your children understand and grow in the Christian faith, please ask teachers and myself. 

Student Welfare

A reminder for all parents and carers that St Peter's is a nut aware school and nuts/nut products of any type are not to be brought to school. If your child has brought a nut product to school, it will be removed from their lunch box, and they will be issued with either popcorn or a plain sandwich. 

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Miss Kym Busutel - Coordinator of St Peter's Heart
Our weekly Chapel gatherings have joyfully returned to our cherished historical church building. As we gather to reflect on the wonderful salvation found in Jesus, the experience post-COVID has prompted students to embrace the timeless beauty of the building and its profound connection to our school.
This return to tradition has sparked engaging conversations about the history of the church, aligning seamlessly with our Year 3 history unit for this term. For many students, it was a novel experience, evoking curiosity about the intricacies of the church, such as the purpose of pews and the ledges that can be pulled down from underneath. In the upcoming weeks, we eagerly anticipate witnessing the radiant smiles of our students as they join the chapel singers. 
Meanwhile, in our classrooms, the Galahs have been settling in exceptionally well, learning new routines and eagerly participating in all aspects of schooling. The Kookaburras have been showcasing their creativity by composing holiday recounts with great enthusiasm. In the Lorikeets, the focus in Mathematics has been on exploring the concept of place value for students in Years 2-5, while Year 6 students have been delving into the world of integers. Some students also attended the swimming carnival, engaging in the 25m non-competitive races and novelties. 

Primary Swimming Carnival

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

On Friday, 9th February, the Gordon Fetterplace Pool in Bradbury transformed into a vibrant arena of aquatic excitement: the Primary School Swimming Carnival.


Anticipation danced through the air like ripples on a pond. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as students arrived, their faces painted with a mixture of nerves and excitement. The scent of chlorine hung in the air, promising a day of thrilling competition and boundless fun.


The carnival kicked off with banners waving and cheers ringing out - flickers of the Golden House Spirit Cup in student’s minds, seeming to be the most wanted prize of the day. Splash! The first race had begun. Our brave swimmers took on the 100m Freestyle dash. Race after race, they sliced through the water, arms churning and legs kicking with determination. The cheers of their classmates served as a symphony of encouragement, urging them toward the finish line. For those not staring down the line of lane ropes, novelty activities and non-competitive creative strokes were the favourite listings on the schedule.


As they bid farewell to another successful carnival, the students knew that they had not just conquered the water, but had created memories that would last a lifetime.


Age Champions:

Congratulations to our age champions for 2024!



Ages 8-10 Junior

  1. Louis G

  2. Henry L

  3. Harrison S

Ages 8-10 Junior

  1. Alessandra H

  2. Charlotte M

  3. Ava W

Ages 11

  1. Jacob H & Oliver C

      3.   Woojin S

Ages 11

  1. Ava S

  2. Alison A

  3. Claudia C

Ages 12/13

  1. William P

  2. Luca M

  3. Cooper E

Ages 12/13

  1. Imogen C

  2. Kavyaa S

  3. Ella W & Shelley Z



  1. Lachlan S





Students will receive their awards at the Sports Assembly in Term 2. Parents will receive notification for this.


No records were broken, but 2 new records have been added.


8-13 Boys Para-Athlete 50m Freestyle


Lachlan S


8-13 Boys Para-Athlete 50m Backstroke


Lachlan S



Learning to swim is an important life skill. Not only does experience and correct technique save children’s lives near bodies of water, it also teaches life skills that aren’t limited to the pool. As a child revels in their progress and success, they will gain a confidence within themselves that continues once they step out of the water and into other aspects of their lives. 

Please take the time to read Why Every Child Should Learn To Swim, Kids Alive, and consider pathways for your child to improve their swimming ability and participate in competitive swimming at our next Carnival.

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to the following students who have progressed and are due to compete at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Tuesday, 5th March.


  • Lachlan S

  • Louis G

  • Oliver C

  • Jacob H

  • Woojin S

  • Luca M

  • William P

  • Karla M

  • Alison A

  • Summer B

  • Imogen C

  • Kavyaa S

IPSSO Inter-School Sport

Congratulations to the following students who have made it into the 2024 St Peter’s IPSSO Inter-School sports teams. 


JUNIOR (Years 3/4)





Xavier B

Lachlan W

Antonio R

Henry L

Liam C

Jacob J

Ava W 

Francesca A

Ire A

Mannat G

James P

Liam M

Harrison S

Ervin G 

Amar S 

Jash P

Gurshan W

Ernie M

Ekam S

James S

Emmanuel K

Colton C

Carter H

Isaac C

Judah M

Lachlan S

Tiffany L

Imogen N

Alexa A

Angela G

Cristina Y)

Zoe J

Kahlan J

Paige M

Karla M

Everly V

Avleen G

Avindri A

Amarachi O

Geneva T

Alexandra C

Meliyah S

Fleur M

Layla D

Mackenzie K

Alessandra H

Eva B

Scarlett G

Madeline M

SENIOR (Years 5/6)





Samuel L

Christian S

Liam J

Oliver C

Leo M

Guy C

Rafan M

Alyssa H

Charlotte M

Eleanor P

Floresei M

Mia T

Harlem K

Cooper E

Kaaraj H

Samar P

Elijah N

Noah S

Stirling B

Jacob H

Thomas H

Thomas C

William P

Ethan H

Buck B

Iasona T

Sebastian O

Ryan M

Luca M

Claire R

Magnushire W

Ella W

Evie N

Evie C

Maddison L

Sophia K

Molly O

April A

Catriona M

Isobel V

Ivy S

Alyssa F

Ava S

Kyriana P

Kavyaa S

Imogen C

Ella-Rose M

Sanna T

Zoe P

Summer B


Please find a copy of the draw here. Parents are welcome to attend games.

IPSSO Draw Updates

Please note the following updates to the IPSSO Draw:



Mar 6

Wollondilly Anglican College

Junior: 12.00-12.50 Senior: 1.00 – 2.00


Wollondilly Anglican College

3000 Remembrance Driveway, Tahmoor


Mar 13

Mount Annan Christian College

Junior: 11.45-12.30

Senior: 1.00-2.00


Cricket and Basketball at Cunningham Reserve, Gregory Hills

Soccer and Oztag at Jack Nash, Currans Hill



Mar 27

Wollondilly Anglican College

Junior: 11.45-12.30

Senior: 12:30-1.30


Cricket, soccer and Oztag at Campbelltown Showground

Basketball at St Peter’s Anglican Grammar

IPSHA/CIS State Trails

We were thrilled to hear of Woojin S' achievement at the IPSHA Tennis Trials. He has progressed into CIS Trials as first seed. We wish him all the best at the CIS Tennis Trials on Monday 19th February.

Congratulations to Iasona T, Christian S, Oliver C and Charlotte M who enjoyed a competitive experience at the IPSHA Basketball Trials on Monday, 19th February. All students have returned with increased confidence and determination to improve their game and try again next year.


We wish the following students all the best as they attend a variety of IPSHA trials:

  • Molly O and Summer B will be attending the IPSHA Girls Football Trials on Thursday, 29th February.

  • Ethan H, Liam J, Xavier B and Hugo W will be attending the IPSHA Boys Football Trials on Monday, 11th March.


We wish them all the best!


IPSHA and CIS sport team trials are for students in Years 4-6 excelling in a sport at a representative level. If you have a child who will be in Years 4-6 in 2024, who is already involved a Club Sport Representative or Development team/workshop or SAP outside of school, please email me to let me know There are still many other opportunities for State Rep Team Trials in Terms 1 and 2 that include:

  • Cricket

  • Boys Touch Football

  • Girls Netball

  • Rugby Union

  • Boys Field Hockey

  • Girls Field Hockey

  • Rugby League

  • Golf

  • Boys and Girls Softball

  • Gymnastics


In your email, please inform me of their representative / development team they play for and their preferred playing positions. Entries are limited, so school trials may need to take place.

Local Winter Club Sports

There are multiple clubs across the Macarthur region looking for players and taking registrations now. These include girls and boys soccer, field hockey, AFL, Oz-Tag and NRL. Improved fitness, agility and stronger bones are just some of the benefits of playing team sports. But the advantages are more than just physical. Alongside the physical benefits of staying active, being part of a team can help us feel happier, make connections and even achieve goals at school, in our relationships and build personal confidence.


Find a club near you now!

Focus on Year 5

What does planet Earth and Baby Bear have in common? They are both “juuust right!”

Year 5 kicked off the year by exploring the wonders of the universe in which we live, under the PYP transdisciplinary theme How The World Works. We started by investigating Earth: its location within the Milky Way; position in the Solar System; and the way it is perfectly designed by our Creator God. All this detective work led us to discover the fact that Earth is indeed the Goldilocks planet of our galaxy - the only planet that sustains human life!

We then commenced inspecting other planets within the Milky Way, and are about to compare them to what we know about Earth. To help us do this, we ventured to the planet Mars! Well, actually, we visited Starr’s Planetarium and had the pleasure of experiencing what scientists believe a visit to Mars might be like. Did you know that NASA is working on  this very possibility as we speak? Mr Gary Starr’s planetarium presentation was enthralling.

Our Year 5 explorers were captivated by the grandeur of our universe and keenly asked plenty of thoughtful questions.

Next we hope to dig deeper into space exploration throughout history and analyse its impact on the way we live now and into the future.

Mrs Angela Simpson

Music Tutors

We offer a variety of tutors, providing one on one, and small group tuition (dependent on the tutor) in piano, voice, guitar and violin. Lessons occur on a rotational timetable, to avoid students missing the same class lesson, week in and week out. The below information can be found on our website for further information, and for contact details to speak with a tutor. 

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Violin (Years K–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Years K–6)

Piano Tutors
Mrs Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 |
Mrs Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 |
Guitar Tutor
Mr Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 |
Vocal Tutor
Mrs Francesca Olson | Mobile: 0413 942 632 |

School Calendar

Term 1
Friday, 2 February 2024 - Friday, 12 April 2024

Week 4
Monday, 26 February 2024

9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly Years 3 - 6

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4
3.30pm - 8pm: Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences for Kindergarten - Years 6 & Pre - Kindergarten Kangaroos, Koalas & Possums

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 5 & 6
11.15am - 12.15pm: Junior IPPSO at St Gregory's College
12.30pm - 1.50pm: Senior IPPSO at St Gregory's College 

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Year 6 Leadership Camp
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2
2:30pm - 5:45pm: Parent / Teacher Conferences for Pre - Kindergarten Echidnas & Wombats
6:00pm - 7:30pm: Pre - Kindergarten & Kindergarten 2025 Information Sessions 

Friday, 16 February 2024

Year 6 Leadership Camp
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
Week 6
Monday, 4 March 2024
9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly Kindergarten - Year 2

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

IPSHA Swimming & Diving Carnival 
Pre - Kindergarten STEPS Vision Screening
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 5 & 6
11.10am - 12:40pm: Junior IPPSO at Wollondilly Anglican College 
11.55am - 1.45pm: Senior IPPSO at Wollondilly Anglican College 
2.00pm: Parent Information Sessions
7.00pm: Parent Information Session

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Pre - Kindergarten STEPS Vision Screening
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2

Friday, 8 March 2024

8.00am - 1.30pm: Year 7 Taster Day at Broughton Anglican College 
8.10am - 8.55am: Pete's Cafe 
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Kindergarten

Term Dates for 2024


  • Please give thanks to God for our great Parent Connect nights over the past two weeks, for the helpful preparation of the teachers and the opportunity to get to know staff and other parents.

  • Please pray for the students and staff as they engage in extracurricular activities, that new friendships will be developed.

  • Give thanks for our Buddy Groups. Please pray for Year Six as they lead their group that they will develop kind and compassionate leadership skills.

Physical Culture - Classes are Returning!

Physical Culture (Physie) classes are held for girls from Kindergarten to Year 6 after school on Wednesdays in the Church Hall.

Physie is an excellent, inexpensive and social activity which develops good co-ordination, posture and discipline

Parents may bring their daughters directly to the hall, or Girls who attend OSHC can be escorted to the Church Hall and returned after their session. 

New Members and Beginners are most welcome.

Please contract Anne McLeod:

Mobile: 0417 220 128