Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal
We certainly know how to sprint to the finish line that is the end of Term Two! The calendar has been packed with amazing opportunities for our students and community to engage in experiences to connect and learn.
Year 6 students went to see Inside Out 2 at the movies and then had discussions around personal challenges, friendships, identity, what is true and what are lies. They were encouraged to find strength in their relationship with God and seek help from Him to face the storms. We would love them to focus on joy and to delight in celebrations and success.
Last Friday our Chess teams went to compete in the MAS Chess Competition. The students embraced the opportunity to play this strategic game against worthy opponents.
On Monday our Whole School Assembly saw us able to celebrate the achievements of many of our students and be entertained by the Vocal Ensemble performing “Adiemus”. This was outstanding.
We had several Open Classrooms this fortnight and it was wonderful to see so many families visit our school.
Pre - Kindergarten classes allowed parents and guests the opportunity to view our students' portfolio of work from Semester One. Our students were very excited to go through and share their individual artworks, photos, and work samples with their families.
Year 2 Open Classrooms allowed parents and guests the opportunity to help the students with some hands-on exploration of production processes. They saw how materials can be changed into different products, and thought about how farms can be used to give us different products that we need to survive. It was lovely to have so many helpers in the room!
Year 3 had their Open Classrooms where students showcased their progressing reading skills and implemented their geographical skills to complete a Travel Guide about their parent's / grandparent’s favourite place in Australia.
Year 4's Open Classroom allowed parents and grandparents to learn about significant people in Australia's history. They were treated to student's linguistic talents through the recitation of Bioriddles and engaged with them to discover the amazing contributions made by Aussie Notables!
Year 6 Open Classrooms allowed parents and guests the opportunity to engage with our topic of migration. Students created an oral history by interviewing their parents / guests. Students created questions to provoke conversation relating to their personal or family's journey to Australia. Students presented a "suitcase" with various items they put together based on the life of a known immigrant to Australia and shared their contribution to Australia since arriving.
Today was our Buddy Group Picnic Lunch and Mufti Day and it was great to see so many groups in their House colours sharing lunch together. Unfortunately due to the wet ground, these had to be in classrooms.
Also today we had Sophia K from Year 5 take action to raise funds to send to our sister school - Intumbane, by making friendship bracelets. She sold these during our Coffee Cart morning. Students were generous with donations and enjoyed choosing their bracelet. They were all sold out and became a great addition to the mufti outfits of our House colours. Well done Sophia and St Peter's community! $318 was raised.