What a beautiful sunny day we had for our annual book character parade and community morning tea today! Our school came alive with characters from picture books, novels and movies as well as sporting stars and creatures we can read about in a variety of non-fiction texts.
Miss Burns certainly had a different looking Kindergarten in Chapel this morning as she taught them from the greatest book of all - the Bible. At the beginning of the year, our Kindergarten students were presented with “The Biggest Story Bible“ so that they can read with their families the stories that they are learning in Chapel and in class. I trust that these Bibles are a treasured possession in our Kindergarten households.
Thank you for your generous donations to Intumbane’s Book Drive. We are able to donate 137 books!
I look forward to sharing breakfast with our St Peter’s fathers and other special people who play this part in our students lives. A reminder that the breakfast is on Thursday 29 August for those who have booked tickets for this event.