Telephone: 4627 2990
Our Parent Information Sessions for 'Student Wellbeing' are on Tuesday, 24 May 2022.
Our School Counsellor, Mrs Erin McKerral, will share some thoughts around the impact students continue to face in the wake of the past few years and how to navigate the current world environment. She will also suggest some practical tips for parents to assist their children on this path.
Mrs Nerida Hadfield, the Dean of Wellbeing, will outline our whole school wellbeing focus for Term One and Term Two.
She will share the Rungs of Restoration which is a process the whole school follows to rebuild broken relationships, as well as the thinking around our Attitude of Gratitude focus and how this benefits positive personal and community wellbeing.
For organisational purposes, please click here to register your attendance for the session you would like to attend.
Please note, that this event is for parents only, no supervision will be provided for children.
We thank you for your understanding of this.
(Constructed from excerpts by Tarys S, Alyssa F, Elizabeth J and Evie C)
It was exciting. This was the first excursion in YEARS! Everybody had waited for this moment as the class stepped into the buses, shivering with excitement.
After a while we set off on the open road with bushes and shrubs all the way. Everybody was chattering, and just, well going CRAZY! The bus trip was very long. It took us an HOUR to get there!
We had arrived at Stanwell Beach, with the rangers standing excitedly next to the bus. Their names were Ranger Gordon Ramsay and Ranger Spaghetti. They were the funniest rangers ever.
We found a perfect place to sit. We set up a mat and Ranger Ramsy taught us about biodiversity. We learnt that without this wonderful green area, we wouldn’t have any animals or flowers.
Then the rangers took us to this beautiful bush, where we separated into two groups, the warm colours (Cumberland, Durham and Roxburgh) and the cool colours (Argyle, Bligh and Cook).
One group went with Ranger Gordon Ramsay to go bug catching, but before it started we needed to camouflage. He dabbed green paint on our faces and now we were ready. We caught bugs such as a Saint Andrew’s Cross Spider, an earthworm and a centipede. In the middle of the session Ranger Gordon Ramsay crouched down and said, “Shhh.” There was a red belly black snake! He went to pick it up, then, “AHHHHHHHHH,” he yelled as he waved a rubber snake and shooed us away in deep fear.
Ranger Spaghetti took another group fishing. We didn’t catch anything, only rubbish and pollution. There was not one single fish in the water, but there were water spiders. They kept falling out of our nets. Pollution and littering has hurt many animals.
After lunch we sat down to talk about biodiversity and how we need to keep our water clean by not putting sunscreen, washing detergent and paint down the drain.
Then, of course, we went to the BEACH! We had to build sandcastles for baby penguins.
It was a great day!
Pray for wisdom, humility and grace for students as they develop positive and meaningful relationships in the school community.
Term 2
Year 7 Experience Day (6M)
3.30pm - 4.00pm: St Peter's Anglican Grammar Middle School Tour
Year 7 Experience Day (6L & SPACE)
2022 MISA Ultimate Frisbee V Broughton Anglican College (Middle School)
SASSA Cross Country (Back up)
2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum
3.30pm - 4.00pm: St Peter's Anglican Grammar Middle School Tour
5.00pm - 5.30pm: St Peter's Anglican Grammar Preparatory School Tour
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior Rep Sport
1.00pm - 2.00pm: Senior Rep Sport
Thursday, 26 May 2022
School Athletics Carnival (Years 3 - 7 + Year 2 Students turning 8) Campbelltown Sports Stadium
Friday, 27 May 2022
8.10am - 9.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly
Chess Tournament
2022 Misa Ultimate Frisbee (Middle School) V Wollondilly Anglican College
9.00am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm: Primary Chapel
Wednesday, 1 June 2022
Thursday, 2 June 2022
Art Explosion Day
Friday, 3 June 2022
8.10am - 9.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am - 9.30am: Combined Primary and Middle School Assembly
1.30pm - 3.00pm: St Peter's Public Speaking Competition
2022 Misa Ultimate Frisbee (Middle School) - Semi Finals
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm : Primary Chapel
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
11.55am - 12.35pm: Junior Rep Sport
1.20pm - 2.00pm: Primary Rep Sport
Thursday, 9 June 2022
CIS Cross Country (Middle School)
Friday, 10 June 2022
8.10am - 9.00am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Junior Primary Assembly
All Winter Rep Sport students train each Wednesday morning at 8.00am. Any students who have not returned their Summer Rep Sport uniform from Term 1 need to do so.
Below are our teams next 2 upcoming fixtures. Best wishes to all players.
Wednesday, 25 May @ St Peter’s (HOME game) V Macarthur
Juniors: 11.35am – 12.20pm
Seniors: 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Wednesday, 1 June @ St Peter’s (HOME game) V Wollondilly
Juniors: 12.00pm – 12.45pm
Seniors: 1.00pm – 1.45pm
There has been an abundance of opportunities for Middle School students over the beginning of Term 2. Students have been out on excursions, had opportunities in Debating, Chess, Cooking, Music, Dance and Sport.
At the beginning of week 4, Year 7 had the unique opportunity to be shown around the State Parliament by The Honourable Stephanie Cooke, MP. Stephanie Cooke is connected to our school community through the Cooke family. We are very thankful for her generosity of time and her willingness to share an insider's perspective of parliamentary operations. During this same excursion, students were exposed to the University of Sydney campus when they delved deep into their history collection by handling artefacts that were over 2500 years old. A big thanks to Mr Seccombe for organising a fantastic learning experience that engaged students.
The Co-Curricular Programme at St Peter’s is gathering momentum with opportunities in Dance, Chess, Debating, Music and sport. Macarthur Independent Schools Association (MISA) conducted a Debate training day during week 3. 12 students from Year 7 developed skills in presenting clear arguments and Public Speaking through their participation in a couple of practice debates. This training day is the precursor to continued involvement in debating over the remainder of the year.
A few practical issues as we continue to develop our school culture, processes and systems.
Coming events, notification and opportunities can be found on The Middle School ‘Snap Shot’ , please click here to view.
Student diaries are used for student organisation and to communicate (both positive and small misdemeanours) between students, teachers and parents. We are developing a culture where diaries are signed by parents each weekend in preparation for the school week. It is a student's responsibility to present this to parents over the weekend. Parents are encouraged to look over any communication from teachers and to check on any upcoming tasks.
Thank you all for working with the School Shop to get the new uniforms onto students. After the covid related delays, we are now in a position where students should have the full complement of uniform options. We will start to more regularly encourage students to maintain a high uniform standard. Any issues will be communicated through the diary.
The School Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday, 26 May at Campbelltown Athletics Centre, Pembroke Road, Leumeah.
All students turning 8 or older are eligible. Parents are most welcome to attend and cheer on their child/ren from the stands. Please ensure your child returns their permission note promptly if they have not done so already.