What's Coming Up....

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It was exciting to see everyone back at St Peter's on Monday, enthusiastic to get started for what is shaping up to be a busy Term 4!  
Today we began the first of our 2024 transition visits by our incoming Pre-Kindergarten students who along with their parents and carers participated in a Circus Workshop.  These visits continue with "Story and Play" sessions over the next two weeks.  
I also had the privilege today of hosting a school tour for families still considering Pre-Kindergarten for their children in 2024.  It is always wonderful to share our school and the great work being done by students and staff.  Our students are so welcoming, greeting visitors with a big smile and cheery "Hello".
We continue with our 2024 transition events next week.  On Tuesday and Thursday we are holding our Kindergarten Orientation and Information sessions, while our Year 6 students who are attending Broughton Anglican College for Secondary School will also have their orientation visit to Broughton on Tuesday.
These events, along with Year 4 Camp, Year 1 and 2 Swim School, IPSHAA Debating day, and Year 5 visiting Taronga Zoo make a fantastic start to Term 4!


As a school community, feedback is one of the most important tools we have to continue to grow, learn, change and develop.  
Our amazing teaching staff are constantly giving students feedback on their learning in many different ways.  At times this feedback is given verbally, at other times in a written form, with the aim of celebrating achievement and guiding students towards future learning goals. 
Our students give feedback too, by their engagement in their learning, their response to activities and the work they produce as a result of a lesson.
At the end of Term 3, we held Parent and Carer Afternoon Teas for our Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 cohorts.  These will continue over this term with our remaining grades.  
However, we are aware that not all families are able to attend these and so to give all parents and carers opportunities to give feedback, we will be including a short google form in each fortnightly newsletter this term, focusing on a specific area of our school.
We begin these with an opportunity for feedback to be given about Home Learning.  As you are aware, at St Peter's we have a an opt-in policy for Home Learning, providing access to online resources, emailing Mathematics revision booklets each term and encouraging reading at home as a priority.
If you would like to give feedback regarding Home Learning at St Peter's, please click here.

Save the Date

We are excited to announce that we will be having a Christmas event at St Peter's on Friday, 10 November 2023 starting at 5:30pm.

Please see the flyer below for further information 

Welcome Back

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

Welcome back to a very exciting Term 4. We anticipate the joy of enriching learning experiences that will demonstrate the strides our students have taken this year. Get the magnets ready to exhibit the artistic masterpieces on the fridge, leaving them for a substantial amount of time.  No doubt this term will whisk by like a shooting St Peter’s star!

Swim School

This week has been buzzing with the Year 1 and 2 Swim School beginning. The students travelled to the pool with excitement and some nerves wondering what this would be like. All went very smoothly and next week will be filled with anticipation for our little fish!

Thank You

Thank you to those parents who were able to make it to our Kindergarten and Year 1 Afternoon Teas in the last week of Term 3. It was wonderful for Mrs McDonnell and myself to share in conversations around our school and students, with great feedback for encouragement and ideas moving forward. We look forward to more opportunities to engage in dialogue with our community.

Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2 Athletics Carnival

The last day of Term Three saw perfect weather for our Carnival. 

Congratulations to all students for their amazing participation and all staff for helping the day to run smoothly.  

Vacation Care

Thank you so much to our amazing OSHC staff led so capably by Miss Lana, for the wonderful care given to our students over Vacation Care. The children really do have an amazing experience to fill their holidays with fun and friendships. 


This year Summer Vacation Care dates are:


Friday, 8 December 2023 - Friday, 22 December 2023

Tuesday, 16 January 2024 - Thursday, 1 February 2024



Further details from our OSHC staff will follow.

Staff Carpark

Please be reminded that our staff carpark is allocated to staff, with numbered spaces allocated to individuals. Please park in visitor spots for short periods of time or park offsite and walk students into the school. 

Thank you

Student Arrivals

Please be reminded that there is no supervision prior to 8.10 and some students are arriving well before this time. The exception to this are co curricular,  sports and music activities that begin at 8.00am.

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement

St Peter's Heart have had an exciting start to Term 4. Our Years 1 and 2 students enjoyed joining their St Peter's Anglican Grammar peers for swimming lessons on Wednesday. Some students were very eager to show off their skills in the water! 

The Lorikeets are looking forward to camp next week and our Galahs class showed superstar qualities when they used threading beads to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction. 
There are so many wonderful learning experiences and events coming up this term and St Peter's Heart students are ready to enjoy them all!

Year 6 PYP Exhibition

Members of the St Peter's community are invited to join us as our Year Six students showcase their journey of discovery at their Primary Years Programme Exhibition!
Get ready to be inspired by these young change-makers as they delve into topics that touch our hearts and souls. From in-depth research to awe-inspiring artefacts, they've poured their hearts into these projects.
Year Six are eager to share their findings and insights, emphasising the significance of these topics to the world and our community. Come and discover how we can all make a difference together.
Don't miss out on a chance to witness the future leaders of tomorrow in action. 

NSWPSSA Athletics Carnival

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Coordinator

We extend a huge congratulations to Woojin and Lachlan for their outstanding achievement in advancing to the National level of competition with the New South Wales Primary Schools Sports Association (NSWPSSA) on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 (Week 3).

Woojin will showcase his remarkable talents by representing the CIS team in Boys 10 Years Long Jump, while Lachlan's exceptional abilities will be on full display as he represents the CIS team as a Para-Athlete in an impressive array of events, including the 100m, 200m Track, Long Jump, Shot Put, and Discus.

Their dedication and performance at this level of competition stand as a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence in sports.

St Peter's Annual Tennis Competition

The Annual St Peter’s Tennis Competition continues to take place.

Congratulations to Ela who successfully won the Senior Girls Tennis Tournament for a second year in a row.

As games continue for the remaining competitions, they are subject to weather and students will be told when a postponed game will be played.

Students can bring their own tennis racket the day their match is scheduled. The matches will take place during lunch times. Unfortunately families are not able to attend this event.


Week 1 v. Mount Annan Christian College (Home)


JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 28-2

Player of the Match:

Liam J

Win 71-51

Player of the Match:

Abdul R

Loss 0-2

Player of the Match:

Zoe P

Loss 12-16

Player of the Match:

Woojin S

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 20-27

Player of the Match:

Matthew T

Win 1/26-2/23

Player of the Match:

Isaac L

Win 2-0

Player of the Match:

Summer B

Loss 7-11

Player of the Match:

Will P


Term 4 IPSSO Draw (subject to change).

IPSHA Gymnastics

On Thursday, 2 November 2023 (Week 4, Term 4) we will be taking a team of Representative Gymnasts to the IPSHA Gymnastics Carnival. 

Training sessions will take place each Friday in Weeks 1-3.

Please note the following times:

1st Half Lunch: Girls and Boys Level 1

2nd Half Lunch: Girls Levels 2 & 3

Charlotte and Scarlett

Charlotte and Scarlett travelled to Newcastle on the weekend for their last troupe competition of the season winning 1st for Hip Hop and 1st for Jazz. 


On 10 September 2023, Ingrid performed at her very first concert. She played Onkie Twist on the piano and was recognised to have advanced skills by her teacher.

St Peter's Street Library

You may have noticed in the tunnel behind the main gates that St Peter's has a Street Library! 
This is a great way for our school community to share books with each other. 
It is designed to leave a book or take a book to read.
If you have a children's book or two in good condition that you have finished with and think others may enjoy, feel free to leave it in the street library as you walk past. 
These books are free for other children and families to take and enjoy. The books do not have to be returned, you may keep them, but it would be wonderful if people could just take 1 or 2 books at a time.
There will be some of our pre-loved Library books that we have now replaced available in the Street Library as well.
We hope you join in with us in this new way to reduce, reuse and recycle our books.

Term Dates for 2024

School Calendar

Term 4
Monday, 9 October 2023 - Tuesday, 5 Decenber 2023 
Week 2 
Monday, 16 October 2023

9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten - Year 2 Assembly 
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

2024 Kindergarten Orientation and Information Session
9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6 (Location to be advised)

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Year 4 Camp
IPSSO Sport Bye - No Morning Training
Pre-Kindergarten Story and Play - Circus Workshop
10.00am - 11.00am: Years 1 & 2 Swim Programme
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Year 4 Camp
2024 Kindergarten Orientation & Information Session
8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal

Friday, 20 October 2023  

Year 4 Camp
8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Week 3 
Monday, 23 October 2023

9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly - Years 3 - 6
9.30am - 2:30pm: Year 5 Survivor Day
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6
10.00am - 11.00am: Pre-Kindergarten Story & Play

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

10.00am - 11.00am: Years 1 & 2 Swim Programme
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPSSO Sport vs St Gregory's College
1.00pm - 1.50pm: Senior IPSSO Sport vs St Gregory's College
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Rehearsal

Thursday, 26 October 2023

8.00am - 9.00am: Training Strings Rehearsal (Year 2 and Up)
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Rehearsal
6.30pm onwards: Year 6 Exhibition in the school hall, all invited 

Friday, 27 October 2023  

Years 1 - 2 Camp - Wedderburn 
8.00am - 8.45am: Training Band Rehearsal
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Join Our Team

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions in our school


Current Position(s) vacant for 2023

  • Receptionist / Office Assistant 

Position Description - Receptionist / Office Assistant

Application Form - Receptionist / Office Assistant


Current Position(s) vacant for 2024

  • Teacher (K-6)

Position Description - Teacher (K-6)

Application Form - Teacher (K-6)




  • We are thankful for the a restful and relaxing breaks over the holidays, and we have been able to return to school and continue with our learning. 
  • We pray for our Year 4 students attending camp next week at Crusaders Lake Macquarie Campsite, we pray for a great time away together. 
  • We also pray for our those students known to us as they sit their HSC exams, especially those from our 2017 cohort.