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Upcoming Events

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

Please keep your calendar free for the upcoming events:

Tuesday, 18 May 2021: Parent Information Sessions 2.00pm & 7.00pm - Topic: Student Wellbeing with Speaker, Mrs Erin McKerral (School Counsellor)

An information note has been emailed to families and is included below.

Friday, 28 May 2021: Primary (Years 3 - 6) Athletic's Carnival at Campbelltown Sports Stadium

Permission Notes have been sent home. Please return these to your child's class teacher by Thursday, 20 May 2021.

Parent Information Sessions

Register hereWe warmly welcome you to our Term 2 Parent Information Sessions. 

We will present two sessions on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 2.00 pm and a repeat session at 7.00 pm. These sessions will be presented by Mrs Erin McKerral, School Counsellor. 

Focus of Sessions

The prevalence of mental health issues in young people is on the rise and has implications for children's social, emotional and cognitive development. 

The Parent Session will provide information to parents on current mental health issues for young people with a specific focus on childhood worry and anxiety. Some of the topics will include

  • Identifying worry in children 
  • The impact of worry and anxiety on the family unit 
  • Simple evidence based strategies to help parents and families reduce children's anxious thinking and behaviour as well as other challenging behaviours
  • The vital role of caring for ourselves well as parents/caregivers

In accordance with our COVID safe plan, all attendees must pre-register their intention to attend using the below link by 3.00pm on Monday, 17 May 2021. 

Please note, that this is a non-children event.

Register Here

We hope you can join us.

Music at St. Peter's

Music is a compulsory learning area of the NSW Curriculum. St. Peter’s takes pride in the ability to offer specialist Music lessons to all students from Prep through to Year 6, year round. All of our teachers have a specialised background in the area of Music, therefore enabling them the confidence to enrich the Music programmes within our school. As a result, we are seeing students with the knowledge, skills and understanding well beyond the Curriculum requirements. 

The following information provides an outline of some of the learning opportunities that have taken place so far this year. Our teachers throughout Term 1 were Miss Elyse Hardiman (Prep), Mrs Brooke Gillette (Kindergarten - Year 4) and Mrs Desiree Pollett (Years 5 & 6).

It is our great pleasure to welcome Mr Brad Stoicescu as our Kindergarten - Year 4 teacher this term.

Prep Music lessons invited students to sing, move, and play instruments to a variety of songs. They have begun to explore the concepts of music, starting with identifying and demonstrating whether or not a piece has a steady beat and if a pitch is high or low. 

Kindergarten Music lessons inquired into the idea that ‘Music helps us to imagine things’, utilising fiction literature to develop their understanding of basic musical concepts. Throughout lessons, students use body percussion, untuned instruments and their voices to retell a range of stories, experimenting with the musical concepts of beat, rhythm, pitch and volume.

Year 1 Music lessons focused on the musical concept of beat. Through a range of hands-on experiences, students learned to  identify and maintain a steady beat using body percussion, instruments, movements and their voices. They have also composed their own body percussion pattern in groups and performed and evaluated their work.

Year 2 Music lessons introduced the musical concept of rhythm, while building on their previous understanding of beat. Students participated in singing and playing a variety of songs and chants to further their knowledge of these two concepts. The skill of composition was also explored through the use of grids and graphic and traditional notation. Students demonstrated their understanding of crotchets, crotchet rests and quavers through the development of a 16 beat rhythm.

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Public Speaking Competition

Our Public Speaking Competition (formally Term 1: Week 9) has been rescheduled, and will now take place on Thursday, 3 June 2021 (Term 2: Week 7).
Invitations have been sent to families of our participating students. Our Year 4 - 6 classes will also attend this event as it is during School hours.

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:




Positions Vacant

We are currently advertising for the following positions:
  • Bus Driver (Permanent & Casual)
  • Classroom Teachers (Casual)

Please visit our School Website to apply: https://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/discover/employment/

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks that so many mothers, grandmothers, aunts and other carers were able to join us for Mother's Day breakfast last week.

  • Give thanks that Year 1 and 2 were able to enjoy Camp Day today, spending time with the Crusader Leaders and learning more about God.

  • Pray for wisdom for our Government as they continue to lead us through the COVID 19 pandemic.

School Calendar

Term 2
Tuesday, 20 April 2021 - Friday, 25 June 2021
Week 5 
Tuesday, 18 May 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parents Information Session

5.00pm: School Tour for new families

7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parents Information Session

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6)

Friday, 21 May 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart
9.00am: Primary Assembly

Week 6
Tuesday, 25 May 2021

9.00am: Chapel (Kindergarten - Year 2)

Wednesday, 26 May 2021 

9.00am: Chapel (Years 3 - 6) 

Thursday, 27 May 2021

8.30am - 9.15am: Executive Drop In

Friday, 28 May 2021

8.15am - 10.00am: Coffee Cart

9.00am: Junior Primary Assembly

Primary Athletics Carnival (Years 3 - 6)

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Celebrating Action

At the Primary Assembly last week, I shared that one of the wonderful aspects of the PYP (the learning framework that we use at St. Peter's) is that it promotes students doing something with their learning. 
And surely, this is what we desire as parents. Not that students learn simply for the sake of regurgitating information in an exam or assessment, but that their learning spurs our students on, to do something, to take some meaningful action, to be drivers of change and to make our world a better place.
The hard part about this 'action' is that it often happens outside of the classroom, at home, in the car, around the dinner table, with grandparents or on the sport field. 
What we'd love is for families to let us know when this happens. Please let your child's class teacher know, send us an email, or catch us at the front of the school.
We'd love to celebrate all our students achieve as the rich and diverse learning community that we are. 


Parents and caregivers are now welcome to spectate at IPSSO games both at St. Peter’s and other schools. All spectators are required to sign in at the respective venues via QR codes provided by each school and respect social distancing measures.

We look forward to Sport returning to a more ‘normal’ state.

Week 4, games against Oran Park Anglican College.

Junior Sport: Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

















Newcombe ball




 Senior Sport: Wednesday, 12 May, 2021 





















Players of the Match:

Junior Soccer: Lachlan C

Senior Soccer: Owen A

Junior AFL: Adrian G

Senior AFL: Danijela G

Junior Newcombeball: Sheroy I

Senior Volleyball: Jensen C

Junior Netball: Eleanor P-R

Senior Netball: Timaima F

St. Peter's Promotional Video

On Monday, 24 May, our School will have a film crew on site filming a new promotional video, which we hope to launch at the Movies with Mr Gorman on Monday, 28 June 2021. The crew will be filming at school all day and as such there is a chance that numerous students may be part of this production. The nature of the filming means that our normal processes for avoiding certain students, will be more complicated. 
As such, we are asking for families to specifically 'opt out' if they do not wish their child/ren to be part of this video by forwarding an email to:
The video will be used in Cinemas, Online and Social Media platforms as well as within the school.
Of course, we will attempt to minimise disruption to learning.


As we prepare for this video production, it is essential that all students are wearing their uniform correctly. I have noticed some visible lines in boys' hair cuts, large black names on bags, as well as some alternative earrings. 
Staff will be focusing on reminding those who are missing items, or wearing incorrect items to rectify this.
When our families purchase expensive uniforms, it shouldn't surprise anyone that we will enforce these being worn appropriately. 

Speaking of Movies with Mr Gorman

Invitations and bookings will be coming out soon for the St. Peter's community to gather on the first day of the holidays, to view Two by Two: Overboard!
We will have exclusive use of the cinema and COVID safe practices will be in place. 
Students have loved this experience over recent years and I look forward to sharing this experience with the community.


Thank you for your understanding as we have gone back to some relatively simple restrictions. Families are still welcome on site for Assemblies through the Booking System.
As of Monday - all parents are welcome at our Chapels. We will open the back doors if necessary, but look forward to more parents being able to attend. We will monitor assemblies over the coming weeks before making further changes here. 

Mother's Day

It was amazing having such a large number of Mums, Grandmothers and special friends at our Mother's Day Breakfast. Thank you to all that were able to attend and to the team who prepared the breakfast.
We are incredibly thankful for the roles our Mothers play and trust you enjoyed your celebrations. 
Happy Mother's Day.

Carpark Safety

A reminder that the carpark for pick up does not open until 3:00pm. Please do not line up before 2:50pm, to ensure the safety and normal flow of the carpark. 

Winter Snowsport Opportunity

Each year St. Peter’s enter teams into the Northern NSW/QLD Interschools Snowsports Competition. It takes place at Perisher and Thredbo on alternate years.

This year the competition will be held at Perisher from Monday, 28 June 2021 to Wednesday, 30 June 2021.

Students can compete in Skiing and/or Snowboarding events. Families are responsible for all transport, accommodation and supervision arrangements throughout the duration of the event.

If you would be interested in finding out more information, please contact me via email fhornman@stpeters.nsw.edu.au