Whole School Assembly

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

On Monday, 27 March we will gather as a school for our Whole School Assembly.

Parents are very welcome to attend. On this occasion, various end of Term awards will be presented to celebrate our students learning.

Whole School Easter Service

All students, Kindergarten - Year 6, staff and parents/carers will gather for our Whole School Easter Service on Monday, 3 April, held at The Cube, Campbelltown Catholic Club at 6.30pm.

Pre-Kindergarten students and their families are welcome to join us, however, Pre-Kindergarten students will remain in the care of the parents throughout the evening.

We have the privilege of having our Bishop Peter Lin speaking on this occasion as well as student participation by our Chapel Singers and Vocal Ensemble. Please note that attendance by students and at least one parent/carer is compulsory.

Students are required to wear summer uniform, no walking hat is required.

We look forward to celebrating this occasion with our school community.


Intumbane Day

To conclude Term 1, on Thursday, 6 April we will hold "Intumbane Day".

As part of this day, we would like to invite parents to visit our classrooms from 12.00pm - 1.00pm and stay and enjoy a picnic lunch with their children in the playground from 1.00pm -1.45pm.

Parents who would like to take their children home following this may do so. 


Staff Professional Development Day - Pupil Free Day

Monday, 24 April is a Staff Professional Development Day.
Please be aware that this will be a Pupil Free Dayand that Vacation Care and the School Office will be closed.
Students will commence Term 2 on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Mrs Deborah Nash - Head of Learning Enhancement

We are pleased to announce that we will be running the Premier’s Reading Challenge again this year. The PRC will close on Friday, 18 August 2023. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at St Peter's Grammar will be issued with a sticker in their school diary next week, with the PRC website, closing date, username and password. 

If parents would like their child to participate, they need to enter reading records online by the closing date. The rules and privacy information for the Challenge, as well as Book Lists and information on how to log on and add books to a student's reading record are available on the PRC website. Please note that by entering the Challenge, students may receive a PRC certificate with their name and school printed. If you intend for your child to complete the Challenge, please log-in as soon as possible after receiving the username and password to check that it accesses the PRC website correctly. 

We will also be holding the St Peter’s Challenge where students read books beyond the required number for the official PRC. Simply keep a list of all the books your child reads before our closing date of Monday, 21 August 2023, including the book title and author for all books your child reads. Please do not include in their St Peter’s Challenge list the 20 or 30 required books they read for the official online PRC. Details for submitting the reading record for the St Peter's Challenge will be provided closer to the closing date.

Happy reading, and thank you for your support of the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Mrs Nash (PRC Coordinator)


Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Coordinator

IPSSO Results

Week 7 V Mount Annan Christian College (Away)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 12-20

Player of the Match:

Iasona T

Loss 7/60-3/49

Player of the Match:

Andre G

Loss 11-7

Player of the Match:

Jacob J

Loss 2-0

Player of the Match:

Karla M

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 30-20

Player of the Match:

Phoenix A

Win 6/45-1/46

Player of the Match:

Harlem K

Loss 15-3

Player of the Match:

Alexander M

Draw 0-0

Player of the Match:

Kavyaa S


Week 8 V Oran Park Anglican College (Home)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 16-12

Player of the Match:

Lachlan W

Loss 2/81-2/95

Player of the Match:

Stirling B

Loss 7-19

Player of the Match:

Evie N

Draw 1-1

Player of the Match:

Kyriana P

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 14-18

Player of the Match:

Patrick A

Loss 3/54-5/74

Player of the Match:

Isaac L

Loss 1-20

Player of the Match:

Amelia C

Loss 0-3

Player of the Match:

Isabella M


IPSHA Cross Country

 All the best to all students attending the IPSHA Cross Country at The King’s School on Saturday, 1 April, 2023.

Athletics Carnival

Please note from the School Calendar that our School Athletics Carnival for Years 2-6 will be taking place on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at the new Narellan Athletics Sports Track. Qualifying for field events has started being held at school in PE classes. Further information will be sent home early Term 2.



We wish Cooper E from Year 5 all the best as he trials for the CIS State Boy’s AFL team.


If you have a child from Years 3-6 who is in a Club Sport Representative or Development teams/workshops, please email me to let me know kbingham@stpeters.nsw.edu.au 

There are many other opportunities for State Team Trials in Term 2 that include:

  • Primary Boy’s Field Hockey

  • Primary Girl’s Field Hockey

  • Rugby League

  • Girl’s Rugby 7’s

  • Golf

  • Boy’s and Girl’s Softball

Students MUST be competing at representative level or in a development squad within their local clubs to be considered for nomination and trial.

Student of the Month - February

Harry is a thoughtful and diligent student who loves to make people around him smile. He demonstrates a positive attitude towards all tasks and listens to feedback, always wanting to improve his work. Harry looks for opportunities to assist in any way that he can. He displays amazing leadership skills, looking out for his buddy and any other younger student who might need a helping hand.

Harry is a risk taker, jumping at every opportunity to be involved in extra events happening at the school, pushing himself out of his comfort zone. Harry never lets anything stop him and his determined approach to his learning is to be commended.

Congratulations Harry!

Scholastic Book Fair

Come and visit our Scholastic Book Fair!
If you would like some great new Children's Books as well as some bargains, please come and have a look.
Dates: Monday, 27 March and Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Opening Times:  8:10am - 9:30am in the morning, and 3:20pm - 4.00pm in the afternoon.
Where: School Library
Payment Method: the Book Fair is CASHLESS

Baker's Delight Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser - Intumbane

Baker's Delight at Campbelltown Marketfair have once again offered our school the opportunity to participate in their Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser for 2023, to be delivered just before Easter. 

For each packet of 6 Hot Cross Buns, Baker's Delight will donate $2.00 back to our school, which will be donated to Intumbane. 

Baker's Delight pride themselves on maintaining the highest possible quality products by using only quality ingredients.

We will be offering the following varieties: 

  • Traditional
  • Plain
  • Apple & Cinnamon
  • Choc Chip 

Please click here to place your order. 

Orders will close on Friday, 31 March @ 12.00 noon. 

Hot Cross Buns will be delivered to classrooms on Thursday, 6 April 2023 (last day of Term 1)


  • Praise God for the end of a busy term and upcoming breaks. Especially for our students as they continue during these last few weeks. 
    We pray for our members of the community who are travelling during the break we pray for a restful and safe time. 
  • We pray for the upcoming events of the Whole School Assembly and the Whole School Service. We pray for those who are presenting that they will be calm and present well. 
  • We are thankful that at Easter time we can remember the hope we have in Jesus and what he did on the cross. 


School Calendar

Term 1
Monday, 30 January 2023 - Thursday, 6 April 2023
Week 9
Monday, 27 March 2023

8.10am - 9.30am: Scholastic Book Fair
9.00am: Whole School Assembly
3.20pm - 4.00pm: Scholastic Book Fair 

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

8.10am - 9.30am: Scholastic Book Fair
9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6
3.20pm - 4.00pm: Scholastic Book Fair  

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

11.45am - 12.30pm: IPPSO Junior Sport - Home Games v Wollondilly Anglican College
1.00pm - 2.00pm: IPSSO Senior Sport - Home Games v Wollondilly Anglican College

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Musical Full Day Rehearsal

Friday, 31 March 2023

8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2

Week 10
Monday, 3 April 2023

6.30pm - 7.30pm: Whole School Easter Service - The Cube Campbelltown 

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

11.30am - 12.30pm: IPPSO Junior Sport - Home Games v Macarthur Anglican School
1.00pm - 2.00pm: IPSSO Senior Sport - Home Games v Macarthur Anglican School
3.45pm - 4.45pm: School Tour for new families

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Last Day for Term 1
Intumbane Day
Year 5 - 2024 Scholarship Applications Close

Friday, 7 April 2023

Public Holiday - Good Friday
School Holidays - Friday, 7 April - Friday, 25 April 2023 

Show more

Easter Church Services

Vacation Bible Camp 2023 at Wedderburn

In the April School holidays, Wedderburn Christian Campsite will be providing a Vacation Bible Camp programme for children. It is a great time filled with fun, friendship, activities, learning and experiences they will remember for years to come.

Some adventure activities campers may experience include: rock climbing, archery, flying fox, and group games. They will be stretched to develop new skills, have the opportunity to grow long-lasting friendships, and learn about Jesus from Christian leaders who will provide a positive role model and a safe, fun, and loving environment for your children.


Teen Ranch Holiday Adventure Programme

The Easter holidays are almost upon us and Teen Ranch have a full holiday programme for 10 - 17 year olds who wish for a day, or several days of adventure in the outdoors.
At Teen Ranch their purpose is to introduce young people to Christ through fun, safe and high energy outdoor experiences.  They have a variety of outdoor activities, including ropes, horse riding, archery and canoeing.  They are a not-for-profit organisation and have been in continuous operation in Cobbitty since 1961.  Over the holiday period they welcome young people from all over Sydney to their site for a day of fun they rarely forget.

International Day and Grandparents Day

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal
It was lovely to welcome Grandparents and special friends to celebrate Harmony/International Day and Grandparents Day today.
It was wonderful seeing so many students wearing their cultural dress and enjoying the parade.
Grandparents enjoyed a lovely morning tea in the school hall, followed by visits to their grandchildren's classrooms to engage in cultural activities. 

Welcome to Week 8!

Goodness me, time flies! It seems like only yesterday that St Peter's was preparing for Grandparents Day! This year, we have combined Grandparents Day and International Day so that we can all celebrate heritage together. So many of my cherished moments growing up were listening to my parents and grandparents telling stories about their childhood, or reliving an event from my own (I was accident prone as a kid!).
Grandparents are such a blessing for children, they are often the ones that make time to listen and can say those things that parents cannot say. Grandparents remind us of our Father in Heaven who loves us (and corrects us when we need it). We are so thankful that so many of our students have grandparents that are active in their lives and are always enthusiastic about being there for their grandchildren.
We hope that many of you have enjoyed being part of today with us.
Please also keep the Day family in your prayers as today was Jacob's funeral.
God bless,
Alastair Walker
PS: A date for your diary, our Whole School Easter Service will be at The Cube, Campbelltown on Monday, 3 April at 6:30pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!