Telephone: 4627 2990
We are pleased to announce that we will be running the Premier’s Reading Challenge again this year. The PRC will close on Friday, 19 August 2022.
All students from Kindergarten to Year 7 at St Peter's Grammar were issued with a sticker in their school diary this week, with the PRC website, closing date, username and password.
If parents are willing for their child to participate, they need to enter reading records online by the closing date. The rules and processes for the Challenge are available on the PRC website. Please log-in as soon as possible after receiving the username and password to check that it accesses the PRC website correctly.
We will also be holding the St Peter’s Challenge where students read books beyond the required number for the official PRC. Simply keep a list of all the books your child reads before our closing date of Monday, 22 August 2022, including the book title and author for all books your child reads. Please do not include in their St Peter’s Challenge list the 20 or 30 required books they read for the official online PRC. Details for submitting the reading record for the St Peter's Challenge will be provided closer to the closing date.
Happy reading, and thank you for your support of the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Pray for safety as many of our school families travel throughout the holiday period.
Strength and encouragement for our amazing OSHC team as they continue to work tirelessly in providing the Vacation Care Programme.
Friday, 8 April 2022
Last Day Term 1
Year 5, 2023 Scholarships Close
Staff Professional Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Students Commence Term 2
Thursday, 28 April 2022
4.00pm: School Tour
Friday, 29 April 2022
9.00am - 10.00am: Whole School ANZAC Assembly & Junior Primary Assembly
2022 Misa Ultimate (Middle School)
CIS Swimming & Diving (Middle School)
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm- 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
IPSHA Cross Country
4.30pm: School Tour
Thursday, 5 May 2022
Mother's Day Stall
Friday, 6 May 2022
7.30am - 9.00am: Mother's Day Breakfast
9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly
2022 MISA Ultimate Frisbee V Mount Annan Christian College (Middle School)
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Friday, 13 May 2022
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly
Earlier this week, it was incredibly special to gather as a community across all of our sub schools, along with parents and staff for our Easter Chapel. Miss Burns shared, with the help of Bob, Sally and Doug, the need for the cross at Easter. The cross perfectly connects us with our God, which is why Jesus’ death is indeed good.
The Chapel Band and Chapel Singers helped us to reinforce this with song and we gave thanks to our good God for Easter.
One of the things I challenged our students with, was to consider attending a church in the local area this Easter, if they are not already part of a Church Community.
Service times for Good Friday and Easter Sunday are attached for those who may be interested:
Campbelltown Anglican Churches: 10.00am & 6pm
Campbelltown City Baptist Church: 9.30am & 6pm
Campbelltown Church of Christ: 10.00am
For many of the families in The Middle School, Term 1 2022 has offered both familiar and new experiences within our school context. Familiar experiences come in the form of a return to uninterrupted schooling post lock-down. Staff have worked hard to create sequential learning experiences that support student learning. However, for individual families interruptions have come due to sickness as a result of COVID still having an impact in our community.
As a new school, there has been a wealth of new experiences for both staff and students across the term. Be it Year 7 Camp, Science at the University, new staff and students, Excursions to the city, designing Community Gardens, creating advertising jingles, learning a new language or making a new friend, Term 1 has been full of firsts for Year 7 and St Peter’s Anglican Grammar.
The Easter break offers an opportunity to rest, reflect and reset after a busy term. Our family holidays are usually packed with activities or mini expeditions to different parts of NSW. This year I am looking forward to some extended time with my family by the beach with the hope that it will offer an opportunity to rest.
After the big pause of COVID lockdowns, life seems to be lurching back towards the business that was previously the norm. I am challenged to consider the role of rest in my life. As Easter approaches, we are reminded of where true rest can be found and the sacrifice that was made so we can enjoy this rest. Christ’s death and resurrection is a gift for us as sinners so that we are able to relax into God’s good grace.
Life Through Christ and a happy and safe Easter.
The concept of ‘balance’ is something that is considered and explored at St. Peter’s. Balance is one of the 10 attributes of the IB Learner Profile that we seek to encourage and develop in each of our students. Understanding the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives, intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual, is important in achieving greater well-being for ourselves and others. As we reach the end of a long term, I am personally looking forward to restoring a level of balance in the time I am able to invest in my own family.
On any given day or week there are numerous personal and professional demands that consume our time and attention and have the potential to disrupt a healthy life balance. Jesus provides us with an encouraging and timely message in Matthew 11:28 - ‘Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’
It is my hope and prayer that the upcoming Easter long weekend may provide an opportune time for you and your loved ones to rest, connect and reflect.
May this Easter season provide you with a deeper understanding of God’s amazing love for you, expressed perfectly through the life and death of Jesus.
Please be reminded that on Monday, 25 April 2022, ANZAC Day, St Peter's staff and students are invited to participate with other schools, community members and RSL Veterans in the ANZAC Day March through the streets of Campbelltown. The March will conclude with a wreath laying ceremony at Mawson Park in respect of all who have given their lives in defence of this great country.
It would be wonderful to have as many of our students present to mark this significant day. If you are able to attend, students should ideally wear full Winter uniform including their walking hat. We will assemble near Campbelltown Mall, on the corner of Queen and Allman Streets at 8.00am to secure our place for an 8.25am start to the march. Please report to myself (Mr Raft) who will be present on the morning. We will communicate accordingly should there be any COVID related changes to this event.
It was excellent to gather last week where the President of our Schools’ Council officially opened our schools, following our name change and the commencement of St Peter’s Heart.
Our students were exemplary and I shared the commitment we have in the following areas:
We’re about Jesus - an unashamedly and authentically Christian school.
We’re about learning - students are here to grow, to be nurtured, extended, developed.
We’re about students - our focus is on relationship, connection and wellbeing.
We’re about the future - preparing our students for what is next.
Our Schools are special places and we look forward to the next 40 years of providing quality Christian Education in the South West.
We are finalising places and class structure for Years 7 and 8 in 2023. Please ensure you have submitted your application to be considered for enrolment. Please continue to share with family and friends the benefits of a St Peter’s education.
Enrolment interviews for places in St Peter’s Heart in 2023 will commence early in Term 2.
I take this opportunity to thank our families for their support throughout this term. I trust that you are able to rest and relax these holidays, ready to return for a wonderful Term 2 together.
On Tuesday we held the Cross Country races at school on the main oval. It was fantastic to see so many students putting in such amazing efforts and cheering enthusiastically for others.
The students below have gained selection for the 2022 IPSHA Cross Country Carnival at The King’s School, North Parramatta, to be held on Wednesday, 4 May 2022 (Week 2, Term 2).
Congratulations to all of them!
8/9 Years Boys
Woojin S
Jacob H
Samuel L
Iasona T
Liam J
10 Year Boys
Alexander M
Noah S
Ethan H
Shahzain S
Kaaraj H
11 Year Boys
Lachlan C
Robin A
Nicholas D
Nkolisakwu M
Anthony P
12/13 Years Boys
Jacob M
Elijah H
Marshall B
Calvin J
Tristan M
8/9 Years Girls
Zoe P
Jessica S
Ava W
Karla M
Ava S
10 Year Girls
Ella W
Zoe K
Violet C
Annie M
Isobel V
11 Year Girls
Alicia W
Sophie T
Isabella K
Skyla H
Audrey S
12/13 Years Girls
Danijela G
Ella M
Matilda S
Sophia I
Isabella S