School Photo Days

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

There are three photo days next term as outlined below.

Orders for Class and Individual photos can be placed securely online at using our school's unique 9 digit Online Order Code: YRD 5R4 AAA

Please note we are not offering Sibling Photos this year.

Photo Day 1: Monday, 1 August 2022 - Whole School, Middle School, Class and Individual Photos, Pre-Kindergarten Classes (Kangaroos,Koalas & Possums).

  • Full winter uniform is to be worn
  • Preparatory Girls are to wear long socks not stockings 
  • Primary Boys (Years 3 - 6) if available, please wear long trousers

All students will have individual photos taken on this day.

Photo Day 2: Friday, 5 August 2022 - Co-Curricular, Music Groups, Pre-Kindergarten (Echidnas, Wombats & Possums) Make up day for individual photos.

  • Musical Insturments are to be brought to school for Band and Orchestra photographs.
  • Full winter uniform is to be worn

Photo Day 3: Wednesday, 10 August 2022 - Sport Photos , Year 7 Group Photos

Preparatory School - IPSSO & IPSHA Representative Sport Photos 

  • Full winter sport uniform, tracksuit jacket, including white sport shoes.
  • Year 6 students must wear their House polo, not their Year 6 polo shirt.

Middle School - SASSA Sport Representatives, MISA Dance, Year 7 da Vinci

  • Full winter uniform


School Shop Sale!

If anyone would like to replace their existing Red School Bag, we are currently selling the Medium Size bag for $25.00. 
If anyone would like to purchase an Excursion Bag they are available for $20.00. 
We also have Red Sports Caps available at $10.00 if you would like to purchase these.
If you are interested in purchasing a bag or a sports cap, please email the School Shop: and you will be contacted during the final week of the School Holidays for payment.  Items will then be delivered to students in the first week of Term 3.

First Half of the Year

We are incredibly proud of the growth of all our students across the first half of the year. It has been wonderful to see a range of opportunities return after nearly two years, and the clear desire of students to connect. I hope that these holidays bring your family some extended refreshment. 

New English K - 2 Syllabus

Based on a significant curriculum review, it was highlighted that students and teachers alike, would benefit from a curriculum that is focused on foundational skill development. The new English syllabus has certainly delivered, with a clear and intentional focus in K-2 on explicit and intentional teaching to support the development of early reading and writing. The document is incredibly user friendly, and is written in a sequential manner, enabling teachers to clearly track progress of skill development.
Over Semester 2, all teachers in the Preparatory School will participate in intensive training to deepen their understanding of this new document, and to commence planning for implementation in 2023. 
We anticipate that the Years 3 - 6 document will be finalised late November, which will enable us as a whole school to transition to the new syllabus.
Families are encouraged to also connect with this document:

Professional Development Week

Teachers in the Preparatory School will use this week to dive into the New English syllabus. We will focus on the different evidence-based approaches to the development of reading skills, and participate in external training that focuses on quality literature, how it can be used for intentional teaching across all subject areas as well as promoting reading for pleasure. We are very excited to welcome Sue Pike from the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) to support us in this. 

Semester 1 Reports

Families should have received their child's report on Monday via email. If you did not receive it, please contact our School Administration team as a matter of urgency.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Interviews are scheduled for Thursday, 21 July (in Professional Development Week). This is a wonderful opportunity to further discuss your child's progress across Semester 1, and consider goals moving forward for Semester 2. 
Information regarding interviews, including how to book, has been sent home this week via email. 
Please note you will require the following to access the parent portal;

If you have not yet registered for our parent portal, please do so following the link below:

ICAS Assessments

St Peter's offers a range of ICAS Assessments, commencing in Week 3 of next term. These assessments are designed to target high academic achievers, with questions designed to assess knowledge and understanding two (2) years beyond their current year level. Families who wish to participate are required to purchase through the Parent Payment System. This platform is open until Monday, 1 August 2022, and orders beyond this date will not be accepted. 
To access the payment system, visit:, and enter the School Code: XSU699
Please note that the arrangement to participate in these assessments is through ICAS only. The school is unable to provide assistance.

Student of the Month - June

Fleur is a very polite student who always uses her manner muscles with other students and with all teachers. She is kind and caring and will help others when she sees a need.
Fleur is often seen playing with younger students to make them feel safe and happy at school. She is an open-minded learner who loves to share her ideas with others.
Fleur is focussed in the classroom and always cooperates with others.
Congratulations Fleur!


NEW Singing Tutor - Commencing Term 3

We are pleased to welcome Mrs Francesca Olson to our Peripatetic Tutor team for singing tuitions.  Families that are interested for their child to learn in this discipline, are encouraged to contact Mrs Olson directly. 
Mobile: 0413 942 632

Return of Library Books

I enjoy a good detective story. My family laugh when they think of me reading the Sherlock Holmes book “The Hounds of the Baskervilles”, because they know I was too scared to read it at night!

There are some fantastic detective stories for all ages in the Library to enjoy, from Geronimo Stilton and Jack Russell Dog Detective, to Enola Holmes and Artemis Fowl.

I think parenting often requires detective work. At my house things often go missing, and I need to solve the puzzle of it. It would be great if you could do some detective work at your house for missing Library books from Term 2. 

I understand the reality that sometimes things just get lost. If you are sure that your book is lost, could you please let us know at The cost of the book will be added to your fees and we can replace it.

Many thanks, and enjoy reading.

Position Vacant

MYP Coordinator / Teacher Librarian (Leadership Position)
Permanent / Full time
Commencing - Term 1, 2023
Closing, 15 July 2022
Please refer to the Schools' Employment page on the website for further information. 


  • Pray for the safety and wellbeing of our students and families over the school holiday period.


School Calendar

Term 2

Wednesday, 27 April 2022 - Friday, 1 July 2022 
Week 10 

Friday, 1 July 2022

Last Day for Term 2
8.10am - 10.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Assembly
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Buddy Groups

School Holidays 

Monday, 4 July 2022 - Friday, 15 July 2022

Staff Professional Development Week - Pupil Free Week

Monday, 18 July 2022 - Friday, 22 July 2022

Thursday, 21 July 2022

2.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent Teacher Student Conference (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 7)

Term 3
Monday, 25 July 2022 - Friday, 23 September 2022 
Week 1
Monday, 25 July 2022

Students Commence Term 3

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Year 6 Camp
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Junior Strings Co-curricular Programme

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Year 6 Camp
100 Days of Kindergarten Party
Rep Sport - BYE
3.15pm - 4.30pm: Senior Strings Co-curricular Programme

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Year 6 Camp

Friday, 29 July 2022

8.10am - 10.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Junior Primary Assembly 
Year 6 Camp

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An Attitude of Gratitude

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Expressing gratitude can be a helpful tool in establishing and maintaining a healthy mindset. Many have faced significant challenges in recent times, and in the midst of adversity it can often be difficult to recognise the blessings around us. As parents and educators, I believe there is great value in teaching children the importance of gratitude and to demonstrate the practice of consciously pausing to identify and appreciate the many things that can be taken for granted in everyday life. 

Throughout this term we have encouraged students to develop an 'attitude of gratitude.' This has been done in various ways including through teacher modelling, stories, classroom gratitude displays and the composition of gratitude journals. Research suggests that creating a habit of thankfulness can result in a number of potential benefits such as reduced levels of stress, an increased sense of satisfaction and the development of better relationships. Let me encourage you to consider if any of the following activities may be of benefit in building a stronger culture of gratitude within your family.  

  • Keep a family gratitude journal. Take five minutes each week to write down three things that you’re glad to have experienced.

  • Take pictures. Set yourself a mission to photograph little things in everyday life that make you smile and are worth celebrating. 

  • Share with others about why you’re grateful for them. A brief word of thanks, a short card or ‘post it’ note can have a profound and meaningful impact.                                                                           

There is so much to be grateful for, including the school holiday break. I pray that this will be a time of rest and peace for your family. I look forward to welcoming our community back to St Peter's in Term 3.


Week 9, games against St Gregory’s

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 22 June 2022

















Newcombe ball





Senior Sport: Wednesday, 22 June 2022





















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Heart Excursion - Australian Botanic Gardens

LOOK OUT for living things!
On Tuesday, the Heart students embarked on their first excursion to the Australian Botanic Gardens at Mount Annan to explore the world of plants and animals found in this environment. As scientists, they investigated, discovered and observed evidence of habitats by using their senses. Students witnessed animal shelters such as beehives, duck nests, beetle boxes, cockatoo logs and spider webs. They gathered plant materials as they walked through the gardens which they later used to demonstrate the life cycle of a plant. 
They finished their excursion discovering the play centre which included a cool zipline! They were lucky enough to have some friends join them from Grammar and all had a wonderful time. 

IPSHA Athletics Team

The 2022 IPSHA Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday, 29 August 2022 at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre.

The following students have been selected to represent our school. Congratulations to them all. 

Woojin S (Jnr 200m, 800m, Discus, Shot Put, High Jump, 9 yrs 100m)

Ella W (800m, Long Jump, 10 yrs 100m)

Lachlan C (800m, Long Jump, Discus, High Jump, 11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Alicia W (800m, Long Jump, 11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Elijah H (800m, 12 yrs boys 100m, 200m)

Danijela G (800m, Long Jump, 12 yrs 100m)

Alexander M (Long Jump, 10 yrs 100m)

Isabella M (Discus)

Rhythm D (Jnr Shot Put, 200m, 10 yrs 100m)

Imogen C (High Jump)

Magnushire W (Jnr 200m, 10 yrs 100m)

Adrian G (Shot Put)

Emma C (Discus)

Savannah N (Shot Put)

Logan S (Long Jump, 12 yrs boys 100m, 200m)

Marshall B (Discus, 12 yrs boys 100m, 200m)

Jovanpreet M (Shot Put)

Jacob M (High Jump)

Sophia I (Discus)

Matilda S (Shot Put)

Stirling B (8 yrs 100m)

Balshan G (8 yrs 100m)

Christian S (Jnr 200m, 9 yrs 100m)

Ethan H (10 yrs 100m)

Liam J (9 yrs 100m)

Jacob H (Jnr 200m, 9 yrs 100m)

Noah S (10 yrs 100m)

Kaaraj H (10 yrs 100m)

Catriona M (8 yrs 100m)

Karla M (8 yrs 100m)

Zoe P (Jnr 200m, 9 yrs 100m)

Jessica S (9 yrs 100m)

Sophia K (9 yrs 100m)

Alyssa H (9 yrs 100m)

Zoe K (Jnr 200m, 10 yrs 100m)

Dominic K (11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Nkolisakwu M (11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Robin A (11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Skyla H (11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Sophie T (11 yrs 100m, 200m)

Isabella K (11 yrs 100m)

Nirav P (12 yrs 100m, 200m)

Paityn J (12 yrs 100m, 200m)

Ella M (12 yrs 100m, 200m)

Jelena L (12 yrs 100m, 200m)

Samuel L (Jnr 200m)

Wenona S (11 yrs 200m)

Ella M (12yrs 200m)

Amazing Day!

As I write this final newsletter article for the term, I have just returned from the most amazing day. It started with Kindergarten - Year 2 Chapel and concluded in the same way, with Years 3-6 Chapel. I sent a message to the Ministry Team thanking them for the way they clearly and consistently share the truth of the Bible each and every week. With the support of Mr Stevenson as our Dean of Biblical Studies, we ensure that our students have a clear understanding of the entire Bible throughout their time at St Peter’s. For this, I give thanks. We state that we are an unashamedly Christian School and God continues to ensure that this remains a focus of our school.

Of course, it isn’t just our Chapel programme. Our Christian worldview is considered in all areas of the curriculum. Our staff consider Christian perspectives in our Units of Inquiry and in various discipline areas to ensure that our students are able to think, question, challenge, wonder, be curious and inquire into the Bible and God’s plan for their lives. 

This morning, I had the privilege of attending our very first Heart excursion. The Years 3-6 class attended an exploration at Mt Annan Botanical Gardens with some of their friends from Grammar. The students loved the experience, even trying to convince the bus driver to stop at McDonalds on the way back to school. It gives me great joy to see our faith being worked out in the way Heart has commenced and the connection with Grammar. Two schools, one community! We have much to thank God for. 

On Thursday, we welcomed back parents on site in the first of our open classrooms, with Pre-Kindergarten sharing their learning and their learning space, as they received their portfolios and reports for Semester 1. What a wonderful occasion, as parents smiled, as students shared their experiences with much excitement. 

Kindergarten - Year 6 Reports (The Preparatory School) were issued earlier this week electronically. Heart Reports were sent home on Wednesday and Year 7 Reports have gone home today (Friday). As always, I encourage parents to read these reports and consider the growth and the encouragement of further development. Any questions should be addressed with the relevant class or subject teacher in the first instance. 

I have been delighted to see the growth many of our students have displayed this semester and look forward to that continuing throughout the remainder of the year.

We are in the throes of working through Enrolment Applications for 2023. To ensure we are able to offer places to as many as possible, we need to know if families are not planning to be here in 2023. Year 6 students, like all students, now need to provide at least one terms notice of withdrawal to avoid financial penalty. Ideally, Pre-Kindergarten and Year 6 withdrawals should occur this week, although they must be received by the last day of Term 3 at the latest.

Thanks for your understanding. Any withdrawals should be addressed to the Headmaster. 

Staffing Updates

Miss Georgina Garrett (4G) and Mrs Danielle Willis (Pre-Kindergarten) have accepted my invitation to join the team permanently following their temporary appointments. Both of these teachers have done an exceptional job and have become part of the fabric of our teaching team. Congratulations to both.