Update on Learning in Term 2

The following information is provided to support your decision making in regards to the best return to school option for your child. It is important as a school, that we ensure balance for our teaching staff, whilst maintaining the provision of high quality education. 

Week 3

During Week 3, students in Kindergarten - Year 6 are encouraged to return to school for face to face lessons, one day per week. These lessons will be devised based on explicit literacy and numeracy skills. Additional learning experiences onsite will be based around wellbeing, encouraging students to regain self-management, communication and social skills. 

Where families continue to choose to self-isolate, remote learning activities will be provided, however, families should understand that what is provided cannot be to the same level as what will be provided onsite. 

Students enrolled in Prep have the ability to attend on any of the days they are currently enrolled. Where families continue to choose to self-isolate, remote learning activities will continue to be provided through our Instagram account: invite_to_learn 

Week 4

During Week 4, the following arrangements are in place: 


Students may attend any / all of the days they are currently enrolled. Remote learning will continue through Instagram only. 

Kindergarten / Year 1:

Students are encouraged to attend five (5) days / week. For families choosing to self-isolate, a weekly overview of learning will be shared at the commencement of the school week, outlining a variety of online and hands-on learning experiences from the resource packs for completion. Families will also be able to utilise RAZKids and Mathseeds (Kindergarten) or Mathletics (Year 1). 

Years 2 - 6:

Students are encouraged to attend 2 days / week at school. Learning for these grades will comprise two days of Remote Learning activities with a specific literacy and numeracy focus through Seesaw / Google Classroom, two days onsite face to face learning and one day remote learning of specialist subjects through Seesaw. 

Onsite face to face learning will focus mostly on literacy and numeracy concepts, with additional learning experiences in other areas i.e. Visual Arts. Wellbeing will also be a focus. The literacy and numeracy onsite activities will be different to that which is provided as Remote Learning. Where families choose to self-isolate from the provided onsite learning, an overview will be provided with recommended activities for completion.  RAZKids and Mathletics will also remain available. 

For students who find it necessary to attend multiple days onsite, beyond the 2 encouraged days, please be assured that their learning needs will continue to be met. These students may complete the remote learning activities under supervision, access RAZKids / Mathletics or join with their peers for repeated face to face lessons.

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