Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It has been wonderful to see our students returning to school ready to learn, dressed neatly in their summer uniforms.  A reminder that our Uniform Shop is only open for phone/email orders, with credit card payments taken over the phone.  Uniforms will then be delivered to students in classrooms to bring home.


Afternoon Dismissal

Please refer to the email sent last week for some specific information regarding our afternoon dismissal processes.  We are working hard to dismiss students safely to parents each afternoon and appreciate your assistance in this area. 
A reminder that families should only turn into our school drive way from the left lane of Howe St.  Families collecting Primary students from the Church Pickup can then move into the right lane.  
It is very helpful for families to display their yellow surname card in a visible position in the windscreen of the car, so that we can ensure your child is ready to be collected when you reach the pick up point.

Approaches to Learning - Research Skills

As we unpacked through Term 3, the Approaches to Learning (ATL's) provide an intentional scaffold to assist students in becoming independent, lifelong learners. They provide students with skills that empower them to learn how to learn. Ultimately, the development of these skills has a significant impact on our learners, providing them with success as they enter different stages of learning in life. Each skill area can be applied to any subject within the curriculum. In previous newsletters, we have focused on self-management skills and communication skills. This week we turn to research skills. 
The development of research skills shifts well beyond the ability to locate and record information. Research skills incorporate learning to ask great questions and evaluating the reliability of information sources. It takes into account the importance of using primary and secondary sources, and provides students with a tool kit for documenting their growing understanding. As students move into the Primary grades, they develop skills to synthesize and evaluate the information they have collated. Research skills blend with communication skills, as students develop an understanding of a range of digital resources and platforms as a means of sharing and presenting their learning.  A crucial part of research skills also incorporates a reflective attitude towards Academic Integrity. Students learn appropriate referencing skills, and develop an ethical understanding of appreciating and recognising the contributions of others, as well as their personal responsibility to contribute effectively. 
During the year, our Middle Leaders have been considering the importance of a school wide approach to Academic Integrity.  As a result, a draft Academic Integrity policy has been composed, with an intentional scope and sequence  outlining the expectations for each stage within the school. Throughout 2022 we will continue to refine our processes and intentional learning experiences, to support our students to develop an understanding of the fundamental values of academic integrity. 

Year 6 - PYP Exhibition

Our Year 6 students have delved into learning experiences to support their understanding of the PYP Exhibition. So far we have discussed the purpose of the Exhibition and their role as a successful learner. For 2021, students will be exploring real world issues related to the transdisciplinary theme 'Sharing the Planet'. It has been amazing to witness the knowledge our students already have about global impacts relating to this theme.
Due to current restrictions, our Exhibition this year will be completely virtual. Our students will communicate their knowledge, understanding and skills through the creation of websites that will be made live to the school community during Week 9. The best way you can support our Year 6 learners is to get involved! Please make time during Week 9 to view their websites and share some feedback. Further information will be provided in the coming weeks.

ICAS Competition - Testing Dates

Please note the assessment dates for test administration in Week 7:
  • Monday, 15 November - English 
  • Tuesday, 16 November - Mathematics
  • Wednesday, 17 November - Science
  • Thursday, 18 November - Digital Technologies
  • Friday, 19 November - Catch up Assessment Day

Outdoor Education

Mr Peter Stevenson - Dean of Biblical Studies

“You're off to Great Places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting,

So... get on your way!”

Dr Seuss “Oh, the places you will go.”


While in the outdoors, adventure happens; and adventure is essential for life! Life is an adventure and through experience, our minds are broadened and expanded. Without adventure, we never try new things or go to new places. Adventure makes us feel energised and alive.

Outdoor Education is about relationships, first and foremost. It is about connecting with each other, with ourselves, and with the environment around us. St Peter’s recognises this as a crucial part of our learning offerings, which is why our Camp Programme is mandatory for our students. The students create memories that will last a lifetime, and not just regarding the activities they completed, but also regarding relationships. They are away from the stress and pressure of normal life and are in community with each other. 

At St Peter’s, our Outdoor Education programme starts in Year 1, where students in Years 1 and 2 participate in a day camp on our school site. This increases in Year 3, with a day trip out to Wedderburn Christian Campsite, finishing with a sleepover at school. In Year 4, students enjoy two nights away at Lake Macquarie, while Year 5 head to Galston Gorge for three nights. In Year 6, students start the year with a Leadership Camp to develop the Peer Support skills they all require as leaders of our school, and then later in the year, they travel to Canberra and the snow for three nights.

Sadly, all overnight camps in 2021 were not able to go ahead with COVID-19 restrictions. The students and staff are excited that we are planning for all camps to go ahead in 2022. 

As a school we see many benefits of school camps, and here are just a few:

  • Social interactions with others who they may not usually spend time with

  • Opportunities for students to learn independence in relation to sleep time

  • Organisation of belongings

  • Building relationships with staff in a relaxed environment

  • Problem-solving through experiential learning. 



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New Student

We would like to welcome the following new student to our school:



Toys 'n' Tucker

It's time to share the joy this Christmas!

2021 has been a challenging year for many, especially those already doing it tough. This is our opportunity to make sure vulnerable families still experience the joy of Christmas.  

As you know, Toys 'n' Tucker will look a little different this year. To keep our families and community safe, we have moved online. 

How will the Online process work?

1. Purchase items on the Toys ‘n’ Tucker Shop page
2. Anglicare will buy those items at wholesale prices
3. Hampers will be packed at our Villawood Warehouse
4. Our vans will deliver hampers straight to peoples’ doors
Please click here to shop online.

Together, we can still provide food and toys for thousands of vulnerable families who would otherwise go without.
We hope you can help us support this amazing cause by sharing the joy this Christmas.

Prayer Points

  • Praise God that we are back on site!
  • Pray that we may continue to build fruitful relationships with each other.
  • Pray that we finish strong in all of our learning.

School Calendar

Term 4
Tuesday, 5 October 2021 - Tuesday, 7 December 2021   
Week 6
Monday, 8 November 2021

5.30pm - 6.30pm: Secondary School Information Session (Online)

Thursday, 11 November 2021
Remembrance Day
Week 7
Monday, 15 November 2021
ICAS - English
Online Book Fair
9.30am - 11.00am: Junior Primary Poetry Recital
11.30am - 1.00pm: Primary Poetry Recital
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
ICAS - Mathematics
Online Book Fair
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 
ICAS - Science
Online Book Fair
Thursday, 18 November 2021 
ICAS - Digital Technology
Online Book Fair
Friday, 19 November 2021 
ICAS - Catch Up Assessment Day
Online Book Fair



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Thank you

Our school is simply amazing! I tell anyone who will listen and the events of the past few days have highlighted that again. Your respect, support, encouragement, prayerfulness and understanding have not and will not go unnoticed. 
The School is open and operational for all who have not received communication advising them of being a close contact. We are supporting those learning from home with the reintroduction of Off Campus Learning and will offer a blended model for those who need to isolate over the coming two weeks at this stage.
A teacher, per stage, will take responsibility for the learning of our students who are not able to be on campus. If an entire cohort is absent, then class teachers will take responsibility. 

World Teachers Day

Last Friday was World Teachers Day and our students and parents constantly support and encourage the teaching staff in the great work they do.
We had arranged for some treats of acknowledgement, which have been delayed until today. 
Please join me in congratulating our teachers for their wisdom, care and professionalism in what has been an incredibly challenging year!

Staffing Update - Middle School

I'm pleased to announce the following appointment:-

  • Miss Lauren Payne - a St Peter's alumna, will be teaching Design in 2022 along with some time in the Library Centre.  Lauren is currently teaching in Tasmania and will return to Campbelltown where she will rejoin Campbelltown Baptist Church.