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Mother's Day - Celebrating Our Mother's

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Mother's Day this year was a different celebration as most of our students were involved in remote learning at home.  While we are sure families took the opportunity to thank the Mother's, Grandmothers and other special people who play this role, we are keen to give our students the fun of purchasing a special gift to take home as a belated Mother's Day present. 
Gifts will be available for purchase at school on  Friday, 19 June (Week 8) and Tuesday, 16 June (Prep Koalas and Kangaroos Only)
This year, we will be taking payments for these electronically through the Trybooking link: Mother's Day - Gift Purchasing
Once payment is made, students will be issued with 'Pete's Cash' so that they can select a gift from our stall to take home.   
Payments should be made by Thursday, 18 June 2020. 
We look forward to celebrating our Mums in this way!

Uniform Matters

Thank for your support in ensuring students are coming to school well groomed. After a long period of isolation at home, it is great to see fresh haircuts, and neat and tidy uniforms on arrival at school. 

Please refer to the uniform booklet for further information regarding boys hair cuts and girls earrings. 

During winter students are able to wear grey knitted gloves to school, these are available to purchase from the School Shop. Please note due to safety reasons scarves are not to be worn to school.

Proposed Bus Viability

As you are aware, last term, we sent out an Expression of Interest regarding an additional bus route, servicing Oran Park, Harrington Park, Gregory Hills and Blair Athol.  To enable us to determine the viability of this bus run, and acknowledging that after the disruptions of the past months circumstances may have changed.
If you are interested in utilising a bus service from these areas, please click on the link and complete the Google Form: Expression of Interest - Google Form

Peripatetic Tutors

Please be advised that onsite lessons may occur as of Week 7 (commencing Tuesday, 9 June). It is at the discretion of each tutor as to whether this arrangement will be suitable for their individual situation, therefore please await confirmation from your child's tutor as to whether lessons will remain virtual or return to physical.

Wonder Wherever You Wander

Mrs Samantha Edmunds - Dean of Inquiry

“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why” Bernard Baruch. 

If inquiry is an authentic approach to teaching and learning that involves students as integral in the exploration of questions and issues of significance, then curiosity must be at the centre of our learning. A lifelong learner is someone who never stops asking questions or seeking answers. These queries are like a bridge that helps take us from what we already know towards a new understanding and allow us to explore the unknown. According to journalist Warren Berger, a child asks an average of 40,000 questions between the ages of 2 to 5 as they piece together information about the world around them. Curiosity is said to be the wick to the candle of knowledge, and they must never lose their drive to find out a little bit more. Therefore, it is essential that we cultivate a culture of curiosity, not only in the students of St Peter’s but also in ourselves. 

Usually questions are evoked when we experience something different, yet we can always inquire into what is familiar because by doing so we might discover something new. For example, we may have been confined in our homes recently due to Covid-19. However, once you dig a little deeper, our houses are treasure troves that help us learn more about who we are and how we relate to the world around us. 

When you step into the kitchen, take the opportunity to look at the objects, and identify what everything is made out of. How was it made and how long will it last? Does everything in the drawer have a purpose? And do we need multiples of every utensil? As you move from room to room, what do you notice about how things are grouped together? What are items that can be used in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom? Can you classify things in other ways - what is used daily? What are the things that are not needed? How would you rank the importance of household items? As you step into the bathroom, think about the impact of your family home on the environment - what choices help sustain the planet’s resources and in what ways can we do better? Can you calculate how much water is used daily? Then walk through the living room and halls - is there any art? What do you consider to be art and can it be made from everyday items? Walk into the bedrooms and if you had to make a gallery of your family, what items would you choose to represent your family and why? What objects tell your family’s story and how many ways can you express it? How is your family connected to places around the world - through culture, travel, or by identifying in the world the food you eat or the clothes you wear come from? Interview your family, neighbours, and friends - how are you all different and in what ways are you the same? How has family and childhood experiences changed over time? 

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Vacation Care - July

Based on current health advice, at this stage St. Peter's is offering Vacation Care during the July 2020 School Holidays. 
Please refer to the email sent out today for the Vacation Care Programme and the Booking system details. 
Bookings will open on Monday, 1 June 2020 @ 8.00 pm, and bookings will close on Friday, 12 June 2020. 


Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

It has been wonderful to see more of the children returning to OSHC. The OSHC team have missed all their smiley faces and are enjoying catching up with everyone. The children have been busy with many activities that we would love to share with you. For many of our families we know you loved looking through our journals and the many photos in the foyer. We hope you are enjoying the photos we have been sharing with you all through the newsletter for now. 

The children have been excited to return and have been very active with many activities including; exploring colour blending, sewing, creating patterns and shapes on the geo board, playing board games, table tennis matches, playing Just Dance and working as team to create mountains and tunnels in the sand pit. 

We have been discussing our family's cultures with each other. The children have been using the world map to share which countries members of their families come from. If you have any photos or information you would like to share please send it through to: oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au  we would love to hear from you. 

We have also been learning about Indigenous cultures and have been researching the history of the Dharawal people. The children have engaged in various activities during National Sorry Day and are currently learning about and celebrating Reconciliation Week. Through these experiences the children are learning about Indigenous history and the importance of Unity.

New Students

We would like to welcome the following new students who have joined our school:



Year 1


Year 2


Library Books

Before the start of lockdown, students were permitted to take home up to six (6) books to enjoy. It is time to find them all and return them so that the Library can be up and running and ready to loan books when restrictions are lifted.  
If you have any questions regarding what your child may still have outstanding, please email: library@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Intumbane Primary School

Our class 1Z are raising money for Intumbane Primary School. We have learnt that there are many people who do not have everything they need during our Unit of Inquiry. We have lots and lots of things and we wanted to help other people like the children at Intumbane Primary School.
1Z has organised a Fun Run Obstacle Course on Wednesday, 10 June 2020. If you would like to participate in the run, please bring a gold coin donation.
If you forget that's OK you can still run. Everyone will do the Fun Run during their normal sport time so that our learning doesn't stop. 
We hope you can help us raise money for this worthy cause!
From 1Z

School Shop

Exciting new hair accessories; scrunchies, headbands and hair ribbons and warm grey gloves are now available for purchasing from our School Shop.

To assist families, our School Shop will be operating daily by appointment only.

Please call our School Office 4627 2990, if you wish to make an appointment.

Alternatively, you are welcome to email your uniform order through to: shop@stpeters.nsw.edu.au or phone your order through and our staff will contact you to take your payment over the phone.

Please be aware that we are unable to exchange or refund uniforms at this time due to current circumstances.  

School Banking

School Banking has been temporarily paused since 23 March 2020. We’ll advise when the programme will recommence.

In the meantime, Start Smart Parent Resources, have been created to assist parents and carers in improving their children’s money management skills.

These free, short videos and worksheets, can be accessed from home and are designed to give students the confidence and skills to make smart decisions about money.

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for the return of our students on a full time basis this week.

  • Pray for the health and wellbeing of our staff, students and families as they transition into new routines.

  • Pray for Godly insight and wisdom as we navigate through an ever changing world.

School Calendar

Term 2 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020 - Friday, 3 July 2020

Week 6

Monday, 1 June 2020 

Week 7

Monday, 8 June 2020
Public Holiday - Queen's Birthday

Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Fun Run Obstacle Course

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Welcome Back!

This week, we have welcomed back our entire student population. Things are certainly beginning to feel like 'normal' again. Classes have resumed, in relationship, with a balance of face to face direct instruction, physical oversight and assistance being provided, Learning Enhancement has resumed, the playground is full and the sounds of laughter, belonging and community are returning. 

It has been wonderful to reconnect with so many in our community and we look forward to ensuring that our community stays safe so that this may continue.
Thanks for your ongoing support as we maintain various restrictions and ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community. 

A Culture of Gratitude

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

It was a great privilege to engage with a number of students as they shared their stories around a camp fire on Monday. We encouraged students to openly communicate and reflect on their experiences over the last few months and I was impressed with the level of resilience and positivity expressed throughout many of these conversations.

Expressing gratitude can be a helpful tool in establishing and maintaining a healthy mindset. Many Australian’s have faced significant challenges over the last six months, and in the midst of adversity, it can often be difficult to recognise the blessings around us. As parents and educators, I believe there is great value in teaching children the importance of gratitude, and to demonstrate the practice of consciously pausing to identify and appreciate the many things that can be taken for granted in everyday life. During times of cold wind and rain this week, I have been particularly thankful for the warmth and protection of my home.

Creating a habit of thankfulness may result in a number of benefits such as reduced levels of stress, an increased sense of calm and the development of better relationships. Let me encourage you to consider if any of the following activities may be of benefit in building a stronger culture of gratitude within your family.  

-          Keep a family gratitude journal. Take five minutes each day or once a week to write down three (3) things that you’re glad to have experienced.

-          Take pictures. Set yourself a mission to photograph little things in everyday life that make you smile and are worth celebrating.

-          Share with others about why you’re grateful for them.  A brief word of thanks, a short card or ‘post it’ note can have a profound and meaningful impact.

Despite recent events, there is so much to be grateful for. We give thanks that students have returned on a full time basis this week, and for the re-emergence of many familiar sights and sounds that once again fill our school.

Bolt for Gold

I have been encouraged by the number of students who have download the Bolt for Gold app and run their fastest 1km in an attempt to climb the leaderboard. 67 students have registered and the top 5 times at the end of each week are now posted on the sport notice board in the tunnel.

All students who have registered a time, will go into the draw for a lucky draw prizes.

Keep building healthy habits and moving every day.

Enrolments for 2021

We recognise that COVID may have had an impact on families completing applications for enrolment for 2021. As decisions are made and offers of enrolment are considered for new families, it is essential to know of any siblings who are ready for Prep in 2021.
Our enrolment process has been streamlined and is available through the link on our website. 
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Gillies, our Development Officer through the school office. 


At this stage, it is unclear if there will be a Winter Competition in Term 3. If it is possible to recommence competition next term, tryouts will occur during sport towards the end of this term. The winter sports are girls Netball, boys Soccer, mixed AFL and Newcombe ball/Volleyball.

At this stage, the Summer Competition will continue in Term 4.

Social Media

I commend Mrs Jennifer Shipway, one of our amazing Prep teachers for her work in showcasing all that is happening in our school through our social media platforms. We see the love our staff have for our school and the students. It has been excellent to see the parental engagement and to have parents mentioned in enrolment interviews that this has been a factor in them selecting our school.
Thanks Mrs Shipway for her dedicated oversight of these platforms.
If you're not yet following our pages, I encourage you to do so.

Remote Learning & General Survey

Our students this week have completed a survey to provide feedback on their experiences of remote learning. It has been enlightening to read the considered responses of what school is. 
Comments such as 'during remote learning we were provided with work. School is about learning, not just work' brings us great joy. 
It is therefore essential that parents have the opportunity to have a say. A separate email will be sent to families asking them to complete a brief survey. One of the questions we have asked students and will now also ask parents is: 'What if St. Peter's..... 
We ask that families consider completing this sentence with one thing they'd like St. Peter's to consider, to offer or to change.
We look forward to receiving your responses as we continue to consider what is best for the current and future St. Peter's students. 

Athletics Carnival

With our Carnival originally scheduled for Friday, 29 May, it obviously cannot occur due to the current environment.

IPSHA Athletics is still planned to go ahead on Monday, 24 August at this stage and therefore we will have a modified Running Carnival at a later date, to be confirmed. It is likely that field event qualifications will occur during lunchtimes later in the term with the first placed in each age group qualifying for IPSHA.



Kindergarten Chapel will resume next week, in kindy classrooms with Miss Burns and the students. Buddy Groups will also return next week. 
Our Library will be opened again, starting next week (Week 6) for lessons and borrowing.
There will be no Co-Curricular groups for the remainder of Term 2. Year 5 and 6 Camps will not proceed this term. Assemblies will not occur this term.
Peripatetic tutors will have the option of returning to face to face instruction from Week 7. The tutors will communicate their plans directly with relevant families. 
We look forward to gradually being able to reintroduce events and programmes, as appropriate. 

Year 5 Camp Update

Due to current restrictions, Year 5 Camp is unfortunately unable to proceed as planned in Week 8. We are hopeful of rescheduling to a more suitable time, pending the necessary advice and clearance.

Thank you for your understanding.