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Term 2 at OSHC

Mrs Lana Schwigtenberg - OSHC Coordinator

This Term has been busy and of course loads of fun at OSHC. Our new OOSHIE’S have settled in well and have been busy investigating our play areas, playing with friends and making new ones too. One of the best parts of OSHC is engaging in the many activities available. The children are the voice of OSHC and their ideas and suggestions form our programme.

Throughout this Term the children have enjoyed exploring playdough, playing many board and card games, creating their own McDonalds restaurant, caring for our OSHC garden, playing dress up’s, constructing towers and creating beyblades in the block area, investigating nocturnal animals, exploring fidget toys as well as learning photography, drawing, playing oz tag, basketball, soccer and table tennis.

The children also loved celebrating Mother’s Day making cards and gifts for their mothers and grandmothers, as well as ANZAC Day and recently National Sorry Day and Reconciliation week.

OSHC has recently been set up on Seesaw. We hope you are enjoying seeing our programming in action. If you are not receiving these updates please contact Lana Schwigtenberg via the OSHC email: oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Food at OSHC

Commencing Term 3, OSHC will be providing food. Toast will be served each morning for breakfast along with milk, milo and juice. Afternoon tea and late afternoon tea will also be provided each afternoon. Please ensure you have informed the OSHC staff of any food allergies / intolerances for your child/ren.

Vacation Care

Our Vacation Care Programme for the June/July School Holidays has been very popular. Please ensure you have booked in via Trybooking and or placed your name on the wait list. Please note all cancellations need to be made by Friday, 18 June 2021 by 3pm, any cancellations made after this time will be charged the daily fee.

No Hat No Play

Children are required to bring a hat from home to play outside at OSHC.

Please note that children are unable to wear their walking hats or use their class play hats.

Jumpers and Cardigans

As the weather is getting cooler especially in the afternoons the children will need to have their jumpers and cardigans to play outside.

Changes In Place For Week 10

Due to our School Musical, during Week 10, OSHC will be held each morning and afternoon in the Library and the White House playground. Please use the School tunnel entrance for OSHC drop off and pick up.

Donations Needed For Craft

We would be extremely grateful for any recycling objects or materials such as boxes, buttons, bottle lids etc that could be used during our upcoming Vacation Care period for students to use to create craft items.

If you are able to donate any items, please see one of our OSHC Staff.


Please remember if you need to cancel your child’s booking you need contact the OSHC Centre by 4.00pm the day prior for Before School Care bookings, or by 9.00am the day of your After School Care bookings. If cancellations are notified outside these times you will be charged the daily fee.

You contact the OSHC Centre by phone 4627 2990 ext #2 or via email at oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au

Late Pick Up Fees


Please note the OSHC Centre closes at 6.00pm, if you collect your child after this time you will be charged a late fee.




We welcome your feedback. Your ideas, thoughts and suggestions are important to us and help us to create a quality service for you and your children.

You can do this by having a chat with us, or via email at oshc@stpeters.nsw.edu.au