Always Learning....

Mrs Michelle McDonnell - Principal

At St Peter’s we are always learning.  Whether this learning takes place in our classrooms, the playground or offsite it is wonderful to have the opportunity to discover something new or improve our understanding.  Just this week, I was chatting with a student who was very excited to be learning to play a new instrument in our training band program which began today.  Each morning I observe Kindergarten students who are learning to be independent, walking into school by themselves or with a friend.  While on duty this week, I watched an older student sitting teaching some younger students a card game on the library steps before school.  Both the “teacher” and her “students” were thoroughly enjoying the experience.

I had a wonderful opportunity to see our Year 6 students at their leadership training on Friday in the beautiful Blue Mountains.  They were taking the responsibility they have for their Buddy Groups so seriously, asking questions that I would expect of university students, getting ready to teach their first classes.  We were able to reassure them that there would always be a teacher in the room to be ready to assist them if needed; however, we also know that our younger students love to learn from their Buddy Group leader.  I look forward to watching the learning that takes place, relationships develop across the grades and our Year 6 students grow in confidence as they lead their group.

Our staff are constantly learning as well.  Each Monday and Friday morning we are taught from the Bible, continuing our growth as followers of Christ, just as we teach our students what it is to live a “Life through Christ”.  Many of our staff have also attended external Professional Learning throughout the term in areas such as Music, Gifted Education, Student Wellbeing and Leadership.  This is in addition to the professional learning that we are undertaking as a whole staff as part of the AIS Primary Numeracy Project.  Parents and Carers are invited to join us in this learning at our Parent Information sessions on Thursday 4 April (Week 10).  Further information has been emailed to families and is included in this newsletter.  I encourage parents and carers to attend one of these sessions if they are able.


Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2025

It was wonderful to meet with current and future families who have children ready to join us at St Peter’s in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2025.  Parents, carers and many future students were welcomed by Alyssa F from Year 5, who spoke with poise and confidence, reflecting on her time at St Peter’s.  It was wonderful to hear Alyssa speak of the role Buddy Groups played in assisting her to settle into St Peter’s and make friends across the school. She shared about the learning activities and co-curricular activities she has participated in, as well as her learning about the importance of Jesus to her life. Thank you Alyssa for your contribution to this event.

Interviews for Pre-Kindergarten 2025 begin on Saturday 16 March, with interviews for Kindergarten 2025 beginning shortly afterwards.  Current families with younger siblings who are ready to begin either Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2025 who have not yet completed an application, are encouraged to do so as soon as possible so that they can be included in our first round of interviews and offers of enrolment.


Life @ St Peter's

Mrs Nerida Hadfield - Deputy Principal

What a busy fortnight we have had with wonderful opportunities to have our community onsite as our Parent / Teacher interviews took place. It has also been lovely to see several parents attending our morning Chapels in the Church. All are welcome to attend these. A reminder that these run from 9-9.30am. Tuesday is Years 3/4 ; Wednesday is Years 5/6 ; Thursday is Years 1/2 and Friday is Kindergarten.

Our Buddy Groups were led by our Year 6 students for the first time this week and what an outstanding job they did! The staff were very impressed by their commitment and enthusiasm as they cared for and taught their groups around the theme of RESPONSIBILITY. The time on Year 6 Leadership Camp last week prepared them well for what this would look like and gave them the skills and confidence to lead their groups. Further details about this camp are below.

CoCurricular change - Robotics students have now been selected and this group will now run during school time on Thursdays or Fridays. This will be communicated to those students directly.



Harmony / International Day

The date for this event is March 28th. This day will see our students have an opportunity to arrive at school in cultural attire for the day. We will have cultural showcases and parades during the day followed by a combined Easter Chapel in the hall for parents to attend at 2.30pm. Students who do not have a specific cultural dress are welcome to wear orange clothing or accessories for the day as this is the Harmony Day colour.

Year 6 Leadership Camp

Last Thursday and Friday our Year 6 students travelled to Mount Victoria for our Leadership Camp. Thursday began with a rotation of adventure activities that saw us using teamwork and resilience to build a catapult, as well as having the opportunity to grow as risk-takers on the flying fox and rope climb. It was delightful to see so many children push themselves and many of them surprised themselves and beamed with pride. We had 4 training sessions for buddy groups which included Communication, Biblical Leaders, Welfare and Assertive Confidence. The students had lots of questions and ended the week with new tools to lead well.

International Women's Day

We appreciate all the mums and women from our St Peter's community and recognise you on this special day. The female staff at St Peter's were treated to a special morning tea today by the very thoughtful male staff at our school. Our community is so much richer for the kindness we have for each other.

Hot Cross Bun - Fundraiser for Intumbane

Baker's Delight at Campbelltown Marketfair have once again offered our school the opportunity to participate in their Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser for 2024. 

For each packet of 6 hot cross buns, Baker's Delight will donate $2.00 back to our school which will be donated to Intumbane. 

Baker's Delight pride themselves in maintaining the highest possible quality products by using only quality ingredients. 

We will be offering the following varieties:

  • Traditional 
  • Fruitless
  • Apple & Cinnamon 
  • Choc Chip

Please use the booking link below to place your order. 

Orders will close on Wednesday, 20 March @12pm. 

Hot cross buns will be delivered to classrooms on Wednesday, 27 March 2024. 

Booking Link

Parent Information Sessions - Primary Numeracy Project

Mrs Jamie Nielson - Head of Teaching & Learning / PYP Coordinator

This term, our teachers have participated in professional learning through the (AISNSW) Primary Numeracy Project. To date, this experience has been an exciting and valuable journey for our school as we strive to implement quality teaching practices to align with the new NSW Mathematics Syllabus.

Today, teachers had the opportunity to observe demonstration lessons led by our Primary Numeracy Project consultant, Henrietta Miller. These demonstrations served as a scaffold for implementing Daily Review lessons, focusing on developing essential numeracy skills and understanding. 

In future engagements, Henrietta will observe current practices within our school to guide the professional growth of our teaching staff. She will also provide direction for teaching and learning programs and assessment processes used across our school. 

On Thursday, 4 April 2024, Henrietta will lead Parent Information Sessions aimed at supporting families in developing their understanding of the numeracy requirements for primary-aged children. These sessions will provide valuable opportunities for parents to deepen their knowledge of the curriculum that shapes Mathematical learning in K-6. They will also explore how instructional processes have undergone significant changes since their own experiences in school.

We will be offering both K-2 and 3-6 Information sessions, where Henrietta will delve into what it means for students to be numerate and to develop number sense. Parents will also gain insight into what it means to work mathematically and the importance of problem-solving in mathematics.

All attending parents will receive a workbook that includes practical strategies for supporting their children at home. 


Parent Information Sessions Schedule 

Date: Thursday, 4 April 2024

Where: Year 5 Classrooms 

Workshop Times: 

2:00 - 2:45 pm - Numeracy in Kindergarten - Year 2

3:30 - 4:15 pm - Numeracy in Years 3-6

6:00 - 6:45 pm - Numeracy - K-2 (repeated 2:00 pm session)

7:00 - 7:45 pm - Numeracy Years 3 - 6 (repeated 3:30 pm session) 


Parents are welcome to attend both the K-2 and 3-6 parent workshops. Please register your attendance for a workshop/s via the following link. Registrations close at 9:00 am on Wednesday 20 March.

Booking Link

Evidence that Demands a Verdict

Miss Leanne Burns - School Chaplain

When I started investigating the Christian faith in my late teens, I came across a book by Josh McDowell called “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”. McDowell had been an atheist and a lawyer, he sought to prove his Christian friends wrong by examining the historical evidence for the reliability of the Bible and the claims of Jesus of Nazareth.

“And I found evidence – evidence in abundance; evidence I could hardly believe with my own eyes. Finally I could come to only one conclusion: If I were to remain intellectually honest, I had to admit that the Old and New Testament documents were some of the most reliable writings in all of antiquity. And if they were reliable, what about this man Jesus, whom I had dismissed as a mere carpenter? I had to admit that Jesus Christ was more than a carpenter. He was all He claimed to be.” Josh McDowell.

In Chapel this Term (for Year 1 to Year 6) and in Biblical Studies in the classroom, the students have been investigating the claims of Jesus recorded in the book of Luke. 

According to Dr Luke we read in Chapter 1 that: "Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."

We want your children to investigate the claims of Jesus and work out for themselves: is He who He claims to be?  The Son of God, the one chosen by God to bring salvation and life eternal to all who follow him.

Prayerfully yours

Leanne Burns



St Peter's Easter Chapel

Please see the invitation below, we would love to see you join us for our Easter Chapel Service.

Spotlight on St Peter's Heart

Miss Kym Busutel - Coordinator of St Peter's Heart

We were delighted to see so many families join us for our family connect afternoon. Stepping into the classrooms, parents embarked on a journey to gain firsthand insights into their child's daily routines and the thrilling learning experiences that define each day.

Beyond the confines of the classrooms, the joy of connecting continued to flourish over afternoon tea. Engaging with each family provided a precious opportunity to learn about the unique experiences and perspectives of parents, shedding light on how our students are settling into the new year.

In the Galahs and Kookaburras classrooms, "Time" has become a central focus of learning. Students are enthusiastically honing their skills in telling time, mastering the intricacies of both analog and digital clocks. It's a fundamental skill that not only contributes to their academic growth but also equips them with a practical life skill.

Meanwhile, the Lorikeets have been exploring the art of Poetry, examining the poetic techniques of acrostic and simile poems. Their creative endeavours are fostering a love for language and self-expression.

Adding a touch of athleticism to our curriculum, all classes recently had the exciting opportunity to participate in an AFL clinic. Students worked on basic ball skills and engaged in games designed to further develop these abilities, highlighting the importance of physical activity and teamwork.

IPSSO Inter-School Sport

Mrs Kasie Bingham - Sports Administrator

The season for Summer IPSSO Inter-School Sport has kicked off and goals are already being scored! Year 3 students enjoyed the first taste of playing in a bigger pond of fish, while the Year 5 students have widened their eyes at the realisation that this year their games are a little bit faster. St Peter’s students R.O.C.K. and will only take these beginnings in their strides. The unwavering determination in their spirits will see them improve week by week.

Thank you to the parents who come out to support our teams! If you would like to cheer the teams on from the sideline, download the Term 1 Draw and squeeze a lunch break into your work schedules.

Week 5 - v. St Gregory’s College





Player of the Match

Jnr Basketball




Francesca A

Jnr Cricket




Harrison S

Jnr Girls Soccer




Geneva T

Jnr Oz-Tag




Cristina Y

Snr Basketball




Christian S

Snr Cricket




Harlem K

Snr Girls Soccer




Ava S

Snr Oz-Tag




William P


Week 6 - v. Wollondilly Anglican College





Player of the Match

Jnr Basketball




Xavier B

Jnr Cricket




Ervin G

Jnr Girls Soccer




Karla M

Jnr Oz-Tag




Colton C

Snr Basketball




Charlotte M

Snr Cricket




Thomas C & Noah S

Snr Girls Soccer




April A

Snr Oz-Tag




Buck B


Please note the following updates to the draw:


Mar 20

Broughton Anglican College

Junior: 11.30-12.20

Senior: 1.00-2.00




Apr 10

Oran Park Anglican College

Junior: 11.35-12.25 Senior: 1.15-2.15


IPSHA Swimming Carnival and Diving Carnival

On Tuesday, 5th March 2024, a small team of swimmers represented St Peter’s at the IPSHA Swimming and Diving Carnival. We are so proud of each student’s efforts and results, the majority knocking up to 5 seconds off their carnival times! Congratulations to Lachlan S, who has progressed to the CIS (State) Carnival for Freestyle and Backstroke Multi-Class events. 




 We wish the following students all the best as they attend a variety of IPSHA trials:

  • Ethan H, Liam J, Xavier B and Hugo W will be attending the IPSHA Boys Football Trials on Monday, 11th March.


IPSHA/CIS State Trials

IPSHA and CIS sport team trials are for students in Years 3-6 excelling in a sport at a representative level.

If your child is in Years 3-6, who is already involved a Club Sport Representative or Development team/workshop or SAP outside of school, please email me to let me know There are many other opportunities for State Rep Team Trials in Terms 1 and 2 that include:

  • Cricket

  • Girls Netball

  • Rugby Union

  • Boy’s Field Hockey

  • Girls Field Hockey

  • Rugby League

  • Golf

  • Boys and Girls Softball

  • Gymnastics

In your email, please inform me of the representative / development team they play for and their preferred playing positions. Entries are limited, so school trials may need to take place.

Student Sporting Achievements - Woojin S

CONGRATULATIONS to Woojin S who has been selected to represent CIS at the NSWPSSA Primary Tennis Championships which will be held in Newcastle from the 14th – 17th May 2024. 

St Peter’s would like to congratulate Woojin on this achievement. We are sure that he will represent himself, his family, our school and the CIS association with distinction.

Focus on Year 3

It is with great pleasure that we share with you the captivating journey undertaken by our Year 3 students in their exploration of the transdisciplinary theme, Who We Are. Over the past several weeks, our curious learners have been engrossed in the profound notion that our choices resonate with consequences, shaping our lives. Through the lens of inquiry, they have delved into the intricate relationship between emotions and decision-making, unravelling the threads that weave through our experiences.

Central to this inquiry has been the dynamic world of visual arts, where students have ventured into realms of creativity and self-expression. From the tactile wonders of sculpting to the vibrant hues of painting and expressive strokes of oil pastels, they have navigated a kaleidoscope of mediums. In each stroke of the brush and each curve of the clay, they have sought to capture the essence of human emotion, employing the subtle language of line, colour, patterns, and shapes to articulate the feelings that underpin our experiences.

As we reflect on the enriching experiences of our students, we invite you to partake in the celebration of their artistic endeavours. Please enjoy some snapshots of the creative journey that Year 3 has been taking during our first Unit of Inquiry.

With warm regards,

The Year 3 Team

Premier's Reading Challenge

Mrs Fiona Singline - Library Assistant

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering the Premier’s Reading Challenge again this year. The PRC will close on Friday 23rd August 2024, the same day as our Book Character Day.

All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at St Peter's Grammar will be issued with a sticker in their school diary next week, with the PRC website, closing date, username and password. To generate usernames and passwords, basic student details are provided to the Department of Education who hosts the Challenge. 

If parents would like their child to participate, they need to enter reading records online by the closing date. The rules and privacy information for the Challenge, as well as Book Lists and information on how to log on and add books to a student's reading record are available on the PRC website. Please note that by entering the Challenge, students may receive a PRC certificate with their name and school printed. If you intend for your child to complete the Challenge, please log-in as soon as possible after receiving the username and password to check that it accesses the PRC website correctly. 

We will also be holding the St Peter’s Challenge where students read books beyond the required number for the official PRC. Simply keep a list of all the books your child reads before our closing date of Monday 26th August 2024, including the book title, author and date read for all books your child reads. Please do not include in their St Peter’s Challenge list the 20 or 30 required books they read for the official online PRC. Details for submitting the reading record for the St Peter's Challenge will be provided closer to the closing date.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Happy reading!

Mrs Fiona Singline (PRC Coordinator)



Music Tutors

We offer a variety of tutors, providing one on one, and small group tuition (dependent on the tutor) in piano, voice, guitar and violin. Lessons occur on a rotational timetable, to avoid students missing the same class lesson, week in and week out. Further information can be found on our website, along with contact information for our tutors.

A variety of Peripatetic Tutors are approved to provide tuition during school hours in the following areas:

Piano (K –Year 6)
Cello (Years 2–6)
Guitar (Years K–6)
Singing (Years K–6)

Piano Tutors
Mrs Jiann Bekes | 0411 300 560 | 4625 8290 |
Mrs Koula Johnson | 0405 680 028 |
Guitar Tutor
Mr Daniel Myer | 0439 716 734 |
Vocal Tutor
Mrs Francesca Olson | Mobile: 0413 942 632 |

Piano / Cello Tutor
Ms Samira Dib| Mobile: 0418 248 239


  • Give thanks to God for a fantastic Year Six Leadership Camp last week. The teachers are already seeing the fruit of the training that happened in the way Year Six students are leading their Buddy Groups.
  • Please pray for staff as we reach mid term, pray for God's sustaining energy and for good health.
  • Please pray for students as  NAPLAN begins next week. Pray that God will help them not to be anxious and to know that He is always there.

School Calendar

Term 1
Friday, 2 February 2024 - Friday, 12 April 2024

Week 7
Monday, 11 March 2024

9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly Years 3 - 6

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

NAPLAN: Writing
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 6 only
11.15am - 12.15pm: Junior IPPSO (Home games)
12.30pm - 1.50pm: Senior IPPSO (Home games)

Thursday, 14 March 2024

NAPLAN: Reading/Conventions of Language
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2

Friday, 15 March 2024

NAPLAN: Numeracy
8.10am - 9.30am: Pete's Cafe
Saturday, 16 March 2024
Pre - Kindergarten 2025 Admission Interviews 
Week 6
Monday, 18 March 2024
NAPLAN: Catch Up
9.00am - 9.30am: Assembly Kindergarten - Year 2

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

NAPLAN: Catch Up
Pre - Kindergarten 2025 Admission Interviews 
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 3 & 4

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

NAPLAN: Catch Up
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 5 & 6
11.10am - 12:40pm: Junior IPPSO at multiple locations
11.55am - 1.45pm: Senior IPPSO at multiple locations
3.30pm - 4.30pm: AFL AUSKICK

Thursday, 21 March 2024

NAPLAN: Catch Up
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Years 1 & 2

Friday, 22 March 2024

NAPLAN: Catch Up
8.10am - 8.55am: Pete's Cafe 
9.00am - 9.20am: Chapel Kindergarten

Term Dates for 2024

St Peter's Church Easter Services

Please see attached information regarding St Peter's Church Easter services 

Wedderburn Christian Camp

Application form is online, click here to go directly to the online application.  

Physical Culture - Classes are Returning!

Physical Culture (Physie) classes are held for girls from Kindergarten to Year 6 after school on Wednesdays in the Church Hall.

Physie is an excellent, inexpensive and social activity which develops good co-ordination, posture and discipline

Parents may bring their daughters directly to the hall, or Girls who attend OSHC can be escorted to the Church Hall and returned after their session. 

New Members and Beginners are most welcome.

Please contract Anne McLeod:

Mobile: 0417 220 128