Year 6 PYP Exhibition

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It was a privilege to spend Thursday evening at the 2023 Year 6 PYP Exhibition.  This was the culmination of our students' learning journey over the past 7 or 8 years and I was truly impressed with the maturity and the depth of understanding of some very complex real world problems of our Year 6 cohort, and the confidence with which they had considered and discussed how they could make a difference.  
I am grateful to our Year 6 teaching staff, Mr Joseph Stockinger, Mrs Heather Brown and Miss Natalie Maine for their guidance of our Year 6 students this year and for the significant hours of work they put into assisting Year 6 to be ready for this event.  There are also many other staff across our school who worked with our students, either as Mentor teachers or providing specialist input in the areas of Music, STEAM and Languages. 

World Teachers Day

Today we took the opportunity to celebrate our amazing teaching staff. They were treated to Morning Tea as we thanked them in a small way for all they do each and every day for our students. It was nice to be able to celebrate the teachers who work so hard to bring our students the love, care, learning experiences and relationships that help to form them into lifelong learners. Thank you to all our teaching staff for being an amazing bunch of people to work with.

I am so grateful for the camaraderie and care shown not only to our students but also to each other. Please watch the link below to see the messages our students have sent their teachers.                               

What's Coming Up....

We have had 2 extremely busy weeks to begin Term 4, but there is so much more to come!
Year 1 and 2 continue to enjoy Swim School each Wednesday for Sport.  I had the opportunity to visit some of the groups this week and all students were enjoying building their swimming skills and having lots of fun at the same time!  I was very proud of their excellent behaviour while participating in this important learning opportunity.  
Our Book Fair begins on Thursday, 2 November with a chance for parents to do some Christmas Shopping at a parents only shopping event from 2.00-3.00pm.  
Our school gymnastics team will travel to Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatic Centre to compete in the IPSHA Gymnastics competition, Kindergarten are off to Symbio to do some outdoor learning and Year 1 and 2 will enjoy their day camp at Wedderburn.
Next Monday evening is our Music Festival which will see our students in the various musical groups perform for their families in the school hall. Details have been emailed to families involved and it will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talents of these students.


Thank you to those parents who were able to complete our feedback form regarding Home Learning in the last newsletter.  This form is still live if you would like to add your ideas.  
We are genuinely interested in feedback given and will use it to guide discussions and decisions regarding various aspects of our school. This week, I encourage families to use our email address to give some feedback about communication. 
At St Peter's, we use a variety of methods for communicating with our school community; newsletters, Seesaw, student diaries, emails, phone calls and interviews.  What works well for your family?  Are there any communication methods that you prefer?  We'd love to hear your views.

Christmas at St Peter's

On Friday, 10 November, we are holding a community Christmas event. Families are invited to join us as we begin to reflect on the birth of our Saviour and celebrate Christmas together.
Gates will open at 5.30pm with a variety of activities for students, followed by a Christmas message and carol singing.  
Families may choose to bring a picnic dinner or purchase from one of the food trucks.  There will also be a number of market stalls for some Christmas shopping.
Please see the flyer below for further information.

Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal


The last fortnight has been a busy one with the events and learning taking place. I love the opportunities that continue to be presented to our students and the way in which they embrace these, whether it is with complete confidence or some trepidation, these allow our students to grow in their ability and foster new passions for learning.

Last week was a great opportunity for new parents and students coming to Pre-Kindergarten next year to attend Story and Play in our library and the Kindergarten Orientation was full of excitement for our current Pre-Kindergarten to have a glimpse into what school life will look like next year.

Thanks so much to Mrs Nielson for all her hard work with this, as well as all staff involved.

Earlier this week was our Year 5 Survivor Day where students were challenged through fun activities to engage in their unit of inquiry - Sharing the Planet. I love the energy and creativity of our teachers to engage students in learning that is fun and inspiring.

Carpark Safety

We have had feedback from some parents regarding a lack of care from some drivers around the carpark. Please keep our community safe by being extra aware, patient and vigilant when driving in our school grounds.

Year 4 Camp

It was my privilege to attend this 3 day camp last week at Lake Macquarie with our Year 4 students. This is an amazing location which so many wonderful experiences for our students to explore. The video shown at our Primary Assembly last week gave a glimpse into the fun and active time we all had. Teachers have also shared this on Seesaw. Thanks so much to our wonderful staff who attended, for the way in which they cared for our students and matched them with energy!! I really appreciate Mr Stevenson, Miss Tranby, Mrs Weir, Mr Connell, Miss Busutel and Mrs Ball.

Year 6 Exhibition

Last night at Exhibition showed once again the wonderful community we have at St. Peter’s. Exhibition is a showcase of the learning of our Year 6 students and with just the one grade involved it was amazing to see the school hall packed (standing room only for staff in attendance). Grandparents, siblings and very proud parents were impressed with the work of these students. One comment I heard upon leaving the school was - “Tonight showed once again who St. Peter’s is. A community full of joy and connection”. I love that! Congratulations to all students but also to the amazing staff involved, particularly our Year 6 team led so capably by Mr Stockinger

Student Agency

I am very proud of a Year 4 student who has shown agency after being challenged when seeing the brokenness of this world. Alyssa H from 4H took it upon herself to organise a simple cupcake stall to sell to primary students in order to raise money for a charity she believes is making a difference on the ground.

CARE.ORG seeks to make this world a better place by caring for those who are enduring conflict and hunger world wide. Alyssa chose this charity after gaining approval for this fundraiser and raised $183.50 to send them. Well done Alyssa!

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement

It has been another exciting fortnight in the life of St Peter's Heart!  

Students in the Galahs class have been getting their hands sticky with paper mache creations and making sculptures with foil and clay. They are a work in progress and we can't wait to see their finished products!
The Kookaburras have also been delving into the world of sculptures, creating quirky sponge and box monsters! They used a variety of interesting resources including sponges, cardboard, cellophane, pipe cleaners, bottle tops and patty pans. Their creativity was unleashed and the results are fabulous!
The students (and staff!) from the Lorikeets class had an amazing time at the camp last week at Lake Macquarie. They had opportunities to learn values and skills such as team work, serving others, determination and perseverance through experiences including Christian Discovery sessions, rock climbing, archery, canoeing and fishing, to name a few!

Year 6 PYP Exhibition

Last night witnessed an extraordinary culmination of hard work and dedication as the Year Six students astounded the audience with their exceptional knowledge and skills at the PYP Exhibition. Over the course of the past year, students have dedicated themselves to these projects, and the results were nothing short of awe-inspiring. Displays filled with creative and critical thinking were not only a testament to the students' growth but also to the holistic education provided by the school. It was incredibly inspiring to hear these young people speak about how despite these difficult issues and the broken world, there is so much hope and a plan found in Christ. We are not alone, we should not fear, we are more than conquerors . Every corner of the exhibition hall exuded the students' passion and commitment to their learning journey.

A buzzing and vibrant atmosphere, filled with communication, debate, awe and astonishment -  the PYP Exhibition stood as a reminder of the significance of a supportive community. The collaborative effort of the teachers, mentors, and families in guiding these incredible advocates through their academic journey has undeniably played a pivotal role in their success.

We eagerly anticipate further opportunities to applaud the talents and accomplishments of these remarkable students throughout their remaining term.

The PYP Exhibition serves as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging us all to continue nurturing and supporting the next generation of passionate, innovative, and resilient learners. Last night we witnessed change makers in action - those who will and are committed to protect our world and future!

Year 5 Taronga Zoo Excursion

Year 5 students recently embarked on an exhilarating journey to Taronga Zoo, as part of their Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry. 
Our geographers enjoyed observing the vast varieties of biomes that serve as home to the diverse animal kingdom, recognising that different animals require different environments, foods and temperatures to thrive. 

Some young adventurers had the pleasure of witnessing a fascinating game of hide and seek among the gorillas, who displayed their cunning skills and clever camouflage techniques. Not to be outdone, the seals showcased their agility, leaping effortlessly and showcasing their incredible ability to balance on their flippers. 

The highlight of the day was the unique opportunity to interact closely with some of the zoo's inhabitants in the immersive classroom. The room was impressive with large trees and a range of birds. Students were captivated as they listened to the intricate calls and harmonious interactions. With a sense of courage and curiosity, the students reached out to touch the scaly skin of a friendly snake, and  experienced the soft fur of a charming sugar glider, reinforcing their understanding of the diverse habitats these creatures call home. 

The day at Taronga Zoo not only brought joy and excitement but also deepened our students' understanding of the incredible adaptations that allow animals to thrive in their unique environments. 

Year 4 Camp

Mr Peter Stevenson - Dean of Biblical Studies

Last week, Year 4 students travelled to the Crusaders Site at Lake Macquarie. They had the opportunity to participate in activities such as sailing, canoeing, fishing, raft building, rock climbing, the Mission Impossible game, a lake walk, and archery. It was fantastic to see the students expanding their horizons and trying new activities. One of the great aspects of the camp was living in a temporary community and getting to know each other in a different environment.

Below are some reflections from Year 4 students and what they loved about camp. 

“I like walking near the lake,  because I like nature! Looking around I could see trees and bugs and I saw a few fish in the lake too! After we had a walk we got to these rocks that were really steep and there were planks of wood to walk on and big logs that were attached to some logs tied to the floor. After we walked a little more we got to a part where the path was really narrow. It was hard to walk past because the lake was right underneath where we were walking. We got to a point where there was some sand, we found many pippies and we were all looking for them and when we found any we would put them in a bunch.” 

“The wind was blowing in my hair, waves hitting the boat."

"It was like l was in a fantasy! A dream came true, sitting on the edge of the boat .There was a trampoline and on it the waves were hitting me. It was quite a weird feeling, one that l would have not liked to miss and with the safety of a teacher it was even better.” 

“One of our activities was mission impossible. We first had to throw some mats to make it to the end. It was hard but my group and I managed to make it to the end and we won. The next activity we did was to throw balls in the holes and half of us threw the balls in the holes and the other half of my group had to catch the balls but in the end we lost but it was fun. The final activity was to balance toys on the scale and I partnered up with my friend Dante and we were so close. Mission impossible was a mission but it wasn't impossible.”

“I did canoeing first! It was a lot of fun, because we were controlling what we did on the water in a boat. Then we went fishing, me and my friend Cat didn't catch any fish, but it was fun. Then we went sailing. That was definitely my favourite! We got to sit up on a high seat and dip our feet in the water. The water was so green and so beautiful. I got splashed when I sat on the trampoline at the front of the boat.”

Overall, we had a fun time away! The students were fantastic and we commend them for how they behaved. 


Year 4 Teachers, 


Mrs Weir, Miss Tranby and Mr Stevenson


Annual St Peter's Anglican Grammar Poetry Recital

Mrs Samantha Edmunds - Dean of Inquiry

We are excited to extend an invitation to our community for the Annual St Peter's Anglican Grammar Poetry Recital.


This will be held in the school hall Friday, 17 November 2023.


Please see further details in the invitation below. 

NSWPSSA Athletics Carnival Results

On Wednesday 25th October and Thursday 26th October, Woojin S and Lachlan S competed at the New South Wales Primary Schools Sport Association (NSWPSSA) State Athletics Carnival in Homebush.


Both athletes achieved exceptional results of which they can be rightfully proud. Lachlan participated in five events within the multiclass category, demonstrating his versatility, while Woojin dedicated his full focus to excelling in the Long Jump.


St Peter’s could not be prouder of how well both boys represent both our school and Combined Independent Schools (CIS).








Lachlan S

Junior Boys Multi Class 100m - Timed Finals



Junior Boys Multi Class 200m - Timed Finals



Junior Boys Multi Class Shot



Junior Boys Multi Class Discus



Junior Boys Multi Class Long Jump



Woojin S

Junior Boys Long Jump Finals



Although they did not advance to the Interstate Carnival in Tasmania, we are immensely proud of their accomplishments and the excellent representation they provided for our school this year.

IPSHA Gymnastics

On November, 2nd, 2023 (Week 4, Term 4) we will be taking a team of Representative Gymnasts to the IPSHA Gymnastics Carnival. We wish all our competitors all the best.

The IPSHA Gymnastics Carnival will be a ticketed event for spectators. Tickets are free. Any person who will be attending the IPSHA NSW Gymnastics Carnival will need to register for a ticket on the following link IPSHA NSW Gymnastics Ticket registration

Ticket receipts will be checked at the door. If people have not registered their attendance on the above link or QR Code they will need to do it at the centre before entering the venue. QR codes will be displayed at the venue. School Officials, students and Judges do not need to register.




St Peter's Annual Tennis Competition

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

While the Annual St Peter’s Tennis Singles Competition is coming to an end, students signed up for a Doubles Tournament to finish the year.


Congratulations to Emma Z who successfully won the Junior Girls Tennis Tournament, Woojin S who successfully won the Junior Boys Tennis Tournament, and Rui S who successfully won the Senior Boys Tennis Tournament. A Championship Game will be played on Monday.



Monday 30th October


1st Half Lunch

Woojin S

Rui S

2nd Half Lunch

Emma Z

Ela E


Week 2 v. BYE


Week 3 v. St Gregory’s College (Home)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 32-8

Player of the Match:

Charlotte M & Francesca A

Loss 4/72-1/74

Player of the Match:

Jacob H

Loss 0-5

Player of the Match:

Paige M

Loss 1-22

Player of the Match:

Isaac C

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 20-31

Player of the Match:

Nkolisakwu M

Loss 5/30-2/66

Player of the Match:

Anthony P

Loss 0-8

Player of the Match:

Ash P

Loss 5-18

Player of the Match:

Magnushire W

Term 4 IPSSO Draw (subject to change).

Book Fair

Mrs Fiona Singline - Library Assistant

Our Scholastic Book Fair opens for 4 days in the School Library starting next Thursday.


If you would like some great new Children's Books for Christmas and holidays, please come and have a look.


On the First day of Book Fair, Thursday 2nd November, we will open early at 2-3 for PARENTS ONLY shopping.



  • Thursday, 2nd November
  • Friday, 3rd November
  • Monday, 4th November
  • Tuesday, 5th November


Opening Times:

  • 8:15 - 9:00am
  • 3:30 - 4:00pm



  • School Library


Payment Method:

  • The Book Fair is cashless

Term Dates for 2024

St Peter's Street Library

You may have noticed in the tunnel behind the main gates that St Peter's has a Street Library! 
This is a great way for our school community to share books with each other. 
It is designed to leave a book or take a book to read.
If you have a children's book or two in good condition that you have finished with and think others may enjoy, feel free to leave it in the street library as you walk past. 
These books are free for other children and families to take and enjoy. The books do not have to be returned, you may keep them, but it would be wonderful if people could just take 1 or 2 books at a time.
There will be some of our pre-loved Library books that we have now replaced available in the Street Library as well.
We hope you join in with us in this new way to reduce, reuse and recycle our books.

School Calendar

Term 4
Monday, 9 October 2023 - Tuesday, 5 Decenber 2023 

Week 4
Monday, 30 October 2023

9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly - Kindergarten - Year 2
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Music Festival

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6
11.30am - 12.30pm: School Tour 

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

10.00am - 11.00am: Years 1 & 2 Swim Programme
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPSSO Sport vs Broughton Anglican College 
1.00pm - 1.50pm: Senior IPSSO Sport vs Broughton Anglican College
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 2 November 2023

8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
2.00pm - 3:00pm: Book Fair 
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal

Friday, 3 November 2023  

8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Week 5
Monday, 6 November 2023
Book Fair
9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly Years 3 - 6
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Book Fair
9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

10.00am - 11.00am: Years 1 & 2 Swim Programme
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPSSO Sport vs Macarthur Anglican School
1.00pm - 1.50pm: Senior IPSSO Sport vs Macarthur Anglican School
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 9 November 2023

8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal

Friday, 3 November 2023  

8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Join Our Team

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions in our school


Current Position(s) vacant for 2024

  • Teacher (K-6)

Position Description - Teacher (K-6)

Application Form - Teacher (K-6)




  • Praise God for a great time away with Year 4 up at Crusaders Lake Mac. The students had a great time away together and had lots of great experiences. 
  • Please pray for all the end-of-year events, such as the Music Festival, Exhibition, Swimming Programs, and Rep Sport finishing up. Please pray for students and staff as they prepare for these.