Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
Sports Caps
New stock of our navy St Peter's Grammar sports caps has been received.  These can now be purchased through the School Shop for students in Kindergarten - Year 6 who are wearing the new navy Sports Uniform.  
A reminder of the following uniform requirements with our new St Peter's Grammar Uniform. 
Navy blue sock with red stripe - to be worn with the formal uniform Navy Sock
White sports sock with red stripe - to be worn with sports uniform White Socks
In the coming weeks, we will be receiving stocks of uniforms designed for warmth during the colder months.  These will begin to be sold during the April School Holidays on days to be advertised.
As our new St Peter's Grammar uniform is designed to be transeasonal, students wearing the new uniform may continue to wear their current uniform items with the addition of their jumper (Kindergarten - Year 2) or blazer (Years 3-6).  
In addition to the blazer, boys in Years 3-6 will also be required to wear a tie during Term 2 and 3.  The tie must be worn during this time period, regardless of whether Years 3-6 boys are wearing a long or short sleeve shirt.
Students wearing the old St Peter's uniform will have a 2 week change over period at the beginning of Term 2 and then will be expected to be in full Winter uniform from Week 3. Students in Years 1 or 2 who have grown out of their Grey Blazer will not be required to purchase a new one.
Optional St Peter's Grammar uniform items for the colder months are as follows:
Kindergarten - Year 6
Navy pinafore with long sleeve St Peter's blouse, worn with navy stockings
Kindergarten - Year 2
Navy elastic waist long pants with long sleeve St Peter's blouse
Year 3 - Year 6
Navy button up slacks with long sleeve St Peter's blouse
Kindergarten - Year 2
Navy elastic waist long pants with long sleeve St Peter's shirt
Year 3 - Year 6
Navy button up long pants with long sleeve St Peter's shirt
Please note the following:
All Uniform items must be purchased from our School Shop.
Girls may not wear stockings with the St Peter's dress, skort or cullottes.  Navy school socks must continue to be worn with these uniform items.
Long sleeve tops may not be worn under short sleeve shirts / blouses or the St Peter's dress as long sleeve options are available.  If required for warmth on Sports Day (Wednesday), a long sleeve white t-shirt may be worn under the sports t-shirt. 

Parent/Carer Assistance 2023

We appreciate the help of our amazing parent community in many aspects of our school.  The restrictions of the past two years have made this somewhat difficult and we are keen to have parents and carers once again participate in a variety of ways throughout the year.  

This help may take place during school hours, or after hours.  It may be that you would like to assist our Learning Enhancement team by listening to children read, or by wrapping Mother's and Father's Day presents ready for our stalls.
We would also love to hear from parents who may be able to help with constructing stage props for our musical or those who are happy to help on a food stall or BBQ at an event.
If this sounds like you, please scan the QR code below and complete the google form.  We will be in contact in due course.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2024 Enrolments

It was wonderful to meet the families of our incoming 2024 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students at our Information Session last week.  Interviews for positions in Pre-Kindergarten 2024 begin tomorrow and for Kindergarten 2024 in the coming week.
If any of our current families have younger siblings who are due to begin Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2024, we encourage them to complete an application form to secure a position in these cohorts.
If you know of other families who would like to join our school community, please encourage them to visit our Website and complete an application form.  

IPSHA Swimming Carnival

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Coordinator

On Wednesday, 1 March, select qualifying students ventured to the Sydney Olympic Swimming Centre to compete at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival.

Kicking the day off with relays, our students beat the nerves and jumped in the pool in races against other IPSHA schools. Majority of students swam in various heats of the 50m Freestyle, with some bringing home ribbons for placing. Everyone continued to cheer fellow students who qualified in 50m Backstroke, 50m Breaststroke and 50m Butterfly.

We were so pleased with how well all of our students represented St Peter’s in competition, team support and behaviour.


School Cross Country

On Tuesday, 7 March, we looked at the last weeks of summer in the eyes and said, “We’ve got this!” Well-prepared, students in Years 2-6 took to the glorious views and luxe of the Mount Annan Botanic Gardens to compete in the School Cross Country - a run of 2km and 3km. Here are a few reflections from our Year 6 students.

Cross Country was fun for me because we got to go on a new track. It was challenging and hard. I tried my best, and I came second. When I was running in my race, Mr Stockinger was running with me; encouraging me to run harder and pushing me to my limits. In the last 200 metres, I sprinted as hard as I could. When I finished I felt proud. I actually ran more than anyone else because I ran with other students to cheer them on and tell them to push and to not stop. So in total I ran 5 kilometres, but who's counting. Robin A

Cross country was fun. I got to run with my friends and it was good to run at the Botanical Gardens instead of racing at school. I really enjoyed spending the day there and playing Tug of War when we weren’t racing. The track was long but I took it on, and I came 3rd! As soon as I finished the race, I jumped onto the grass and just laid there. The hardest thing about the Cross Country was the huge hill, but I went to the top. The teachers gave us ribbons and said, “Well done!” This year I did much better than last year and I am really proud of myself. Harry S

Cross Country was very fun. I got to go to a new place and experience a new running opportunity. I liked how I got to run with my friends and I also liked how it was a longer race. It was very helpful and nice that there were teachers and parent helpers to cheer us on, but my favourite thing about the Cross Country this year was giving myself a better chance and not giving up. It was just really nice in the end knowing that I had done it, and when I finished 1st, it made me feel very accomplished. Sophie T

We are so grateful and appreciative of the parent helpers who took on a scorcher of a day to help the carnival run smoothly. 

Records Broken:

CONGRATULATIONS to the following record breakers for 2023 Cross Country -

10 Years2023Woojin S8m50s2km
12 Years2023Lachlan C11m17s3km


IPSHA Cross Country

Students 8-12 years who finished within a set qualifying time will progress to the IPSHA Cross Country. They have been notified. Please return the signed slip at your earliest convenience.

An optional training session for IPSHA Cross Country qualifying students will take place on Friday mornings, beginning Friday, 10 March, from 8.10 am – 8.30 pm in the main School Playground with Mr Stockinger.  Students may pack their sports shoes to wear during the training session, and will change into their black school shoes for the commencement of the school day.

IPSSO Results

IPSSO Results

Week 5 v. St Gregory’s College (Away)

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 14-16

Player of the Match:

Charlotte M

Loss 2/48-2/58

Player of the Match:

Samar P

Loss 12-2

Player of the Match:

Sebastian O

Loss 2-1

Player of the Match:

Sophia K

SENIOR (5/6)





Loss 30-4

Player of the Match:

Roberta K

Loss 3/57-8/29

Player of the Match:

Anthony P

Loss 19-3

Player of the Match:

Dominic K

Loss 5-0

Player of the Match:

Ash P


Week 6 v. Wollondilly Anglican College

JUNIOR (3/4)





Win 5-18

Player of the Match:

Alyssa H

Loss 3/81-5/65

Player of the Match:

Judah M

Loss 11-8

Player of the Match:

Sophia N

Win 0-1

Player of the Match:

Molly O

SENIOR (5/6)





Win 13-22

Player of the Match:

Robin A

Win 2/71-6/53

Player of the Match:

Adrian G

Loss 18-2

Player of the Match:

Magnushire W

Loss 1-0

Player of the Match:

Audrey S




We wish Lachlan C, Adrian G, Dominic K, Anthony P,  from Year 6 and Ethan H from Year 5 all the best as they trial for the IPSHA State Boy’s Football team on Monday, 20 March 2023.

Draw Updates

Week 7 against Mount Annan Christian College games have updated venue changes:

Soccer at Nugget Beames Reserve, Narellan Vale
Cricket and Oztag at Jack Nash Reserve, Currans Hill
Basketball at Birriwa Courts, Mount Annan

News From OSHC

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

As the Term progresses it’s been wonderful to see our new children settling in and becoming more familiar and comfortable in the OSHC environment. Our younger students are developing beautiful relationships with the OSHC educators and are making fantastic friendships with both their peers and some of the older children. Their confidence is continually growing as they participate in lots of the activities and exploring the playground.

There has been loads happening at OSHC over the past few weeks. The children have been doing lots of arts and crafts and even requested a colouring in competition. They have also been creating rockets and planes and experimenting with speed and force. To extend on their interest we have organised Ranger Jamie’s Rocket workshop during Vacation Care.

The children also have been playing lots of soccer, this is one of their favourite sports. Again, we are extending their interest further during Vacation Care with an OSHC-EROOS soccer day which the children are very excited about.

Dramatic play is always popular the children love dressing up, taking on roles, and just having fun with each other no matter what age they are. The children have created a fantasy area which includes Kings, Queens, Dragons, Fairies and of course Superheroes who often save the day. The children have been very creative creating props to further their play and extend their roles these have included a box castle, swords, shields, crowns, a dragon costume. To further their interest here we are having a Narnia day in our upcoming Vacation Care.

We also celebrated Shrove Tuesday, the children had their own playdough pancake station where they created and flipped their own pancakes. We also cooked pancakes for breakfast, the children loved this so much that we will be adding pancakes during the week to our breakfast menu.

No Hat No Play

Children are required to bring a hat from home to play outside at OSHC please note that children are unable to wear their walking hats or use their class play hats.

Updating your HubHello Account

Please ensure your details are all up to date, if you need any assistance with this, please contact the OSHC Coordinator Lana Schwigtenberg on 4627 2990 ext #2 or via email at oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

If you have not supplied us with an emergency contact, please complete the attached form. Please note that the emergency contact cannot be yourself or your partner this needs to be an alternative person for us to contact if we are unable to contact either of you.


We always love to share what the children are up to at OSHC, and SeeSaw is one the ways we do this. If you are not getting our SeeSaw post, please let us know and we will help you with this.

Vacation Care

The children and staff have been busy putting together our April Vacation Care Programme. This was emailed to our families earlier today , bookings will open on Tuesday, 14 March at 8.00pm.

As you are aware our Vacation Care Programme books out very quickly. Due to the current staffing demands of our service we can only accommodate bookings from our current families who are already enrolled with HubHello. We do apologise for this; however, as previously advised we are currently at capacity with maintaining required ratios. We are grateful for your understanding as we recruit more OSHC educators.

As outlined in the Vacation Care information, all Vacation Care bookings are made through Trybooking Only, no Vacation Care bookings can be made by the OSHC staff and or through the School Office. If you are unable to make a booking, please add your details and requested days to our waitlist. The OSHC Coordinator will contact you if we are able to accommodate your requests as soon as possible.


Book Me

Commencing in Term 2, we will be opening the HubHello Book Me feature. This feature will allow some flexibility for our current Before School Care families. We will have very limited spaces available for casual morning bookings and due to our staffing requirements, we are at this stage only able to offer this feature to our existing families who currently use Before School Care. 

Attached is a document to help you navigate the Book Me feature; this also includes a link to a video tutorial on how to use the Book Me feature. 

Please note that the Book Me feature requires credit card only payments through IPay and will charge $1.50 per checkout. 

If you have questions regarding this, please contact the OSHC Coordinator Lana Schwigtenberg on 4627 2990 ext #2 or via email at oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Scholastic Book Fair

Our Scholastic Book Fair OPENS for 3 days in the School Library in 2 weeks!
If you would like some great new Children's Books as well as some bargains, please come and have a look.
Dates: Friday, 24 March , Monday, 27 March and Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Opening Times:  8:10am - 9:30am in the morning, and 3:20pm - 4.00pm in the afternoon.
Where: School Library
Payment Method: the Book Fair is CASHLESS
Please Note:
The Book Fair will open on Grandparents Day, so children can attend the Book Fair during the school day with their Grandparent if they wish.

Baker's Delight Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser - Intumbane

Baker's Delight at Campbelltown Marketfair have once again offered our school the opportunity to participate in their Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser for 2023, to be delivered just before Easter. 

For each packet of 6 Hot Cross Buns, Baker's Delight will donate $2.00 back to our school, which will be donated to Intumbane. 

Baker's Delight pride themselves on maintaining the highest possible quality products by using only quality ingredients.

We will be offering the following varieties: 

  • Traditional
  • Plain
  • Apple & Cinnamon
  • Choc Chip 

Please click here to place your order. 

Orders will close on Friday, 31 March @ 12.00 noon. 

Hot Cross Buns will be delivered to classrooms on Thursday, 6 April 2023 (last day of Term 1)


We are thankful for the mid-term break over the weekend, a chance to stop, recharge and focus during a busy term. We are also thankful for a settled start and all the progress that our students have made in the last 6 weeks. 

  • We continue to pray for Macarthur Anglican staff and students as they continue to grieve their tragedy.
  • We also pray for all the activities that happen throughout St Peter's Anglican Grammar, for Representative Sport, IPSHA Swimming, Cross Country, Musical Rehearsals, Choirs, Bands, and Co-Curricular groups. We pray for safety as groups are transported off-site, and that students are able to have best time possible. 


School Calendar

Term 1
Monday, 30 January 2023 - Thursday, 6 April 2023
Week 7
Monday, 13 March 2023

9.00am: Assembly - Kindergarten - Year 2
3.30pm - 8pm: Parent Teacher Conference

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

NAPLAN - Writing
3.45pm - 4.45pm: School Tour for new families

Thursday, 16 March 2023

NAPLAN - Reading & Conventions
Kindergarten 2024 Interviews
2.30pm - 6.30pm: Pre-Kindergarten Parent Teacher Student Conference 

Week 8
Monday, 20 March 2023

NAPLAN - Catch up

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

NAPLAN - Catch up
9.00am: Chapel - Years 3 - 6
9.00am - 10.00am: Pre-Kindergarten 2024 Interviews

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

NAPLAN - Catch up

Thursday, 23 March 2023

NAPLAN - Catch up

Friday, 24 March 2023

NAPLAN - Catch up
8.10am - 9.30am: Scholastic Book Fair
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
9.00am: Chapel - Kindergarten - Year 2
Harmony Day/International Day/Grandparents Day
Youth Leadership Academy
12.00pm: School Tour for new families
3.20pm - 4.00pm: Scholastic Book Fair

Show more

Hello St Peter's Community!

It seems like an age since I last wrote, lots has happened. 
Mrs Julie Priest visited our school to research attitudes and teaching strategies in Mathematics as part of her postgraduate research. 
It was delightful to meet her and to show off our Mathematics classes. We look forward to reading her research that includes five other schools. 
We hope you enjoyed your longer weekend this week and had a relaxing time with your children. Monday was a great day for staff to focus on their professional development. Tuesday was the Cross Country Carnival held at Mt Annan Botanical Gardens. Whilst it was very hot, students and staff alike had a lovely time. We thank Mrs Bingham and the numerous staff that were involved.
We are looking forward to Grandparents Day and Harmony / International Day on Friday, 24 March 2023. Please put it into your diaries, we'd love to see grandparents and everyone's outfits!
Parents & Friends Group
Are you interested in joining the new Parents & Friends Group? 
This group will be for helping to organise volunteers and to provide feedback for new ideas. Please email administration@stpeters.nsw.edu.au to indicate your interest in this group.
God bless you all.

Year 6 Camp

Camp is always a highlight of the school calendar for both students and teachers. It is a great opportunity to be outside in God’s creation, to experience and challenge ourselves in ways not possible in the classroom and to build relationships with those across the grade. We love it! Year 6 had such an incredible time at Port Hacking with Youthworks learning more about ourselves, leadership and God. Such a blessing to start our year this way. We experienced a range of activities to build teamwork, communication, initiative and confidence.

“As soon as we walked up the hill you could smell the pool water, I could see a pile of mats and water splashing everywhere. When I put my foot in I felt the freezing water. I didn’t mind though, once you got in your body got used to it. The second you pushed off, you went thrashing down the slide. Some people screamed at the top of their lungs, not me…maybe Mr. Stockinger though” - Phoenix 

“Rock climbing was an incredible activity. The leaders would play tricks on us and at one point they pretended I was locked in the locker room. Everyone laughed! I loved how we worked as a team to get the other person up to the top. It showed us how important it was to listen to others and be in time with one another. When it was my turn I liked how everyone was chanting “GO DOM, GO DOM, GO DOM!” The black coloured handles were the hardest ones, you had to go backwards. It was great to hear everyone's name chanted on their turn. It really encouraged others!” - Dominic 

“Dragon boating was really fun! Everyone was on one big long boat and had short paddles. You had to chant “ROW, ROW, ROW” so that we were all on time. Sometimes the people in front of us would splash us, the water was cool and refreshing! We played a game where a soccer ball was thrown and two boats had to race to collect it. At one point the whole boat almost tipped over, but we listened to our captain and stabilised the boat!” - Ruby 

“Looking at those arrows being shot was magical. Sometimes they were shot over the black cover and landing into the mud wall. We get 5 arrows and we shoot for the centre of the target which is bullseye! It was great to see how everyone gave it a go and tried their very best. Holding the bow and arrow in my hand and I’m about to let go I watch the arrow zoom through the air. Thanks to Mrs.Hadfield encouragement I actually got a bullseye and Mrs.Hadfield got three in a row!!! Not all my shots were amazing though, one of my arrows actually landed on someone else's target - whoops! Archery was amazing! - Savannah 

Harmony / International Day and Grandparents Day

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal
Harmony Day and Grandparents Day is coming up on Friday, 24 March 2023. This year we have combined these events to celebrate cultures passed down from past family generations. Students will dress in cultural dress to represent their own culture or in orange colours to represent harmony and respect for others.
Students wearing cultural dress will have an opportunity to show these during a short parade with students during the morning.
Grandparents are invited to attend a morning tea at 11.00am in the school hall, followed by visits to the classrooms of their grandchildren to engage in cultural activities. They will also have an opportunity to visit the Book Fair in the library with their grandchildren during this time (11.30am -12.55pm).
If grandparents are unable to visit students, then a 'special' family friend/grandparent figure is welcome, however, we request that parents do not attend on this occasion. We are planning an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms later in the term.