End of Year Presentation Events

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
We are excited to be able to have parents onsite for our Presentation Events at the end of the year.

Wednesday, 1 December, 2021
Kindergarten - 10.45am - 11.45am  
Year 1  - 12.15pm - 1.15pm 
Year 2 - 2.00pm - 3.00pm 
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Year 3 - 10.45am - 11.45am
Year 4 - 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Friday, 3 December 2021
Year 5 - 9.15am - 10.15am
Year 6 - 11.30am - 12.30pm
Two parents per student may attend these events.  Parents must sign in on arrival using the Service NSW QR Code and show proof of vaccination.
We look forward to celebrating the learning of our students in this way!

St Peter's Bus Service

We have resumed our Bus Service in a modified capacity for the remainder of 2021. 

We have buses servicing the following areas: 

Spring Farm
Mt Annan
Macarthur Gardens
Park Central
Glen Alpine
St Helen's Park
Harrington Park
Gregory Hills
Eschol Park
St Andrews
Please see the attached Timetables which identifies the specific stops available and the times for pick up and drop off. 
 If you would like to utilise this service for your children, please email: busservice@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Kindergarten 2022 Bag Packs

Bag packs for our current Pre-Kindergarten students who will be moving into Kindergarten in 2022 are now available to order. 
These packs include the following items:
- Red School bag
- Hat peg
- Red Sports bag
- Sport Cap
- Play Hat 
- Paint Smock
- Raincoat
Please click here to place an order. Our School Shop staff will then contact parents for payment and bag packs will be available for collection towards the end of the term.

Year 1 2022

Red school bags are now available for purchase by our current Kindergarten students who are moving into Year 1 in 2022.  The Red bag will be the required school bag for Year 1, 2022.
These can be ordered by either emailing the School Shop on shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 
Our School Shop staff will then contact parents to take payment over the phone.

ICAS Testing (Week 7)

Participating families are reminded that students will sit the ICAS Competition throughout next week, commencing with English on Monday, 15 November 2021.
Students who are absent on a given day will have Friday, 19 November 2021 to catch up.

Standardised Assessment

St Peter's utilises a range of assessment tools to gather data for all individual learners. This is inclusive of formative tools, such as in class questioning, observation and documented learning tasks, summative tools, such as a final learning experience that summarises the completion of a unit, and standardised tools, that supports determination of student growth based on their school grade level. 
In the coming weeks, students will participate in a range of tasks that will allow us to collate data to inform curriculum planning for 2022. We are aware that the impact of COVID, across two years now, may have an effect on academic learning for a large range of students. It is our desire to clearly identify where there may be learning gaps, to ensure explicit opportunity is made to lay a strong foundation within 2022.  

Semester Two Reports

Reports will be presented in a modified version this semester. Please note the following modifications:
  • Academic data will be provided based on the classroom teachers' professional judgement, determined through a combination of Off Campus and face to face learning experiences. Due to this, the scale language for attainment has been modified into four categories: Working Towards, Working At, Working Beyond and Limited Evidence, with a further modification for students in Kindergarten.
  • We recognise there was a range of hardship for families throughout the Off Campus Learning period which has impacted the submission of learning experiences. In this case, your child may receive a scale marker of 'limited evidence' as an honest recognition that academic achievement could not be observed and documented for specific learning areas. 
  • Students will receive one individualised comment for this reporting period, a combination of the General comment, along with reference to their progress in literacy and numeracy.
  • Grade statements will be provided for all learning areas, demonstrating the provision of quality learning through both Off Campus Learning and face to face lessons throughout Term 4.
  • Engagement marks will be provided for English, Mathematics, Biblical Studies and Units of Inquiry only.
Reports will again be shared with families digitally, on Friday, 3 December 2021, as per the school calendar.

Year 6 Exhibition

Our Year 6 students worked collaboratively to design the Central Idea for this year's Exhibition: 'Choices impact futures'. They have spent a significant amount of time considering issues within Australia and across the globe, that relate to the transdisciplinary theme 'Sharing the Planet'. Each group is now at a point of researching information based on their big inquiry questions. As part of this, they are learning to refine their skills relating to academic integrity, seeking evidence from both primary and secondary sources, and ensuring to corroborate the information they find to ensure relevance and accuracy.
Some issues being explored by students are our use of natural resources, access to education, caring for our environment and causes relating to mental health.
In the coming weeks, students will begin to design their own website to share their learning with our school community. Please be reminded that websites will be made live as of Week 9 this term, and we would love all families to spend some time looking over the work of our Year 6 learners. 

Private Tutors

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Violin (Years K–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Year K–6)

Private music lessons are conducted on a rotational roster to ensure students do not miss consecutive classroom lessons during a term, where possible.

Please note that these tutors have been approved to provide lessons in our school, however, they are not employees of our school. If your child/ren are interested in pursuing lessons with any of our Peripatetic Tutors, please contact them directly to discuss this further.

Piano Tutors
Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 | signp@optusnet.com.au
Marion Hall | 9603 7760 | mintomarion@yahoo.com
Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 

Cello Tutor
Miss Erinn Harrowsmith | 0426 993 033 | owzitgoin@gmail.com

Violin Tutor
Mr Ruedi Holbeck | 0425 155 446 | holbeckrc@bigpond.com

Guitar Tutor
Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 | daniel@ultimateguitaracademy.com

Vocal/Drama Tutor
Enza Kadlec | Mobile: 0423853111 | enza.russo@hotmail.com

Congratulations to Tehya

Congratulations to one of our Year 6 students, Tehya who has recently been recognised by the Fred Hollows Foundation for her amazing work in supporting their charity. 

Virtual Book Fair

Our Book Fair for November will go ahead but in a slightly different format. 
We are holding a 'Virtual' Book Fair from: Monday, 8 November to Wednesday, 8 December. 
Although we will miss the excitement of the children looking through the shelves and finding treasures, we would still like to take this opportunity to invite you to look at the selection of books on offer and consider doing some Christmas shopping, all the while giving our wonderful School Library the chance to obtain even more wonderful resources.
Attached are some brochures that explain how to order.  You can go to www.carnivalfairs.com.au/virtual, search 'St Peter's Anglican Primary School' and make your selection.
Please note that all purchases will incur a flat $6.95 delivery fee to your home as Carnival Fairs are not offering delivery to the school at this time.
Happy Shopping!

Toys 'n' Tucker

It's time to share the joy this Christmas!

2021 has been a challenging year for many, especially those already doing it tough. This is our opportunity to make sure vulnerable families still experience the joy of Christmas.  

As you know, Toys 'n' Tucker will look a little different this year. To keep our families and community safe, we have moved online. 

How will the Online process work?

1. Purchase items on the Toys ‘n’ Tucker Shop page
2. Anglicare will buy those items at wholesale prices
3. Hampers will be packed at our Villawood Warehouse
4. Our vans will deliver hampers straight to peoples’ doors
Please click here to shop online.

Together, we can still provide food and toys for thousands of vulnerable families who would otherwise go without.
We hope you can help us support this amazing cause by sharing the joy this Christmas.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks that the recent COVID outbreak was limited.
  • Praise God that those students that had to isolate were able to come back to school.
  • Pray that our Year 6 students enjoy the final few weeks of Primary School.

School Calendar

Term 4
Tuesday, 5 October 2021 - Tuesday, 7 December 2021   
Week 7
Monday, 15 November 2021
ICAS - English
Online Book Fair
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
ICAS - Mathematics
Online Book Fair
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 
ICAS - Science
Online Book Fair
Thursday, 18 November 2021 
ICAS - Digital Technology
Online Book Fair
Friday, 19 November 2021 
ICAS - Catch Up Assessment Day
Online Book Fair
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Our Community

What a year it has been! We have faced unprecedented challenges and lived through circumstances we could never have imagined. And yet, there is so much good to be found when looking back, because we faced it all together as a community.

Our year began with families gathered at Pete’s Cafe, waving encouragingly (with perhaps a few stray tears shed) as our Kindergarten students made their way through the gates to begin their ‘big school’ adventure. This meeting place continued to be where we made time to catch up on Fridays and other special days throughout the first two terms of the school year. 

The Year 6 Leadership Camp occurred early in the year and provided a special time for Year 6 and teachers to participate shoulder to shoulder in many activities which helped to build a bond and positive outlook. 

It was incredibly exciting to have parents join us for Junior Primary and Primary Assemblies in Terms 1 and 2. In addition to the presentation of awards, singing together when we were able, joining as one for the National Anthem and our School Prayer, students in Junior Primary participated in class items, while Primary students shared experiences from their CAPA groups. 

Chapel remained a firm favourite opportunity for our school community to be together while learning about our Lord and Saviour. Parents, grandparents and younger siblings participated in our weekly Junior Primary and Primary Chapels in Terms 1 and 2.

How much fun are Swimming Carnivals?! This year all were very excited to participate. Houses had special cheers and many dressed to support their House. The sun was shining, students applied maximum effort, and teachers planned for and supported this event brilliantly.

Our Cross Country Carnival was a great success for our Primary students! While Primary students participated in running events, Junior Primary took part in our inaugural ‘Active Play Day.’ This fun day aimed at encouraging active play had a number of different activity stations including obstacle courses, parachute play and relays.

Art Explosion Day was marvellous! Splendid creations were found in every classroom as each grade immersed themselves in the process of artistic creation for the day. It may well have been a little messy at times but the outcome was so much fun!

Our special ‘Movies at School’ fundraiser for Intumbane Primary School occurred late March. Students enjoyed the full movie experience together with snacks to make it completely authentic. We had a great time! Not to be forgotten, our families enjoyed connecting at Pete’s Cafe the morning of this event, contributing to the fundraiser, with all profits of the day added.

Buddy recess with Year 6 and their Kindergarten buddies was just about the cutest! These two grades came together to play at recess on occasion allowing for special relationships to form and grow.

In April we paused to commemorate Anzac Day with a special assembly and classroom activities. Mr Gorman and our Student Leaders participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Mawson Park Memorial. 

Friday Buddy Groups were an excellent opportunity for our students to work with and become friends with children from different grades across the school. Our Student Leaders did a fantastic job leading these groups with the support of teachers.

Chips N Chat with our Headmaster Mr Gorman occurred for our Buddy Groups regularly at recess at our picnic tables. Our student community shared their ideas and asked questions as Mr Gorman answered and took notes. St Peter’s is a school where the voice of our students is very important and opportunities like this to share openly are highly valued.

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Getting On With Educating Our Future Leaders

I remember growing up as a child with well known nursery rhymes. I’m not sure they have the same focus today as they did in the 70’s and 80’s, but they are firmly planted in my memory. Open shut them, open shut them, give a little clap. 

Schools have felt a bit like that over the past 18 months, haven’t they? Today we’re open and tomorrow, who knows?

There was great joy in finally being able to welcome back everyone after such an extended lockdown period. Monday, 25 October, in my school, we finally were able to have everyone back on campus. Just a few days later, we found ourselves in the grip of the unknown. Our first positive COVID case and isolation returned. Thankfully on this occasion, it was only one cohort. 

A few days later, a second case emerged. Our numbers in isolation increased with an average of 200 students each day unable to attend school. 

Our staff pivoted, yet again, and emerged with the best outcome for our students. Off Campus Learning returned in full for the first cohort and a blend for those in the second group. Teachers weren’t safe either. As parents, some were forced back into isolation as they cared for their own children. In true teacher fashion, they worked from home, juggling conflicting responsibilities as so many of our parents have done exceptionally well throughout 2020 and 2021.

I’m no Epidemiologist, Scientist or Medical Expert. What I know is that schools have been impacted by the necessary lockdowns. I don’t begrudge these lockdowns, but do look forward to a day where they won’t be necessary, where isolation won’t be impacting on student learning.

It appears we are getting there. It appears that as the vaccination rates increase, more freedoms will return. Yet currently, this isn’t the case for the humble Primary School. A high risk setting, where we are told the current safeguards of forcing cohorts into isolation will continue, until the majority of 5-11 years olds can be vaccinated. 

There is still no clarity on when this may occur and with only a short time remaining of 2021, it is my hope and prayer that this might be resolved, allowing all Primary Schools to commence 2022 in confidence of being able to get on with the job of educating our future leaders, doctors and frontline workers.

I’m looking forward to the day where we can focus on education again, and not on COVID response. I know every Principal and teacher feels exactly the same. 

Student Leadership

Our Year 5 students are in the process of nominating for the important roles of Student Leadership in 2022, with official inductions and handover occurring at the end of this term. Our current Year 6 Leaders have not quite had the year they expected but nonetheless, have done a tremendous job of contributing to the future of our wonderful school. Please be praying for our Year 5 students as they consider how they might serve our community and for the selection process.

We look forward to sharing the outcome in the coming weeks. 

Secondary Leaders

As we commence Year 7 in 2022, Mr Kelshaw will be working with our inaugural secondary students on how they will lead over the next 6 years.

More details will be shared early in 2022.


Pre Kindergarten 2022


Places are filling quickly for Pre Kindergarten 2022. Please click here to apply. We would hate for existing families to miss out on their preferences. As some classes are filling, it is important that we know your intentions as soon as possible. 

Year 7 2023


Enrolment and Scholarship for Year 7, 2023 has commenced. Please click here to apply or visit our website for full details and share with those outside of St Peter’s who you feel may benefit from the St Peter’s experience. 

Notice of Withdrawal


A reminder to all families that a full terms notice must be provided if you are not intending to remain at St Peter’s in 2022. The last day to have provided notice was Friday, 17 September 2021. It is not our intention to be punitive, although as budgets and staffing have been finalised based on known student numbers, any withdrawals after this date will be charged fees in lieu of notice, as per the enrolment contract. Generally, this is an additional term, in this case until the end of Term 1.

Thanks for your understanding.

Rep Sport Uniforms

There will be no more IPSSO Rep Sport for 2021. Please ensure any borrowed uniforms are returned to Mr Vernon, indicating name of student so they can be marked off.
Thank you.