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Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Thank you to those families assisting their children to arrive at school each day looking neat and tidy and ready to learn. Just a reminder that students should have blazers buttoned, socks pulled up and walking hats on each morning and afternoon. Also, during Terms 2 and 3, tracksuits must be worn to and from school each Wednesday.
Reminder stickers will be placed in student diaries if a piece of uniform is missing. 
It would also be appreciated if uniform items could be clearly labelled with student names, as we once again have a large amount of lost property.  If your child is missing a hat, jacket or lunch container, please ask them to check lost property!

Carpark Safety

Please note that the driveway and carpark at the front of St. Peter's Church should not be used by school families for drop off or pick up.  This area is not monitored by school staff and with the large numbers of pedestrians moving through, to ensure safety, these areas should not be used. 
Thank you for your assistance with this.

Co Curricular Music @ St. Peter’s

Research identifies many benefits of students growing as learners within the area of Music, such as improved memory, concentration and coordination, as well as the development of social skills. Music is also a wonderful way for students to express themselves creatively. 

St. Peter’s prides itself on offering opportunities for all students. The area of Music is one that particularly stands out within our local community. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of both Music specialists and classroom teachers with a keen passion for music, and a desire to develop a love of music within all students. This ensures that at St. Peter’s we can offer our students an opportunity that forgoes the boundaries of expectation for what a Primary School delivers in this area.

The following information outlines some of the groups that are currently on offer that work alongside the classroom learning that all students participate in weekly.

Band Programme

Our Band Programme is capably led by Miss Elyse Hardiman. Students have the opportunity to commence in our Training Programme from Year 3, either by sharing an interest in a school instrument or by providing their own. All band members participate in weekly tutorials, where small groups of students meet to receive tuition in correctly playing their instrument, learning to read music and general musicianship skills. Students in the Junior and Senior Band programmes also participate in weekly rehearsals, either before or after school, with a particular focus on learning to watch the conductor and play as a member of a group. 

Choir Programme

Our Choir Programme is facilitated by Mrs Melinda Richardson. Currently, due to the whole School Musical, only the Vocal Ensemble is rehearsing. This small, auditioned group provides enrichment to students in Years 5 and 6, who desire to learn how to sing as a member of an Ensemble. Repertoire is chosen to challenge these members.

Our Junior Choir (Years 1 & 2) and Senior Choir (Years 3 - 6) will recommence in Term 3, where all students who love to sing are warmly welcomed. 

Strings Programme

This year we welcomed back Mrs Desiree Pollett as our Strings Coordinator. This programme is highly sought after within our school community, and we recognise the patience of many students and their families who are awaiting the opportunity to join. 

Currently, Junior Strings and Senior Strings are operating in the same format as the Band Programme, with weekly tutorials and whole group rehearsals. Training Strings will commence early Term 3, as an introduction to Strings. 

African Drumming

Mr Mitchell Smith has continued to work alongside students in Years 5 & 6, as part of their co-curricular afternoons each Friday. This offers students to build upon their learning within their classroom Music lessons, and to continue to develop their skill in this area. 


A cast and crew of approximately 70 students have dedicated themselves since mid-Term 3, 2020, in preparing for our performance of Matilda Jr. Being a member of the cast and crew fosters special relationships across the grades and with a number of our teachers, as well as developing skills within Musical Theatre. 

All students within the school have the opportunity to perform as part of the chorus in this event, which enables them to stand on purpose built stages with professional sound and lighting. We are looking forward to sharing this with our families at the end of the term!

Performance Opportunities

Our Music Programmes often enhance our Junior and Primary Assemblies, providing opportunity for students to perform in a familiar environment. As well, additional School Functions, such as Presentation Evenings, Grandparents Day and Music Festival. As restrictions ease, we look forward to seeking ways we can share our learning with our wider community.

Every second year (off set to Musical), our Music students have the opportunity to participate in the IPSHA Performing Arts Festival, where they meet alongside students from a range of schools, to collaborate and perform at the Sydney Town Hall. 

Our Strings and Band Programmes have also had the opportunity to perform with other schools through Eisteddfods, of which their results are to be highly commended.

Learning in the area of Music requires commitment and dedication, and not just from our students. May we extend our thanks to our ‘music parents’ who assist their children in developing self-management skills in practicing, waking up earlier than normal, to get to a before school rehearsal in time and juggling after school pick up. Whilst these commitments are taken for granted at times, they are also greatly appreciated. 

Musical - Costumes

All students, Kindergarten -  Year 6, are important members of our Musical Chorus. As such, they will require the following items as their costume:
  • A plain black t-shirt (or the Matilda Jr memorabilia shirt if purchased)
  • Blue denim jeans / shorts / skirts (noting a requirement for knee length)
  • White sports shoes
Students will need to have their black t-shirt at school by Friday, 18 June 2021, to enable classroom teachers to give any feedback. This t-shirt will remain at school until the final performance on the evening of Friday, 25 June 2021.
A detailed information note will be emailed to all families next week.


May I take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 3 and Year 5 students for the principled manner in which they approached NAPLAN this year. Each and every student tried their best, and we are proud of what they have achieved. 
Results will be provided in Term 3.
A reminder that families are required to purchase these assessments through the Parent Payment system: https://shop.icasassessments.com.au/pages/pps
Our school access code is: LGM070
Orders close on Friday, 16 July 2021
A schedule will be designed for students to participate in these assessments at school, during the identified weeks in Term 3.

OSHC June / July Vacation Care Programme and Booking System

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

St. Peter's is offering Vacation Care during the June and July School Holidays.

Bookings will only be accepted through the Trybooking Link, opening Monday, 31 May 2021 @ 8.00pm, and closing on Friday, 11 June 2021 @ 3.00pm. 

Click on the link to read through the Vacation Care Programme: OSHC April 2021 - Vacation Care Programme

If a booking for a day you require is unavailable, please complete the Google Form - Waitlist

Unfortunately no bookings can be accepted by OSHC staff or the School Office.

Children will need to bring their own food (breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea)

Please ensure your child has a jumper and appropriate enclosed shoes for sporting activities (no thongs). The Centre enforces "SunSmart" practices. All children must wear shirts / dresses with sleeves (no singlet tops or strappy dresses), a hat and Sunscreen.

Please note:

All Before and After School Care bookings are suspended for this period.


The Centre will operate from 7:00AM TILL 6:00PM. Late pickup will incur an additional fee.


Families must be registered with HubWorks and have completed direct debit details to access Vacation Care. Please see the OSHC Coordinator if you have not registered for HubWorks.


Cancellations for Vacation Care must be notified to the OSHC Coordinator no later than 3.00pm on Friday, 18 June 2021.


If this notice is not provided, the Vacation Care Fee will still be payable.

Students should remain at home if they are even slightly unwell.

Students should remain away from Vacation Care if they are being tested for COVID-19. In line with school requirements a negative result must be sited prior to returning to Vacation Care.

Please ensure that the OSHC service has current contact details for parents / carers and emergency contacts. It is vital we are able to contact you should students become unwell during the day.

If you have any questions, please contact the OSHC Coordinator Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg by phone: 4627 2990 ext #2 or via email at oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au


Student of the Month - May

Zara is a cheerful and friendly student who always seeks to help her classmates and teachers. She takes initiative to ensure that the learning area is tidy and encourages other students to take responsibility as well.
Zara is a kind friend who displays great care for those around her, ensuring others are included and feel cared for. She is an enthusiastic learner who tries her best in all learning areas, demonstrating commendable perseverance during challenging tasks.
Zara’s attitude to learning, school and her peers makes her a worthy candidate for Student of the Month.
Congratulations Zara!

New Student

We would like to welcome the following new student who has joined our school:

Year 3


Birth Announcement

Congratulations to Mrs Katherine Richardson (Former Prep Teacher Assistant) her husband Gavin and son Lachlan as they welcome their baby girl, Louise Jennifer into their family on Sunday, 16 May 2021.

Wishing them every happiness and God's blessings.

St. Peter's School Shop

Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions:
  • Bus Driver (Permanent & Casual)
  • Classroom Teachers (Casual)

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the lovely sunny day on which students were able to enjoy the Primary Athletics Carnival.

  • Pray for families who are seeking enrolment at St. Peter's, as they make important decisions for their children.

  • Pray for our Musical Cast, Crew and Staff as they put the final touches on Matilda Jnr.  Give thanks for all their hard work so far this year.

School Calendar

Term 2
Tuesday, 20 April 2021 - Friday, 25 June 2021
Week 7
Tuesday, 1 June 2021

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)

11.50am - 12.35pm: Junior Primary Rep Sport

1.30pm -2.20pm: Primary Rep Sport

Thursday, 3 June 2021

10.00am- 10.30am: School Tour for New Families

2.00pm - 3.00pm: Public Speaking Competition

Friday, 4 June 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly 

Week 8 
Tuesday, 8 June 2021

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)

11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior Primary Rep Sport

1.30pm - 2.30pm: Primary Rep Sport 

Friday, 11 June 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly

Show more


Week 5, games against Broughton Anglican College

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 19 May, 2021

















Newcombe ball




Senior Sport: Wednesday, 19 May, 2021





















Players of the Match:

Junior Soccer: Nicholas D

Senior Soccer: Tristan M

Junior AFL: Cooper E

Senior AFL: Ella M

Junior Newcombeball: Annie M

Senior Volleyball: Marshall B

Junior Netball: Ruby H

Senior Netball: Amity-Rose C

Show more

Winter Snowsport Opportunity

Each year St. Peter’s enter teams into the Northern NSW/QLD Interschools Snowsports Competition. It takes place at Perisher and Thredbo on alternate years.

This year the competition will be held at Perisher from: Monday, 28 June 2021 to Wednesday, 30 June 2021.

Students can compete in Skiing and/or Snowboarding events. Families are responsible for all transport, accommodation and supervision arrangements throughout the duration of the event.

If you are interested in finding out more information, please contact Mrs Fiona Hornman via email: fhornman@stpeters.nsw.edu.au