Whole School Service - Monday, 24 June 2024

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

I am looking forward to gathering with our St Peter’s Anglican Grammar and St Peter’s Heart community at our Whole School Service on Monday, 24 June at 6:30 pm at The Cube. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and learn what the Bible says about who Jesus is and why He came.

Our Chaplain, Miss Leanne Burns, will be speaking, and we are excited to have our Year 1 and 2 Choir perform, along with some of our Year 3 and 4 strings players. Doors will open at 6:15 pm, and students should join their class teacher at the front of the auditorium for the marking of rolls.

Our Pre-Kindergarten students and their families are also most welcome to join us; however, these students will remain seated with their parents for the service.

Open Classrooms

As we reach the end of the Semester, it is wonderful to reflect on the learning of all of our students.  I trust families who have been able to attend an open classroom this term have enjoyed the opportunity to see firsthand what their children have been learning about, how they learn, and the skills they have developed.  I am sure that Years 2, 3, 4, 6 and Pre-Kindergarten are eagerly looking forward to welcoming their families on the following dates:

Term 2 Open Classroom Schedule 

Week / Date  

Grade / Location

Week 9:

Friday, 28 June 


Year 3

Week 10:

Tuesday, 2 July

Tuesday 2 July - 2:00 - 2:45 pm

Wednesday 3 July 

Thursday 4 July

Thursday 4 July - 2:00 - 2:45 pm


Year 6 and SPACE

Pre-K Kangaroos and Koalas Portfolio Viewing

Year 2 

Year 4 

Pre-K Wombats and Echidnas Portfolio Viewing


Student Reports

Student Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews provide valuable opportunities to celebrate the progress and achievements of each student, and to set goals for the upcoming semester. As educators, we recognise that every child learns at their own pace and in their own unique way. Each small step towards the next outcome represents an important achievement, and the effort of each student should be recognised and congratulated.

When reviewing your child's report and discussing it with them, I encourage you to highlight these incremental steps and the effort they have demonstrated. Acknowledging their hard work and progress will help motivate them towards the next small step in their learning journey.

Our Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday, 25 July 2024 and booking information will come out in due course.

Whole School Assembly

Our final Assembly for the term will be our Whole School Assembly on Monday, 1 July at 9.00am. All families are welcome to attend as we reflect on the term.

Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

As we approach the end of the term, it’s remarkable to reflect on how quickly time has flown by. The past fortnight at St Peter's has been filled with a series of exciting events and experiences, each contributing to the life of our school community.

We started the fortnight with a well-deserved long weekend, allowing everyone a chance to recharge and spend quality time with family and friends. This break came at a perfect time, giving us all the energy to dive back into school activities with renewed enthusiasm.

One of the standout events was our annual Athletics Carnival, held last Friday. The day was a showcase of our students' athletic talents and sportsmanship. The enthusiasm and spirit displayed by all houses were truly inspiring. From track events to field events, the competition was fierce, but what stood out most was the support everyone showed for one another. Congratulations to all participants and a big thank you to the staff and parent volunteers who made the day such a success. A special shout out to Mrs Bingham for all her organisation once again!

A group of Year 5 and 6 students attended Broughton's performance of "Peter Pan and Wendy". This excursion not only provided a chance to enjoy a classic story brought to life but also offered our students an insight into the world of the Performing Arts.

Last Tuesday, we welcomed prospective families to our school tour. It was a pleasure to show our learning environments and talk about the strong community spirit that makes St Peter's special. Word of mouth is the best advertisement and we encourage you to share with your circle of family and friends the great community that St Peter’s offers.

Buddy Groups

Our Buddy Groups focus this week was on the theme of self-control, inspired by the biblical story of Samson. Through engaging discussions and activities, students explored the importance of self-discipline and the consequences of actions. Our Buddy Groups continue to reinforce moral values and also strengthen the bonds and mutual respect between students.

Tips for Parents and Educators on Self Control:

  • Model Self-Control: Children learn a lot by watching adults. Demonstrate self-control in your actions.

  • Teach Techniques: Teach children specific strategies like deep breathing, counting to ten, or using a stress ball.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward self-controlled behaviour to encourage them to continue.

  • Create Structure: Establish routines and clear expectations, which help children understand and practise self-control.

School Photo Days

There will be three photo days held next term as outlined below.

Orders for Class and Individual photos can be placed securely online at www.advancedlife.com.au using our school's unique 9 digit Online Order Code: 


Photo Day 1: Monday, 5 August - Class, Siblings, Individual & Pre-Kindergarten Kangaroos, Koalas & Possums
Photo Day 2: Wednesday, 7 August - Sport Photos
Photo Day 3: Friday, 9 August - Co Curricular & Pre-Kindergarten Echidnas & Wombats

A separate email will be sent out early next week regarding uniform requirements for our Photo Days. We appreciate families reading this carefully, to ensure that their children have the appropriate uniform items required for this occasion. 

Semester 1 Student Reports

During Semester 1, our team at St Peter’s began reviewing and updating our reporting systems, with a focus on maintaining our alignment with the requirements of the Federal Government and the NSW Education Standards Authority. Communicating relevant and valuable information about students' learning progress and effort to our families is our priority, and it will continue to be of utmost importance as we introduce these new systems.

Our new reporting structure will offer parents greater clarity on student progress in key learning areas, particularly English and Mathematics, in alignment with the new curriculum. We are excited to introduce this new report and our teachers are looking forward to sharing the learning and growth that has occurred for our students this semester. 

To ensure our reports meet the quality and detail our St Peter’s families are familiar with, we recognise that adjustments to the reporting release schedule, as outlined in our school calendar, may be necessary. If any changes are required, we will notify the St Peter’s community via email. 

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure that our new reporting system provides you with the best insight into your child’s learning.

ICAS Testing

Last week, families of children from Years 3 - 6, received notification of the upcoming ICAS testing that will take place on the following dates:



Sitting Date

Catch up Date

Cost (AU$)

Digital Technologies

Tuesday, 6 August

Wednesday, 7 August



Thursday, 8 August

Friday, 9 August



Monday, 12 August

Wednesday, 14 August



Monday, 19 August

Wednesday, 21 August



Monday, 26 August

Tuesday, 27 August



Families are encouraged to use the following link and Access code to sign their child up for any of the elective ICAS assessments in 2024. 


Sign up here

ICAS Assessment Shop  

Access code


Registration for all subject areas closes on Monday, 29 July at 11.59pm.

A 'Snapshot' into the English Curriculum

Oral Language and Communication proficiency equips students with essential foundational knowledge and skills to support their success in speaking, reading, and writing. 

The New English Syllabus outlines Oral Language Development throughout the primary years of schooling. To find out more about Oral Language and for some helpful tips for supporting your child at home, please click on the following link.

Oral Language and Communication Poster

Through the Praise of Children and Infants

Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain

I love having my office next to a Kindergarten class because I love hearing their excitement over learning new things. I especially love hearing them sing God’s praises. We can learn a lot from children about simple faith and trust in the amazing Creator of the known universe and beyond.

I also enjoy having students, of all ages, come up to me in the playground and tell me what they have been learning about the environment or outer space. They often say, “Did you know Miss Burns that…” I have to admit that I don’t always know some of the things they share with me. 

I have always had a fascination with space and our incredible, vast, spectacular universe. I love looking at the NASA web page for the image of the day.

This morning in Staff Devotions we looked at Psalm 8 written by Israel’s second King. David raises a good question in verse 3 and 4. 

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Genesis 1:26 answers this question:

'I am made from the dust of the earth, created in the image of God.'

"This means that my fundamental relationship with God, and that I am created to resemble God, to communicate his character, to be His presence, to remind people of God, and to serve Him. We are not accidental specks of unintended cosmic, without meaning of significance. We are made with a glorious destiny, a high calling, great responsibility, and immense dignity: 'crowned with glory and honour' in the words of Psalm 8."  Continue Reading Here

I know that God cares for me because He made me in His image and because God entered His creation, took on flesh and blood, was given the name Jesus, and laid down His life for me to put my relationship with Him right.

On Monday, 24 June at the Whole School Service, we will be hearing from the students who they think Jesus is and we will hear them sing some great songs of praise to Jesus. Jesus is the one through whom and for whom the universe was made (Colossians 1:16). 

Galaxy cluster Abell 370 contains several hundred galaxies tied together by the mutual pull of gravity. Photographed in a combination of visible and near-infrared light, the brightest and largest galaxies are the yellow-white, massive, elliptical galaxies containing many hundreds of billions of stars each. Spiral galaxies have younger populations of stars and are bluish. Mysterious-looking arcs of blue light are distorted images of remote galaxies behind the cluster. Have a look at the picture down below. 

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Miss Kym Busutel - Coordinator of St Peter's Heart
Year 3 students recently enjoyed their camp, braving some wild weather. Despite the rain, they had a fantastic time with friends, their spirits undampened. They engaged in a variety of indoor activities, including crafts, balancing items on trays, bowling and competing in a mini Olympics. They also took part in rock climbing when the sun was out.

In Christian Discovery sessions, students explored the wondrous things God has done and the promises He has made. These sessions were filled with inspiration and reflection. Unfortunately, some students missed out due to illness. We are praying for a healthier 2025.
Our students in Years 3 to 6 participated in the Athletics Carnival, braving the typical chilly winds. Each student competed in the 100m race within their respective age groups, with all also rising to the challenge of the more demanding 200m race. In addition to the running events, students showcased their skills in long jump, shot put, and discus. Everyone gave their best efforts and cheered each other on.

IPSSO Inter-School Sport

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

Week 7 - v. Wollondilly Anglican College





Player of the Match





Amar S

Jnr Boys Soccer




Andy W

Jnr Netball




Mackenzie K

Jnr Newcombe Ball




Ernest M





Catriona M

Snr Boys Soccer




Liam J

Snr Netball




Sophia K

Snr Volleyball




Buck B


Week 8 - v. Mount Annan Christian College





Player of the Match





Alessandra H

Jnr Boys Soccer




Braxton P

Jnr Netball




Eva M

Jnr Newcombe Ball




Daniel B





Harlem K

Snr Boys Soccer




Ethan H

Snr Netball




Molly O

Snr Volleyball




Guy C


Please download and regularly check the Term 2 & 3 Draw. Students have also been given a printed copy attached to their permission note.

Athletics Carnival

On Friday, 14th June, St Peter's held a vibrant Athletics Carnival under clear, sunny skies. The day kicked off with a palpable sense of excitement as students gathered to cheer on the opening act - 800m races. Each were eager to showcase their own athletic talents across a variety of competitive events, ranging from sprints and long jumps to shot put and relays. The carnival also featured a range of novelty activities that added an extra layer of fun, ensuring there was something for everyone to enjoy.

The highlight of the Athletics Carnival is always undoubtedly the House Relays, where the cheering reached its peak. The students roared as Junior and Senior Houses battled it out on the 400m round track. There was nothing more exciting than witnessing our very own teachers clinching victory against the Senior Boys, displaying impressive speed and teamwork. Not to be outdone, the mums also put on a stellar performance, demonstrating great enthusiasm and athleticism.

The successful day was made possible by the tireless efforts of our St Peter’s Staff and parent helpers, whose support was invaluable. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them for their dedication and assistance. Their involvement was crucial in making the day run smoothly and ensuring everyone had a fantastic time.

Looking ahead, we warmly encourage other parents to take up the offer to help at future events. Their participation not only enriches the experience for the students but also strengthens the sense of community within our school. 


Congratulations to our age champions for 2024:

2024 Athletics Age Champions


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

1. Ava W

2. Catriona M

3. Everly V

1. Zoe P

2. Remy C

3. Jessica S

1. Magnushire W

2. Ella W

3. Ivy S


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

1. Xavier B 

2. Andy W

3. Isaac C

 1. Woojin S 

2. Samuel L 

3. Jacob H

1. Buck B

 2. Ethan H 

3. Leonardo M


2024 Athletics Age Champions


Junior Girls

Junior Boys

Senior Girls

Senior Boys

1. Layla L

2. Kiara S

3. Sophie B 

1. Noah T 

1. Cooper S

2. Sebastian P

3. Jayden A


Our special Sports Assembly has been moved to Term 3. Sports Achievements from all carnivals will be acknowledged at a special assembly in Term 3. 


The following records were broken:


  • 11 years boys 100m, 14.53 sec - Woojin S 

  • 11 years boys 200m, 30.15 sec- Woojin S

  • 11 years boys 800m, 2:46.88 min- Woojin S

  • 11 years boys Long Jump, 4.33m - Woojin S

  • 8-10 years boys High Jump, 1.22m - Xavier B

  • 8-10 years boys Shot Put, 6.12m - Xavier B

  • Boys Junior Relay Team, 1:12.94 min - Bligh

  • Boys Senior Relay Team, 1:05.12 min - Argyle

  • 8-10 years girls 800m, 3:09.06 min - Ava W

  • 8-10 years girls High Jump, 1.13m - Ava W

  • 11 years girls High Jump, 1.15m - Remy Cleaver

  • Girls Junior Relay Team, 1:17.81 min - Bligh

  • Girls Senior Relay Team, 1:10.18 min - Roxburgh

  • Heart Junior boys 100m, 20.59 sec - Noah T

  • Heart Junior boys 200m, 56.62 sec - Noah T

  • Heart Junior boys Discus, 10.71m - Noah T

  • Heart Senior boys 100m, 18.00 sec - Cooper S

  • Heart Senior boys 200m, 39.78 sec - Cooper S

  • Heart Junior girls 100m, 31.03 sec - Layla L 

  • Heart Junior girls 200m, 1:05.34 min - Kiara S


We are thrilled to announce our 2024 IPSHA Athletics team:

St Peter’s Relay Teams


8-10 years

11-12 years

Cristina Y

Ava W

Karla M

Catriona M

Remy C

Zoe P

Jessica S

Magnushire W


8-10 years

11-12 years

Andy W

Colton C

Isaac C

Xavier B

Buck B

Ethan H

Leonardo M

Woojin S


100m Dash


8 years

9 years

10 years

11 years

12 years

Madeleine M

Grace A

Tiffany L

Rebecca L

Everly V

Avi A

Alessandra H

Alexandra C

Catriona M

Ava W

Cristina Y

Karla M

Zoe P

Remy C

Jessica S

Stella M

Magnushire W

Ella W

Ivy S

Sanaa T


8 years

9 years

10 years

11 years

12 years

Braxton P

Thiveth W

Amos C

Ronnie S

Andy W

Harrison S

Xavier M

Kalev G

Lachlan S

Xavier B

Colton C

Isaac C

Ernest M

Woojin S

Jacob H

Samuel L

Christian S

Ethan H

Buck B

Leonardo M

Shaun G


200m Race


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Catriona M

Cristina Y

Ava W

Karla M

Zoe P

Jessica S

Alyssa F

Sophia K

Magnushie W

Ivy S

Ella W

Violet C


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Andy W

Lachlan S

Woojin S

Ethan H


800m Race


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Ava W

Alyssa F

Ella W


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Andy W

Woojin S

William P


1500m Race


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Ava W

Kyriana P

Ella W


8-10 years

11 years

12 years

Xavier B

Woojin S

Noah S


Field Events


High Jump

Long Jump

Shot Put

Lachlan S

Ava W

Xavier B

Lachlan S

Woojin S

Lachlan S

The IPSHA Athletics Carnival is on Wednesday, 28 August. Parents will be receive communication with via email with further details closer to the date in Term 3.

Focus on Year 4

There has been a lot happening in Year 4 this year. Students visited the Wedderburn Christian Campsite, where they participated in a Ranger Jamie BIG Physics Day. They conducted various experiments that effectively set up the PYP Unit of Inquiry with the central idea "Innovation Leads to Discovery." Students created toys and equipment throughout this unit and were asked to explain the forces involved in making their objects work.

Here is what some students said about our Unit of Inquiry. 

In our Unit of Inquiry, we began by playing with toys that used forces like gravity, push and pull. Then, we designed or improved toys based on our understanding of forces and presented these to our class. I designed a lizard swing that uses the forces of air resistance, push and gravity.

Ernest 4M

I liked how we learnt about different forces, including friction, and used our knowledge of these forces to create a new invention. My invention was a toy that is better for kids because they aren’t looking at a screen. It used push, pull, and air resistance forces.

On the 13th of May, we set off for our annual School Camp for three days. We were hosted by the outstanding Cru staff at their Galston Gorge site, just north of Sydney. After two weeks of rain, we had beautiful weather. The students participated in BMX bike riding, rock climbing, archery, teamwork games, low ropes, and crate climbing.

The students enjoyed the camp and learned valuable life skills, such as self-organisation, self-care, and organisation of personal belongings.

Karla 4M

Below are some of the student's reflections from camp: 

The best part of camp was rock climbing, and, I got to the top 4 times. Crate climbing was really cool, and it was the best seeing my friends do it too. 

We stayed up late the first night and had a great time in the cabin; we slept heaps better the second night. 

Everly 4S

The best activity was BMX. Climbing was fun—I almost got to the roof! Sleeping was also perfect too—the second night was better. The food was good too—not as good as Mum's, but still super tasty. I loved it! 

Milo 4S

I loved Archery. BMX and scooters were cool too; I got air off a jump. Rock Climbing was also really cool! It was the best seeing my mates and hanging out with them. I loved Camp! 

Ahmed 4S

The most enjoyable part of camp for me was rock climbing. I had to climb very high, and some of the rocks were tricky to climb on.

Rafay 4T

The crate stack was the most enjoyable part of camp because I was so close to the top but fell when three crates were left. Falling was fun, too!

Jash 4T

After going on camp, I learned that you have to experience new things and learn to get along with people. 

Emmanuel 4T

The most enjoyable part of camp was sleeping in the same cabin as my friends, rock climbing, crate climbing and archery.

Ire 4T


  • We are thankful for a great Athletics Carnival, IPSSO sport and all the musical opportunities we get here at school. 
  • Give thanks for the safe arrival of Mrs Griffin's beautiful daughter Aethelflaed on Wednesday, 12 of June.
  • Please pray for those in our community that are unwell at the moment. Please pray for healing and restoration.  
  • We pray for the upcoming Whole School Service next week; we pray that it will be great night of community and a helpful reminder about our core beliefs. 

School Calendar

Term 2

Monday, 29 April 2024 - Friday, 5 July 2024

Week 9

Monday, 24 Monday 2024

9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly - Kindergarten - Year 2
6.30pm - 7.30pm: Whole School Service

Tuesday, 25 Tuesday 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4

Wednesday, 26 Wednesday 2024

9.00am- 9.20am: Chapel Years 5 & 6 
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPPSO - St Peter's vs St Gregory's College
1.15pm -2.15pm: Senior IPPSO  - St Peter's vs St Gregory's College
Thursday, 27 Thursday 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2

Friday, 28 Friday 2024

MAS Chess Competition
Year 3 Open Classrooms
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's cafe
9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten Chapel 
10.00am - 11.00am: School Tour 

Week 10

Monday, 1 July 2024

Year 6 and SPACE Open Classrooms
9.00am - 9.30am: Whole School Assembly

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Pre - Kindergarten Portfolio Afternoon
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4
4.00pm - 5.00pm: School Tour
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Year 2 Open Classrooms
9.00am - 9.30am: Chapel Years 5 & 6
11.45am - 12.30pm: Junior IPSSO Sport - St Peter's vs Macarthur Anglican School
1.15pm - 2.15pm: Senior IPSSO Sport - St Peter's vs Macarthur Anglican School
5.00pm - 6.00pm: Year 5 Parent Information Session for Broughton at St Peter's
Thursday, 4 July 2024
NAIDOC Activities
Year 4 Open Classrooms
Pre - Kindergarten Portfolio Afternoon
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2
Friday, 5 July 2024
Last day for Term 2
8.10am - 8.55am: Pete's Cafe 
9.00am - 9.30am: Kindergarten Chapel


Music Tutors

We offer a variety of tutors, providing one on one, and small group tuition (dependent on the tutor) in piano, voice, guitar and violin. Lessons occur on a rotational timetable, to avoid students missing the same class lesson, week in and week out. Further information can be found on our website, along with contact information for our tutors.

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Years K–6)

Piano Tutors
Mrs Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 | jbekes540@gmail.com
Mrs Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 | koulajohnson@gmail.com
Guitar Tutor
Mr Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 | daniel@ultimateguitaracademy.com
Vocal Tutor
Mrs Francesca Olson | Mobile: 0413 942 632 | francesca.olson@gmail.com 
Piano / Cello Tutor
Ms Samira Dib| Mobile: 0418 248 239