It has been wonderful to see our students excited to be back at school for Term 2, eager to learn, re-establish friendships and share holiday news. We have a busy term ahead of us with many opportunities for families to be onsite. We began with our Anzac Service on the first day of term and continued with our Mother’s Day breakfast this morning. It was wonderful to see so many parents, carers and siblings at each of these events.
We are holding Open Classrooms for every grade throughout this term, the dates of which are later in this newsletter. Can I encourage families to place these dates into their calendars and prioritise coming along to share the learning that is happening in your child's classroom? We are also continuing our Parent Information Sessions to assist parents to be actively involved in their child's learning.
It is the highlight of my day to walk around the school and see students happy and engaged with their learning. I look forward to sharing this with you over the coming term.