Uniform Matters

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal
It has been wonderful to begin to see our Pre-Kindergarten students in their brand new St Peter's Anglican Grammar uniforms.  We have appreciated the patience of families as we awaited the arrival of uniforms in the Uniform Shop, and your understanding as we have limited sales to one set of uniforms per family until we receive our full order of stock. Our shop staff will be in contact as soon as additional stock arrives.
A few reminders regarding uniform across our school:
- Jewellery (including bracelets, bangles, necklaces) may not be worn to school.  Girls may wear one pair of plain gold or silver studs.  
- Watches with cellular data capability may not be worn during the day at school, even with the data turned off.  These must be handed in at the office, as is the case with mobile phones.  
- Students in Kindergarten - Year 7 should wear polished black leather school shoes to school with their uniform.  Sneaker style black shoes are not permitted.  Sports shoes should be plain white (Pre-Kindergarten - Year 7).
Students will be reminded of these expectations via a verbal reminder or a note in the Student Diary.  We appreciate your support with these matters.

Rapid Antigen Home Tests

All students, Kindergarten - Year 7 should have now brought home their second set of Rapid Antigen Home Tests.  If your child has not brought these home, please contact their class teacher via the Student Diary.
Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos, Koalas, Echidnas and Wombats were previously given their four-week supply.  Pre-Kindergarten students attending five days will have brought home their second set today.


When students are absent from school, parents / carers will receive an email requesting a reason for the absence to be supplied.  Please respond to these emails, as it is a legal requirement that we maintain records of student absence.
Please note we require written notification of all absences within three (3) days of receiving the email, even if you have previously notified verbally, otherwise your child's absence will be marked as "unexplained".
Parents can email reasons for absence to absence@stpeters.nsw.edu.au prior to receiving this email.

All notifications of a student either testing positive to COVID19 or being required to isolate due to being a household contact of a Positive COVID case should also be emailed to absence@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Carpark Safety

Thank you for working with us as a school community to dismiss students each afternoon in a safe and timely manner.
Just a reminder for families who do not have a student in Kindergarten, please do not join the drive through queue in the school drive way until after 3.10pm. Thank you for your understanding if we need to ask you to circle around and rejoin the queue.

Home Learning 2022 (formerly Homework)

St Peter's maintains an 'opt in' policy regarding the provision of Home Learning, with the exception of regular reading. 
We strongly encourage you to develop a daily routine that works for your family, in regards to reading. This may occur in a variety of ways:
  • Shared Reading - family members join together to listen to, and appreciate a story
  • Modelled Reading - such as reading a recipe together as you make dinner, using a shopping list independently
  • Personal Reading - time allocation to individually sit down and enjoy a book 
  • Guided Reading - where a family member can sit alongside the child and support their skills in Oral Reading (i.e. fluency, accuracy and expression)
As a school, we desire all students to develop a love of Reading, and the best way to do this is through good quality literature. Nothing beats opening a physical book, and letting the words take you on an adventure! By all means, audio books, and shared story time on digital platforms may be included in your reading time throughout the week. 
Comprehension is key to developing a love of Reading. If we don't understand what we are reading, we can not benefit from the text. Families should take time to unpack what has been read. The Comprehension Question Matrix (Google Search) for example can support families, and children alike, to design questions about a text that has been read. Take the time to have meaningful conversation with your child/ren. 
In regards to the 'opt in' Home Learning, parents should request this through communication with the classroom teacher. Where this is the case, a range of activities will be suggested to support a child's specific learning goal/s. The classroom teacher will check in with the student, to discuss their progress and attainment of these goals.  
Students will also have digital access to platforms such as Mathletics, RAZ Kids and Soundwaves. These platforms offer a range of consolidatory games and activities. Teachers will have student login information added to student diaries by Week 4. 

Peripatetic Tutors

St Peter's offers a number of tutors providing private tuition (one on one and / or small group lessons). Parents should refer to the school's website, please click here for further information. 
Please note, that as we await for our brand new tutorial rooms to be fitted out, our tutors are unable to provide lessons onsite. Tutors will communicate with families, when these lessons become available during school hours.

Band / Strings 2022

This year we welcome Mrs Thuy-Anh Ha as Strings Coordinator, whilst Mrs Pollett takes maternity leave. We also formally welcome Mr Phil Gentile, who will take on the role of Dean of Creative & Performing Arts (CAPA), overseeing Music at St Peter's. 
Please note that we endeavour for our Band and Strings programme to commence as of Week 5 this term. This is inclusive of tutorials and out of school rehearsals. Both Mrs Ha, and Miss Hardiman (Band Coordinator), are keen to maintain Seesaw as a digital platform for communication. 
Please recognise that we have experienced a significant period of time affected by COVID restrictions. Our coordinators will be working hard through Term 1, to assess each individual students' progress, and to cater group programmes accordingly. Should your child be interested in joining one of these programmes, we ask for your understanding, that this will most likely occur closer to the end of Term 1, early Term 2. Information will be made available to the school community regarding how to express interest in these programmes later this term. Thank you for your support of this.
Further information regarding additional co-curricular music groups, such as Choirs, will be provided at a later date. 

PYP - Units of Inquiry

All grades are in the process of commencing their first Unit of Inquiry for the year. Information for each grade regarding the content of the unit, will be shared via Seesaw. This will also include a snapshot of additional learning that will take place outside of the Unit of Inquiry. 
We love when families make connections with our learning. Should you have expertise in a specific area, please do let your child's teacher know so we can consider how we can get you involved!

NRMA Science & Road Safety Show

On Monday, 21 February, the NRMA will visit to highlight the importance of road safety. Their show, developed through Fizzics Education, demonstrates how science is used to develop safety gear, as well as how science can impact situations that affect our safety whilst using the roads - be it as a passenger or a pedestrian.
Each stage will attend a show in the School Hall during the day, ensuring that the learning is intentional and age appropriate.
The learning experiences within the show align with both the Science and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) curriculum.
Students are welcome to bring their own helmet on the day!
For further information, please visit their website: https://www.mynrma.com.au/community/education/science-and-road-safety-day

Congratulations to Joshua!

During the School holidays, Joshua was awarded his Grey Wolf Award for Cub Scouts.  This award is the Peak Award in Cub Scouts and only a very small percentage of Cub Scouts achieve this award.  To earn this award, Joshua:

  • attained his Bronze, Silver and Gold Boomerang Awards, which consisted of over 200 individual tasks.  This included organising the collection of toys for Dr Freelander’s Toy Drive amongst his fellow Cubs and Joeys
  • planning and leading a hike for his fellow Cub and Joey Scouts
  • creating a very detailed award system for the parents of Cub Scouts who assist on outings and adventures (his special Grey Wolf project)
  • earn at least 4  Level 2 Specialist Badges
  • attend a number of Pack Council meetings
  • attend at least four outdoor activities throughout the year including a 10km hike (very difficult during COVID!)
  • attend at least two camps

Josh was awarded his Grey Wolf Award by our local Federal MP, Dr Mike Freelander, where Josh also handed over the toys he had collected for the toy drive. 

Joshua also received the Cub Scout of the Year Award for his Pack; 1st St Andrews.

What an amazing achievement.

Congratulations Joshua!

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the health and wellbeing of families in our School community currently in isolation. 
  • Thank you for the commitment of teachers as they seek to bring out the God given talents and skills in each individual student.

School Calendar

Term 1
Monday, 31 January 2022 - Friday, 8 April 2022
Week 3
Tuesday, 15 February 2022

8.45am - 2.45pm: Primary Swimming Carnival (Years 3 - 7) Some Year 2 may attend if 8 years old and can swim 50 meters
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel

Thursday, 17 February 2022

2.00pm: School Tour for New Families

Friday, 18 February 2022

9.00am- 9.30am: Primary Assembly

Week 4 
Monday, 21 February 2022

NRMA Science & Road Safety Day 

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel

Friday, 25 February 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Assembly
Week 5
Monday, 28 February 2022

9.15am - 10.15am: Year 6 - Ranger Jamie Virtual Excursion

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

IPSHA Swimming & Diving
9.00am - 9.30am: Junior Primary Chapel
2.30pm - 3.00pm: Primary Chapel

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

2.00pm - 3.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum
4.00pm: School Tour
7.00pm - 8.00pm: Parent Information Sessions/Friends of St Peter's Forum

Friday, 4 March 2022

9.00am - 9.30am: Primary Assembly

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St Peter's Physical Culture

Fresh Starts

Welcome to the 2022 school year. It has been fantastic to witness so many enthusiastic faces enter through the gates each morning. As I have made my way around the school over the last fortnight it’s been a joy to observe the many and varied learning experiences taking place including a Planetarium Incursion, Representative Sport trials, Chapel singing rehearsals and student leadership training. It certainly has been a busy start, with lots of exciting opportunities in the works.

A new year offers an opportunity for a fresh start. During our recent Welcome Assembly I shared with students the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19). Zacchaeus was a flawed individual driven by greed and self interest. However, his life was forever changed one day when confronted with the acceptance and grace of Jesus. 

After the challenges and uncertainty of the last 18 months, a fresh start can be a wonderful blessing. I have encouraged each student to embrace the opportunities presented by a new year, grade, teacher, classroom and classmates. Much like Zacchaeus, we all have the chance to hit the reset button. It is my hope that your family will experience the encouragement and support of our dedicated team at St Peter’s to make the most of the 2022 school year.

Year 7 Camp

With the expansion of the school into Year 7 this year, camp provided a great opportunity for students and staff to bond over shared experiences. With a focus on developing community, students and staff undertook a series of activities on camp to develop leadership, teamwork and resilience.  

A highlight for students was crate building. Set the challenge of using 2 stacks of milk crates to climb as high as possible students worked in teams to solve the team and engineering challenges of the task. Spurred on by the promise of pizza one group was able to stack 22 crates on top of each other to build the tallest tower the site instructors had ever seen. At this high point the tower fell and the climber was caught by her team and lowered safely to the ground. 

From a staff perspective, it was great to see students developing into a cohesive group. New friendships were born and a group love of volleyball was established. Year 7 also had the opportunity to consider the claims of Christ over the course of camp. Linking in with the themes of leadership, teamwork and resilience, students were encouraged to think about how Jesus demonstrated these things through his life. The concept of servant leadership offered an alternative view of leadership for students to explore as they undertook the experiential based learning activities.  

The Middle School Team is looking forward to continuing to develop the learning opportunities available to students both inside and outside the classroom.


IPSSO and School Sport

Trials commenced for IPSSO Representative Teams last week. Sports on offer are as follows: Cricket, Oz Tag, Basketball and Girls Soccer. Students who are successful in making the teams are reminded that Wednesday morning training (8.00am - 8.30am) is part of the commitment. If your child is unable to make this weekly commitment, they may be better suited to our School Sport Programme.

Competition and morning training will commence on Wednesday, 16 February 2022.

This term for School Sport, students will participate in an 8 week programme of sports. These sports will include Basketball/Netball, Soccer, Cricket, Newcombeball and AFL. There will be an externally provided coach coming in to run some fun basketball sessions from Week 5 onwards. These sports have been specifically selected to upskill our students for Term 2 IPSSO Sports, as well as providing them with opportunity for growth in the same sports as the representative sport children will be competing in.

Year 7 Camp Photos

Swimming Carnival

Our Swimming Carnival will be held on Tuesday, 15 February 2022.

Notes should have now been returned to the school. Please ensure your child is picked up from the pool no later than 2.45pm (unless booked onto the School Bus).

Year 6 Leadership Retreat

'How do we get everyone to work together? How do I communicate clearly? What if I am away? How do I care for each student in my group?'

The energy in Year 6 on Monday morning was undeniable. The questions from students came flying in. Scanning the room you could spy the nervous jitters mixed with smiles of excitement as the realities of leading this year set in.

Through a range of team building activities, relationship building games and some crucial workshops, Year 6 students added some new skills to their toolbox on Monday.

On Tuesday, we ventured out to Wedderburn Christian Campsite site to continue our training through large games, workshops around the warm glow of a fire and a relaxing, well-earned swim and play. 

Year 6 will be a blessing to St Peter’s Anglican Grammar as they capably lead their peers in 2022. We are so excited to watch these incredible students act with integrity, kindness and empathy, as they follow Jesus’ example.


Representative Opportunities (Preparatory)

Throughout the year, there are various trials in different sports at IPSHA and CIS levels. Competition is of a very high standard and as such these trials are for Year 5 and 6 students only who are already playing at a representative level in weekend competition and have several years’ experience at that level.  Nomination for trials is not guaranteed and will be at my discretion. If your child would be interested in representative opportunities beyond our school teams, please let me know so I can pass on the relevant information.