Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain
On Tuesday the school held a fabulous ‘STEAM’ day looking at the wonders of Science and Technology. The students had so much fun and were involved in great hands-on learning. The staff did an amazing job of putting together and running the day.
One of the questions children often ask is, “How does belief in God and Science fit together?” Quite often they can mistakenly think that God and Science don’t go together. Belief in God, they assume, is about faith and Science is about facts. But Christians believe that God created our amazing universe and He gave us minds and the ability to explore and discover His creation. Did you know that Isaac Newton was a Christian?
I have recently read an excellent book by a guy called Glen Scrivener called ‘The Air We Breathe’ in which he points out the influence Christianity has had on the world for the past 2000 years. The link below is Glen talking about ‘Science’.
Youtube Clip
There are some great children’s books that help children discover the link between God and Science including a book by Louie Giglio, ‘Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science' which will help kids discover the incredible creation of our indescribable God.
Children who are fascinated with the world around them, nature, and the earth will deepen their faith as they explore God's Word. These 100 devotions encourage awe and appreciation for God's creativity with an in-depth look at these categories:
· Space, galaxies, planets, and stars
· Earth, geology, oceans, and weather
· Animals, from hummingbirds to dinosaurs
· Our minds, bodies, and imaginations
This book is helpful for children, ages 5–10 years old.
“Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what His hands have made." It's impossible to out-imagine God. He orchestrates time, creates light, and speaks things into existence—from the largest stars to the smallest starfish. God is the powerful, purposeful, personal, and unparalleled Creator”. Louie Giglio