Mrs Jamie Nielson - Head of Teaching & Learning / PYP Coordinator
Reading quality literature with students brings educators great joy. The engagement, excitement, and enthusiasm that children display during shared reading experiences make these moments even more valuable and enriching for everyone involved.
Whether it's a new story or a beloved favourite that has been read again and again, sharing a great book is a wonderful way to expand students' understanding of the world around them, grow their sense of perspective and empathy, extend their vocabulary, and foster strong connections between the reader and listener.
With these benefits in mind, The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) runs an annual project called the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS). This event aims to promote the value of reading and literacy across our country by inviting schools, day care centres, community libraries, bookshops and families to join an Australia-wide reading experience.
In 2023, the event broke previous records, with over 2.3 million participants at over 59 000 locations across Australia.
On Wednesday 22nd May at 12:00 pm, St Peter’s students from Junior Primary and some Primary classes took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime. The focus text for 2024 was the beautiful narrative, Bowerbird Blues, by Australian author, illustrator and designer, Aura Parker. Students were treated to a live reading by the author and engaged in activities inspired by creative features from the text.
Sharing reading experiences with our children significantly enhances their learning, understanding, connection and wellbeing. When students have opportunities to engage with quality literature, they gain numerous benefits that extend beyond academic achievements. Even older students and independent readers greatly benefit from sharing reading times with a more experienced reader or adult. Reading together and being read to is a wonderful gift that is readily accessible to us all.
If you would like to learn more about the National Simultaneous Storytime or find out where to access Bowerbird Blues, by Aura Parker, please follow the link below to the NSS website.
We are sure you will enjoy this book as much as we did.
2024 National Simultaneous Storytime - Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker